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This is were you find the really easy ways to improve your sims lives. The Cheats! Shame on you for using these things. I, of course, would never dream of doing such a thing cough....cough.

rosebud - Replaces klapaucius if you have the Sims Patch version 1.1.
klapaucius - Gives you 1000 Simoleons
! - Repeats the last entered cheat (For example, typing !;!; enough times to fill the text box will give you the cheat 30 times = 30,000 Simoleons) You can use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste hint, hint.
set_hour - (Values 1-24)
sim_speed - (Values -1000 - +1000)
water_tool - enables the water tool
grow_grass - (VALUES 0-150)
interests - Views selected Sims personalitys that aren`t listed in the menu
autonomy (Values 0-100) - How much the Sims think on their own
route_balloons on - Self explainitory
route_balloons off - Self explainitory
sweep - Shows the "ticks" in the game (Values on/off)
draw_all_frames - Self explanitory
tile_info - Self explanitory
map_edit on - Self explainitory
map_edit off - Self explainitory
bubble_tweak [z offset] - Sets the z value used to offset the sims' thought bubbles
draw_all_frames - Draw all animation frames, without skipping to keep up
draw_floorable - Turn the floorable grid on and off
draw_routes [on|off] - Draw colored dots on selected person's path
edit_grass [increment] - Turn on mode for editing grass tiles. Increment sets number value by which to change the grass history - Writes out the family history of the current family. If file is not specified, the default is used
log_mask [mask] - Sets the event logging mask
move_objects - Turn on or off allowing the user to move any object
prepare_lot - Checks for required objects on the current lot and deletes come and see me objects
preview_anims - Turns on/off animation preview mode
rotation [0|1|2|3] - Set absolute world rotation
route_balloons - Turn on or off the display of routing debug balloons
sim_log [begin|end] - Start and stop the sim logging

Perfect Sim
This "cheat" allows your sim to have all personality traits filled to ten. First you create a sim as usual but don't assign any personality points, then move the sim in and buy the chemistry set (did I mention it only works with LL) and make potions until you get a yellow one, drink it and it reverses you traits to full tens.

Cut the bills in half
This bug in the game allows your sim to cheat uncle sim out of half the bills. Have your sim get the bills and leave them on the table or somewhere. Then in three days the mail woman will come back and leave a fresh batch of bills in the mailbox now you have your sims pay the previous bills and that days bills will no longer be in the mailbox.

The has posted a new download, The potty set, go check it out its pretty cool.

It now appears that Maxis' Sid Meirer will be starting on a new project. It appears that he will be working on a new version of Sim Golf, the sequel appears to be aiming for a larger target audience then its predassesor by stressing the management part of the country club. We here at Fusion FURY will keep you abreast of information as we get it

New season of DBZ planned to show in summer of 2001

.::Release Dates::.


Frieza: Summoning

Garlic Jr.:
Black Water Mist

Z Warriors Prepare



Perfect Cell:

Cell Games:

Great Saiya Man:
Crash Course

World Tournament:
Junior Division

Sim News: 4/12/01

Simz Online has closed its doors after a year of posting great sim news, they will be sorely missed

The has started their very first House Party Contest.

Saiyan Ancients

Your Site Here
This page is not meant to take credit from TOEI animation, FUNimation Inc., Cartoon Network, Maxis or any of the Sims product. It is simply a fan site for entertainment purposes. All pictures on this webpage are copyright their original owners. Along with all the information on this page. Thanks!