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1. Conduct
Members of this clan should be on their best behavior and treat each member with the upmost respect and other players.
2. No Cheating!
No cheating of any sort is allowed in this clan. This include third party programs, hacked items, bugged items, or other programs that can give you and unfair advantage over other players.
3. No Player Killing
All members will never attack anyone without provocation. You may only defend yourself from attack, and you must defend any other members of the MDC.
4. Dueling
Dueling is perfectly fine if the characters are in the same range of levels which means 5 lvls higher or lower. Make sure that the parties involved have laid out the ground rules before dueling. Always return anything that might have been left behind by your dead enemy. Always return gold to the player you are dueling.
5. Meetings
You must attend regularly arranged meetings which will come as scheduled by the clan usually around once a month. They do not take too long and are vital to the organization and running of a successful clan. If something comes up, try to notify me or one of the members of the High Council before the meeting.
Meetings will be held approximately once a month on a Saturday at 9:00PM Eastern Time.