Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
I have said this in different ways before, but it is also worth saying again; that is, the nonsense of spirit people who casually and doggedly misbehave at the grief and hard expense of others, or who condone such an attitude and behavior, lies in their saying "it doesn't matter." If it doesn't matter, then why not not do the given thing; or else why not prevent it from taking place? It doesn't matter, right?
He's only an insect, that's true; even so, he shares the same creation and infinite universe you and I do.
Looking at, visiting, or talking about Nature is far from enough to make a human being, or human society, more natural -- what is necessary is more compassion, a sense of responsibility, rational justice, and truth.
He, this oft mentioned ghostly magician, and as best as I can put it, is like an evil Herman Munster.
The following are taken from some descriptions and reviews, from, of the PC game "Gangsters," 1 and 2, by Eidos Interactive, and will give some people a very precise education in a nutshell; hence my sharing it with you, if you are such, here.
( given description): "Gangsters 2 takes you to a fantasy Prohibition-era America. To rise from the ranks of fledgling hoodlum to feared and respected made man, you must effectively run legitimate businesses during the day as a front for more creative enterprises at night. The gameplay is narrative driven, and features real-time action and strategy. You will have to use skills and cunning to build a team of mobsters, including specialists such as card sharks, hit men, arsonists, and safecrackers. You will receive in-game advice to assist in your advancement, plus a daily newspaper will keep you updated on the status of your empire, as well as those of your rivals... "As you move on from episode to episode, you take your hired hands with you, and dole out experience points to them in different categories based on performance: combat, stealth, or special skill (diplomat, distiller, bomber, hit man, driver, etc..)"
(Jayson A. Olson): "When you take over buildings in the city, either by buying them, by force, etc., you must stay in control. For the building generate you money, and if you set up an illegal business (speakeasy, card den, brothels, brewery, distiller, gun smith, etc..) you rake in more money to expand your empire. Use money to buy better guns, recruit muscle, buy better armored cars, and buy influence over the police, the judge, the DA, etc...Bribery is big, however, the FBI are incorruptible, but every other figure in the game is. I love the drive by shootings!!! I often eliminate my opponent by taking out enemy gangs by Tommy and shotguns via a drive by, hop out of the car, and bust up their business (either by bombing, or killing those inside massacre style) and speed off before the police arrive. This disrupts the cash flow for your opponent, and even better if you can capture the business yourself and set up shop. You generate more money while increasing your influence in town! But be careful, you better hire guards for you new place, because your opponent doesn't like you taking over and will soon dispatch his own thugs to reclaim lost businesses."
(A Kid's Review):"Fun: This game is so fun. you blow buildings out of the ground, burn down buildings to ashes, even collect protection money and kiddnap people and if one of yours gets captured to can trade people."
Feel more or less free to berate, even curse, incomprehensibly obnoxious spirit people. However, it is, I think, absolutely necessary for a Christian to patiently finesse everybody else (who does or might offend them); because if you knew the truth, trouble of an ongoing nature comes, by far, more from incorrigibly troublesome spirit people than anyone else.
Again -- and I am repeating this because it is extremely important -- nothing is a fact or true unless someone says it is a fact or it is true. There is no fact or assertion of fact; there is no value call without someone to make that factual conclusion or arrive at that value judgment. If a fact or value judgment then in some way distresses you, you owe it to yourself to answer the "who" part of the equation. If "who" is no good -- say (for example) you have good reason to think them mendacious -- then what do you necessarily care about what they claim to be the fact of the matter? This said, of course, it is always possible for a very erring person to be right and correct about something; and this of course is something one should also always keep in mind.
"You thought it was the greatest thing in the world. But Steve, let me tell you something, and you mean well, there is much in fact you have to learn about what it means to be interesting or to be an interesting person."
A very interesting account and version of the Arnold treason plot and resultant execution of Andre' is given in Charles Stedman's History of the Origins, Progress and Termination of the American War, Vol. II, pp. 247-253; and which I thought I would post here for some who, like myself, might find it worthy of more close examination; the "what ifs" that can be raised with respect to the sequence of events are being in this instance fairly intriguing. What if, for example, the Vulture had not been fired upon? It makes me think that if there were a spirit-person devil who had it out for Andre, he might have brought that incident to pass. Someone might object, why would the devil do that rather than assist Arnold and Clinton? Perhaps, it was seen at the last that that bringing about the scheme successfully was too fraught with complications and risky ramifications. At the same time, doing-in someone like Andre would be a great feather in some devil's cap. Also, if we look for who was most to blame, was it not Arnold for telling Andre to act as his prisoner? Perhaps (we might consider), he originally obtained the idea and suggestion from someone else. The very difficulties Arnold is described as having found himself beset with were more than likely and to some significant degree devil fomented or orchestrated taunts designed to get him to react -- certain such would be very in keeping with a devil's manner and way of doing things.
As to Andre's sentence itself, I personally don't think great fault, if any, can be found in it on technical or legal grounds such as Stedman or others argue; all the less so given the gravity of the danger his actions posed the Americans.
"Whilst general Washington was absent from his army upon this service, a deep-laid scheme was formed by one of his own officers, one of general for delivering up to sir Henry Clinton the strong post of West Point, in the high lands upon the North River, the possession of which would have nearly cut off all communication between the northern important post into the and middle colonies. The officer engaged in this design was the hands of the famous general Arnold, whose services in the cause of America had been of the most meritorious kind, and whose brilliant actions in the field justly raised him to superior notice and regard. After the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British troops in the year 1778, he was appointed to command the American garrison that took possession of it ; and while he acted in that capacity had the misfortune to disgust many of the inhabitants, and even to fall under the displeasure of congress. He lived expensively, and, as was supposed, considerably beyond his stated income; but he was at the fame time concerned in trading speculations, and had shares in several privateers; and upon the profits expected from those adventures, he probably relied, as a means of enabling him to keep up the state and style of life he had assumed. He had also claims against the public to a considerable amount ; and upon the payment of them he depended as a fund to satisfy the immediate demands of his creditors, who were beginning to become importunate. But the trading speculations in which he had engaged proved unproductive ; his privateers were unsuccessful; and a considerable portion of his demand against the public was cut off, by the commissioners appointed to examine his accounts. From the decision of the commissioners, general Arnold appealed to the congress, who appointed a committee of their own members to revise the sentence: But the committee of congress were even less favourable to his views than the commissioners, from whose decision he had appealed. They reported that the balance already allowed by the commissioners was more than general Arnold was entitled to receive.
"So many disappointments could not fail to ruffle a temper less irritable than general Arnold's: Recollecting his former services, he gave full scope to his resentment, and complained of ill-usage and ingratitude in terms better calculated to provoke than to mollify, and such as were peculiarly offensive to congress. His enemies availed themselves of his indiscretion to swell the tide of popular clamour which already ran strongly against him. A court-martial was appointed to examine into his conduct during his command in Philadelphia, and by the sentence of that board it was in general terms reprehended, and himself subjected to the mortification of receiving a reprimand from general Washington.
"From this moment it is supposed that Arnold formed the design of quitting the American service and joining the British; and only delayed the execution of his purpose until an opportunity should offer of performing some essential service to the power which he was about to join, that might render his accession of more importance. A correspondence was opened with sir Henry Clinton: The a delivering up the post at West Point, where Arnold, now commanded, was the service he proposed to perform; and the interval of general Washington's absence, when he went to confer with the French commanders, was the time appointed for finishing the negotiation. To facilitate the means of carrying on the previous correspondence, the Vulture sloop of war was stationed in the North River, at such a distance from Weft Point as to excite no suspicion, but near enough to serve for the intended communication; and as general Arnold required a confidential person to treat with, major Andre, aid-du-camp to sir Henry Clinton, and adjutant- general of the British army, undertook to confer with him, and bring the British negotiation to a conclusion. For this purpose he repaired on board the Vulture sloop. At night, in pursuance of a previous arrangement, a boat from the shore carried him to the beach, where he met general Arnold ; and day-light approaching before the business on which they had met was finally adjusted, major Andre was told that he must be conducted to a place of safety, and lie concealed until the following night, when he might return on board the Vulture without the danger of being discovered. The beach where the first conference was held was without, but the place of safety to which major Andre was conducted to lie concealed during the day, was within the American out-posts, against his intention, and with out his knowledge. Here, however, he remained with general Arnold during the day ; and at night, the boatmen refusing to carry him on board the Vulture, because she had shifted her position during the day, in consequence of a gun being brought to bear upon her from the shore, he was reduced to the necessity of endeavouring to make his way to New York by land. Laying aside his regimentals, which he had hitherto worn, he put on a plain suit of clothes; and receiving a pass from general Arnold, under the assumed name of John Anderson, as if he had been sent down the country on public business, he set out on his return to New York. His pas port secured him from interruption at the American out-posts; and he had already passed them all, and thought himself out of danger, when three American militia-men, who had been sent out to patrol near the road along which he travelled, suddenly springing from the woods, seized the bridle of his horse and stopped him. The suddenness of the surprise seems to have deprived major Andre of his wonted presence of mind ; and, although a man of the greatest address, he was entrapped by the rude simplicity of clowns. Having inquired from whence they were, and being answered, 'From below;' 'And so,' said he, 'am I.' It was not long before he discovered his mistake; but too late, it would appear, to remove the impression which his first answer had made. The men who had made him prisoners searched him for papers, and having taken from his boot a packet, in the hand-writing of general Arnold, determined to carry him without delay to their commanding officer. It was in vain that he offered them a purse of gold and his watch, to suffer him to pass : His promises of an ample provision, and getting^ them promotion, if they would accompany him to New York, were equally unavailing. The unfortunate Andre, after these efforts to regain his liberty, seems to have been regardless of what might be his own fate, and was only anxious to save general Arnold. Before the commanding officer of the militia he continued to perforate the supposed John Anderson, and requested that a messenger might be sent to general Arnold to acquaint him with his detention. A messenger being accordingly dispatched, and sufficient time having elapsed for general Arnold to make his escape, he no longer disguised his real name, and avowed himself to be major Andre, adjutant-general of the British army: He also wrote a letter to general Washington, in his real name, acquainting him that he was his prisoner, and accounting for the disguise which necessity had obliged him film to assume. The message sent to general Arnold, announcing the detention of John Anderson, was sufficient notice to him to provide for his own safety : He quitted West Point without delay, got on board the Vulture sloop, and in her proceeded to New York.
"In the mean time general Washington returned from his interview with the French commanders, and being informed of what had patted during his absence, together with Arnold's escape, he reinforced the garrison of Weft Point with a strong detachment from his army, and appointed a board of general officers, to inquire into and report upon the cafe of major Andre. The candid, open, manly, and ingenuous explanation of his conduct, given by major Andre, before the board of officers, impressed with admiration and esteem even his enemies who were about to shed his blood. Dismissing from his thoughts all personal considerations of danger, he was only Anxious that the transaction in which he had been engaged, shaded as it was by the intervention of unfortunate circumstances, might be cleared from obscurity, and appear in its genuine colours, at least with respect to his intention, which was incapable of swerving from the paths of honour. But the board of officers fixing their attention upon the naked fact of his being in disguise within their lines, without perhaps duly considering the unfortunate train of incidents which unexpectedly, and almost unavoidably, led him into that situation, were of opinion that he came under the description, and ought to suffer the punishment, of a spy.
"The concern felt at New York, in consequence of the capture of major Andre, was in the mean time inconceivably great : His gallantry as an officer, and amiable demeanour as a man, had gained him not only the admiration, but the affection, of the whole army; and the uncertainty of his fate filled them with the deepest anxiety. Sir Henry Clinton, whose esteem and regard he enjoyed in an eminent degree, immediately opened a correspondence with general Washington, by means of a flag of truce, and urged every motive which justice, policy, or humanity, could suggest, to induce a remission of the sentence. Finding his letters ineffectual, he sent out general Robertson, with a flag, to confer upon the subject with any officer that should be appointed by general Washington. An inter- view took place between general Robertson and general Green[e], who had been president of the court-martial. But all efforts to save the unfortunate Andre were unavailing: His doom was irrevocably fixed. The greatness of the danger which the American army had escaped by the discovery of Arnold's plot before it was ripe for execution, seems to have extinguished in the breath of the inexorable Washington, every spark of humanity that remained. Although entreated by a most pathetic letter from major Andre, written on the day previous to his execution, to change the mode of his death from that of a common malefactor to one more correspondent to the feelings of a soldier, he would not condescend to grant even this inconsiderable boon to the supplication of his unfortunate prisoner : And on the second day of October this accomplished young officer met his fate, in the manner prescribed by his sentence, with a composure^ serenity, and fortitude, which astonished the beholders, and excited those emotions of sympathy that would have been more honourably and humanely exercised in averting than lamenting his fate.
"Thus fell the unfortunate Andre. If intention is necessary to constitute guilt; and if guilt alone merits punishment, some doubt may be entertained with respect to the sentence of the board of officers. Major Andre did not, at first, knowingly enter within the American lines: He was then also in his regimentals: And when he actually found himself within those lines, contrarily to his intention, whatever he afterwards did, in order to extricate himself, by assuming a disguise, and using a feigned passport, ought rather to be ascribed to the imposed. necessity of his situation than to choice. But, even if the sentence pronounced against him should be found agreeable to the letter of the law of nations, so unsuitable is the exercise of extreme justice to our imperfect state, that we turn with disgust from those transactions, in which the finer feelings of humanity have been sacrificed to its rigour. Bright as the fame of Washington shall shine in the annals of America, as one of the most illustrious supporters of her independence, the sons of freedom will lament the cold insensibility, that did not suffer him to interpose, in order to rescue from his fate so gallant an officer, and even could withhold from him the poor consolation of meeting death like a soldier; whilst a glance of indignation shall dart from the eyes of her fair and compassionate daughters, softened only by the tear of pity for the fate of the accomplished Andre."
There is this spirit person of reputedly great consequence; who is sort of the Bugsy Malone of demonism or satanism; somewhat diminutive but whom you are not permitted to see unless susceptible to certain states of fear. So I said to them, can't I see him without the fear? The answer was no; unless I was afraid I could not see him.
I slumbered and had a dream; waking in which I found myself in a land or world where there were all these often dignified in their way, usually quiet, modest, humble, sometimes cute or affable, animals, both large and little; who unless provoked normally behaved themselves very well, consuming of others only as much as was naturally necessary -- yet who were seen as having no real rights to guard them; and were being harshly confined, murdered or taken heartless advantage of by communities of people like you and myself; where even the most wealthy among us will far more pity himself than these inexplicably helpless beings. I wondered, surely there must be something wrong with such who treat these poor animals so? What mad world then is this I have somehow stumbled into?
I had always thought "Ecce Homo" referred to Christ brutalized. Yet now I realize it refers rather to the ringleader of those brutalizing him.
If you're their lord and savior then you go live with and take care of these people. Don't be dumping them on us to babysit!
He keeps hidden and remains secret for a very good reason -- he doesn't make any sense!
It's all right sometimes to feel sorry for yourself; just as it is all right every now and then to revel in your greatness.
If a person is so powerful that he can cause, prevent or counteract a great evil, then he must be God or someone to be likened to.
Is this true? There are arguments for and against this proposition. Yet this must be borne in mind when we begin, applying the above postulate, to include spirit people as possible candidates for deity. Even though they may be supremely puissant and in many respects, they may be extremely frail and weak in others. If they are extremely frail or weak in some respects -- say they are very shy, secretive, self-loathing, for example -- would this not make suspect all and everything else wonderous they were capable of -- at least if we were considering them as possessing some kind of ultra-divine like status?
Similarly, do we call someone "the champ" merely because he always got to have his way -- and at the sore expense of others -- for many, many years?
If one thinks good comes from evil and doing the wrong thing ('a certain way'), rather than from Good and doing the right thing, then what will he do if one day Evil asks a favor or makes demands of him? True, others like himself who resort to mere 'evil' (i.e. as opposed to great 'Evil') may see it is also in their interest to come to his aid in such an event. But then again, maybe not. Understand, most people who use "evil" to have their way usually or most always, if not always, do so for some worldly gain, say like lucre, sex, or prestige. But real Evil people don't really or necessarily need those things in what they are about, and will be Evil for entirely other reasons; and which people who listen to them (being markedly irrational) don't have the foggiest idea of.
Just by the way, not unworthy of mention, is that perhaps the greatest key and secret to the power of Evil is its enlisting some dumb idiot to sacrifice himself, willingly, for it while at the same time getting him to take chump change for his trouble. These latter then become those great magnates and moguls who tell every one what to do and how to live their life we've grown so accustomed to having around.
One thing you can say on Gonzales' behalf is that while his opponents get full and ample coverage and airtime, I don't see or hear any from his side of the argument (outside the President.) Now anyone with the least bit of real sense and with only a modicum of moral perspicuity will know that the mass media and entertainment (including the news), is the present-day home of organized crime and the very worst criminals in our society, as well as the spewing orifice for the most sick and vicious depravity in our midst. Yet it is among these people we find the attorney general's bitterest opponents; who in no insignificant way are tied into the same public watchdogs who dutifully see to it that Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are regularly being tracked and monitored; in addition to constantly scandalizing and ruining people. News reporting, indeed is so corrupt, spineless, and hypocritical that far from helping to inform and enlighten people they much more act to uphold the fascist values of centralized corporate "America;" indeed, to some of them it must be no secret that they have indeed become little more than the mask and cover for those most rich and wealthy criminals who zealously seek to make and maintain themselves as something respectable. Certainly, there are individual news people who are conscientious and responsible; that are exceptions to this charge. But ask yourself if at large and with most of them it isn't. Look at the system of public communications in this country and ask yourself if it is not routinely doctored and censored in order to bolster the most prurient and sordid of moneyed interests. It is in such you will find the true origin of the reported 'populist' momentum against the likes recently of Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Martha Stewart, ad nauseum.
Does Catholicism promote class division? Of itself, I am convinced, no, and certainly not necessarily. Yet it can and has been used by some for that purpose, and for obviously less than Christian ends. no doubt you yourself can imagine or will have known instances where a parish or diocese; while administering to the very poor's needs, also pays special care to the needs of the very wealthy -- yet while effectively ignoring the middle class; including and especially claims of injustice being done them by more wealthy and powerful people; which latter as seen as either not qualifying as needy or else people who should go to the rich to seek redress for their grievances. This I believe strongly is one of the reasons why many of the Anglo-European settlers of America who sought a way of life beyond ostentatious wealth and struggling poverty, were often very anti-Catholic. But again, the fault we are pointing out here is not inherent to Catholicism; but its hijacking and misuse, intentionally or no, by non and would be Catholics.
In seeking social and community reform in the present age there is little room to advance forward and break new ground. Instead, and to a much larger extent, we find ourselves in throes of acute and bizarre suffering; straining to get back what some 20 years ago or so we took for granted and already had. I would think it trite to make this remark, but for how oblivious so many people seem to be about what has been going on these latter decades.
If you desire to be a better than good writer or poet, avoid writing merely what you think people ought to hear or will impress them. Rather, write about what is essentially and in its significance new to you; or else what, only recently, you needed to hear, discover, or learn of yourself; while taking due measure, of course, of how what you have to say might or might not be "new" to or unanticipated by others.
The Champ
Let's see then, who has he been so far? Well, there's Hannibal, a Tyrannosaurus, Spiderman, or the masked figure (of which there have been many) par excellence; but now also I think Shrek; but Shrek with an attitude; Shrek with an edge.
"The invisible monster king, and his radioactive slave and zombie followers" -- this is the sort of manner you should address these people; that is, derisively; with contempt; putting up with not the least nonsense (if you can help it); for if you answer to and let the dead rule over you, you are doing exactly that. And that, I submit, is no way to live.
Widespread sickness and death (both physical and spiritual), more than from any other cause (I think it will be found), arise from people's deliberately permitting a useless dead man to feed off a living, useful one; in fact, a given society or culture will sometimes even offer that dead man selected victims (most usually poor persons, social undesirables and people of conscience), as well as a rich and honored home in its midst. Now why would a society do such a thing? Well, that way Hell, which is the killer's friend, will supposedly have mercy on them for their open mindedness, compassion, and impartiality. Later, to clinch the deal, someone from "Heaven" will come and tell them Hell is right to act as it does because those who would condemn the killer are being self-righteous and uncharitable. Finally, if anyone attempts to attack or wage war on this hypocritical and ultimately self-defeating arrangement that attempts to secure peace by means of appeasement and giving into false fear, such will, predictably, be ostracized and or persecuted as society's adversary. They key to making this all happen? Why, of course, lies and secrecy.
Although there persists at large a shameful ignorance and indifference with respect to the degree and amount of trouble spirit people cause and are responsible for; it is, nonetheless, more wise and prudent to not blame them for everything. After all some of those same problems a person has might even yet be around even if conniving spirit people weren't. One can't always be so entirely sure. What these people will certainly do, however, is adapt those problems, i.e. which you still might have, to what the plan is they otherwise have intended for you; and make those problems work for them against and to weaken you. Some then might understandably, for instance, blame them for a given problem; but it may be that they aren't really the cause of that particular problem, and instead are only exacerbating or highlighting it (including even taking credit for causing it if doing so will deceive you or else further some end of theirs.) This said, that they do, I will continue to maintain, cause many, if not most, and the worst problems people do encounter; and this, allowing for the above qualification should go without saying. The answer in dealing with the dilemma such as is posed is simply to get at and decide what is doing the very worst harm to all; and, second, address who is most responsible for bringing that harm about. Such a determination I will also continue to assume requires both honesty and reason, otherwise I don't see how one can intelligently address such questions.
n.. Latin, from Greek Kerberos,
Date: 14th century.
1. Classical Mythology. A dog, usually represented as having three heads; that guarded the entrance of the infernal regions.
2. A formidable and often surly keeper or guard.
3. An investment and management team which believes that strong corporate governance is the cornerstone to business.
He is using us so he can create a role of importance for himself; spending our money that he might continue to live as a rich and great man.
There are spirit people patriotic bunkum and shows, just as there are religious; so that you need not bother with that either. Again, we don't say all spirit people are bad, or manifestations of spirit people powers are necessarily a bad thing. Nor do we say, for example, that halos are of themselves necessarily a bad thing (no more than a velvet cap or feathered headdress is or isn't a good or bad thing.) Rather what we say -- as a general rule -- is if they or it pretend to authority and yet, at the same time, are not of the truth, and that includes honesty and forthrightness (essential components of rudimentary justice and fairness); who or whatever it is is no good, i.e. or at least one would have legitimate grounds for assessing them that way. In sum, judge a spirit person, as you would anyone else; with probity and as best you can; and more by how they act than by what they appear to be; no matter how powerful and miraculous seeming.
The demonist...he always had to do the wrong thing a certain way. The only problem is, however, we have never seen it working out for him not once, not yet.
The difference between the Holy Spirit and the Great Spirit is what? There is none really, unless the Holy Spirit could be made distinct from the other term by saying it is the same being or spirit adapting itself to a more urban, close-dwelling environment. While the Holy Spirit might have been present to some extent among the urban dwelling Aztecs, obviously it was not sufficiently so to meet the needs of the city environment. Even to this day, to the extent the cities wall out creation religion struggles in them; and which perhaps is a sign that it is overly large cities which pose the greatest risk and threat to our ability to survive -- hence certain glamorous spirit people's ideas of dispensing with the whole thing altogether and getting it over with -- like a bullet in the head.
In response to the following statement of William Hazlitt, or ascribed to him, and given as the Google "Quote of the Day" for May 10, 2007:
"Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be."
Man is by no means the only animal that laughs and weeps. Indeed, even certain vegetation can be made to weep; as was once demonstrated to me by some Hell spirit people (and presumably a regular person accomplice with them); who left for me to find in my kitchen a never (by me) seen before and otherwise unaccountable mould or fungus growing in an unused oven pan. They were able to somehow actually torment this fungus in such a manner that it actually exuded weeping and sorrow; such that I could feel physically that weeping and sorrow when I came close enough to it (say within two feet.) As well in addition to this odd example, you yourself, of course, can probably think at least an instance or more an animal manifesting sadness or unhappiness.
Laughter, on the other hand, seems less evident in animals and plants. Yet no doubt there are occasions when an animal's playing can be said to be done or carried on with a certain obvious good humor and sense of frolic.
Since Glen Campbell's relatively rare mid-sixties album "A New Place in the Sun" is not likely to be released on CD anytime soon -- or until then anyway -- here, from that LP, is his version of "A Place in the Sun;" which song, of course, is among those I did in my "Gun Jones Amateur Hour" (see link below among Miscellaneous.)
Later Note. In 2008 the aforesaid album was re-released and below is a link to the said track by way of mp3 downloads.
What can or does a "non-audible" sound or "sound in one's head" sound like? Well, as one example, let's see if some of you can remember or hear this.
"Hey, Mr. Wilson!"
We thought nobody outside a World War II documentary could act like that. That's what we thought. But despite our expectations, they went on and did act like that. And yet after all the taking over, after all the empire, after all the movies, after all the shows, after all the carrying on -- all purchased at an inexpressible amount of sad and outrageous suffering and injustice levied on others -- where is their audience; who now truly cares? All of which, I think you will agree, goes to prove, once again, you can force people to obey, but you can never really force them to like you.
The idea is that if you attack Evil and are able to thwart or defeat it, you will in one fell swoop diminish significantly, if not, in the given instance, remove entirely, a host of lesser evils; yet which lesser evils take up and absorb a fantastic amount of energy, time, wealth, and resources, and which energy time, wealth, and resources could be then directed to other concerns. By Evil I mean the deliberate use of extreme terror, violence, and or cruelty -- whether in or outside a conventional military war, it doesn't have to be one or the other necessarily -- in order to further someone's interests and policy. Ironically, though perhaps not surprisingly, one of the devices of those who consciously use Evil (and as well typically seek to justify it) then is to get certain people to believe that their livelihood is dependent on the perpetration of those lesser evils (seeing as how those persons might hold a job or profession which addresses a given lesser evil as an ongoing problem), and therefore they should not seek to combat Evil. At the same time, there might be said to be a kind of fear that arises, not only from the idea of acknowledging the existence of Evil, let alone fighting it, but also a fear of how uncomfortable it might be to have those lesser evils we have grown accustomed to having around -- such as random crime, rampant ignorance, cultural vandalism, ecological pollution, certain illnesses, etc. -- be no longer.
As I am not infrequently given to using this website to contribute to the general good and public welfare, here is the Overture to Handel's "Berenice" edited so as to be without the rather formal beginning and tail ends; so that now you can listen to that part of the piece you really wanted to hear (and without having to wait through the less interesting and not strictly necessary rest of it.)
An Imaginary Encounter
1st Citizen: O.K. It's settled then now, isn't it? You have a billion dollars, right? You have all these wonderful people working for you, right? O.K. so no more torture and no more stalking and harassing of people, is that fair?
2nd Citizen: No.
1st Citizen: What do you mean no?
2nd Citizen: We can't do what you are asking us -- it's too hard to mind our own business.
1st Citizen: What do you mean it's too hard to mind your own business? Why people mind their own business all the time. It's a piece of cake. It's easy; believe me. Trust me on this. No, I think the real problem is that you just aren't applying yourself enough.
2nd Citizen: I'm no Christian.
1st Citizen: Who says you have to be Christian in order to mind your own business?
2nd Citizen: You are making me bear a cross.
1st Citizen: No, I am not; on the contrary, minding your own business is the easiest thing in the world. Besides, be reasonable after all; you're getting away with murder like crazy as it is, aren't you?
2nd Citizen: Maybe, but we still have to do the wrong thing.
It is not a little vexing, is it not, that despite our seeing and hearing belligerence, or senseless or knee-jerk aggression, or the desire to hurt others, or brazen and unbridled sadism, and or other assorted pronounced expressions of violence and viciousness on national television -- and this incessantly; on a day to day basis; and for many years now -- that someone arrives at the conclusion that fear and terrorism are overflowing in the Middle East and are here and on their way here to attack us!
If he knew the truth, it was never really his nightmare or nightmarish image that afflicted his thoughts and imaginings to begin with; rather it was some sorcerer or other ghost who deliberately put it there while trying to get him to accept it as his own -- and which he, dupe as he is, did!
And if, when all is said and done and despite your efforts, something can't quite be this, let it at least be that; but that in as good and desirable a manner as it can be.
What do you mean to say they love you, and yet they are not entirely truthful or honest? Or that you love them, but are not entirely truthful or honest either?
If Hell has a way of deforming and degrading a person, of course (real) Heaven, or rational and moral goodness, should have a cure for whatever it is. Yet how can Heaven cure if Hell is not supplanted from its position of would-be authority? And how can Hell be ousted in this wise if it is not overtly combated and resisted? And how can it be combated and resisted if it cannot openly and intelligently be spoken about?
"The king [Josiah] went up to the temple of the LORD with all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: priests, prophets, and all the people, small and great. He had the entire contents of the book of the covenant that had been found in the temple of the LORD, read out to them.
"Standing by the column, the king made a covenant before the LORD that they would follow him and observe his ordinances, statutes and decrees with their whole hearts and souls, thus reviving the terms of the covenant which were written in this book. And all the people stood as participants in the covenant.
"Then the king commanded the high priest Hilkiah, his vicar, and the doorkeepers to remove from the temple of the LORD all the objects that had been made for Baal, Asherah, and the whole host of heaven. He had these burned outside Jerusalem on the slopes of the Kidron and their ashes carried to Bethel.
"He also put an end to the pseudo-priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and in the vicinity of Jerusalem, as well as those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, moon, and signs of the Zodiac, and to the whole host of heaven....
"Further, Josiah did away with the consultation of ghosts and spirits, with the household gods, idols, and all the other horrors to be seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, so that he might carry out the stipulations of the law written in the book that the priest Hilkiah had found in the temple of the LORD.
"Before him there had been no king who turned to the LORD as he did, with his whole heart, his whole soul, and his whole strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses; nor could any after him compare with him."
~ from 2nd Kings, ch. 23: 2-6, 24-25.
The Action Extreme Team
The seed of sin can bring forth malice; and malice, unless carefully guarded against, can bring forth murder, perhaps even indiscriminate murder; even of loved ones if the poison gets in you deep enough. What then must a person be like who murders intentionally more than once compared to most everybody else? And do you suppose there might be such a person among what are supposed to be -- rightly or wrongly -- our nation's highest ranking leaders and decision makers?
I know this much; although I am one who is vocal in saying that the issue of evil needs to be addressed rationally and scientifically, some will, even so, treat me as if I am the one causing all these troubles (go figure.)
What Won't He Do For Love?
Yes, he gets to be with his girl and live his rich life to boot; but only because he cooperates with this mummy that eats children and devours small animals. (Very romantic in other words.)
"Paramount-CBS." Gimme a break! What next, "MSN-USA"?
If I may -- Do not be taken in by kind angels, feely-feel good feelings, halos, silver cups, bursts of love, far off golden fields, dazzling predictions fulfilled; but see these people rather as a feature article for National Geographic; and the greater scheme of things will all make better sense to you. Nor is it too far amiss to view them as the "spirit world" equivalent of Microsoft and or Dreamworks.
If I may -- Do not be taken in by kind angels, feely-feel good feelings, halos, silver cups, bursts of love, far off golden fields, dazzling predictions fulfilled; but see these people rather as a feature article for National Geographic; and the greater scheme of things will all make better sense to you.
Look, why spend all that time and bother reading the New York Times and Washington Post, or sitting through many hours of television news programming, when here's the whole thing in a nutshell? So let me then save you all some time by sharing the following, and which provides you instead with what you really need to know:
"Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care about him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves."
A person who plays games with peoples lives for amusement or because he has nothing to do with himself neither acts naturally or divinely. Moreover, I am very skeptical of high level methods of instruction, persuasion, or negotiation which involve unannounced duress, violence, and coercion.
No, he gets -- and sure can have -- Steve and the Magician, but he doesn't get me; he certainly doesn't get both.
The only good spirit person is a live spirit person.
"Sherman you have to cooperate because you have a common interest with us."
Since when?! You came to me, remember? I never came to you. In addition, those spirit people you listen to, whether you see them as the Devil or Jesus or your greatest leader are garbage and trash to me; and whose would be authority I reject without qualification. How then dare you say such a thing?
I told him that there was hope yet after all; for when all this is finally done and over with they'll end up rewarding him for his trouble and effort by turning him into a bug -- and which in his case, of course, would be an obvious improvement.
We could not do the right thing perfectly, so with a vengeance he does the wrong thing to show us all, and God, his great displeasure.
Often one of the most puerile and laughable things about the regular people who listen to spirit people is their belief that doing the wrong things helps others, and that those who insist on doing the right thing (the right way) are really everybody's worst enemy. Why? Because those who try to do the right thing are the ones who make it most difficult for everyone else; as well, we are hypocrites because we are not really and truly righteous in all our conduct; and they believe this despite their, to an overwhelming degree, being the ones with all the money; while such as us who believe otherwise than them essentially don't and are not allowed to have (much of) any.
Having had the opportunity to experience both to a considerable degree, I can honestly and truly state that the difference between the glories and ecstasies of Nature versus the glories and ecstasies of spirit people (also known to some as Heaven, -- at least those spirit people who, in the minds of many at least, currently hold reigning power as such) is much like the difference between the perfume of air freshener versus the scent of real flowers. True, "heavenly" spirit people (including angels) have some nice things going for them, so to speak, but compared to what? The sad part of it is that spirit people can so shock and awe the timid and irrational that few ever took the time or trouble to ask such a question; with the result that regular people are easily misled and sold a bunch of what is essentially, and for the most part, a lot of glamorous phony baloney. For example, there are some pretty and charming, sometimes funny, spirit girls; but who that has met them ever noticed that they are also slave girls. Similarly, there are spirit people who will act like they represent highest authority or the high point of creation, and yet when will one have ever seen a real man among them? And yet it is such "Heaven" and such spirit people who continue to be used as an excuse and justification for false religion and a myriad of accompanying crimes.
In bygone days -- and not so bygone days -- it was necessary to make inhuman sacrifices to the gods because you couldn't shoot them instead.
That's some hard wood.
"Well, you know me, being rational is not a problem. But be honest? Why, if I am honest, they'll crucify me!"
Ah, I see now you are beginning to catch on.
Now some, typically under the influence of Hell, will somehow blame Christianity for this state of things. But Christ did not create this state of things. What he did was provide a way -- for some people THE way -- of dealing them, i.e. with worst fear and the threats brought forth by Hell people. Understand this about real Hell people. Though they may seem at times, very clever, shrewd, perhaps witty and in some way sophisticated -- they are invariably ruled by fear not truth and reason. And when fear most rules that is when the worst cruelties, tortures and horrors start becoming possible. These kind of people are led to think that if they do the wrong thing and appease the great terrorist (their master) then they will be spared torment. And yet if ever one day he happens to change his mind, he will have say over their fate and living condition -- not truth, not honesty, not reason, not democracy.
And yet what are people answering to now these days, truth and reason or fear and manipulation? If you accept the latter rather than the former as authority -- then he can ultimately have that same power (described above) over you that he has over more ordinary Hell people.
And if he should say "I am God -- obey me or I will send out my attack dogs to get you," then know this is not God but a person who lives and rules by fear -- not truth and reason. Even so there will, it would seem, always be people who think such a person is or as much as God.
There is really quite a history and culture of this fear and cruelty thing going back thousands of years; deserving of closer study, research and analysis. Indeed these kinds of people are the ones behind the billion dollar fortunes - no regular person does or ever did have real or justifiable need of so much money. And if this is true, then what next can you expect from them? What do you suppose they need those billions of dollars for? To philanthropically help others?
The solution lies in being honest, being rational, being courageous, being in reality (not in a fantasy world) and fighting these people. There is simply no other way. You can fight them like Christ or fight them like Patton but you better fight them -- or else. History has always shown that to appease and or cave into the demands of a violent tyrant or inveterate terrorist has NEVER brought lasting peace and safety. Indeed in many instances, in the case of those who assisted the tyrant in attacking the tyrant's own enemies, it was simply a matter of time that they themselves became that tyrant's victims also. Look what happened to many of the Native American peoples who thought cooperation would save them -- when after a brief period of respite, it ended up doing the exact opposite.
Yet these problems lie ultimately not with regular people but with spirit people; and unless you are prepared and willing to go after them, you will never be able or have an adequate means available to you of getting at what is the real problem.
Some seem to think that after they die (and assuming they don't simply remain asleep in death) that they will know and understand more in the hereafter than they do here.
Not necessarily. For some, indeed on the contrary, things may be harder to understand, more chaotic and more confusing there than they are here. If you aren't already then, by all means, get into the light now; that is be of and for the honest, rational truth -- while you still can. This life may, for all you know, be your only hope and opportunity to do so -- or else perhaps your only hope and opportunity for a very, very long time. And why, after all, take a chance doing the opposite and go trusting people who can't even face their opponents; let alone openly defend or explain what they are doing and saying?
He gets himself in this big mess of his and as a matter of course, in his case at any rate, he'll need to even do more evil to continue and continue and continue to make up the vast difference (between what he would otherwise be willing to put up versus what something like true justice requires of him.) So he gets all these other people to go along with him using of course the most underhanded and unconscionable -- indeed even violent and brutal -- methods to deceive and persuade them that his way is the way they should follow. And they do believe him. The result is and has been little short of total social, economic, legal, moral, cultural, environmental, national, etc. catastrophe; with those who have gone along with him refusing to allow any discussion of what has taken place, hence the absurd degree of censorship, muffling and silencing we have seen escalated in the past decade or more. They have to do the wrong thing -- so they say or slyly insinuate; presumably in the interest of some mysterious, greater justice. But observe also how they also must have and control such an outlandish share of the money also as well in order to fulfill this same noble end.
True wealth comes from wisdom and a greater understanding of the facts and the truth. These people are led to think that, on the contrary, the greatest wealth comes from the greatest murder, robbery and snookering of people. And yet they murder, rob, and snooker and yet when do they ever in the very, very least make us envious or jealous of them (and given that there are others at the same time who do have that power?) No matter how much money and all the rest they get they never cease to be the most debased, degraded and abhorrent of people, and yet they like to think and pretend that they are rich. True, indeed with the money in a sense they are. Yet so hideously wretched are and do they become through their reckless wrong doing in pursuit of or obeying of immediate material power that it gets to a point so bad that people will no longer even take money -- even large sums -- in compensation to be with and or be like them (so utterly hateful they are in their slobbish boorishness, callousness and general insensibility cemented with persistent arrogance.) Some would even kill themselves -- some actually have -- rather than go on enduring their presence in their lives any longer. Earlier on and subsequently they had went bought themselves a big movie career as way of drumming up real interest and support -- but that as a matter of course, and despite lavish budgets and extravagant hype, didn't really go anywhere with anyone. So the next obvious thing for them to do, of course, is to find ways they can force themselves on people and invade their lives. This then inevitably becomes the only way they can come up with for securing that attention and recognition of importance they seek.
And this is riches!
For the benefit of those who would otherwise end up missing this, the following, according to Netscape News, are a list of some of the "reasons" why women prefer "bad boys." One would assume this does not necessarily include the likes of Fenton, of Pine Robber fame (see below), Jack the Ripper, or Adolph Hitler, etc.; however this point of course isn't made entirely clear. Presumably though, one would think, there is some limit on how bad the boy in question can be. But this I suppose they will address some other time -- or maybe not. In fairness to what this person writes, it might be helpful to point out that a person disposed to be bad (as you probably already know) can often be much stronger in certain ways than others can or even (in some instances) everybody else can. Yet if they are this usually (if not necessarily always) is for two combined reasons -- a) they have a lot of money and b) they, knowingly or unknowingly, are working for and with one or more powerful spirit persons (thus of two or more persons making "one," i.e. out "bad boy.") Yet without these two both as factors, they would not, for reasons of being bad at least, be any stronger than anyone else.
For the original see
Here also for "fun" is something from Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution, Vol. II, p. 162n. I had wanted to put this up a long, long while back but for one reason or another was side tracked from and forgotten it.
"The Pine Robbers were a band of marauding Tories, who infested the large districts of pine woods in the lower part of Monmouth county, [New Jersey] whence they made predatory excursions among the Whigs of the neighboring country. They burrowed caves in the sand-hills for places of shelter and retreat, on the borders of swamps, and, covering them with brush, effectually concealed them. From these dens they sallied forth at midnight to burn, plunder, and murder. Nor were the people safe in the daytime, for the scoundrels would often issue from their hiding-places, and fall upon the farmer in his field. The people were obliged to carry muskets while at their work, and their families were kept in a state of continual terror.
"Of these depredators, the most prominent were Fenton, Fagan, Williams, Debow, West, and Carter. Fenton was the arch-fiend of the pandemonium of the Pines. He was a blacksmith of Freehold, large and muscular. He early took to the business of the Tories, and began his career of villainy by robbery. He plundered a tailor�s shop in Freehold township. Already a committee of vigilance was organized. They sent Fenton word that, if he did not return the plunder, he should be hunted and shot. Intimidated, he sent back the clothing, with the following savage note appended:
"'I have returned your damned rags. In a short time I am coming to burn your barns and houses, and roast you all like a pack of kittens!'
"Fenton soon proceeded to put his threat into execution. One summer night, at the head of a gang of desperadoes, he attacked the dwelling of an aged man near Imlaytown, named Farr. Himself, wife, and daughter composed the family. They barricaded the door, and kept the scoundrels at bay for a while. Fenton finally broke in a portion of the door, and, firing through the opening, broke the leg of the old man with a musket-ball. They forced an entrance at last, murdered the wife, and then dispatched the helpless old man. The daughter, badly wounded, escaped, and the miscreants, becoming alarmed, fled without taking any plunder with them. Fenton was afterward shot by a young soldier of Lee�s legion, then lying at Monmouth court-house. The robber had plundered and beaten a young man while on his way from a mill. He gave information to Lee, who detailed a sergeant and two soldiers to capture or destroy the villain. The young man, and the sergeant disguised as a countryman, took a seat in a wagon, while the two soldiers, armed, were concealed under some straw in the bottom of the vehicle, and proceeded toward the mill, expecting to meet Fenton on the road. From a low groggery among the Pines the robber came out, with a pistol, and commanded them to halt. He then inquired if they had brandy, to which an affirmative was given, and a bottle handed to him. While drinking, one of the soldiers, at a signal from the sergeant, arose, and shot the villain through the head. His body was thrown into the wagon, and conveyed in triumph to Freehold.
"Fagan and West were also shot by the exasperated people. The body of the latter was suspended in chains, with hoop-iron bands around it, upon a chestnut by the road-side, about a mile from Freehold, on the way to Colt's Neck, where it was left to be destroyed by carrion birds.
"The sufferings of the people from these marauders made such a deep impression, that the lapse of years could not efface it from the hearts of those who felt their scourge, and even the third generation of the families of Tories were objects of hate to some of the surviving sufferers. An old lady, ninety years of age, with whom I conversed at Boundbrook, became greatly excited while talking of what her family endured from the Pine Robbers and other Tories, and spoke indignantly of one or two families in Monmouth county who were descendants of Loyalists. Philip Freneau, from whose poems I have frequently quoted, was a native of this county. He was graduated at Princeton College in 1771. His poems, written chiefly during the Revolution and immediately after, were vigorous, and sometimes beautiful. He was found dead in a bog, in which he was mired, near Freehold, on the 18th of December, 1832, and was buried in that village."
In about a few weeks from now, I intend to embark on yet another significant upgrade or update of my Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South:1780-1781; with something like 30 new (in many cases very rare) books of special importance on the subject now at my disposal and which I did not have previously -- this thanks to the literal libraries of works one can now download by way of Google's "Book Search." Really a tremendous boon to scholars, researchers and others this service is.
Speaking of Calendar and Record, I just added the following interesting anecdote from NP historian Thomas Baker; that I thought some might find of interest, and that helps to fill out my profile of Maryland captain John Smith. The incidents stated here are in reference to Guilford Courthouse, Mar. 15, 1781.
[Smith acquired some notoriety for slaying Lieut. Col. James Stuart of the Guards at Guilford in sword-to-sword combat; though some of the British accused him of murdering Stuart after having taken him prisoner. What apparently happened is he dealt the death-blow when Stuart had lost his footing, but would have had no time to have taken him prisoner.] Historian, Thomas Baker: "Stuart�s orderly sergeant next attacked Smith, but was struck down by a Marylander. Smith then killed one more guardsman before he was finally shot in the back of his head by a redcoat. The wounded American officer was carried off the field by his men. Remarkably, he recovered from his injury." BAV p. 68.
As of very recently, I am sending out attempts at contact and seeking once again to raise the issue of spirit people and whether their existence can be demonstrated scientifically. The following is a portion of my reply to someone that I thought I would share for the benefit of others who might find its contents useful.
[Beginning here:] Firstly, my overall claim is far from being my only claim; nor does it make much sense to weigh such a general claim (viz. are their literal spirit people) without specifically defining our terms and being able to provide possible evidentiary instances of such. For example, as part of my story I make claims that I was, on at least a number of occasions occurring within the last 14 years, administered a poison injection as the part of criminal acts on the part of someone who took it upon himself to be my enemy. Now assuming I was poisoned (and one would presume there are or might be empirical means and systematic deductive methods for determining such to be the case or not), our next question is why was I poisoned? Who would do such a thing and why? If I wasn't actually poisoned and only imagined or hallucinated the poisoning events, yes we might end the discussion there on that point. And yet I cannot have my claim (as to my being poisoned on a number of occasions) decided if I cannot get an impartial jury to themselves and or else have someone else investigate my claims. Hence, we already see a need for a FACTUAL inquiry.
But, let's for the sake of argument, assume I WAS poisoned. Again, who for what reason would do such a thing? Well, perhaps other parts of my story may help to answer this question. From here, and just for starters, I could give my accounts of actually meeting and dealing with spirit people. People who I dealt with in the course of my very bizarre 14 year ordeal could be interviewed for their reaction about what happened. And other steps could be taken to answer what at bottom is a very simple questioned -- what happened to William Thomas Sherman during the period from 1992 to the present (recounted in my "Narrative)?
Another approach would be to ask, is Sherman a credible person? This is a very important question. Were someone to come back to you later and perhaps say "I understand you dismissed Sherman when he tried to raise this matter of spirit people with you. May I ask you -- did you read any of his writings? If so how much and what can you tell me about them? What would you say about Mr. Sherman? How would you describe him? Why do you suppose he has undertaken this wild crusade of his? Is he simply delusional? Is he a crank? Is he a practical joker? What do you suppose his motive is in making such serious charges, and how would you reconcile your description of him with the portrait of himself he provides by way of his writings and which include a full and substantial history, biography, a work of epistemology, a work of history & theology, a book of poems, a book of short stories, and at least would be scientific treatise?" -- how would you respond?
There are a number of other SPECIFIC questions to be raised and tests to be made. We have a given claim or what is asserted to be a specific fact and we go to determine if that physical fact can be verified as having taken place or not, and if so how if and might it might be variously interpreted. From this applied induction we can arrive at possibly viable conclusions by way of deductions to then get at my larger claim -- are there literally spirit people?
One other fact I will briefly mention before closing. I mention this as practical fact based on my own experience with spirit people. And though I need not ask you to assume out of hand what I am saying is true, it is at least worth mentioning. In my dealing with them now for 7 years I have come to learn that while in many ways markedly and even drastically different, spirit people are in others respects very much like regular people (i.e. by this I mean flesh and blood people such as you and myself.) They are religious or not religious as circumstances, community and inner "inspiration' drive them to be. There is simply no reason to out of hand assume a spirit person one might be dealing with -- say a ghost, or devil, or angel, or "god" -- is of RELIGIOUS character and significance. Mere displays of phenomenal brute power or what are seen to be "miracles," for instance, do not automatically connote deity -- despite common people's ignorant, if understandable and traditional, way of thinking about the matter that way. Firsthand experience with these people shows that though they may manifest very extraordinary qualities they far from exhaust all excellence -- and it is something like all excellence, at least to a level headed philosopher, that would begin to suggest God. Therefore, you will make it easier to understand these kinds of matters by dropping the assumption that if we posit that spirit people literally and palpably exist (recollect, if you would, my example about a spirit person daubing paint on your door) then this NECESSARILY brings with it some religious conclusion or association.
The dragon, ordinarily a beast of great threat and menace, is the little boy's friend. As well, he is shown to be a misunderstood personality (somewhat like Caspar or E.T.), but who despite people's fears means well. Note also how in the dragon's anatomy is a certain erotic suggestiveness -- which apparently only serves to enhance the attraction of this peculiar idea to those who like the basic concept and story. And yet is it that people misunderstand the dragon or is it rather the boy who misunderstands him? (The dragon by the way, if it were necessary to interpret him literally, I would take to be "Simon the Magician," mentioned and spoken of elsewhere in my writings.)
Whirring flutter
of feathered wings,
Oh soul,
where now is hope's prospect?
Where that peaceful, happy view
we once thought to expect?
Was it not in striving
to see love's faith surviving?
Was it not in truth abiding;
false spirits overriding?
Was it not in bravest daring;
borne aloft by caring?
Let us then now at this last
all void and emptiness defy.
Let us so boldly long to live
that Death itself may die.
If you�d never seen birds singing and playing before, wouldn�t it make you laugh the first time that you did?
"I want you to walk down to [the closest largest city or town] and there you will go to a certain address and you will meet a person who will hand over to you a check in your name in the amount of $500. You are then to proceed to a certain location and using some of the money from that check, you are to purchase a T shirt at a second specified location, and then put it on. After this, I want you to walk over to main street, that is nearby, - and then repeat certain words aloud that I will give to you just before you reach that destination. Only if you do this -- can I assist you."
As the source (after God) of all our sources and resources, Nature gives what we are and have. Yet when we follow wisdom, reason and science -- meaning wisdom, reason, and science that are sensitive to and in harmony with her -- then life and happiness by way of Nature can be made even more happy and fruitful. Yet if what is in nature is not handled sensitively, thoughtfully and responsibly, taking advantage of her for our own profit can result in harm inexpressibly worse than any gain we have created. Furthermore, (it is worth pointing out) among good and conscientious people there are no poor; no casual and habitual lying; no ruined, scarred and hopeless lives. These problems, experience will almost always show, arise only among people who are oppressed by excessive vice.
And I would go so far as to say 75 percent or more of vice comes from spirit people. For one thing it is easier for some of them to be vicious since thy can act far better by stealth than regular people; moreover they have long established techniques and devices for disguising and concealing their presence and activity. Second, it is not unusual for these same to be subject to a form of behavioral conditioning that incites, if not forces them necessarily, to act up and cause trouble. Presumably and from what we know, the agent responsible for this conditioning of the former is a calculating freely acting person, not Nature. Not surprisingly, their success (with obviously little or no open and declared antipathy by regular people to dissuade them) only encourages their boldness, while persuading others of what seems to be the good sense of what they believe. How much great intelligence does it require to see therefore that if these trouble making spirit people are given opposition and incentive to desist this could then lower the level of viciousness among ourselves; save greatly in cost of lives and wealth by getting at the root of the problem (instead of merely at its byproduct); and in turn permit us to give time and attention to any number of other matters in need of addressing?
Since someone other than just myself was raising the question, the following is my attempt at an answer:
If he can love her better than you -- then, by all means, why don't you let him? Indeed help him. Or if it's you, all right, go for it if you would. But either way, some day you and she (as likely as not) will drift for good as well as for woe. Yet if you are ever still around and your love really is any good as you claim it is; regardless of whose she is; regardless of life or death; regardless of time; there's no reason that you couldn't always love her and that she couldn't somehow still know it. "No," but you will say, "I can't be made to wait." You will be made to wait regardless and time will go on and you will continue to exist with or without her. And whether you are with or with other, you can or cannot as you choose answer that first question, was this love of yours as overflowing with significance as you originally believed it was? Assuming she herself otherwise remains a good hearted person, can't you still be glad for her if she is happy -- though not yours? Can you not feel badly for her if she's in need or in trouble? Or was all that "love' merely ephemeral or self-serving conceit? Time, in any case, will go on.
On note relating to this week's recommendation, i.e. "Hypnotic Underworld" by Ghost (for Sun. April 22, 2007) -- if, for scientific reasons or curiosity, you are possibly interested in hearing some of the kind of sounds one might hear on these brain torture radios (which I have elsewhere written about), and such as are made by spirit people no less, check out the vocals in the last half of the song "Dominoes Celebration for the Gray Days." In it, the singer does a kind of wailing that I have heard from spirit people on these radios when spirit people activity in my vicinity was at its height about 6 to 7 years ago. This wailing was sometimes used when a certain one of them was engaged in a kind of mocking or playing when using the radio. As well I have heard other and similar sounds; including comical voices. Someone will naturally ask, how do you know it was a spirit person that was the original source of the sound? Firstly, one can usually tell on these radios between a regular person and spirit person. I won't say that one can be one hundred percent sure or all of the time, but at least and certainly most of the time one can; and this based on the personality of the speaker or person making the noise. When their trouble making activity reaches a more intense level (as it might for one reason or another), certain goomer spirit people tend to act up and be more crazy or else more imaginative in their craziness. Ordinary employees and regular radio operators, on the other hand and though it is not unknown for them to joke, invariably sound like someone just doing their job. In addition, no regular person would go to so much bother of carrying on (on and off like that) for days on end (as these do) for nothing; at the same time certain kinds of shamelessly obnoxious spirit people will not untypically try to enjoy themselves when they are bothering or tormenting someone; the aforesaid wail, much like the howling of a drunkard at a wild party, being used on a brain torture radio can be taken as one known form of their doing so.
Another question, might be, if a spirit person was making the sounds in question on the radio, how was this possible since you have elsewhere stated that spirit people are mostly or always noiseless? The answer lies in their somehow being able to transmit otherwise inaudible "sound" into your head. You hear the sound in your head, but you don't hear it with your ears -- yet it is somehow audible nevertheless. This, at any rate, is about the best as yet I can describe the experience. Lastly, when this ghost who regularly bothers me heard the song, the likeness to his own raving was so uncanny I distinctly sensed and felt his embarrassment (and laughed at him.) If this all sounds very weird and strange to you, that's simply what they are like -- weird and strange (in the bad sense of weird and strange); or at least never be surprised to find them to be that way.
There are any number of things he can't -- try as he might -- do very well except use (such as) outright crime, subterfuge and violence to have his way; and yet when he does have his way he acts like he's so much of an expert on everything; when in truth he actually knows little really of anything (of importance); nor is there ever any need, of course, to explain or publicly answer for what he knows. And yet how does he know so much (as he thinks he does?) Simply and merely because he listens to and believes some ghost sorcerer (or someone like this); who in turn can also manipulate the behavior of most, if not all, of the people he has contact with and who of course act so as to reinforce and corroborate his false and absurd ideas. How touching and reassuring it is then to be hear him (using the newspapers) to talk as if he represented the judgment and will of the American people time and again as he does.
Or how about: "Any of the rest of you thinking of playing boy scout and getting what Gonzalez got -- just let me know."
After what has taken place for a number of administrations, is there any one now who would dare to be attorney general? (I didn't think so.)
I fought off you and your billion dollar gang single handedly for over fourteen years and you mean to tell me that doing so doesn't count for anything? Oh well, then I guess it doesn't (same difference.)
Almost from the dawn of time there have always been people who thought they knew everything, and you are no different. And if life actually were only all that you can see of it in that little box of his I would, like you, despair of it as well. Be forewarned then, the day must and will inevitably come when you will find out how absolutely crazy and out of touch with reality you really are.
One is not supposed to sing oneself, one is supposed to sing the song. Similarly, one should not be living the image of oneself but the life of what's good.
It is a lamentable, if not blameworthy, fault on the part of the viewer or critic to put something in a context for which it was clearly not intended. A classical piece, for instance, might not sound good in the setting of a rock concert (maybe it might); yet that is not because it is a bad or uninteresting piece of music itself necessarily, but because it is being placed in setting which it ill suits. This sounds trivial and obvious enough of an observation, and yet even us who know and are aware of it will sometimes forget and be unjustly negative or critical of something due to our assuming an unintended and irrelevant context for it.
The purpose of the law is not to find pretexts to assault, malign, disable and impoverish others, but to protect people from those who do such and related acts of aggression for the purposes of seeking or maintaining power.
You know you are followed round by a rank sorcerer or demon when find yourself so unhappy you feel guilty for being so.
No one is a Christian merely for going to church, and there are many who are Christians who, for one understandable or forgivable reason or another, don't. A church serves to heighten or germinate for growth the forces of good by gathering. But if who or what it gathers is insincere or superficial then, by definition, there is no one or anything to heighten or germinate.
Does what you or what someone else thinks really matters most; or is what is right what really matters?
In the very earliest versions of my New Treatise on Hell, I had made mention of the fact of an illustrated version of "Rip Van Winkle" I had seen many years ago in which the artist very ably and accurately recreated what "goon sprites" or a "goon sprite" looks like. At first, I thought the version in question was Arthur Rackham's, but this turned out to be a mistake. Well, it just so happened earlier today I was browsing ebay; when lo and behold someone has the actual book (or what would seem to be the actual book) I was originally thinking of up for auction! The above is a plate from that book (my apologies that the scan is not better) which shows what I had meant; with the understanding that there can be slight variations in their physiognomy, temperament, and size. Also, the sprite in the foreground looks like he has a tail and something else as well sticking out of the top of his head. I never saw any such appendages. Of note, back in 2000 I had these people over at my house a number of times; there was even one occasion where I not only was visited by one in my own bedroom one night -- but also, on the same occasion, saw his back reflected in a mirror as he passed it. Although usually used as little hoodlums and troublemakers, I have also known them to try and be funny. This said, when I dealt with them and they were here their purpose invariably was to annoy me, cause mischief, and or attack my cats.
I just got through writing the ebay seller in an attempt to gain more information as to publisher and name of the illustrator; will keep you posted when and if I hear back from him.
[So I said to him:] Just between you and me...and particularly since you already know me as well as you do -- what on earth made you think I would even find you a very interesting person (let alone deity?)
Is the article contained at this link, courtesy of Netscape New, for real or is it a practical joke or something? You tell me.
Although I previously had the "Yama Yama Man," sung by Ada Jones, posted here, I later took it down to economize on disk space. As disk space is now no longer a concern, here once again is the same. "Yama," incidentally, is the Vedic god of the underworld.
Exactly. They will be among those in the forefront of bemoaning this shooting; then go on promoting the use of demons and spirits -- for children no less-- as means of getting what you want; while constantly emphasizing and reminding us that riches come not from doing the right thing, but from doing the wrong thing. Someone might object, "oh, yes they advocate doing the wrong thing, yet nothing so terrible as a shooting spree." They themselves probably would see no need for such a thing; however, what needs to be understood and appreciated is that the kind of spirit people they look to for guidance, glamour, and sophistication would see a need served or purpose fulfilled in causing such a tragic event -- all the while, of course, further pain, evil and injustice are intentionally brought to pass by disguising and covering over what really happened.
The Stranger
He came to town;
He's the stranger.
That's right the stranger.
He's the stranger;
That's all he is;
That' all he ever was;
That's all he'll ever be to me.
He's no friend of mine;
He's borderline.
No one has greater money or place
As long as someone else
Ties his shoe lace.
"Indulge yourself for years."
"Money kills fear."
When he can live his life without me
Is when he can go on
Speaking so free.
In the olden times
They'd have hanged him.
But because more mercy needs a fool,
We'll only see him sent
To reform school.
Yet if he stays set,
Weirder it gets;
Sprites and angels hover round him so;
Some say it's sorcery;
Some Yugi Oh.
The funny thing, in a wry or dark sense, is that after all we've been through and all that has happened the thing probably actually does (mostly) work.
One cannot be happy if one can't be free; and if a person cannot be free they can at least always fight to be so; and in a very meaningful sense people who fight for freedom (including equal justice and freedom for others) can always and at bottom consider themselves happy people regardless of external circumstances and how the world might see them; and because they are among those most rare kind of people happiness needs the very most (in order for it to realized.)
Once more in the way of an informal review, the following are some little known or misunderstood facts about devils, demons or Hell spirit people.
* They are not always individuals disposed to evil of themselves; more often they are simply people who are being paid and or forced to do what they are doing. Someone hired to be a devil for a day or season then might after that time frame absent himself and or go do something else more to his liking. Of course, much depends on the individual in question and his (or, less frequently, her) own personal history and situation.
* They themselves are not unusually, if not always, people subject to mind control and brain washing -- even some of the most very powerful among them, including some great angel.
* Though perhaps in a given instance not very frequently, their moods, emotions, and outlooks can and do change; and if one is aware of sensitive to this it is possible to deal with them more knowingly and intelligently.
* Sometimes a demon is doing something which he knows is evil; at other times he might think he is (in his mind) doing good, or at least a just purpose of some kind. With them as with many regular people, they will simply serve whomever will most pay them and or whom can most frighten or physically overcome them.
* While a Devil can have great and overpowering control and influence of people, he cannot always keep this power up and going if he is not willing to invest himself and his resources in continually maintaining and supplying it. In other words, if a Devil holds out in a fortress, for example, he needs to pay for its upkeep; if he does not, it risks falling into weakness and disrepair.
* Though perhaps very elaborately planned and or insanely prolonged, terror and shock tactics are exactly those -- terror and shock tactics (so use your head.)
Poor Love
An embrace from the soul,
A kiss from deepest heart
Must be sufficient here
For us who are apart.
How poor a love, they'll say!
In this hard world that's true.
Yet where sweet music lives
Such love is ever new.
There songs are always sung;
A rising harmony
O'er leaps the light ether
Above an angel's tree.
Except for breaks and stops
Which halt the lulling strings,
Passions mild will rise up
Till all of heaven rings.
The typical excuse by spirit people and their conscious and unconscious followers for evil is that evil will serve a greater good. The only problem, however, is that this excuse is sometimes used for all and every kind of evil.
The Frankenstein Monster never dies; mad scientists just keep digging him up and rejuvenating him in order to surprise everyone (and make some money along the way.)
I guess it's that same old story of someone needing a billion dollars in order to live his life. If he doesn't think that when all is said and done they won't kill him for what he's done, I think he must be crazy. And what aggravation I myself personally do and have had to endure, and for so long now, at his hands. He's can't live his life without me?! Then, big shot as he is, isn't it long past the time that someone make him do so?
And you who perhaps listen to these people -- your master can't even get a good deal for himself, ever warring, ever embroiled in wild strife; how then is he going to get one for you?
When Perseus fought the Gorgon he could look at the monster but only by way of its reflection (as seen in a shield.) With spirit people then it's something similar only the mirror to be used is science and reason.
So now then, with reference to what I spoke of earlier, you see how it is; we'll do one better than Cortes. We'll end the inhuman sacrifices, get back all the gold to the people whom it rightly belongs, and boot out all the criminal spirit people.
In the way of an informal review, the following are some assumptions which it is routine for professional Hell people to attempt, often successfully, to inculcate in others and get them to accept as givens:
* Truth is not allowed in this world. (This ostensibly is by order of the high spirit people who are supposed to be in charge of everything.)
* The world is -- and is supposed to be -- divided evenly between good and evil. (This conclusion in a sense would or could be true; but only to the extent people believe it to be so.)
* Most everyone is either a liar or an actor really.
* Good people are a myth or else are merely a certain kind of fool.
* People who try to be too good are a burden and cost to others, because their example can force others to be good in a way that is not fair to them.
* Christ, if not actually a devil in disguise, is a confused, wandering individual with only incidental or little actual say. To follow or befriend him is to court weakness.
* Reality is simply and merely what people think it is.
* Too much learning and academic understanding alienate you from people.
* There is no justice in this world; therefore do not seek or be concerned about it except as pretext to further your own selfish interest.
* Since most people will tend, after all, to be bad (for any or all of the above obvious reasons) the common mandate tends to be cynical, selfish and greedy; and those who look to further realize this mandate most are the ones most legitimately concerned about the public interest.
For more simply follow Google's "Quote of the Day" (in turn taken from the "Quotations Page" at on a more or less regular basis.
What sense does it make for society to award the public wealth to those most disposed to malign and oppress others? To go on tolerating someone who needs to continually force himself on people, either by way of his intrusiveness or out right violence, in order to maintain and insure his greatness? And yet all that is needed to keep things as they are is to get people to believe the world revolves around demonism and the need to do things in a two faced, dissembling and crooked manner (when of course it doesn't really but that people are fooled into believing it does.)
Mass communications, whether through print, internet, television, radio, and other new technologies, offers an unlimited means by which people can reach and communicate with each other in a way like never before. If these were permitted to be utilized as they ought to be it would ultimately mean nothing less than the solution to most all our problems, and in a manner far less expensive and costly than the flying blind approach powers that be have made us to accept. And yet who is not been aware, and for a very long time now, how some of these same powers that be regularly do their darndest to keep people apart and obstruct those avenues of communications that make increased wealth possible -- in fact so much so that what they are doing often amounts to not only embezzlement and theft but murder and the facilitation of murder.
Often I ask myself why this is going on, and am sometimes, for all my pondering on the subject, simply too baffled by the absurdity of it all to quite say. Yet though I don't ever expect to be able to quite comprehend the larger scheme of things, there are two key factors that certainly make possible what has been going on; i.e. one group gets to cheat like crazy; while another is permitted to behave so childishly and irresponsibly in a time of latent, yet most dire, peril it is almost a complete wonder why they are not literally laughed out of their office or profession.
Leaving aside children, the naturally humble, or those who cannot participate and simply have no real say in what goes on, there are essentially two kinds of people in this world, a) those who listen and willingly answer to truth and logic as highest authority; and b) those who instead trust and look to spirit people and or undebated "consensus" (itself not untypically formed by the manipulation of spirit people and their regular people servants) as ultimate authority. These, when it comes right down to it and irregardless of some people's avowed dismissal of spirit people even existing, are the two kinds of highest authority one can choose to answer to in this life. Granting this to be the case, at least for the sake of argument, of the two approaches which do you suppose more people choose or are swayed by?
My own reaction to the question would in part be to say that inasmuch as there is Hell or chaos in this world it is mostly or entirely the result of regular people (whether directly or indirectly) bowing down and answering to spirit people -- and not truth and logic. In this sense, and so I firmly believe, listening to spirit people as higher authority (normally speaking) is our death; while honest truth and logic, by contrast, are our life. And yet who and how many do you know that really care about honest truth and being logical or rational? This difference, more than any other, is the primary reason why the world -- whether for bad or for good -- is the way we find it; and until we learn to reject the scare tactics, sophistry, and manipulation of and by powerful spirit people, we as a (given) society will continue to move not in the direction of life but of death.
Here are what I think two telling passages from the Am. Heritage Book of Indians(that was put up as a recommendation last week.):
"Evidently there really was a plot against the strangers [Cortes and the Spaniards], and the Cholulans and Moctezuma's agents were profoundly disconcerted by the strangers' ability to read their most secret thoughts, which is to say by the alertness of the Spanish intelligence service, which is to say Lady Marina [or Malinal, a native slave girl who was acting as Cortes' chief interpreter.]" p. 84.
"...This whole unbelievable interlude, 400 Spaniards coolly taking over a capital that could (and eventually did) raise an army of many thousands of fanatically determined warriors, has troubled historians ever since. Moctezuma had but to lift a finger, in the good old prose of Prescott, and the little band of strangers would be stormed under and destroyed.
"Maybe the smooth speeches of the young Malinal were really enchantment. Maybe Moctezuma did believe the strangers were gods; maybe he reasoned that only gods would have their audacity..." p.85.
Needless to say, if there were spirit people directing Cortez this would explain both his knowledge of what others were thinking as well as account for how he first thought he could conquer a million and more strong people with such a tiny force as he possessed. At the same time, the incalculable wealth in gold, not to mention silver and other valuables, would have been more than enough temptation and incentive for certain powerful and conniving spirit people to have involved themselves in such an ostensibly overt manner in what took place (assuming the premise, of course.)
The richest man in the world today (that's about what it is like these days, isn't it?)
A very spur of the moment occasion arose to have some pictures taken the other day, and the above is how I look at present. Not in the best shape in the world, I admit; after being beat up, subject to brain torture radios, and generally fighting these Hell people I write about for over 14 years non-stop -- but we do our best (under the circumstances.) Also pictures of the Golden Hind, which I had promised earlier, have now been added to the Model Ship Page.
When I Think of You
When I think of you,
I don't think of you;
But think of a beautiful sea.
When I think of you
I don't think of you;
But roam long beaches roaring free.
When I think of you
I don't think of you;
But view far hills with green adorned.
When I think of you,
I don't think of you;
But hear a cooing dove that mourns.
When I think of you,
I don't think of you;
But see clouds at stupendous height.
When I think of you,
I don't think of you;
It's your reflection in a rainbow's light.
And when snowy blossoms
Sing from the trees
Wishing your felicity,
How I long for you so
Where'er I go.
Les Dieux Ont Soif
Yet what if there are angels, and the angels are beautiful' and the dew is golden; and he comes in robes of purest gleaming white, etc.?
For the umpteenth time -- if it (or they) are not of the truth, it is no good. (Is there possibly anyone who even knows what I am talking about?)
What is Soylent Green?
The more degraded people are made to seem, the easier it is to excuse victimizing or murdering them -- hence the far ranging and incessant campaign of public degradation, lewdness, and scandal in the mass media and elsewhere which have proliferated astronomically in recent decades. Why murder or assist in murdering people? Well, for one, there is big money to be had in doing so (recall, incidentally, how often in ancient and medieval legends some beast or monster kept and guarded a great horde of wealth and which one presumes arose to be in their possession through robbery and killing.) Yet, more importantly, particularly for certain irrational people, it will (or will seem to) secure peace from scary spirit persons whom they don't know how to handle and whom otherwise frown on the self-righteous (viz. those who won't in some way be party to the general slaughter.)
Wit is founded upon the principle of taking a given assertion and being able to see all that it does or might imply logically. If x is assumed, then what? Think of the myriad of possible meanings. Having assessed what the given assertion might mean to you; you weigh then its potential effect on others.
The Devil indulges himself in the most heinous evil and persistent outrages then faults us for a harsh lack of charity when we tell him merely to get lost. For this and other reasons I am inclined to believe he gets away with as much as he does because he is pitied by a greater power. It is well then to respect that power but only if it is -- as one would presume it is -- of the truth. A knowing, omnipresent voice from beyond as fantastic as he (or it) is hardly can be assumed to necessarily carry with him the weight of truth. Yet some people are such children they assume it does. Such, of course, is not therefore a "greater power" as I refer to.