Chapter 38

Sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, Howie flipped though a magazine as Sarah leaned her head on his shoulder.  The lack of sleep was catching up with her and she dozed peacefully, comforted by Howie’s presence.   

“Sarah,” called Sharon from the door. 

“Angel,” nudged Howie. 


“Wake up.  Sharon’s calling you.” 

“Ummm, okay.  You coming?” 

“Not even breathing heavy,” smirked Howie. 

“Ha Ha,” sneered Sarah.  “That’s NOT what I meant?” 

“Your brain must still be asleep,” laughed Howie as he helped her up.  “Yes, I’m going with you.” 

Howie put his hand on her lower back to lead her to the nurse’s area where Sharon went through the standard routine; weight check, not bad considering it was twins; blood pressure, right on target; and all the questions.  He stood beside her the whole time playing with her hair or holding her hand watching everything. 

In the exam room, he helped her into the gown and onto the table.  “You are one sexy lady,” purred Howie as he ran his hands along her stomach.  “How could you EVER think I wouldn’t find you sexy?” 

“I don’t know….temporary insanity?” yawned Sarah. 

“Must’ve been because pregnant or not, you are MY sexy lady,” praised Howie as he gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose.  “How are you going to get through dinner as sleepy as you are?” 

“I’ll take a nap after we do the interviews for the nanny.” 

“How about I take you to Mami’s so you can try to get comfortable?” 

“You gonna stay with me?” she asked hesitantly. 

Howie realized that Sarah was trying hard not to let her fears take control.  Brushing her hair behind her ear, he said, “Angel, I really need to do a few things without you tagging along.  You’ll be okay at Mami’s.” 

Sarah pouted, “Without me?  What are you gonna do, buy your girlfriend a gift?” 

“Uh huh….my best girl’s gift.  Got to get her something really special,” teased Howie. 

“More special than your gift for me?”  Sarah was so scared that she couldn’t see that Howie was playing with her.  Her voice trembled and she couldn’t look him in the eye as she played with his fingers. 

Unfortunately, Howie didn’t have a chance to reassure her as Dr. Johnson joined them.  “How are we this afternoon?” 


Dr. Johnson laughed as Howie squeezed her hand and said, “A little excited and nervous.  Sarah seems to think the twins are going to be coming soon.” 


In a soft voice, Sarah said, “It’s just like when I had Jesse.” 

“Well, let’s take a look and see if your instincts are right.  Lay back.” 

Howie helped Sarah lay back and stood beside her holding her hand as Dr. Johnson proceeded to examine her.  It wasn’t a long exam and when he was done, he looked over Sarah’s chart. 

“I want to do an ultra sound.  Have you had any contractions?” 

“Nothing more than Braxton-Hicks,” responded Sarah as Howie helped her up. 

“Is there anything wrong?” asked Howie. 

“Nothing wrong but she has dilated another centimeter.” 

“Why do an ultra sound?” asked Sarah. 

“I want to check their positions.  Howie, you can help Sarah down the hall and Grace can get started.” 

“No problem.” As Dr. Johnson disappeared, Howie took Sarah’s hand to help her off the table.  Standing face to face, Howie kissed her hand.  “Sarah, before Dr. Johnson came in…I’m sorry.  I was just playing with you.  You were the one I was talking about…my best girl…you always have been since you walked into my life and you always will be.” 

In a tearful whisper, “Thank you.” 

“Come on, beautiful.  Let’s go take a look at our babies.” 

Holding hands, the couple made their way to the room where Grace was waiting for them.  They got settled and Grace began the procedure.  Looking on in awe, Howie and Sarah watched the two shapes on the screen. 

“Do you want to know what they are?” 

Howie looked at Sarah, “Angel?” 

Sarah shrugged, “Do you?” 

They had spent nine months not wanting to know, saying that it really didn’t matter.  Nine months of their family and friends harassing them to find out.  Those nine months were almost up.  What would it hurt?

“We don’t have to tell anyone we know,” offered Howie. 

“But we’ve gone this long.” 


“Do you want to know?” 

“Kinda…I mean, I don’t care what they are but…” hedged Howie. 

As Dr. Johnson entered, Grace said, “Think about it and when you’re done, if you want to know, I’ll tell you.” 

For the next five minutes while Dr. Johnson and Grace studied and discussed the pictures, Howie stood by Sarah’s side holding her hand between both of his.  He stared into her eyes, not saying a word.  No words were needed.  The pure love that the couple shared was like an electrical charge traveling along an invisible line that connected the lovers. 

“Well, it looks like Sarah may be right.”  Pointing to the monitor, Dr. Johnson said, “This one has engaged in the pelvic region.  I don’t see any reason why this one can’t be delivered naturally.”

”What about the second one?” asked Howie as Sarah squeezed his hand. 

“From the looks of it, we’re going to have to do a c-section.” 

Tears popped up immediately as Sarah asked, “There’s no chance that it’ll move after I’ve had the first one?” 

“There’s a slight chance.” 

“How slight?” asked Howie. 

“About 10%.  Sarah, I know your fears…the needles and the pain medicine.  I’ll give the baby a chance to move but we’re going to monitor you and the baby very closely.  The FIRST sign of distress for either you or the baby and we’re going ahead with the c-section and I will tell you now…YOU are my first priority.” 

“How long can you wait…if there’s no distress?” asked Howie. 

“Depends on when her water breaks…no more than 24 hours though.  Now, from the position of the second baby, I’d say you’re going to have what we call back labor as well as what you’ve experienced before with your first baby.  Regardless of your fears, if the pain gets to be too much, let me know.  You can’t focus on what you’re supposed to do if you’re in pain.” 

“When she goes into labor, when do you want us to call you?” asked Howie. 

“Where are you coming from?”

“We’ll be in town from now until late tonight.” 

“In town, four minutes apart.  At home, no closer than eight minutes.  You have all my numbers?” 

“Yes sir,” chorused the couple. 

Grace asked, “Ready to find out?” 

Howie looked at Sarah as he said, “We’ll wait until their born.  Thanks anyway.” 

Sarah whispered, “Are you sure?” 

“I’m positive.  I don’t want to mess up your gift,” smiled Howie. 

“Okay then….Sarah, in case you haven’t had these babies, make your appointment for next week before you leave and have a Happy Valentine’s Day,” said Dr. Johnson as he shook Howie’s hand. 

Another doctor’s appointment done.  With any luck, it would be the last one, too.

Chapter 39           Index