Daisy joins Jack Off Jill?
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Scott Mitchell Putesky (SMP), formerly known as "Daisy Berkowitz"
original guitarist from the band Marilyn Manson, has joined Risk Records
recording artist Jack Off Jill. Scott, recently the creator of Three
Ton Gate, a soundtrack oriented solo project, will be replacing HoHo
Spade on guitar. The band and Scott have recently been rehearsing and
expect to be on tour in late May. Scott is currently engaged in a lawsuit
with his former partner Marilyn Manson. Jack Off Jill is looking forward
to the release of their remix EP which will feature Scott on guitar,
in early summer.(This was taken from the official Jack Off Jill page)
Incase you didnt know who they are: (this was taken from the spookykids website):
Since their formation in late 1992, Jack Off Jill has been escalating the world's demise in a
flurry of serrated power chords, convoluted bass lines, torturous beats, and throat-ripping
shrieks. Hailing from South Florida, this band comes out like a children's puppet show with
Exorcist overtones. An experiment in Jack verses Jill, right versus wrong, melody versus
mayhem, assaulting audience sensibilities.
Without the benefit of professional management or label support, Jack Off Jill had turned
themselves into one of the most exciting and controversial bands in the country. The success of
their independent releases (produced by Mr. Manson of Marilyn Manson) led them to join
up with Risk Records for their first national 7" release Girl Scout b/w American Made
(Produced by Mike Strick and Jack Off Jill), along with their full length Sexless Demons and
Scars (produced by Don Fleming) set to be released in early October.
The Jills are no strangers to the stage, either. While opening for Marilyn Manson on a tour of
Florida, both bands ran afoul of undercover cops in Jacksonville, who had been warned prior
to the show about their onstage antics. Neither lead singer Jessicka nor Mr. Manson have
conformed a bit since their night together in Dade County Corrections Center.
Watching Jessicka's barely controlled tantrums, along with the confident stage presences of
bassist Robin Moulder, guitarist Ho-Ho Spade, and drummer Laura Simpson make every
Jack Off Jill show a memorable experience. Longtime fans have noticed a growing musical
authority as well a strong lyrical conviction in the band's songs within the past year or so. And
now the full anger, insanity, and energy of the band's live performances cumulates on Sexless
Demons and Scars.
But they're still Jack Off Jill, after all. So if you have a chance to go see them, take it. And if
you want to stand up front, don't wear your best clothes...
Email: drlitster@hotmail.com