Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
from Left to Right -- Hyginus (c.136-c.142 AD),
Hormisdas (514-523 AD),
Leo VI (928 AD),
Urban VII (1590),
Innocent XI (1676-1689)
An Ocean in Time
Regardless of one's religious and specific historical views (particularly in regard to individuals), how utterly majestic and awe filled is the catalog of popes down through the ages! Truly, it is a remarkable occurrence for an institution to have carried on for so long; and while not necessarily unique in longevity -- other religions and dynasties, of course, did or do have their millennial lines of succession -- the Papacy is perhaps special in the extent to which each pope is individually documented; though granted there is much we don't know; including and even where some of them are supposed to be buried. Well, just in case you might be curious, Wikipedia has an extremely impressive illustrated listing of the different Holy Fathers -- and who you can correlate in your imagination with known and unknown persons contemporaneous with the time they occupied the Holy See; as well as be struck dumb by seeing vast and dim reaches of time crystallized and brought to life, as it were, by and through this extended series of images. Such, at least, was my reaction.
To access the web page in question, see
This, however, can sometimes leave us afterward more closely needing to address claims a law contains, and its veracity. For example, when we say something like "the People rule" how do we actually justify such an assumption as a practical matter? If the people rule they do; if they don't, they don't. Yet the explication here lies in that it is only when the People do rule that due justice on a social level can be pronounced as possible, if not necessarily in effect; and if you disagree that the pursuit of justice, happiness, and peace are not the better way of doing things, it is natural conclude that you have no real confidence in law to begin with, but rather will only, when all is said and done, answer to a strong man, regardless of rhyme, reason, or basic sanity. So that it is this reason, and or something similar -- not the bare assumption itself -- that gives that assumption its weight in the real and physical world; so that it is not merely a wished for ideal we would merely like and hope would have relevance, as an unthinking or uncritical person might mistakenly deduce.
Quotations Worth Repeating
"Nay, it is not only a solecism in politics, but an insult to common sense, to attempt the happiness of any community, or composing laws for their benefit, without securing to each individual his full proportion of advantage arising out of the general mass; thereby making his interest (that most powerful incentive to the actions of mankind) the consequence of obedience: this at once not only gives force and energy to legislation, but as justice is,
and must be eternally the same, so your laws, founded in wisdom, will gather strength by time, and find an advocate in every wise and well-disposed person."
~ Richard Henderson's address to the Transylvania, i.e. Kentucky, convention delegates, 23 May 1775.
"Section 14. That the people have a right to uniform government; and, therefore, that no government separate from or independent of the government of Virginia ought to be erected or established within the limits thereof."
~ Virginia Declaration of Rights, adopted 12 June 1776, and originally drafted by George Mason.
"VII. Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men: Therefore the people alone have all incontestible unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."
~ Massachusetts Bill of Rights, 1780.
"Now, wherever this inequality exists, the real force
will invariably be on the side of property, so that if the influence in government be not proportioned to that property, there will always be a contrariety, a combat between the form of government and its natural tendency; the right will be on one side, and the power on the other; the balance then can only exist between the two equally dangerous extremes, of aristocracy and anarchy. Besides, the ideal worth of men must ever be comparative; an individual without property is a discontented citizen, when the state
is poor; place a rich man near him, he dwindles into a clown.
What will result then, one day, from vesting the right of
election in this class of citizens? The source of civil broils,
or corruption, perhaps both at the same time."
~ Marquis de Chastellux, Travels in North America, I, p. 268n.
The dilemma we face as a society is that even though criminals and depraved incompetents like "Speelburg," "Brookhymer," and the people who run Microsoft are indeed guilty of and or party to to our collective and individual worst ills, in one sense they cannot really be held accountable for what goes on because they are such mental vegetables in the hands of these rotten spirit people they answer to, and it's really the latter that are to be most faulted. And as long as this is the state of things, it can and will always be argued on behalf of these regular people that you can't blame them for listening to spirit people (how are they to know any better?) About the only real choice we have left then is to aim our attacks both at these criminal spirit people and the person who is responsible for and in charge of them. As part of effecting this last, I think it is a good idea to develop ways of ridiculing Satan or whomever it is that is responsible or in charge of these stupid, full of themselves spirit people who can't be made to take responsibility for what they are doing in our own midst, and point out to everyone what a big baby getting away with murder both he and they are. "He had to do the wrong thing everybody!" So, for instance, we might point out historical instances in which he has tried to justify doing the wrong thing: Jacob and Romulus' handling of Esau and Remus respectively being illustrations of such which we ourselves have brought up previously here. For ages now, the great evil one has been treated with far too much irrational awe and deference, and it is long overdue for masters of satire to take up their barbs and jibes against him, and show the world once and for all what a great self-pitying oaf, hypocrite, and over fed, spoiled cry-baby he really is.
"Everybody wants to rule the world" the song said. If and to the extent this is true then everybody wants to be God. Well, if you want to be God in other people's eyes (and only people; for no animal sees or "knows" God the way humans do), you will have to learn to play the God game.
Thoughts, perceptions, assumptions, and or feelings are the essential forms and media by which God or a higher supernatural authority is recognized or identified as being such; and the pattern and degree to which these elements configure in a person, such as with respect to their idea of God, will vary depending upon the individual. So for some, for instance, if you bring elements f, k, m, and q to bear, they will think God is present. For someone else it might be qualities or properties a, b, k, q, etc.
Now these thoughts, perceptions assumptions may either be of an honest, dissembling, dissimulating, or else outright dishonest character -- and either on the part of the person experiencing and receiving and or the one imparting them. As well, they may be of either a peaceful or strife filled intention, and or amicable or inimical disposition -- with their obviously being a spectrum of combinations of these opposing or complementary aspects, including just using someone without actually either loving or hating them. Further, these thoughts, etc. can typically be affected, persuaded, or manipulated (again depending upon the subject or audience) by words, symbols, rational argument, art, music, magic and tricks of illusion, real or seeming miracles, inspiration by example, telepathy, hypnotism, physical violence, fear and intimidation, love and affection, humor, brain washing, propaganda, bribery, mind control, and the effect of sheer persistence -- so that in net effect words, argument, etc. can in a sense be used to conjure up God for someone -- and in a manner in which a given mind and heart finds acceptable or justifiable. The more a given method has time to wield its effects on the person the greater its chance of succeeding. "That's God enough for me" naturally means different things to different people, including a sorcerer, artist, poet, theologian, moralist, legalist, ideologue, friend, brethren, philosopher, or brutal mind control experimenter. All of these play upon or work their talents toward different aspects of a person's form of judgment, using the different devices at their disposal and at which they are skilled; so that the subject is led to think the one playing the God game with them is God or of God -- and thus should be heeded as authority. Of course, it goes without saying con-artist spirit people are very good at and have their own clever ways of playing this game; indeed it is only through such methods is it possible for devilment and evil to achieve its aim of overthrowing the human mind.
New Age
New Coke
New World Order
Can you spot which one(s) is really a serial killer?
(If only his picture was included, I hear someone saying.)
With Powers and Abilities Far Beyond Those of Mortal Men
"Does Superman know you are using those brain torture radios?"
In continuing from before, here is another which if you read it a certain way, and leaving aside the ultimate merits of the Pro-Crown or Pro-America viewpoints of 1775, is wonderful for its simmering with sulphur and brimstone just beneath the surface; and some of the language and sentiments expressed by Wedderburn will sound quite familiar with respect to other times and places in history. Bear in mind meanwhile and in this instance that the greater question addressed is not necessarily whether the British Ministry or the Americans were more aggravated than the other, but whether military force was just and appropriate to resolve the dispute.
[Mr. Wedderburn addressing the Briish commons, October 26, 1775, said:]"...Why, then, do we hesitate? Because an inconsiderable party, inconsistent in their own politicks, and always hostile to all
government but their own, endeavour to obstruct our measures, and clog
the wheels of Government. Let us rather second the indignant voice of the
nation, which presses in from all quarters upon the Sovereign, calling loudly
for vigorous measures, and for the suppression of faction. Shall we be deaf
to its call? Sir, we have been too long deaf; we have too long shown our
forbearance and long-suffering; faction must now be curbed, must be subdued and crushed; our thunders must go forth; America must be conquered.
"Had my advice been taken (and gentlemen insinuate it is taken too much),
the House must do me the justice to own that a much more powerful force
than General Gage had would have been sent to America. But it is not yet, I
apprehend, too late; for I am not one of those ill-boding prophets who, from
every disaster, augur destructive consequences, and whose prophecies, like
those of antiquity, contribute more than any other circumstance to their own
completion. I hold it dastardly in the counsellor of a great and mighty empire
to encourage despondence, and to be the croaking raven of future mischiefs
and calamities...Exert your courage in proportion to the difficulties to be
surmounted; and, like your own oaks in the ocean, rise superior to the storm.
Such is the language of the genuine friend of England; such, I am persuaded,
is the language expected from us by a gallant nation, whose spirit, instead of
being depressed, is only roused by adverse accidents. Shall we stand as a
mound in the way of this torrent, which has hitherto borne down all opposition? Sir, I do not approve of that policy that would repress plebeian haughtiness, as it is called, and check that pride of empire with the idea of which the
souls of our common people swell, feeling their own importance.
"'Our lowest mechanicks,' it has been urged, 'now talk familiarly of our
subjects.' And why should they not? Feeling their own consequence, why
should they not, like freemen, give free course to their thoughts? However lightly this spirit may be now prized, it is what has raised England to the
great and glorious state which she now occupies. Do you imagine that the allurement of six pence a day fills our armies, mounts a breach, or takes a
battery of cannon? No, sir; we owe all this to the ferment of youthful blood,
to the high spirit of the people, to a love of glory, and a sense of national
honour. Let us cherish so noble a principle, and we shall soon feel the good
effects of its operation. This principle it was that frequently humbled the
pride of France, that formerly ruined the Spanish armada, and lately baffled
the Bourbon confederacy; the principle, in short, that lately crushed every
power that ever had the temerity to encounter your collected rage. View
the state of England in Elizabeth's reign, and learn fortitude from her
The sound on the following mp3 track of Tommy Steele singing "When that I was and a little tiny boy" (from a BBC production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night") unfortunately has a problem -- that is, the volume is too low. However, if you don't mind that too much or else have super speakers, you can download it here. (Right click, save as.)
Two reasons to love your fellow man (or woman) -- either for their merit, or else pity for their lack thereof. However, and this said, a ruthless war of extermination against pompous, arrogant, pseudo-religious, and criminal spirit people is very much in order and long overdue.
"Yes, but blackballing and censoring -- even murdering -- them won't quite do it -- I know. So that if you don't actually crucify them they'll still, no matter their plight and station otherwise, still manage to draw away our customers."
When Son of Sam hears voices and kills people, they call him a nut. Yet when [so and so, the producer of sorcery, serial killer, and witchcraft movies] hears voices and murders people, they call him a billionaire.
True harmony comes not in twos but in three or more, and sometimes we get a "two" idea when there needs a something else, a third something, added to it (say, e.g. a context) to give the "two" real or proper substance. It is not unusual, for example, for a young or immature thinker or artist to think themselves very clever or creative in coming up with what seems a witty combination of two thoughts and or feelings. Yet while they may have perhaps the beginning framework or basis for something great, without that one or more additional "something" the pair loses its potential for real, substantive merit, and, as a result, falls flat or else constitutes something merely trivial.
It is perhaps usual for many to think of Greek sculpture, such as, say, Phidias, Praxiteles, and the more romantic artists of later Hellenism, as not all that much really to see (at least once you've seen them.) But from a classical viewpoint sculptural works of a sublime cast or higher character are supposed to be effectively ALL (or at least very near to all) that can be seen physically by the mind's eye. Yet it is by no means intended that what the mind sees physically, by way of our regular eyes or our mind's eye, are all that the mind (not to mention the heart) is capable of seeing; so that there is sometimes posited, indeed assumed, the view that their is a greater vision possible, identified and recognized through aesthetics and certain kind of ideation (to coin a word) than what is possible with ordinary physical sight; therefore we can see things (including patterns) of that which are not sensibly physical.
You needs must be or be of the eternal yourself before you can speak or invoke eternity, say as a poet, to any purpose; nor can you be of eternity if you are not of the truth; nor can you be of the truth unless you are fundamentally (i.e. the vast majority of the time) honest and rational.
A part of accomplishing all this involves systematically side-lining, if not outright assassinating, society's best. When the best and most virtuous are gone, they will proceed to attack the next best. And after that the next best, then the next best after them, etc., until there effectively are no more such candidates and only the most evil and most wretched are left. And whether even these last will themselves in the end be spared is itself, of course, open to question.
It is a regrettable yet not uncommon facet of human psychology for us to despise someone if they are alone. How then do they get others to despise someone and refuse them human rights? By isolating them, of course.
Focus on hitting the target and avoid looking to see whether or not you hit it. Because if you are aiming and shooting properly it usually is inadvisable and isn't strictly necessary to check, and the more you do need to look and see the less likely you know what you are doing.
Well, imagine how I feel! As well as being poisoned multiple times, given diseases, scarified, attacked by sprites, ghosts, and demons, having brain torture radios used on me without pause, I lost those cute kids I had; in addition to missing out on friends, girls, relationships, career, money, etc. -- all so I could spend the last 17 years with a bunch of losers from Lord of the Rings!
As in Orcus, Latin deity of the underworld, and "or con" as in this person might not actually be Orcus, but instead someone feigning to be him, etc., or as in "Archon" a loose interpretation or translation for a democratic demagogue guilty of treason. The “k” serves as a helpful reminder of “Okeus” the American lord of the dark forces and wrongdoing.
One of the very best historical simulation games that ever came out on DOS (and with a sharp AI no less) was "Sons of Liberty," by SSI, and which program tactically recreates the battles of Bunker Hill, first Saratoga, and Monmouth. Unfortunately, SOL has long since been out of print. I had the original years ago but had parted with it when DOS went out. However, of late I was fortuitously (and at the last minute) able to obtain a copy, and having still in my possession much of the logon documentation previously photocopied, I put together this package including the game itself, and which, if interested (and perhaps for some who may have already forgot Memorial Day), you can download here.
Of course, to play the game now you need DOSBOX, and which you can download for free here. (Note, in order to enlarge the DOSBOX to full screen, hit ALT-Enter. Also, for laptops without a normal numeric keypad use the On-Screen keyboard found in your Accessories/Accessibility program directory.)
To set up, have DOSBOX already installed then in your hard drive directory C: create an empty folder which, for convenience, you can name SOL. Place the (unzipped) SOL game into that empty folder -- making sure there are no intermediary folders between the SOL folder and where the STARTE.exe file is located (so that you have the path C:\SOL\START.EXE.) Next, start up DOSBOX, and at the command line enter:
mount c: c:\SOL\
then hit Enter or Return.
Next, enter C: then Enter;
Type at the C: prompt cd \SOL then Enter; then type "start" (no quotation marks) and Enter.
Later Note. Since we're on the subject, here also is another superb DOS production deserving of more notice in retrospect than it received, "Carrier Strike" also by SSI. I'm very sorry they never updated this game as they did "Steel Panthers" because to my knowledge it's easily (allowing for old time graphics) the best and most enjoyable PC sim of its subject (WWII carrier operations in the Pacific theater) given the scale; whether of Windows, Mac or DOS platforms.
Other Great or at least Near Great nostalgic PC Titles Worth Keeping that we haven't here or elsewhere yet mentioned:
"Oldtime Baseball" (Stormfront Studios) with, your choice, Curt Gowdy or Mel Allen at the mike.
"Silent Hunter II" (Pacific theater version -- SSI)
"Panzer Elite" (Jo Wood): original version (though still, like most of these titles, in need of a good patch or a properly revised and improved edition.) Avoid later versions of this game however because they either aren't as good as the original or else don't even work as computer programs.
"Task Force 1942" (Microprose)
"Combat Flight Simulator 2" (Microsoft) Try the 'Sink the Soryu' mission module sometime if you ever need to get your adrenaline going.
"Clash of Steel" (SSI)
"War Along the Mohawk" (Empire Interactive) A good basic idea that works, but unfortunately with some extraneous features, like shooting rats, that it could well have done without or else should have been made optional (e.g. Indian magic.)
Various Koei historical strategic titles (which essentially use a similar but solid and straightforward interface with many player option features.)
"Civil War Generals 2" (Sierra)
"D-Day: America Invades" (Avalon Hill)
"Great Battles" series: Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar (Imagic)
It's not the error that is actually so very terrible. It's their not, as time goes, on, seeing or knowing they are making the error that is most disastrous.
One thing that is so very essential to keep in mind in midst of the chaos and upheaval that have proliferated and permeated societies world wide in recent decades is that the danger does not so much lie with the billionaires or that part humanity which constitutes the ignorant and unthinking mob, rather the real and by far greater danger lies with intrusive, manipulating and or autocratic spirit people, and who not untypically take on the guise of God or else some higher divinity or superior being of seeming benevolence. A policy, in opinion, ought to be adopted of tracking down, rooting out and eliminating these prominent spirit people like we would a plague or epidemic; since that is effectively what they are or at least they are the carriers of such sickness while at the same time acting if they were or represented higher authority. This phenomena of a virulent disease that acts as if it were higher authority and whom vast numbers of people directly or indirectly obey as if it were higher authority lies at the root of all our very worst problems, and if we neglect to vigorously, indeed ruthlessly, go after him then all our other efforts elsewhere and in this sphere of things can, will and have only come to naught.
And for those having a problem with fear of these people, think about it this way. At the end of the day and for all their dazzling wealth and seeming omniscience, you can dismiss and view with contempt demonism and demonists just as you would the real merits of the latest box-off record breaker; which is to say only if you are intelligent and have courage enough to do so.
Later Note.
In case you are having difficulty finding a DVD copy of "Superman Returns" (and for which film, btw, there was phenomenally expensive merchandising) you might try, or if no luck there, see
One thing that is so very essential to keep in mind in midst of the chaos and upheaval that have proliferated and permeated societies world wide in recent decades is that the danger does not so much lie with the billionaires or that part humanity which constitutes the ignorant and unthinking mob, rather the real and by far greater danger lies with intrusive, manipulating and or autocratic spirit people, and who not untypically take on the guise of God or else some higher divinity or superior being of seeming benevolence. A policy, in opinion, ought to be adopted of tracking down, rooting out and eliminating these prominent spirit like a plague or epidemic; since that is effectively what they are or at least they are the carriers of such sickness while at the same time acting if they were or represented higher authority. This phenomena of a virulent disease that acts as if it were higher authority and whom vast numbers of people directly or indirectly obey as if it were higher authority lies at the root of all our very worst problems, and if we neglect to vigorously, indeed ruthless go after him then all our other efforts elsewhere and in this sphere of things can, will and have only come to naught.
There now, you see? What can't the wonders of modern medication help cure? Just take a look below at these results (sorry it is not possible for me to include the animation part.)
Although he is talented and good at some things, he is not really so powerful, or religiously important, or gets away with murder as much as he does because he is so diabolically clever. Rather, it's because he is such a retard and a mutant whom we have to all feel sorry for and, as part of doing so, acquiesce to letting him have his way.
"They're HERE...."
Yes, I know. But when are they going to leave (could you tell me that?)
Marching On
(With illustrations by Clyde Risley and H. Charles McBarron.)
Even if Dante imagined hell to be heaven, it doesn't necessarily follow that he didn't end up in heaven (i.e. others can and could have corrected his error for him.)
Why?! Why?! Why such problems?!
All to placate and sooth the hurt feelings of their leader -- that great, all time, original wrong doer, Bud Satan, who had to do the wrong thing.
There are good grounds for at least suspecting that a number of the events that ignited the American Revolutionary war were diabolically instigated and by parties on both sides of the debate being used as puppets by manipulative spirit people. The Boston Tea Party, fondly thought of afterward, not to mention some of the more unruly mob acts of some of the Bostonians were far from being heartily approved of by all of the more notable rebels, including such as George Washington. What the rebel colonists did agree over was being indignant and in protesting the grievances that incited such unrest -- and not necessarily the methods sometimes used, such as tarring and feathering or assaulting private homes, to express that dissatisfaction. It may then be the case that these more unruly and violent acts of protest on the part of some of the colonists were possibly fomented and orchestrated by nefarious spirit persons; so that the King's ministers would have a seeming just excuse of provocation to then inflict a harsh and sadistic punishment on Boston. Be this as it may, the following are some interesting quotations and extracts on the subject from some books I have been going through of late and that, in any case, make for some interesting reading.
"Mr. Van said he agreed to the flagitiousness of the offence of the Americans, and therefore was of opinion that the town of Boston ought to be knocked about their ears and destroyed. Delenda est Carthago. [Carthage Must Be Destroyed.] Said he, I am of opinion you will never meet with proper obedience to the laws of this country until you have destroyed that nest of locusts."
~ Debate in the Commons on the Boston Port Bill, 23 March 1774.
"On April 15 of the same year Mr. Van advocated burning the forests and leaving the country open, so that the Americans might be deprived of protection"..."During the years preceding the Revolution, several of the colonies attempted to restrict the slave trade, but the English government interfered, and this interference was one cause of grievance to the Americans. In 1761 Virginia proposed to abandon the trade (Bancroft, II, 549), but in behalf of English merchants, the home government refused to allow restrictions. In the same year South Carolina made a similar proposal, which met with similar opposition. In 1772 Virginia again protested (III, 411); and one of Lord Dunmore's last acts was to veto a bill to check the trade by a heavy duty on slaves." -- footnotes by editor Hammond Lamont in his Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America (1897).
"You have, Sir, no Government, no
Governor; the whole are the proceedings of a tumultuous and riotous rabble, who ought, if they had the least prudence, to follow their mercantile employment, and not trouble themselves with politics and Government, which they do not understand."
~ Lord Germain, Debate in the Commons on the bill for regulating the government of Massachusetts Bay, 28 March 1774.
"A settled plan is laid to subvert the liberties and constitution of this country [i.e. England], as well as that of America. You are personally obnoxious to the King and
his Junto, as having shown more spirit in support of your rights than the
people of this country, who are immersed in riches, luxury and dissipation.
Therefore, every nerve will be exerted to subdue your spirit, and make you
first bow your necks to the yoke, which will prove a useful example to the
people at home. The plan is deeply laid by the King, Lords Bute, Mansfield
and Wedderburne; for which purpose they employ the most useful tools in
the kingdom: Lord North, a tyrant from principle, cunning, treacherous and
persevering, a perfect adept; and his brother-in-law, Lord Dartmouth, who
will whine, preach and cry, while he is preparing privately a dagger to stab
you to the heart. Under this direction, the several acts against Boston, the
Massachusetts Bay and Quebec act, have passed the last sessions; to enforce
them soldiers and ships of war have already been sent to Boston, and many
more will follow on the least occasion. General Carleton, the ablest officer in
the British service, is sent to his Government of Quebec, to embody 30,000
Roman Catholics there [Note how, by inference, Lee associates the King's government with Catholics; the church of course having been used and at certain times historically to play this same sort of despotic political role.] The Ministers have offered to General Amherst the
command in chief of America, and to General Sir William Draper, the government of New York. General Amherst has not yet agreed to accept, but
has it now in consideration. Amherst, Gage, Carleton and Draper are to be employed against you."
~ William Lee, in London, to his brother Richard Henry Lee, 10 September 1774.
A better than average poet or writer does and should have more than just one voice within them to tap into or utilize; just as a band or orchestra has so many different instruments and musicians that might be availed of to best bring out a piece of music; so that, for example, a writer might, depending on the circumstance or occasion, speak with the voice of empathy, the voice of reason, voice of humor, the voice of reverence, the voice of indignation, the voice of ardor, the voice of skepticism, etc.; yet which voices contrasted or blended together ultimately express or bespeak the one voice of the great spirit.
A word of explanation -- If possibly you have been following my website the past couple weeks, you may have noticed that the frequency of my posts has diminished. I would simply remark in this regard that it is no reflection of jadedness or despondency on my part, but rather is my natural reflex to take a vacation. To be quite frank, I don't know who if anybody actually reads this site (I get absolutely no mail on the subject), and if nothing else I enjoy doing it as a past time and an opportunity to express myself, explore sundry issues and, hopefully, be creative.
My life situation otherwise continues to be largely one of being subject to brain torture radios around the click and harassment by the ghoulish magician or else goomer ghost, his look alike partner. I meanwhile am attempting to devise military measures to wipe out and destroy their false heaven, and while I have yet to succeed, some progress has, nonetheless, been made. Yet aside from all this, I am just here to take care of the cat (but for her I would gladly die outright and without murmur or complaint just to get away from these people), but endeavor to improve myself through study and do some writing when I can (and when disposed to do so.)