Chapter 64

It wasn’t hard for Sarah to figure out what Howie wanted to talk to her about.  All of her brothers had been to see her today and every time she’d asked about their father, she’d been put off.  She knew her father was declining rapidly but she’d hoped he’d at least know her and her babies.  Seeing the sadness in Howie’s eyes, she knew that wasn’t going to be the case. 

Sarah closed her eyes to fight the tears but it was futile.  The mind movie of memories played out vividly breaking the dam.  She had always looked to her father for strength and in so many ways, Howie reminded her of her father; quiet and calm but protective.  Her fondest memories were winter afternoons in the family room; she’d curl up in his lap as they all gathered to watch the football game.  She could smell his cologne mixed with the smell of his pipe tobacco.  She had never doubted his love for her or his pride in her accomplishments. 

As Sarah silently mourned the loss of her father as she knew him, the door opened gently and Raoul said, “Hey, ‘Shorty’….I’m sorry.” 

“No…it’s okay, Raoul,” reassured Sarah as she wiped her tears.  “I was just thinking about my father.  What’s up?” 

“There’s a lady here to see you.  She’s says her name is Mary Fullwood.  Isn’t ‘Fullwood’ your ex’s name?” 

“Yeah, that’s his mother,” she explained. 

“Want me to tell her to take a hike?” 

“No, it’s okay.  Let her in.” 

“Are you sure?  I mean…that guy was a jackass and I don’t want….” 

“Really, it’s okay….just let ‘D’ know she’s here,” reassured Sarah with a soft smile.  She adored the big man and the way he looked out for her. 

“There was no question about that, ‘Shorty’.”  Raoul stepped out of the way and motioned for Mary to go in. 

“Thanks, Raoul.” 

As soon as Raoul was out of the room, tension filled every square inch.  Sarah stared at the lady in front of her and could tell she was just as nervous.  She’d always cared for her ex-mother-in-law but the last time they’d seen each other, harsh words had been exchanged over Sarah’s fidelity.  To see Mary Fullwood standing before her now was a complete shock.  She had wanted to go visit and had even told Howie but the more she’d thought about it, the less she felt like she could do it.  What was she going to say…’Hi, how have you been?  By the way, I killed your son but I still want you to be a part of your granddaughter’s life.’?  That would have gone over like a screen door on a submarine so she had dismissed the idea and Howie hadn’t pushed it.  Now this visit had all the makings of the disaster she expected. 

 “Your father said you’d had twins,” said Mary breaking the silence. 

Sarah didn’t think anything could surprise her more than Mary’s visit but to hear her father had called her did just that.  Her parents and the Fullwoods had been friends, close friends, for as long as she could remember but when her relationship with Russell had ‘gone south’, that friendship had been the first casualty, each siding with their child.  Why would her father….it hit her.  Her father was living in the past and he thought she was still married to Russell. 

“I’m sorry he bothered you,” whispered Sarah as she wiped her tears. 

The door burst open and Howie rushed in.  Seeing Sarah’s tears, he didn’t hesitate a second in going to her and gathering her in his arms.  “Shhh, I’m going to make the nightmares go away,” he promised as he stroked her hair. 

“You can’t make this one go away, ‘D’,” Sarah sobbed as she clung to him. 

Pulling back just a bit, Howie put his finger under her chin lifting her face to his.  “All I have to do is make her leave.” 

“It’s not her…not directly.” 

“Then what is it?  What has you this upset, Angel?” 

“Daddy called her to tell her about Caroline and Dwaine…as if I were still married to….”  Sarah couldn’t bring herself to say Russell’s name.  “Why?  Why did he have to go back to THAT time….that nightmare?  How could he confuse YOU with HIM?” 

“Sarah, you know the answer to that.  You’ve read every possible paper and article…everything you could find…about Alzheimer’s.  He can’t pick a memory to go to.  You need to look at the positive…he remembers YOU.  The time is coming when he’s not going to know who you are at all.” 

“I thought I was ready to face this,” she whispered. 

“There’s no way to ever prepare yourself to lose a loved one,” offered Mary stepping closer to the bed.  “It’s even harder when you’re as close to them as you were to your parents.  How long has Lee had Alzheimer’s?” 

Howie moved so he could talk to Mary without his back to her but he continued to hold Sarah as he explained. “They knew for some time before Mrs. Taylor died but didn’t tell Sarah or her brothers.  Then, before she died, Sarah’s mom wrote me a letter explaining a few things, including what her father was going through and she had her attorney mail it to me after the will was read.  Ever since she died, Mr. Taylor has deteriorated rapidly….after Christmas even more so.  I knew he had called you….I just didn’t expect you to come visit.”  Howie looked down at Sarah, “I was going to tell you when we talked.” 

“Is that why he hasn’t been to see me yet…because he doesn’t remember me?” asked Sarah tearfully. 

“Yeah.  Jeff told Becca that he was extremely disoriented when they arrived and your brothers thought if he rested, he’d be better.  If he’s clear after dinner, they’re going to bring him by.” 

Sarah gave a heavy sigh and looked at Mary.  “I’m surprised you’re here, Mrs. Fullwood.” 

“When did you become so formal?  You use to call me ‘Mary’.” 

“Given what’s happened and the last time we saw each other, I figured you wouldn’t want me to call you that.” 

Mary couldn’t hold back any longer.  “Why can’t you say Russell’s name and why do you feel like your marriage to him was a nightmare?” 

Her tone was quietly demanding and Howie wasn’t about to let her intimidate Sarah the way Russell had.  “You need to back off Sarah or I’m going to have to ask you to leave.  She’s been through more than enough with your son.” 

“My son loved Sarah a great deal.  SHE’S the one who was unfaithful and treated him horribly.” 

Howie started to order her out of the room when Sarah stopped him.  “Don’t, ‘D’.  He was her son and she only knew what he told her.  That’s why my family and I had to leave Fernandina…because he told so many lies about me.  Mary, I have no reason to lie about what happened between your son and me and no way to prove to you that I’m not lying. All I can do is tell you MY side of it and you can believe what you want to believe.”  Sarah proceeded to tell Mary exactly what had happened over the 8 years that she was involved with Russell as well as what he did to her after the divorce.  She included the fact that Jesse had been sent to Jim and Cindy to keep her safe while everyone was led to believe that she had been killed by Chrissy.  

When Sarah was done, she looked up at Howie who gave her a kiss and whispered, “It’s out there for her.  Give her time.” 

They watched as Mary took a seat and hung her head.  It was clear that she was overwhelmed by the information but it was also clear that it was sinking in. 

When she looked up at them, there were tears in her eyes and Howie said gently, “I know it’s a lot to take in, Mrs. Fullwood, but it’s all the truth.  I’ve seen the pictures of Sarah from that last weekend before she left him and I’ve talked to Jim and Cindy.  I was even with Sarah on several occasions when Russell tried to get to her.  I’ve also held her on many nights when she’s woken up screaming from the nightmares about what Russell did to her.  Its taken several years for her to get through it all, process it, but she’s past it now and a much stronger lady because of it.” 

“It all makes sense now,” mused Mary aloud.  “You very rarely came to the house with Russell because he didn’t want me to see how he treated you.  He always said you didn’t want to come over because you had other plans.” 

“I’m sure he also told you that I was using that time to fool around on him when the truth was, he’d tied me to the bed or had taken Jesse with him knowing I’d never leave him without her.” 

Mary blushed, “I was so naïve that I believed him.” 

“A lot of people did, Mary,” cajoled Sarah.  “He had a good line and the way he had me so scared, it was easy for everyone to believe him.” 

“He loved you so much.  How could he be so cruel to you?” 

“He knew he couldn’t hold on to her, I expect,” offered Howie.   

“I need to know one thing, Sarah.  Do you have any idea where he is?” 

Sarah’s body tensed in Howie’s arms.  This was the one question she did not want to answer and fortunately, she wasn’t going to have to either. 

From behind Mary, Dusty spoke up, “I was investigating the drug cartel Russell was involved with when he disappeared.  Rumor is he was making a drug run down the coast when he was shoved overboard and eaten by the sharks.” 

Howie and Sarah were both relieved that Dusty had shown up when he did. He’d saved the day for them and they were both extremely grateful. 

Brightly, Sarah greeted him, “Dusty!” 

“Hey, sis,” greeted Dusty giving his sister a kiss.  Extending his hand to Howie, he congratulated his brother-in-law.  “You got yourself two extremely beautiful babies, ‘D’.” 

“Thanks to their extremely beautiful mother,” beamed Howie.   

Turning, Dusty gave Mary a warm hug.  “It’s good to see you again, Mary. You’re looking extremely delicious tonight.” 

“If I were younger, I’d think you were flirting with me.” 

“What’s age got to do with it?” teased Dusty hugging Mary again.   

“You always were a scamp,” blushed the older lady. 

“So what brings you all the way to Orlando?” 

“I came to see Sarah and if I can, I’d like to see these beautiful babies…if their parents don’t mind,” said Mary as she looked to Howie and Sarah. 

Howie had relaxed now that Mrs. Fullwood knew the truth about Russell so he said, “I’ll take your brother with me to get them and your dinner, Angel, so you two can finish visiting.” 

“Thanks, ‘D’.”  Giving him a kiss, she watched him leave with her brother and then turned to Mary.  “I’m sorry for all this.” 

“Why on earth are you apologizing to me?  I should be apologizing to YOU for the way my son treated you.  I just can’t get over how blind we all were to it….all of us except your parents.  They tried so hard to make everyone realize that it wasn’t you…that it was Russell.  I’m just grateful that you were able to get away.” 

“Me too….and that Jim took such good care of Jesse for me.” 

“You seem to have found the right man for you.” 

“Definitely.  Howie has been so wonderful.  I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t found each other.  Mary, you have to know….Howie legally adopted Jesse and I changed her name to Dorough.” 

“If that young man loves Jesse half as much as he loves you, I don’t blame you one bit, sweetie.” 

Sarah smiled, “He adores Jesse and she adores him.  I want you to know that she does know who Russell is and I tell her that he did love her because I know he did.  Mary….I do have a special place in my heart for him….he’s the father of my daughter and despite the way she was conceived, there was something there.” 

“Hearing how he treated you, I’m surprised.” 

“He wasn’t always like that.  There were some good times and I hold on to them for Jesse’s sake.” 

“Tell me about Jesse.  I imagine she’s grown quite a bit since I last saw her.” 

Sarah laughed, “She’s definitely grown but Mary, it’s like looking in a mirror.  She’s me all over and sometimes it scares me.” 

Mary and Sarah spent the time talking about Jesse and when Howie returned with the twins, they all settled in for a wonderful visit.

Chapter 65           Index