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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.

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1st Pennsylvania Regt. flag: Nolo Domari ~ "Subjected I will not be."

I could not but notice -- you seem to have this uncanny penchant, indeed proclivity, to remind us of personal anecdotes, reminiscences, inside information and explanations of people you've known -- not untypically with respect to some criminal wrong-doing and malfeasance they were engaged in or made a part of. Even so, though you've been like this for a very long time obviously, it only just now occurred to me. Did you ever think that instead of gratuitously (albeit with all benevolent intention) providing us, day in and day, out with your latest inside scoop of things past and present you could finally get around to write and publish your memoirs instead? Or else have your own website or television show (you can certainly afford it) where all who cared to could hear and have your up to the minute running commentary on people and things which are really and mostly none of your business?


My candidate for Fourth of July song for 2009? Why, Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle."


For about a year or more I have been posting a poem of mine at a rate of about once a month; so that some of you my readers may have noticed and wondered why I haven't done so for some time now. The reason is that I am presently working on a long, extended nature poem; which at my comfortable leisure I am adding to, amending and editing; much like one would devote oneself to an unhurried and ongoing hobby. Whether this opus will and ever actually realize final completion is not as yet entirely clear; but again, in case you wondered, this is my explanation and as such "where" my poetry has been of late.


If it should turn out to be the case that Michael Jackson, as some understandably suspect, was murdered then it stands as a not unlikely possibility that the murderers will throw out red herrings, false leads, and indeed themselves and or through (witting or unwitting) representatives will "contribute" to the investigation and make it seem that they are trying to help track down the culprit; when, of course, in reality their purpose is to confute, confuse and throw legitimate investigators off the trail. My own arm-chair hunch and suspicion is that some witchcraft person, perhaps and including a spirit person, was fixated with Mr. Jackson and the murder was, in a sense, a result of the former's obsession (which presumably was of a calculating and sadistic cast.)

Speaking of crime and law enforcement -- who do you think is more sophisticated, determined and clever -- the police at large or (big time) criminals at large? The answer to this can be not all that very difficult to see; it is the latter. Not that police or sincere people acting on the side of good and justice are inherently less competent than their rivals or opponents, but rather the problem is that society does not permit them to be be more capable, effective and proficient than they are; and since false religion, probably the most influential and obedience-commanding kind of religion that exists in society today, takes the view that this life is of no consequence and has been handed over to the devil to largely do with as he pleases (do-gooders, meanwhile, being ordered by a disembodied voice and entity from beyond to console themselves with going to "heaven"); with greater wealth and power frequently awarded and handed over to very corrupt or brainwashed people, it will then come as no surprise that there are few or none who are in a position of higher influence to insist that serious evil can actually be thwarted and defeated, or have any real clout or say in what ultimately goes on.


A thought occurred to me earlier this morning that I would like to share but with the understanding that I consider it to be unverified speculation, and, therefore do not automatically assume or believe it to be true particularly or necessarily.

We lovers of reason like to think of reason as immutable and eternal. However, the case can be made that reason only has force, either with our own understanding and or applied to the physical world, but that God gives it force. In this sense, reason could be likened to a lighted lamp that God can turn up or turn down in intensity as he so chooses. As a light it can be used by both bad and good; so that bad and good can only avail themselves of it if the light is there in the first place. God, therefore, might for purposes of weakening evil deprive reason of this light; even though those who desire good should suffer from the diminution of reason's power in the process; not unlike how blood letting was seen as a way of curing an illness. By drawing blood from a patient it weakened them, but it also permitted the disease or ailment to be drawn out of them. Although I am not suggesting that actual blood letting itself is valid or makes sense as a medical practice, the principle it implies may nonetheless be relevant with respect to reason. If the light of reason is thus suspended for a time (in the world; if not with ourselves and our immediate and trusted friends), we have only our faith and compassion toward others to fall back on during that period. But once evil is so weakened by the absence of reason's light, it can be more easily then be debilitated and or dispelled from our midst. For this reason then, reason, as we know it, in a sense can be made null and void if God so chooses; and he would so choose in a given circumstance to impair or handicap sophisticated evil; leaving us to survive in the meanwhile -- for howsoever long this "dimming" of reason lasts -- on the life support of faith and charitable love.


Behold the renown ghoulish magician. What a boon, blessing, and consolation must he have proven down through the years to the great Satan; whom as you will recall suffered so terribly from envy that he felt compelled to take things into his hands and do the wrong thing a certain way (in the worst way, no less.) How it must have touched the magician to have viewed that titan of history weighted down with such a plight and predicament, and, indeed, with such immense sympathy that he verily sacrificed himself and threw away his own life in order to aid and abet that infamous and tragic worthy. True, if the magician hadn't done so the other would have killed him outright for disobedience. Yet, nonetheless and even so, who cannot in some way be moved by the spectacle?


Since it is found nowhere in nature or among animals (and God, as you know, teaches forgiveness), where and when did the phenomena of premeditated or calculated wrath first appear on the evolutionary time scale or in the greater scheme of things? Someone is so disappointed and or so angry that they arrange or plot dire revenge or extreme retribution. And yet if they were the first to think that way, i.e. of judgment and wrath, how could there have been anyone worthy of such carefully cultivated revenge or retribution since they alone, and jealous, overly proud and so full of themselves, would have been the only one actually or possibly deserving it? Perhaps wrath began originally with punishment as a form of well-meaning correction; till that someone took that otherwise wholesome and innocent idea, and warped and transformed it into something evil -- and or something deemed needed to combat evil. (What do you think?)


I stopped up going to the movie theater about twelve or so years ago, and now since I don't have the requisite HD converter, I've given up watching television entirely (outside of DVD's, of course.) Meanwhile, newspapers are largely no more and news on the internet can't be trusted or relied on for all that much -- welcome, therefore, to the new Dark Ages!


Off hand I take it for granted he was murdered. But you know how those things are -- we'll never get to know the true story anyway.


In this world it is folly and madness. In his world (and where he is supposed to be; not here) he thinks he's doing these things a certain way.


Some Random Thoughts Respecting Christianity

What works is honest Christianity. What doesn't work is dishonest Christianity, yet of course it is the latter sort which some people treat as the only Christianity there is.

Isn't Christianity -- in a significant sense -- about the greatest or happiest life going to the one done the greatest injustice? If so, when we pray to Christ we should continually envision him as the many helpless and innocent down through ages, now mostly forgotten, who were murdered by and sacrificed to evil.

It was not Christianity that brought about Rome's downfall, as Gibbon and others have suggested, but slavery; because to attempt to obtain true happiness or raise others up to a status of nobility by means of the abject degradation of and injustice to others contradicts both the laws of God and Nature; so that such systems, therefore, and which rely on that institution as a means of wealth and order, inevitably result in society's ruin.


I came across the following in the Wikipedia respecting early American scientist and Philadelphia physician, as well as Declaration of Independence signer, Benjamin Rush:

"Rush pioneered the therapeutic approach to addiction. Prior to his work, drunkenness was viewed as being sinful and a matter of choice. Rush believed that the alcoholic loses control over himself and identified the properties of alcohol, rather than the alcoholic's choice, as the causal agent. He developed the conception of alcoholism as a form of medical disease and proposed that alcoholics should be weaned from their addiction via less potent substances."

It seems to me that wrong doing generally, including intemperance (such as heavy drinking), are an individual's reaction to some external force or other acting upon them, and that the wrong doing in question is seen as a palliative or cure that is supposed to offset or rid the person of the afflicting agent. The worse and more persistent the wrong doing, the greater the power of the external force acting upon them can be said to be; as well, it is or may be a sign that the person's ability to deal with and restrain that force (for whatever reason) suffers from an inherent weakness or shortcoming.

Now if people persist in wrong doing because they are hounded or tormented by an external entity, and it so happens or turns out that external entity is or is connected to criminal spirit people then such chemically based theories as Rush proposed neglect to address what is the real cause (or at least "more" real cause) of the problem, and as a result, and for all good intention, only risk steering us into new quackery.

This, consequently and to a large extent, it seems is the state of much of modern medicine inasmuch as it ignores the existence of spirit people. To which can be added, it is absurd for people to talk of public health care being the solution to society's health problems if and it should turn out to be the case that the medical community, by completely ignoring the possibility that spirit people are, before all else, that very agent which brings about such unnatural pressures on a person, does not quite really know what it is doing.

If, however, you are one such who nevertheless insists that spirit people do not exist -- then make your way over to 1604 NW 70th in Seattle and prove me wrong. I have yet (to my knowledge) to have anyone attempt to do this and in the process refute my challenge -- despite the profound and enormous implication such a claim (as originally presented in my New Treatise on Hell and "Narrative") suggests. So much for the integrity and credibility of modern medicine; which many are prepared to pour millions upon millions of dollars subsidizing, supposedly for our collective health's sake; and yet which apparently, because the criminal justice system in turn is highly corrupt and in disarray (because that sort of wrong doing so to speak, is the latter's way of propitiating its assailing agent), cannot deal with what is going on in reality (i.e. and investigate my claim.)


He exists to do the wrong thing, and all those Johnny Depp movies (of a fantasy or semi-fantasy sort) are produced in order to persuade you to believe he's not really so bad after all.


Our body is an animal our souls inhabit or dwell in; and he who doesn't believe in animal rights can't be said to think very much of human rights.


Why should thou have life, and a dog, a horse, a rat no breath at all?


Yesterday I saw Kathryn Kuhlman riding her bicycle (uphill) to get to McDonalds.

"Ha, Ha, Kathryn Kuhlman! I don't have to ride a bike to get to McDonalds. I can drive in a car -- in fact, have someone drive for me. Nor do I need to go to McDonalds -- I could eat at the best place in town if I so chose. Nor am I alone, and even if these people aren't really my friends, they at least have to do what I tell them to."


"The Friend of the Family"

No need longer to bemoan and ridicule the absurdity, indeed barefaced lunacy, of "WaMu" (i.e. Washington Mutual) -- because it's now, for the convenience and better interests of all, been taken over and absorbed into Chase Manhattan.

Later Note. And yet what after all do they need more money and worldly power for? If we stop and think, money and worldly power of themselves have, and for some time now, ceased to be a primary goal or objective as such. Rather what stunts above allude to or suggest is an extension of the great movie career and his ever continuing and all consuming need to gain attention. But then what was Rosemary's Baby ever going to grow up to be and be like anyway? Starved of real and proper love and attention, he seeks them in shenanigans such as performing show-stopping magic tricks and (seeming) diabolically clever antics (such as charades and put-ons.) "Look at me everyone! Look at me!" (Why look, Daddy, your boy wants attention.) Which then forces us to rethink our own attitude toward him; such that it is perhaps less our hatred and disdain he deserves than our pity and sympathy -- and it is this latter, and the Christian obligation it implies, that at last and in the end perhaps scare and frighten us more that anything else.


If, as we asserted earlier, the greater impact a force possesses derives it effect by way of the mind from whence that force and its use spring, we can then go ahead and ask ourselves whether the mind in question in a given instance and with respect to a particular force is or is not honest and truthful, or is it rather instead one that is furtive, ravaging and duplicitous? If the latter, and our own minds, and hearts, are fundamentally honest, rational, and truthful, then by definition our minds are separate from his.

This said, were it not for very bad and very powerful spirit people, it seems there would be relatively little or no reason, at least as a practical matter with respect to our capacity to be content and happy, to see the world as fallen (at least "fallen" in the damnable or extreme sense of that word.) If the world is fallen it is because of the presence of criminal spirit people in it and our concomitant refusal or inability to deal with them intelligently; such that it is the absence or lack of truth that in large and decisive measure accounts for its fallen state. The world is fallen, therefore, because it seems fallen, but it seems fallen only because we are not properly honest, rational, or of the truth (say, with regard to the admitting to, knowledge and understanding of spirit people.)


If, after all these years, you can't maintain your greatness without constantly bumming off us and being a parasite then you can't be great any more (it's that simple.)


No action or actions of physical force will have or make a lasting impression unless there is an idea and rationale which underpins and sustains it, and even then it is not so much the physical force that is most lasting in its effect, but rather the idea or superior reasoning behind that force. In this sense, Aristotle's notion of a final cause, that is the belief that any entity and or event has a penultimate or ulterior end, far from being an outdated or quaint conception, has an infinitely greater relevance than moderns, under (in my humble opinion) the influence of spirit people, have given it credit for.

So, for instance, there are and will be occasions where it seems mere brute physical force decides a question. Yet if it is greater physical force that decides the question, it is only because the idea and reasoning backing that force have a greater weight than the idea or reasoning adopted by the side opposing that force. Nonetheless, this does not necessarily mean that the opposing force (say, because in the given instance and circumstance it is 'losing') is not capable of having a greater idea or the greater reasoning than its rival; only that they either don't know and or else are not availing themselves of it.

When, therefore, Archimedes proclaimed "Give me a place to stand [or fulcrum], and I shall move the world," he might also have added "Give me a better idea or better reasoning [than hitherto 'known'], and I shall move the world." All of which means that any who do have a mind and the capacity to think and feel at least have the potential capacity to move the world, and that naturally, and of course, includes you dear reader.


For any who by chance may have missed our recommendation from way back of George Winston's "Autumn" and "Summer" albums, here from the latter CD (via mp3 downloads), and to help usher in new the season (21 June), is "Corinna, Corinna."

Later Note. In addition, of course, to his "December" and "Spring,", et al., if you like the above check out Winston's Doors Tribute "Night Divides the Day." Although some of the tracks on "NDTD" are not so good as others (and why, I wonder, wasn't "Yes, the River Knows" included?), it's a welcome change of pace to hear the Doors interpreted in an acoustic, mellow light. At the same time, "NDTD" serves as a sort of sobering and cathartic retrospective and summation.


While the real benefits and blessings of spirit people are largely and for the most part founded on conjecture and surmise (in turn drawn mostly from myth and legend), the baleful and pernicious effect they have on peace, health and happiness is only too well known and familiar to those who have had the exceeding misfortune of getting to know them personally. Indeed, one thing that I have come to learn and understand in the course of my own ordeal is that, aside from the actual or alleged "evil one" or someone of this sort, spirit people are the fount and source of greatest evil in the world, and without them evil would not command nearly as much sway and influence in human affairs as it does. One of the main reasons for this being the case is that spirit people are used for what is made to seem a, indeed the, standard of some higher (and at the same time incomprehensible) good. This idea that spirit people necessarily reflect divinity I find is the biggest lie and deception of all; in fact so much have I come to reject it that, under my trying circumstances, I adopt the other extreme that posturing and higher authority pretending spirit should be deemed a malignant disease or the most malevolent and horrifying of curses.

You see (and to be brief) the game they play is something like this -- spirit people can do as they please and get away with murder because God in his great mercy will richly and amply pay for any damages they cause -- and to reject this assumption is to cast doubt on the benevolence and kindness of the Deity. As part and in order to persuade you to this view, they will use heavenly visions, angels, the mighty voice of "Dolby Surround Sound," etc., and which naturally cannot but make the most fearful and dreadful impression on the timid, irrational and ignorant. Meanwhile, if and when something is wrong they go to great lengths to get you to blame regular flesh and blood people as the real cause of whatever the problem is (while denying any major culpability of their own.)

Again, the way I have come to see it is this. Normally and as a general rule, indulge and put up with regular people's failings and offenses as best you can -- and otherwise blame spirit people for everything. Since the latter are the actual inciters of the very worst cruelty and violence; since they do not or are made to take any real responsibility for what they do; since they do not permit their being discussed (even though they play as prominent a role in human affairs as anyone); they should be treated as the greatest evil and sickness known to life, and should be viewed with more loathing and detestation than anyone or anything else you can think of. Although overtime it may ultimately be necessary to temper or lessen the harshness of such a perspective, let this not be till they are completely unmasked and dethroned from the summits and palaces of religion; and until that time may all animosity or and aggression we do or might possess be aimed and directed at them. Of course, they will seek try to brush aside or dispel such an attitude by humor or the aforementioned seeming benevolence, and will continue to pretend that they are or represent the higher power. But to a person of any real sense, they will already know that anyone of us is happier in life without the actual or purported benefits spirit people offer; while at the same time only too painfully aware (as many of us already are) of the unspeakable suffering and unhappiness that they, and they only, are capable of fomenting and planting in life's midst.

Later Note. As a general rule, True Spirit speaks to the heart and right reason; false spirits, by contrast, speak to images and the senses.


He made his peace with both Christ and the Devil; the thinking being that this way he won't have any problems with either.


If it ends, I like it; if it keeps going on, I don't.

