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Vegeta is the king of the saiyns. While he was still a young boy he was given to Frieza for training and to keep the peace between the Saiyns and Frieza and his minions. He went to Earth to destroy it, but was defeated by Goku. Afterward he went to Namek for the Dragon Balls and Frieza. He didnÕt find the Dragon Balls and was baffled when Goku became a SSJ and defeated Frieza. He then was transported to Earth by a wish. When Frieza came again Trunks came and destroyed him and turning SSJ another questioning thing. During the 3 years between then and the Android Saga Vegeta married Bulma and she had Trunks. When the Androids came Vegeta was able to turn SSJ and destroyed Android 19. He was powerless againts Androids 17 and 18. After he wen to the Spirit Room Place on KamiÕs Lookout he became Ultra SSJ. He then fought Cell Stage 2 and let him go into his final stage. Then he was defeated by Cell. During the Cell Games he was baffled that ÒA Mere BoyÓ was able to destoy Cell and be the first Saiyn to get to SSJ2. He trained very hard between then and the Buu Saga. While him, Goku, Gohan, and the Supreme Kai where trying to stop Buu he let himself fall under BadidiÕs spell and he became SSJ2 and became Majin Vegeta. He then fought Goku letting Buu be realesed. He then fought Buu, but it seemed like a losing fight so he blew himself up to save his family. Buu still survived though.Then later on he is resurected. I think he fuses with Goku and they kill Super Buu.Later in the series Bebi manifestes inside Vegeta.... I donÕt know the rest of that. His max power level is 250,000,000.



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