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Information: Dragonball Z: Character Bios

Dragonball Z Character Bios
The Guide to the Characters of Dragonball Z

Please choose a letter from below to see characters:
[ A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z ]

Garlic Jr:
Garlic Junior is a small guy who is both evil and intelligent. He resembles a blue dwarf with big pointed ears, but he is an evil being with keen mental powers and devilish plans to take over the universe. He can, and does, transform into a large monstrous tyrant. His biggest desire is to destroy the Namekian guardian of Earth, Kami, one of the wisest and purest beings ever. In this way, he can rule the Earth. Garlic's father had competed for the position of Earth guardian but he was stopped by Kami who discovered his evil intentions. Garlic Junior was granted immortality by the Eternal Dragon Shenron after collecting Earth’s seven Dragon Balls. But he is locked in the Dead Zone, a black void he created. Garlic Junior is from the Makyo Star, and his power level is proportionate to the Makyo Star's distance. Thus when the Makyo Star nears Garlic Junior, his power is increased and he bursts forth from the Dead Zone to once again put Earth in peril.

Gogeta is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta without the Portara earrings. He makes a short appearance in DBZ movie #12 against Janemba in the other world. Gogeta doesn't waste a moment in battle, quite different from Gotenks and Vegetto who enjoy taking their sweet time.

Named after his adoptive grandfather, Gohan is Goku and Chi-Chi's eldest son. He is idealistic, good and pure like his father. Gohan reveals his tremendous fighting potential when the earth is threatened. His heritage as part Saiyan and part human, make him stronger than if he were of one race alone. With Goku's departure to the next dimension and the eminent arrival of Saiyans stronger than Raditz, Gohan is key to the survival of Earth. Thus Piccolo, a former enemy of his father, joins forces with the good guys and trains Gohan for the upcoming battle. Over time, Gohan becomes friends with Piccolo, looks up to Piccolo and even wears similar clothing. Although initially a wimp, Gohan's training in the wilderness and subsequent fighting make him both brave and loyal. Following the fight on Earth, Gohan is determined to go with Bulma and Krillin to Namek to collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls and help out his friends on Earth - especially since he feels he let them down during the fight on Earth. Gohan is key to the good guys success on Namek, risking his own life to save Dende, collecting Dragon Balls, traveling to see Guru who awakens a power sleeping within him, battling the Ginyu Force, etc. He will be the first to reach Super Saiyan 2 stage.

Goku is the hero of Dragon Ball Z, the most powerful warrior on earth and the first to become Super Saiyan in over 1000 years. When the Saiyans arrive, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: He is a Saiyan formerly named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to grow up and destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku’s programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good. Goku is peaceful, good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds the "good" in people when others don't see it, though Goku’s enemies sometimes take advantage of his naive trust. He originally trained under Master Roshi and wears his symbol until he trains under King Kai. Then he wears King Kai's symbol. Goku grows up and marries Chi-Chi. Together they have two sons: Gohan and Goten.

Gokua is the swordsman of Bojack's team. He is very strong seeing he is equally matched to Trunks. But as soon as Trunks goes Super Saiyan, Gokua ends up with a broken sword and death by a fist straight through his gut.

Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi-Chi, and is Gohan’s little brother. Goten loves to train in martial arts. He quickly develops incredibly strong powers (he just naturally goes Super Saiyan) that enable him to fight alongside the adults in their mission to defend earth. Goten’s best friend is Trunks who is approximately one year older. They are often seen together. Goten goofs around when he fights, especially when fused with Trunks as Gotenks, where he makes up countless silly-named attacks. Pure of heart, he’ll quickly jump into danger to help his friends and family.

Goten and Trunks form this new entity by the Metamoru art of Fusion, which was taught to Goku and is passed on to Goten and Trunks while Goku is back from the Other World. The fusion must occur between two beings of equal power (Trunks has to lower his power level to fuse with Goten), and is accomplished by a goofy looking, mirror-image dance. This type of fusion only lasts 30 minutes, and they must recuperate for one hour before fusing again. Goten and Trunks are first trained in the art of Fusion by Goku and then by Piccolo. They try several times before getting it right, creating two awkwardly formed Gotenks in the beginning. Once perfected, the fused Gotenks is an incredibly powerful fighter. Like Goten and Trunks, Gotenks has an amazing ability to learn moves quickly, and quickly manages to go to Super Saiyan and even Super Saiyan 3 or third stage Super Saiyan after watching Goku do it once.

Goz is the fitness director and the fruit guard in Hell(H.F.I.L.). He carries around a huge mace that he uses to knock people over the head with, when they try to steal the fruit. Goz and Mez(his partner) have been guarding the fruit for many centuries and only once, has a fruit slipped through them. They are the strongest Ogres in Hell.

Grand Kai:
The Grand Kai rules over the four Kai’s. He is second only to Supreme Kai as the overseer of the entire universe. He is also the overseer of the Other World tournament. Grand Kai is reputed as the greatest fighter in the universe, but he’s been out of training for centuries.

Great Saiyaman:
During high school Gohan adopts a secret identity when fighting bad guys: the Great Saiyaman. He transforms into the Great Saiyaman with a simple push of a button on his Transformation Band watch. Initially Great Saiyaman wears a helmet. Gohan eliminates this from his wardrobe when entering the World Martial Arts Tournament. Any type of armor is not allowed.

Great Saiyawoman:
This is the identity she assumes after she joined Gohan to fight crime in Satan City. Videl is only Great Saiyawoman once during the series and during Dragon Ball Z movie 13. She manages to catch 3 criminals and mildly fight Hildegarn.

Another of King Kai's pets, Gregory is a small cricket-like creature that can fly very fast. Goku is challenged to hit him on the head with a mallet, but it proves to be quite difficult. Gregory eventually gets what's coming to him.

Guldo is a short, pudgy, four-eyed creature, Guldo makes up for his lack of strength with his ability to manipulate space and time. He's one of the members of the powerful Ginyu Force. Able to read minds, control objects and stop time, he can easily conquer a much stronger foe.

Wise, peace-loving, selfless and good, Guru is the eldest of all Namekians and father to all of his kind. (Namekians are unisex and hatched from eggs.) Guru is also the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls. When he passes away, the power of the Dragon Balls to summon the Dragon Porunga and have wishes granted, also will pass away. Because Guru is very old and sick, this is a great concern on his planet. Using his powers, Guru brings out the secret power within Krillin and Gohan, and bestows on Dende a powerful healing ability. Guru is guarded by Nail, a strong Namekian warrior trained in all the ancient Namekian fighting techniques.