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Recommended Books

101 Things To Do ‘Til The Revolution:  Ideas and resources for self-liberation, monkey wrenching and preparedness (by Claire Wolfe) -

                We don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows---but we do need the likes of Claire Wolfe and he book of pertinent tips for a culture in turmoil.  As the author states in her Dedication:

                “This book is based upon the premise that, when government turns bad, the best people ultimately become criminals.  The people don’t chance; the laws do.  Initiative, dissent, individual pleasures, and exercise of one’s basic rights become ‘crimes.’  Obscure regulations and technical paperwork violations are used to destroy people who dare to speak their minds.

                “The ideal citizen of a tyrannical state is a man or woman who bows in silent obedience in exchange for the status of a well-cared-for heard animal.  Thinking people become the tyrant’s greatest enemies.

                “Before their thunder roars, there is a period of anticipation, in which more occurs than the literal-minded tyrant can ever understand.  A few overt acts of sedition shatter the heavy peace.  But the greater force, unrecognized, rolls forward in near silence, as millions of individuals quietly withdraw their consent from the state.  The pundits call it apathy.  They could not be more wrong.

                “That time is not.  And we are those people.

                “This book is dedicated to you, the Enemy of the State.”

                With that in mind, Wolfe offers 101 suggestions to help grease the wheels as we roll towards the government’s inevitable collapse.  “Kill your TV… Join a gun-rights group… Fly the Gadsden flag… Buy and carry the Citizens’ Rule Book… Join the tax protesters on April 15… Bury gold, guns, and goodies…” Wolfe’s list is lengthy and thought-provoking, as she elaborates on each pierce of advice, from generalities to precise instructions.

                For the concerned citizen who wish to keep a low profile, protect his or her rights, and survive in the “interesting times” which are sure to come, this book is essential reading.


Diplomacy By Deception:  An Account of The Treasonous Conduct By The Governments of Britain and The United States (by Dr. John Coleman) -

                This is a true and accurate account of the treasonous conduct by the British and American governments:  An account of how their citizens are deceived by policies provoking actions that are totally detrimental to the well-being of their citizens.  Thoroughly researched, the book provides a great deal of hitherto unpublished information and throws new light on such diverse operations as the Gulf War and the Bolshevik Revolution.  The chapter on covert actions throws new light on the murder of Martin Luther King, Pope John Paul1, and other notable marked for elimination.

                The bloodshed that resulted from the creation of an artificial “Saudi Arabia;” the foreign policy making role of the petroleum industry; the rape of Mexico by British and American oil barons; the revolutions they ignited which cost thousands upon thousands of lives; British conquest of India, the pernicious Indian “apartheid” caste system.  These are some of the subjects dealt with in this historic expose of how our governments deceive us under the color of diplomacy.

                “Diplomacy By Deception” tells us that the United Nations is a war-making body, no a peace-keeping organization, and how the Rockefellers and Alger Hiss, aided by the top Illuminati Dulles family, got the United States involved with the United Nations.  There is a masterly analysis of constitutional roadblocks barring U.S. membership of the United Nations that will come as a surprise and leave no doubt that we are not now, now can we ever be, a member of the United Nations.

                “Diplomacy By Deception” will forever alter your perception of the two leading governments in the Western civilization.  This is an excellent companion book to the “Committee of 300” by the same author.


Conspirators’ Hierarchy:  The Story of the Committee of 300 (by Dr. John Coleman) -

                Can you imagine an ALL POWERFUL GROUP, that knows no national boundaries, ABOVE THE LAWS OF ALL COUNTRIES, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce, and industry, banking, insurance, mining, THE DRUG TRADE, the petroleum industry, a groups ANSWERABLE TO NO ONE but its members?

                To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization.  If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority.  The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension.  Americans are prone to say, “It can’t happen here, our Constitution forbids it.”

                That there IS SUCH A BODY, called “THE COMMITTEE OF 300,” is graphically told in this book.  When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about “THEY”; this book tells precisely who “THEY” are, and what “THEY” have planned for our future, how “THEY” have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods “THEY” use and exactly how “THEY” have brainwashed us.

                If you are PUZZLED AND PERPLEXED as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don’t like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, WHY THE UNITED STATES IS IN A DEPRESSION FROM WHICH IT WILL NOT EMERGE, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, THE CONSPIRATORS’ HIERARCHY:  THE COMMITTEE OF 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees.

                Once you have read the applying truth contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social, and religious events will no longer be a problem.  This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire feel world, cannot be ignored.


 Then Franklin Cover-Up:  Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska (by John W. DeCamp) -

                The shut-down of Omaha, Nebraska’s Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, raided by federal agencies in November 1988, sent chock waves all the way to Washington D.C. $40 million was missing.  The credit union’s manager:  Republican Part activist Lawrence E. “Larry” King, Jr., behind whose rise to fame and riches stood powerful figures in Nebraska politics and business, and in the nation’s capital.

                In the face of opposition from local and state law enforcement, from the FBI, and from the powerful Omaha World-Herald newspaper, a special Franklin committee of the Nebraska Legislature launched its own probe.  What looked like a financial swindle, soon exploded into a hideous tale of drugs, Iran-Contra money-laundering, a nationwide child abuse ring, and ritual murder.

                Nineteen months later, the legislative committee’s chief investigator died---suddenly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.

                Author John DeCamp knows the Franklin scandal from the inside.  In 1990, his “DeCamp memo” first publicly named the alleged high-ranking abusers.  Today, he is attorney for two of the abuse victims.

                Using documentation never before made public, DeCamp laws bare not only the crimes, but the cover-up---a textbook case of how dangerous the corruption of institutions of government, and the press, can be.  In its sweep, and in what it portends for the nation, the Franklin cover-up followed the ugly precedent of the Warren Commission.


Government By Decree:  From President to Dictator through Executive Orders (by James L. Hirsen, Ph.D.) -

                Right now, through the use of a tool called an executive order, the president of the United States has the power to institute broad, invasive measures that could directly impact the lives of average, everyday Americans.  What might trigger the exercise of this type of awesome power?  Any number of things could, but for certain, a crisis, real or manufactured, is the most frightening prospect.

                In this book, noted author and attorney James L. Hirsen discloses vital information that every person needs to know concerning the hidden power that lurks within the executive branch of government.


 HAARP:  The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (by Jerry E. Smith) -

                The HAARP project in Alaska is one of the most controversial projects ever undertaken by the U.S. Government.  This futuristic technology is everything from super-beam weapon to world-wide mind control device.  HAARP has many possible scientific and military applications, from raising a planetary defense shield to peering deep into the earth.  Jerry Smith gives us the history of the HAARP project and explains how it can be used as an awesome weapon of destruction.  Smith exposes a covert military project and the web of the conspiracies behind it and leads the reader down a tail of solid evidence into ever deeper and scarier conspiracy theories.  By the end of the book, Smith convinces the read that HAARP represents the ultimate in science out of control.  It could be the most dangerous device ever created.  The Star Wars future is now!


New World Order: The Ancient Plan Of Secret Societies (by William T. Still) –

                For thousands of years, secret societies have cultivated an ancient plan, which has powerfully influenced world events.  Until now, this secret plan has remained mysteriously hidden from view.  Its primary objective is to bring all nations under one-world government---the biblical rule of the Anti-christ.  Today, its proponents simply call it the New World Order.

                Millions of lives, and trillions of tax dollars have been spent fighting the tyrannical regimes of the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and even that of Nazi Germany---all spawned in the womb of secret societies.  Evidence shows that all major wars of the twentieth century have been linked in some way to the administrators of this ancient plan.  If the secret societies have their way, even the United States Constitution will be at risk by being opened up to massive changes at a constitutional convention.

                This book presents new evidence that a military takeover of the U.S. was considered by some in the administration of one of our recent presidents.  Although averted, the forces behind it remain in secretive positions of power, maneuvering for another opportunity.

                Written by a descendant of both Patrick Henry and Woodrow Wilson, New World Order:  The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies reveals just who is behind this New World Order, what they want, how they are affecting your life today, and what you can do about it.


The Occult Conspiracy:  Secret Societies---Their Influence and Power in World History  (by Michael Howard) –

                It is a little-known fact that for thousands of years secret societies and occult groups---guardians of ancient esoteric wisdom---have exercised a strong and often crucial influence on the destiny of nations.  As Freemasons, Knights Templar, and Rosicrucians they affected the course of the French and American revolutions as well as the overthrow of the medieval order.  Inevitably, the true ideals and esoteric practices of these societies have at times been perverted by self-serving individuals.  The Nazi’s, of course, but also the British security forces, the found fathers of America, and the Vatican have all had a part---for good or ill---in the occult conspiracy.

                The author explores these connections, tracing occult influences in politics and statecraft from the time of ancient Egypt to the present.  He sheds light on these influences in government and in the lives of many well-known figures, including Frederick the Great, John Dee, Francis, Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Comte Cagliostro, Helen Blavatsky, Rasputin, and Woodrow Wilson.  Reading The Occult Conspiracy, we are left with little doubt that the secret societies---largely ignored by orthodox historians and persecuted throughout history---have survived and continued to operate powerfully in world affairs today.


 Psychic & UFO Revelations in the Last Days (by Timothy Green Beckley) –

                The Future Destiny Of Earth.

                The Mass Landing Of Space Ships.

                The Evacuation From Our Planet Of The “Worthy” To A Safe, New Home In Space.

                Signs & Wonders In The Heavens That Will let You Know What The “Last Days” Have Arrived.

                Three Days Of Darkness.

                Hopi & Other American Indian Revelations.

                The Riding Of Atlantis & The Reawakening Of Mankind Into A New – Golden – Age. 

                Will You Be Ready For The Coming Changed That Will Take Place Soon?


The Rainbow Conspiracy:  The Greatest Cover-Up of Our Time (by Brad Steiger & Sherry Hansen Steiger) –  






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