Chapter 65

Peace and quiet finally settled on Sarah’s room as the last of their visitors left.  Howie followed Kryss to the door to close it behind her and turned the main light off so that just the emergency light above the bed was all that was on.  Then he rejoined Sarah on the bed. 

Sarah yawned and laid her head on his shoulder as he wove his fingers with hers.

”Why don’t you go to sleep, Angel?” 

“Cuz I wanna spend….” Sarah yawned…”Time with you.” 

Howie squeezed her hand.  “We’ve got forever but YOU need your rest.  How about I sing to you?” 

“Mmm, why don’t you tell me what Kryss brought you?  It looked like a script or something.” 

“It was.  Remember Melissa asking me if I’d do an episode of ‘Sabrina’?” 

“Uh huh.” 

“She sent me a script where she has to interview an egotistical rock star.” 

“And she wants you to be that rock star?” 


“Bit of a stretch, isn’t it?” 

“I guess.” 

Sarah heard the doubt in his voice.  “When do you need to be out there to tape the show?” 

“The first week of March.” 

“Are you gonna do it?” 

“I don’t know.  I want to but…” 

“But what, ‘D’?  This is what you’ve wanted….a chance to do some acting.” 

“I know.  It’s just that this will be the first thing I’ve done outside of the group using my own name and my fame from the group.  Plus, It’s gonna mean me staying in LA for about two weeks….away from you and the children.  I’m not sure I want to leave you for that long.” 

“I’ll be okay, ‘D’.” 

“Angel, the twins will only be two weeks old and you….” 

“Howard, stop it!  I’ll have MORE than enough help…your mom and Angie, Chelsea, Danielle, Denise, Becca, and Mary offered her help too.  I’ll also have the new nanny…who you need to call.” 

“Sarah, you just about came unglued when I was gone for the day back in January.” 

Laughing, Sarah said, “From Kevin’s account, YOU were far worse than me.” 

Howie blushed remembering that day.  “Okay, so I was just as bad.”

”’D’, I’m not saying I’m looking forward to you being gone that long but this is something you have been wanting to do and I’m not gonna stop you.  There will be other times when I’ll be able to go with you.” 

“Maybe we could do something together,” said Howie as he pressed a kiss into her hair. 

“When do you have to let Melissa know?” 


“Read me some of the script.” 

Howie reached for the script and flipped through it to find where his role started.  When he found it, he began to read and Sarah nestled closer.  She loved the sound of his voice and as she listened to the words, she tried to picture him as ‘Strum’. 

“What do you think?” 

Sleepily, she answered, “What a narcissistic jerk but I love the idea of a private spanking.” 

Howie laughed, “We’ll have to work something out.  So, do you think I’ll be good?” 

“Mmm, totally awesome, ‘D’.”  A yawn escaped as she asked, “Are you gonna do it?” 

Howie looked down to see her struggling to keep her eyes open.  “Are you sure you’re okay with me being gone for two weeks?” 

Sleep was pulling her under quickly as she answered, “I’ll….miss…you but I’ll…be…fine.” 

Howie pulled her as close as possible.  “I promise to call every chance I get,” he whispered. 

From the outer edges of sleep, Sarah mumbled, “I know,” as she put her hand on his stomach. 

Looking down, Howie realized that she had fallen asleep.  He ran his fingers through her hair as he said lovingly, “Always my number one fan.”  He tossed the script to the chair beside the bed and carefully eased down to get comfortable with Sarah in his arms.  “You are definitely close enough to perfect for me,” he said as he drifted to sleep.

Chapter 66        Index