Written By Special Guest Author Becca O.

Chapter 5   

“Something sure smells good, Bec.”

“Howie!” Becca dropped the wooden spoon she’d been holding, and spaghetti sauce splattered everywhere.

“I’m so sorry,” Howie chuckled, “I thought you heard me. I called you twice.”

“I didn’t, I guess my mind was elsewhere.” Reaching for a paper towel, she bent to retrieve the spoon and clean up the mess.

“I’ll get that.” Howie reached for another paper towel and the bottle of spray cleaner that Sarah kept by the sink. “I made you make the mess, so I’ll clean up. Deal?” 

“Deal. I’ve never argued yet with a man that volunteers to clean up a kitchen.”

“I dunno, Bec, I’ve seen Nick cook before. You mean to tell me he cleans up, too?” He was on the floor out of visual range, but he could swear the temperature in the kitchen had suddenly dropped about ten degrees. Damn. “Bec?” he looked up, and sure enough, the playful smile was gone and her lips were set in a grim frown. Her brows were furrowed and it was difficult to tell if she was angry or on the verge of tears. “Bec, what’s going on?”

“Just making sure Sarah didn’t have to deal with dinner tonight that’s all.” She reached for the dish in the upper oven and tried to paste a smile back on her face, but it was hopeless. “Chicken parmigiana, your favorite. If you’ll go get Jesse, then we can eat.”

“Not yet.” Howie reached for her hands and took off her oven mitts, turning her to face him. “Why don’t you want to go home Becca?”

“No reason,” she shrugged. “I just haven’t been spending much time with Sarah and I thought…” One look at Howie and she knew he didn’t believe a word she was saying.

“Bec, tell me what’s wrong.”

“What’s wrong?” she laughed. “Maybe I should tell you what’s ‘right’. It wouldn’t take nearly as long.”

Howie’s heart fell. Sarah was right, there was something seriously amiss. “Bec, come sit down, we can talk.”

“You know, I really should be getting Garrett home. If I mess up his routine he’ll be up all night, just like-“ She stopped suddenly, not wanting to say any more than she already had.

“Like Nick? That’s what you were going to say. Becca, why isn’t Nick at home?”

“That’s an excellent question, Howie. Next time you see him you can ask him. Maybe he’ll talk to you.”

“No Bec, he won’t. I’ve called, I’ve emailed, he won’t give me the time of day.”

Becca softened. “I’m sorry, Howie,” she whispered. “You don’t deserve that.”

Howie was flabbergasted. “I don’t deserve that? You’re his wife, Becca, the mother of his son. What the hell is he thinking?”

“I wish I knew,” she answered sadly. “I really wish I knew.”

“After all the trouble a few weeks ago, I tried to talk to him. I just wanted to get together, a little one on one. You know, to talk about … it.”

“’It’. You mean the arrest? You can say it Howie, everyone else has talked about nothing else for weeks. Nick was arrested. Arrested, Howie. Handcuffed, thrown into the back of a squad car and booked.” Bitterness permeated her voice and whatever Howie had meant to say fled as Garrett began to howl. Before he could stop her, Becca pushed past him and out of the kitchen. In the scant seconds it took him to catch up with her, she already had Garrett’s bag on her shoulder and was heading for the front door.

“Becca, what about dinner?”

“I think I just need to get home, Howie. You guys enjoy it, okay? Sis, I’ll call you soon and we’ll get together.” Brushing a kiss on Sarah’s cheek she swept through the door and out to the car, leaving the stunned couple standing in the open doorway. The tires squealed as she sped off into the night.

“Mommy? Where’s Aunt Becca?” Jesse pushed between Sarah and Howie and looked out at the empty space where Becca’s car had been.

“She had to go home, baby,” Sarah replied, ruffling the little girl’s hair.

“I’m hungry. Can we eat now?”

“Go wash up, Jess. We’ll be right in.” Howie watched his daughter skip away, oblivious to the drama that had just taken place.

“D? What the hell just happened?” Sarah asked, totally confused.

“Angel, I wish I knew.” With a heavy sigh, they closed the door and went to join Jesse for dinner.

Chapter 6            Index