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          Brazil - One of the last Stradivarius violins is on sale. Antonius Stradivarius was a famous Italian luthier, born and died in CREMONA (1644 - 1737). He was the last of the famous Italien Luthier - and never was surpassed favorite student of another famous Italian luthier, Nicolas Amati, he began by copying his teacher's style of fabrication. From 1690, more precisely from 1725 he began to make violins that are models of perfection. His instruments are of an exceptional quality. Of an incomparable noble sound. He produced violins until his last days. In his 2 weddings, he had 11 children from which, only two of them. Francesco, born in 1671, and Omobono in 1679, became luthiers.

Craftsman Stradivarius made a total of 400 violins.

Our staff found a Brazilian, of italien descendence, who heired among many care items, the LAST VIOLIN THAT STRADIVARIUS MADE IN LIFE. The instrument was kepi in a good state of conservation for many ears, and showing it casually to a violinist, many buyers came to buy the item, all of them with inadequate prices. The owner, who is 60 years old, decided to store the violin in a security box of an American bank.

'FACIEBAT ANTONIUS STRADIVARIUS CREMONENSIS' written on the inside label where one can see the logo mark of the author, including the dedication written on the inside of the instrument such as RMP (Reverendissimo mestre e padre, [REVEREND FATHER AND MASTER]), dedication which was written by the very hands of Antonius Stradivarius and not by the hands of his sons and pupils. It gives a great amount of credibility to the Instrument.

Due to the insistence of the buyers on offering low prices, the owner decided to sell it in the international market, especially in the USA. He told our staff that he had not done

The Last Stradivarius

tale: The Wine Cask

de carbon test because he did not want to transport the instrument amidst the turbulent social time that Brazil is going trough.

The owner declares that the tests and certificates are his honesty, and those interested should spend resources to do them, since he is poor. He also declares that transport is the buyer's expense.

THE RARE VIOLIN OF ANTONIUS STRADIVARIUS IS ESTIMATED IN U$. it remains stored in the security box of the American bank, waiting for the future owner.

The e-mail of the owner is

56cm de comprimento

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