Super Saiyan Elite 3

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Just nobody can get in the top affiliates only the best sites can, therefore the requirements are harder to get. If you think your site qualifies, then e-mail me. with the subject affiliate, your sites name, url, and thats it.Some exceptions can be made. I can drop you without notice. I do have the right to alter any of these requirements.

Top Affilates

- DB/Z/GT related
- 200+ hits each day
- 150+ gifs or pics
- It helps if you are in the dbz top 50, and has the number around my site number
- A really nice layout
- Nice owner
- A link to my site on every page (I will do the same for you)
- NO PORN!!!(No exceptions!)

Regual Affiliates
- DB/Z/GT related
- None of thoese ugly sites(you know who you are)
- No sites that are brand new unless you are good enoght to be in the top affiliates, and then I'll look at your site
- Stats 4 all on your site
- 150+ hits each day
- 100+ gifs or pics
- A good layout
- A link to my site on every page (I will do the same for you)
- Nice owner ^_^
- NO PORN!!!(No exceptions!)