People Behind This Website
There has been so many people that have actively and indirectly contributed to the information that has been presented in this website. Thank you one and all and eagerly looking for your active participation and feedback in the future versions of this website also.
The Webmaster
The website is managed by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan, and it all started as a personal interest website even since his 3rd year of graduation in 1999 @ Vellore Engineering College.
The information in this website has been collected from various sources and have been assembled and presented here for the benefit of people interested in the study and knowing of Sri Vaishnavism.
Usage Guidelines
Ethically, you may not link to sections of this website for any commercial purposes. You are permitted to make a link to this website from your personal homepage or website.

There has been no commercial motivation, copyright violations, MLM, marketing and other stupid things anywhere in this network and any other site claiming to be affiliated to my network and involving in such activities, is a total spoof. You may like to bring those to my attention, so that I can try to look into the issue. My only reply to all the stupid things like MLM and other things mentioned a couple of lines before is

Access Violation
Access is denied. The specified operations or requests are not supported by the network policy. Please contact webmaster for assistance.

Display Compatibility:

The website has been designed and optimized for display on Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher browsers. Netscape 6.2 or higher level browsers seems to have no problems in displaying the navigation menu, which makes an extensive use of DOM Model and JavaScript libraries. For your convenience, an easy to navigate, SiteMap has been facilitated for non-script-aware browsers. This SiteMap is available from here.

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