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Saturday, June 7

Hmm... I know... the site has more or less died... I've yet to finish both Zarbon's story and Magus' story... though I've gotten little response to actually continue the stories. Thank you to those who have left responses and forgive my not getting back to you.
I found two more Magus composites which I put up. If I find or work on any more art (or *gasp* the stories!?) I'll try getting them up. Arigato, minna... ja.

Nashi, Tsuki, Sulia Dray - Jenica Dayne

Saturday, April 13

Hey, minna-san. I know it's been forever since I have updated, and I really can't appologize enough for it. I've been dealing with so much in the past however many months and because of that I've pretty much stopped writing, drawing, or doing much of anything productive besides my dinosaur sculptures.
I actually have the rest of my stories planned out in my mind - I've just not taken the time to write everything down. So if anyone is dying to know how any of my stories end or continue, just let me know and I will be glad to give you a brief outline. The same goes with my Magus story.
And still, through all of this, I've managed to pick up another award thanks to Ellice so please check out her site.
Once again, I'm very sorry for the lack of updates and thank you for all who have been hanging around. I'm still here - I'm just being a bit quiet right now.

Tuesday, October 9

*Laughs in the background*
Tsuki, shut up...
*Laughs louder*
Shut up, Tsuki!
*Tsuki walks up to Sulia, resting an arm casually on her shoulder* Our dear webmistress here completely forgot-
I prefer 'was unaware of...'
...either way, she completely forgot about her site's one year anniversary-
Just rub it in...
-which occurred on Thursday, October 4th!
Gomen, mina. Um... I've been busy, as usual... I finished my dinosaur model, if you want to see some pics of it. But anyway, thanks for keeping this site going, I mean, more than 5,000 hits for an anniversary gift is great! Thanks again!
*Still laughing in background*


Sunday, September 30

I put up a real adoptions page. Hope ya like it! And I finally made a "back to main page" link to put at the bottom of my pages. Just something I've been meaning to do lately.


Wednesday, September 19

A bunch more scans are up. I have a few more... I just don't know where they are, exactly. I also put up a new poll for my Chrono Trigger stories. Please tell me what you think.


Sunday, September 8

I updated!!! Ten new scans are up and about 14 more are on the way! Thank you for waiting, minna! ^_^"


Thursday, August 30

I know, I know, I know I haven't updated! School has started again (yay...) but I should have some time this weekend to update. Fortunately I do have update material - a whole bunch of nice Zarbon pics from the Dbz manga that I need to scan... I think I have a few drawings as well. So check back for more updates! Ja!


Tuesday, August 21

I shrank the thumbnails for the cards, so it shouldn't take so long to load, I hope! ^_^


Monday, August 20

AAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!! Gomen! Gomen! Gomen! I forgot to tell everyone that I was going on vacation! Well, I'm back now and added War's Ordeals: Another Battle. I've written a bit of War's Ordeals: Honor Revealed, but I'm nowhere near finished yet. I'll also get two short fics up as soon as I can... *blushes* You guys wouldn't be mad if I wrote a yaoi... would you? ^_^" Ja ne!


Monday, August 6

The next two chapters of my new Magus story are up. Band camp is over but it seems that our computer has formed a few of it's own bugs and we need to re-install windows... so whenever I get that done... I can't open my pictures, programs lock up... =( *kicks computer* baka!


Tuesday, July 24

The next chapter, Cold Reality: Broken Heart, of my new story is up. I have band camp this week and next week so I'll try to get another few updates inbetween practices. Until then, L8rs.



Added a link to Nick's Special Page. I love Nick to death, he rocks! His old page crashed with his computer so this one still needs some work. But he has the talent to make it wonderful with music, art, stories, and poetry. Go check it out!! Now!! ^_^


Sunday, July 15

Ok, I put up a new Magus fic I'm writing, one that I'm really proud of and it will probably be the next Zarbon and Nashi's Story... except I'll finish this one sooner cuz it's probably not even half as long. But, I'm really happy with it, so check it out.

Love's Games: Hylas and the Naiad

I have the chapters titled and I've written up to halfway through War's Ordeals: Another Battle. I'd really like to know what you think. Oh, and I'll say this because some people are... extremely sensitive... if the background of Love's Games should by any chance offend anyone and they want me to change it, I will. It's a painting. It has nudity. I say get over it, it's a wonderful piece of art. Ja for now.


Fr iday, July 6

New page! New page! ^_^ I found the CUTEST site (a link is on the links page!) where you can adopt anime kitties! I now have my very own Zarbon kitty! Hopefully, I'll adopt a bunch more in the near future. They are sooooo dear! ^_^ I also gave the link to Magus' Shrine a banner.


Later still...

I fixed the Awards link on the main page. Sorry, minna and arigato Ginhoshi! ^_~


A few minutes later...

Ok, I can't hold it in any longer... .... MY FAVORITE SCRUNCHIE BROKE!!!! I'm sad...


Wednesday, July 4

Happy 4th of July! I've aquired an award so to display it I made an awards page. If ya think that maybe my time and effort deserves an award...? ^_^ Feel free to let me know! Also up is a link to Older Gohan's Official Webpage. I've posted another short Magus fic. That's all for now, minna. Oh, and arigato for over 4,000 hits!! WOW! L8rs!


Thursday, June 28

I'm back - and I even updated! ^_^ Six of my drawings are up and I finally resized the Bardock picture so that it doesn't take up more than the whole screen. Also up is another link to my friend's site. It features anime and her drawings. Go check it out!! L8rs


Sunday, June 17

Hey, minna. No real update today - just letting you know that I'm going to Wyoming for a week to go on my yearly paleontological dig. ^_^ I'll try to get more of my story done. See ya when I get back!


Thursday, June 14

Okay, I rearranged the Bishonen Page so now there are three sections along with some extra pics for a new bishi. Also up is a link to Dragon's site: Studio Plink. I've written more of my story, not enough for an update yet, but at least I'm working on it again.

Thank you to those who are signing the guestbook and voting - I really appreciate it! I'm glad somebody wants me to continue Zarbon and Nashi's Story! And thanks for more than 3,800 hits!! L8rs.


Thursday, June 7

Woohoo! School's out!! ^_^ I've added three more pictures by Dragon. I will hopefully have some more bishonen pics up along with other screencaps. Ooh, I have another Magus picture, too. L8rs!


Sunday, June 3... a little later...

Hey, minna - I forgot! I've made Tsuki her own little icon!! See? I used one of Marle's icons (from Chrono Trigger) as a base. Eh, I'm proud of it!!
Why am I screaming?
Because you're always yelling about one thing or another... -_-"
Oh, yeah...


Sunday, June 3

Ew... Sulia sneezed.
*mumbles* Shut up... Um, I added a link (well a whole links section) to Magus' Shrine. Just one link to a great RPG site with fanfiction and fanart to Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy, Suikoden, and others. L8rs, minna.


Montday, May 28

Once again I ask for your forgiveness for my lack of updates. Aside from it being "that time of year" where you have all of the finals... not to mention a research paper that I've yet to write... Another event that I am dealing with is the recent death of a friend... So, um... just give me probably until the end of school then I'll try getting my updates more constant. Thank you, minna.


Tuesday, May 15

Check out Betsy's pics that are now up. They aren't Dbz related, but they're cute all the same! I've also written some poetry (for the first time in about 3 years) that I put up under Magus' Story page. They are sorrowful and seem to fit well there. Forgive me for not working much on the main Zarbon page - I've not been in a Dbz mood for a while. I'm tempted to write another Magus story - started it, actually. If I put it up or not, I don't know yet.
Thank you, Morgan, for the kind compliment! I can't email a thanks to you, so I'll say it here! ^_^

Quick shout out to Mike - grr... get on aim sometime!! ^_^


Monday, May 7

I added a small picture gallery to Magus' page. Do you want me to add my icons? I will add links to other CT sites soon. Let me know what you think!


Sunday/Monday, May 6/7

Hey, I updated yesterday but didn't put the update up until today! I put up Magus' Shrine. As of now, all I have up is a short story. I'm not sure what I can put up that is unique - many sites have the same pics and icons... I'll try to find something!!


Thursday, May 3

What did I do today? I updated! Chapter 4 of Kohbrin is up. Also up are three new fanpics by Tosha. I changed the bishonen picture of Magus to one that I made from multiple sceen shots (meaning definately DO NOT take it). I'm thinking about making a mini-shrine to Magus and Chrono Trigger. Thanks to my friends, I now love CT about as much as Dbz! ^_^ And it's related to Dbz - Akira Toriyama. I'd appreciated it if you would let me know what you think.
I have to say one thing regarding Tosha's drawings. Recently she had misplaced one of her sketch pads and just now had it returned - and someone had scribbled on her pictures. That's just rude. Shame to whoever did this.


Saturday, April 28

Hello everyone! I have an update! I added the rest of the Dbz Card Deck. I'll have another part of Dragon's story up soon along with some fanart by Tosha. I'm proud to say that I have played and beaten Chrono Trigger... and have aquired a liking to another bishonen! ^_^ Anyone out there like Magus?
Oh, yeah - one more thing. Tsuki kinda raided

I did not raid it!!
*looking over* When it comes to you, Tsuki, it's raiding.
Anyway, she went to hotmail and got her own email address... check out her post in the guestbook.
See? She listens to me.
Oh, hush! Well, I'll try to keep the updates coming. L8rs!
*mockingly* See ya, Magus-chan!
Shut up, Tsuki...


Sunday, April 15

Gomen nasei, minna!!! I know it's been forever and a day since I've updated (or so it feels like)! I've been so busy, but at least play practice is over. I've been checking out colleges the past week (if you're in the New Mexico area, you might be seeing me around!) and in a few days I'll be going on a band trip. I put up another bishonen - Magus, from Chrono Trigger... he's getting to be a favorite! Anyway, it may be another week or so until I can update again... and once again, I appologize.
Thank you for over 3,000 hits!! And Happy Easter!


Friday, March 30

I joined the Zarbon Otaku Alliance WebRing! YAY! ^_^


Thursday, March 29

I put up Dragon's info about Zarbon's race and another drawing. That's all for now!


Friday, March 23

Two new chapters of Kohbrin are up along with four more of Dragon's pics. I changed the design of the fanpics page, also. And finally!! I have the next part of my story up!! YAY for me!! Um, anyway... L8rs!


Friday, March 16

Added a new section - Other Authors. Features stories and such from other people. Also added two fanpics by the author of the new fanfic. I've been making some small changes to my story - gramatical corrections, spellings (mainly 'saiyan' to 'saiya-jin' - my prefered spelling), and maybe some other things. L8rs for now...

Past Updates