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« Diary of a Dope Fiend »

« 12.20.02
» Get fat and ugly' posted by Jo3

-Pretty bored...Makin some french fries. blah blah...gonna play cs now.

« 12.19.02
» Merry X-Mas punks!' posted by Jo3

-W00t the holidays are here, everyones so
happy and shit I sure as hell dont have
a christmas spirit! Im almost done with the whole website, Im still working on a banner, Im not the best at making grafix, but maybe my friend will help me or hell make me one.
When I get a host that allows warez,
I will have applications, and then start a section
on html codes, java, dhtml so lots of goodies coming to ya!

« 12.18.02
» No hope with hosting' posted by Jo3

-Last night I emailed the owner of, asking if he could host my site, cause he is hosting blogs, and not e/n sites.
He denied my hosting, saying that what I had sounded like an e/n site.

I was actually looking for a host with
a shorter name but I have always used the
alias omega, and it would have benefited me
if I would have had that domain in front of my name. Oh well.

« 12.17.02
» Trying to get hosted' posted by Jo3

-Today I finished my layout, still havent had any opinions yet, I like it but I still have to finish my content. I havent made a website in a long time, well one that was online and getting hits. Ill have content up as soon as I... can get a host?!

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