





















Doop Doop




Quiz Allen

Name: Manfredo Chang

Alias: Playground Pimp

Relations: Chigga, X-z, Little Kids

Age: 38 1/2

Hobbies: Children

Accomplishments: 6 times Little Bastards Champion


Playground Pimp, aka Manfredo Chang, is the son of the elite Jamaal Chang aka Chigga. Although he is definitely not proud of it. Playgrounds brother Is X-zabier Chang, and is often jealous of him, since Chigga only pays attention to X-z. When he was known as Manfredo, he was a very talented and intelligent child. Always got straight A's never misbehaved, and was on his way to Medical school, on a full scholarship. But throughout all his achievements, he never had his father's support, and eventually realized that nothing he would ever do would make his father proud of him. So Instead, he took the wrong road in life, getting wasted, anf finding himself in the middle of the street morning after morning. With time he forgot about hygene, and grew a huge beard, long hair, and never changed his clothes (hence the Striped shirt) Also with time, he became known as a Playground Pimp as he would spend most of his time at the school playground trying to fondle little children. At age 38 and a half, til this day, Playground still roams the school trying to touch little children, and has been successful on many attempts. Disgruntled by having a retarded brother given more attention by his father than him, he strives on impressing his father --- but has realized it is now impossible, and has taken the wrong road in life. As a failure. Anyway, have fun, and enjoy.