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Here are a fragment and a full poem; both taken from The Library of World Poetry "edited" (actually only partly and nominally edited) by William Cullen Bryant, pp. 223-224:

"...And yet I dream, --
Dream what, were men more just, I might have been,
How strong, how fair, how kindly and serene,
Glorious of heart, and glorious of mien,
The conscious crown to Nature's blissful scene,
In just and equal brotherhood to glean,
With all mankind, exhaustless pleasure keen, --
Such is my dream!

"And yet I dream, --
I, the despised of fortune, lift mine eyes,
Bright with the luster of integrity,
In unappealing wretchedness, on high,
And the last rage of Destiny defy;
Resolved alone to live, -- alone to die,
Nor swell the tide of human misery!

"And yet I dream, --
Dream of a sleep where dreams no more shall come,
My last, my first, my only welcome home!
Rest, unbeheld since Life's beginning stage,
Sole remnant of my glorious heritage,
Unalienable, I shall find thee yet,
And in thy soft embrace the past forget.
Thus do I dream!"

~ by Anonymous, and originally found in "Poems by a Seamstress"

"Moan, Moan, Ye Dying Gales."

by Henry Neele (1798–1828)

"Moan, moan, ye dying gales!
The saddest of your tales
Is not so sad as life;
Nor have you e'er began
A theme so wild as man,
Or with such sorrow rife.

"Fall, fall, thou withered leaf!
Autumn sears not like grief,
Nor kills such lovely flowers;
More terrible the storm,
More mournful the deform,
When dark misfortune lowers.

"Hush! hush! thou trembling lyre,
Silence, ye vocal choir,
And thou, mellifluous lute,
For man soon breathes his last,
And all his hope is past,
And all his music mute.

"Then, when the gale is sighing,
And when the leaves are dying,
And when the song is o'er,
O, let us think of those
Whose lives are lost in woes,
Whose cup of grief runs o'er."


Religion not infrequently asks us to practice austerity (of one kind or other) because it cannot always be heaven here, and many things can only be properly enjoyed, understood, or appreciated if the environment is, in one manner of speaking or other, right or heavenly. Yet this doesn't mean it never is or never can be heaven here.


"Well, then what do you expect her to do?"

Why, the right thing, of course. Indeed, I command it.


After of making sure (and as best one can) that all and necessary work is done and present responsibilities are fulfilled, just about all I ever wanted (in effect) was to live in peace and have a good time with family and or friends. Yet people are acting so strangely.


Jealousy (and or else the prolonged amusement at seeing another being made jealous) is a foolish crown.


Good can detract, rather than complement, what is great when it isn't in harmony with it; and thus, given a wrong context, good can become bad.


Oafmore Belief

That he now does and continues to get away with doing those things by later paying the price of Hell and damnation, we do not dispute. That is his free choice; who are we to judge what his best interests are? All we are saying then is that we have already suffered more than enough at his hands, and don't see why it is strictly necessary that we should continue to have to be made a part of whatever it is he is doing with his life. He not infrequently makes a point of telling us how great he is, what a wealthy man murder has made of him, and how poorly we fare by comparison; yet if that is so, what on earth does he continue to need us for (we sure don't, nor never did, need him)?


If you asked their leader what he was doing 50,000 years ago, he probably couldn't remember (or perhaps he wasn't even around, eh?)


Although generally looked upon as rating second to their more famous Universal predecessors, in my opinion "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman," "House of Frankenstein," and "House of Dracula," are actually not only more cleverly constructed than one might at first suppose, but in fact are among the best horror films ever made. Part of the reason I say this is that they manage to capture an essential truth about people seriously involved in the occult; that is that they can be assiduously engaged in the most utterly absurd and illogical dealings, schemes, and activities, and yet are very straight face and sober about what they are doing; these kinds of people in real life (allowing for some dramatic license) are not unusually about as crazy as these movies present them to be in fiction.


Fascism, history will show, is characteristically the coming together of society for the purposes of enslaving or taking advantage of idealists, scientists, artists, moralists, nonconformists, reformers, the disenfranchised...


Marijuania can cause the demon in a person smoking it to get high and hence not be able to do their job properly; consequently the greatest opposition to marijuanina comes from certain kinds of witchcraft and spirit people -- or so, at any rate, I would maintain.


What is some poor, innocent child or animal to think when they are being viciously attacked, baited, rape, or mauled by someone messed up with hard core devilment or demonism? Yet these kind of things actually have and do happen because people will not deal with spirit people scientifically and rationally; at the same time, many are brainwashed into thinking wealth stems mostly from robbery and a person's cooperation with ghosts.


Someone remarked the other day that it is permitted in the press or general media to talk scientifically about space aliens -- but not spirit people. Need one say more?


O.K. since, much to our exasperated vexation, you have been permitted to be in the proximity of heaven this long, then at least get these three things straight. One -- don't do something to someone else that you don't want done to you; Two -- no more forcing yourself on people like some stupid jerk, idiot; Three -- absolutely no more living the life of inhuman cruelty and horror.

Popol Vuh

Mayan culture and history, for some as yet to me unknown reason, seems to throw off guard and disconcert spirit people, including angels, who originated in the Old World. Its mysterious and foreign character seems as strange to them as to us -- perhaps more so. Better knowledge and understanding of the Mayans, therefore, leads me to conclude may turn out to be a significant help in our checking and dealing with them.

On a related note, perhaps the Mayans abandonment of their major cities was the result of their reaction to unwelcome spirit people trying, presumably using rank evil (as I call it) to take over; thus (in some form and a manner of speaking) resulting in a back to Nature approach and attitude among the natives who, in understandable revulsion, would or could not tolerate the direction things were headed.


Assumptions, on which all our decisions and thinking are based, can be pulled out from under a person if those assumptions are not solidly -- that is to say rationally and morally -- grounded. It is only prudent and sensible therefore to carefully examine what the assumptions one harbors and accepts are; lest they one day prove fatal. Now, aside from losing a loved one or certain extreme kinds of physical pain, the worst thing in my now over 14 year excruciating ordeal with criminal spirit people and their henchmen see my "Narrative") is not being alone and treated by others as an outcast or someone to be rejected, or being cheated and robbed of relationships or nice things that would otherwise be mine; immeasurably worse is having the worser kind of spirit around in the vicinity or within reach of me. Real sorrow, emptiness and depression is to be found in such than anywhere else -- unless it be a place where they are congregated (commonly denoted Hell.) Yet others have been spared having these kinds of spirit people around to some extent or other, because they, unlike such as myself, agreed to cooperate and go along with them. Yet what these others very obviously don't consider is that if you cooperate with criminal spirit people you will ultimately end up being closer to -- not further from them. Why? For one thing you are showing your kinship with them by agreement; while at the same time they are not very tolerant or forgiving of those who renege. And if you need to accept rank evil in order to have good, and you are conditioned to think this way over the course of years, then what idea of what is good will you have when all is said and done but a grossly distorted one? And all they need do in order to keep you a prisoner is to simply go on deceiving you as to what good is. In addition, because the person by listening to these people, in effect is saying, he needs to cooperate with evil in order to find satisfaction and security he needs for living; he makes these people's outlook an integral part of his own thinking. Yet it is evil and the embracing of evil, which they cooperate with, that has made the aforesaid spirit people so insufferable and an agony to have around. The moral of the story then is that, when all is said and done, one doesn't escape evil by cooperating or going along with it -- but only by rejecting it. True they will or might crucify you for doing so. Yet take it from someone who has been violently persecuted by them for many years now. It is inexpressibly better to suffer as their enemy than to be comforted as their appeasing friend; better to be deprived and denied than to live one's life in peace and comfort that is really only an illusion or mirage.

Now if someone says, that is not true there is a third way out; what third way is there between saying you will or you won't accommodate rank evil in the course of your life? Please, if you don't already, try to understand that there are people who view evil as positive good. And while you might think of yourself as being open minded and liberal and not really accepting of evil by cooperating with such sorts, they, on their part, don't need or desire to be kind to you in return if they don't want to. All they need to do is hook on to that amount of evil you have accepted and you are effectively there's; and the more evil you tolerate the easier they can seize and take hold of you as one of their own. Would you, to draw on an analogy, be willing to live a live of ultra luxury, for say ten full years, only to then spend the rest of your life in a squalid prison camp making up for it? Yet this is what some people in effect are doing by compromising with -- not combating -- these spirit people.


Here's an interesting and worthy project I learned of not long ago deserving of support and donations; and that I thought I would share here.


"On March 15, 1781 a hard-fought battle occurred between a British army led by Lord Cornwallis and the American army commanded by General Nathaniel Greene. Today, on the grounds of the Guilford Court House National Military Park, only a single monument recognizes the British involvement in an under-recognized, but decisive battle. A prominent Member of Parliament at the time, when told the Army had won a victory at Guilford, but at a high cost in casualties, exclaimed, '...another such victory will ruin the British Army!' The severe damage inflicted on the British Army at this site, was a primary factor influencing the Parliament and King George to accept their army’s isolation and encirclement at Yorktown later in the year, as a final military end to the war.

"The British Soldiers who fought and died at Guilford, bravely did their duty, fighting to preserve a British way of life in the colonies, a status quo of law and order, based on old concepts, accepted in Europe, but unacceptable to those who were forging a new country in a new world.

"The Guilford Battleground Company proposes to construct a monument to recognize all of the British soldiers who died here at Guilford. The only monument to any British Soldier marks the place where one officer is supposed to have fallen. Many British soldiers still rest there in unmarked graves. The monument will recognize the historic British regiments that fought here. The Guilford Battleground Company believes that such a monument, although acknowledging sacrifice in war, will also commemorate our common bonds of language, culture, history and values, which now make us the strongest of Allies.

"Through the efforts of Colonel Jonathan Lloyd, representing the British Army on duty as Counselor and Military Advisor to the United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations, we have received generous donations from the following British Regimental Associations in memory of their service in the battle.

"The King’s Own Royal Border Regiment
The Black Watch
The Royal Artillery
The Royal Welch Fusiliers
The Coldstream Guards

"Men of these historic regiments have fought for freedom alongside American Soldiers in both World Wars, Korea and in the Middle East. To date $5,200 has been contributed. We need $20,000.00 in additional funds. We ask you to join us in making a contribution in any amount to honor their service and the long-standing friendship of our two great nations. Checks should be mailed to:

"Guilford Battleground Company
P.O. Box 39508, Greensboro, NC 27438

"Contributions should be made payable to the Guilford Battleground Company. Please write on the check that it is for the British Memorial Monument. The Guilford Battleground Company is a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible. We will acknowledge in writing, the receipt of each contribution. Any questions about this project may be addressed to "


If God is not the truth or of the truth, then what is the truth or of the truth? Do we just say there is no truth? Some do of course. Yet despite the fact that it makes perfect sense to identify or associate God with the truth, some persons will look upon these spirit (say if the latter come in the form of "angels") as being of God and therefore of the truth. But how can spirit people, again such as they might encounter or have encountered, have to do with the truth who do not hold themselves accountable to human authority; give no address to reach them at or else cannot be tracked; will be present or not present as they please, and who perhaps as well ask or demand a person keep secrets? And if such spirit people are not of the truth, and yet are treated as if they were God or of God, then what kind of situation do we have going on here? After all, if someone is viewed as God, it goes without saying how easily they might be able to make use of such mistaken identity to their greedy advantage. So why then are people being so stupid about all this? As far as I can see the answer lies in irrationalism, fear, childishness; and these aggravated and compounded by masterly tactics of deceiving and frightening certain powerful kinds of spirit people are adept at.

These past 10 or 20 years or so, society (in various places and countries) has been hit by what about amounts to a blitzkrieg of terror and manipulation that, among other events of note, resulted in billion dollar fortunes profiting these people. Observe in this regard, and as we have here previously, that J.K. Rowland, the author of the Harry Potter series, is a billionaire. Yet as and the more time passes the effect of resultant trauma and insensibility on everyone does and will begin to wear off; at least if there are enough honest and courageous people left to deal with what is going on; and from this position then an effective counter attack (i.e. on the part of rational persons of conscience), and in order to regain our laws and rights, gradually becomes more and more feasible.


Ah, now you see, there is scientific proof of some people having read my books; witness this.

(You can find the original of this review at )

For Bruce Long's review of the MNSB see:

To download the book itself (in .pdf, zipped at 2.4 MBs) click here. Note. The first edition, which is what Ms. Goulet, the Amazon reviewer, speaks of, did have some photographs (not really all that many); however most all of these were omitted in the subsequent editions in order to offset cost and help keep the size of the book manageable.


Enemies who cannot become friends should be separated or, if not that, competitors for excellence.


It is my understanding that at one point a while back he tried to gain public acceptance and long postponed recognition by passing himself off as the Hamburgler; but with limited success of course. Laugh at or weep for him as you prefer, the fact remains he has far, far more say in what goes on than either you, I or just about anyone else.


Here's a film title, gratis, to anybody who wants it:

"Mind Your Own Business: The Movie."


To Continue

What is most good about someone
is what is most infinite.
When one realizes they need the infinite,
and that the one they love needs it too,
even more than they themselves,
only then can they love;
only then can they let go
to care for someone else
also deservedly called infinite.
True love then
needs not be tied down;
indeed cannot be.
For without the infinite
love dies and cannot endure.
And what is the infinite
but patience, charity, and mercy
healing conscience;
courage in the face of dangers;
trustworthy, loyal, fair;
disregarding of any particular one
save the One;
ever followed, ever pursued;
tomorrow without an image?


As I have in effect said before putting up with this Archimago, or ghost sorcerer, who has stalked and harassed me all these years, has for me been, much of the time certainly, so much babysitting. Yet only some moments ago did I learn that it may be that part of the reason he needs me to babysit him is that, though one himself, he is afraid of ghosts! More specifically, there are old associates of his; who desire to see him again and settle some old business between them. Yet because he is in the close proximity of regular people, including and like such as myself, and who are made to act, willingly or no, as his host, they cannot reach him! I cannot vouch very well for how true this is or might be only it is otherwise inexplicable to me why he is so incomprehensibly childish.


"Put up thy sword," Christ told Peter. But did that necessarily mean stop fighting? For did he not also say (Matt. 10:34) "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"? Is the idea then to fight, but without violence? Be that as it may, that one does and should fight -- on some level at any rate -- seems clear enough.


In addition to avoiding topical news stories in this my website commentary, often I don't remark on something because I feel it should already be obvious enough for most thinking people to have figured out for themselves. Nevertheless, I will sometimes make an exception; so that I could not but observe how the coroners in the Anna Nicole Smith case ruled that her death was the result of an accidental overdose; yet almost simultaneously we see People Magazine -- just on the stand -- proclaiming (on its cover) possible drug abuse by Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan!

Look, if these women take drugs and end up killing themselves (and are not actually murdered), it is because they are being regularly and routinely abused by people who found their wealth in crime and the occult; and who see these women as their property. If, for instance, the girl responds reluctantly or rejects such a one, she risks incurring his violent retaliation. And whom could she go to for help? Who is prepared and sufficiently backed by others to take on some billion dollar warlock/crime figure and who has vicious ghost and spirit people to guide and protect him from getting into trouble? So much power does he possess, so concretely installed into the present hierarchy of things is he that even the police, it seems, in the final analysis, answer to him. Sure does seem like that, doesn't it? As ever, you can judge for yourself.


Although it has apparently been around for a number of months already, I only learned of Martin Short's Broadway show yesterday -- just to show you how out of the loop I am. In case then you are like me in this respect, click here to learn more about it. More importantly perhaps, however, my mentioning the show provides the opportunity -- and excuse -- to put up the wonderful photograph (above) of Short that accompanies the promotion.


As I should hope is already clear, there are some spirit people (including their nearer regular person accomplices or henchmen) who will at certain times and occasions (say they feel their interests are threatened) employ overt fear tactics for purposes of swaying others to their way of seeing things. They will have been at this kind of game for a long time and, as a result, sometimes use some clever new scheme, or else, and more usually, fall back on some old, yet tried and true trick that they know will scare and confuse their target victim. These schemes or tricks invariably are a kind of mind control and conditioning of one sort or another; yet what for our purposes here is of note is that a not infrequent aspect of such a scheme or trick is that it will usually incorporate calculated waves of terror intended to undermine confidence. So, for example, they confuse a person with one thing; then frightened him with another; then cut deep with some surprise fact to undo him -- each step carefully planned to achieve the desired disorienting effect. Sometimes these bouts or fits of disconcerting or disarraying people will be done for a specific immediate end; sometimes to carry out some formal and routine occult policy; or else as simply something for them to do since they are not doing anything else.


Even though he may be right in what he says, never -- as a general rule -- listen to a demon or spirit person, if for no other reason than the means he uses to communicate with you is or might be surreptitious, invasive, intrusive, violent, or carried on with some obvious form of duress and coercion; or not allowing of independent corroboration of what he claims; thus releasing you of any obligation to give them hearing. A demon or spirit person's refusal or failure to respect a person's inherent right to their own self and person; accompanied by an obvious disregard for the integrity, and hence viability, of reliable communication, renders their own communications not credible or trustworthy -- as a general rule; yet a general rule you are free to invoke, and in the name of your God given rights as a free citizen of this earth, as you please.


If I cut a poor figure in Hell, you will have to excuse me, but the blame is Hell's actually, not mine.


They are the ones who much if not most of the time and usually, it seems, have most say in public discourse about what’s wrong, and yet they are precisely the ones who most of the time are both actually having and causing the most problems, individually and at large. And yes we will again once ask -- for all their unspeakable wealth and power, why the interminable hiding and concealment?


Peace before all things; be right where you are; and if you are not sure what dying is, then don't do it.


Whom or what you like now, indeed desire beyond expression, you do nor need or love at all places and all times. It only make sense then to and be both fair towards them (or it) and honest with yourself by making due allowance for this when we do desire them.


Just because one has a right to unhappy with A about X, that is no excuse for him to be ungrateful to or ignoring of B who has really nothing to do with A or X.


In my own experience of seeing them, angels come in two main forms or types; while all are seen in or somehow coming from the sky. One kind look more or less like ordinary caucasians , exclusively blondes or light haired color as best as I could tell, in apparently white robes. There are children among them but no old people. The second kind of angel I have seen are those larger than life archangel types very well depicted by Gustave Dore' in his Bible illustrations, and I have also seen bearded figures, like saints, show up on one occasion. These latter types of angels and bearded sorts, if not literally by way of size, are somehow giants compared to other spirit people.

Now this is some of what I have seen -- and with the naked eye. But is what I saw real as it appeared to be? This is not so easy to say because a person without open objective discussion available to them to address the matter with others has no way of properly establishing whom these people actually are. At the same time they might be viewed differently. For example, from one point of view we might say, no these are not angels or saints but imposters. Alternatively we might say these are good people and they mean well (in their own minds certainly), but they are merely pawns and vassals of some arbitrary hegemony. And naturally there are other interpretations one might consider; including the distinct possibility of their being only sorcerer concocted apparitions and or staged shows. For myself and as a practical rule, I trust no one who, when all is said and done, will not come out openly and honestly among (regular) people to speak; which means as a result all authority presuming spirit people who do not act in due accordance with love, truth and reason -- which unfortunately is what the visible ones I have seen are clearly like.


There is undoubtedly an inherently maritime quality to life. Although granted, one might never have considered being a sailor or living a life at sea, yet looking at our bodies as vessels (of our souls) sailing on the sea of time, living life itself could be said to be very much like being continually on a ship at sea -- thus making sailors of us whether we like it or not.


What needs to be considered is that here is this person who has been carefully and purposely led and conditioned to think that killing for fun or pleasure is o.k. and that murder is an acceptable means of achieving one's goals -- as long as one can get away with it. And when, in a given circumstance, by further machination of devils he is empowered and led to think he can easily escape punishment or reproach, he comes to think even less of killing; till finally all of the rest of his life needs to be accommodated to this arch principle and unnatural belief, and with predictably often absurd results.


It is very typical for them to vaunt and boast about getting to have their way, while nice guys, of course and by contrast, finish last. Yet what they don't ever explain is that the main reason for such worldly success as theirs is that they are permitted to use ghosts, angels and dead people to coerce, manipulate circumstances and cheat their opponents -- while, according to conventional wisdom and mores, no one is allowed to publicly say or discuss anything about these and related kinds of blatantly underhanded and criminal tactics they employ (or else are in some form party to.)


Look you do it mostly for their benefit, and you don't merely act polite and wish them well, but indeed desire or seek for them peace that's nothing less than grandeur as well as the most glorious happiness they themselves might like; only do this without in the least letting on that that is what you are trying to do.


If this really is death to you (that is, whatever regrettable and extreme circumstance you might find yourself dealing with), then if with faith you endure, and by that means overcome it, you will have overcome death.


If you'll really live (that is, rather than merely subsist or consume), then sooner or later they will be forced to let you live.


To S.B.

as the weariness of struggle
was draining me dry
I wanted water to flower
just a few last poems

yet my prayers were heard
for Heaven by way of you
rained in bursts
sending me a flood

now as my garden blooms
and butterflies have homes
inspiration thanks you
for the precipitation

For some time now, and due to certain unwelcome distractions as well as other reasons, I have not followed the news all too closely. It was then by way of casual glancing I saw President Bush or else administration officials under criticism in the national "press," as well as the U.S. Congress, for his firing of the 20 prosecutors from the different U.S. attorney's offices. That the tenor and gist of such articles was suspiciously similar to articles which tirelessly expose the foibles of (such as) Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan leads me to conclude that, despite my full ignorance of the governmental matter, the President must be doing something terribly right and important on this; and to that extent should be supported.


It was reported to me, by a third party, that he said he did not think he was wasting everybody's time. It completely flabbergasted me that he had the temerity to say this when wasting people's time (as much as anything else) is the one and only thing he actually is doing.


Two (Separate) Miniatures

She is right to love me
because I would give her everything
not for my sake or for her sake
but for beauty we both cherish

If it truly were the days of old
I would have to, like some
Viking with an armed band,
have come taken and captured her
-- but only to kiss her!


Life has problems either because something is in it that shouldn't be or else that is out of order or sync with it. And yet why then is it someone might find themselves blaming life for whatever's wrong?


"Now that's true, we do need Sherman [to get through any given day], but he can get a good deal on this too if we do it this way. Trust me, I know how these things are." For my part, I don't need to retaliate, hurt or get back at these people; I need merely to get rid of them. What a monolith of power! And yet what an excess of childishness, fear and stupidity are necessary to uphold it!


By managing and controlling much of the mass media (in its various forms), telecommunications, the internet, e-mail, regular mail -- on some level or other -- and thwarting free speech as much as possible, while sundering ties and severing countless and invaluable personal, business and trade relationships in the process, they have accomplished, at best, nothing more (really) than to waste most everyone's time (in some way or another); and so many if not most then are made to waste their own time in some way; not unusually for some ludicrous reason (e.g, they are not allowed to speak to so and so who is already willing to speak to them.) The obvious question then would seem to be: when then will it reach a point that people (who don't already) realize this is what they are actually doing -- and not informing, educating, entertaining, enriching, enlightening, conserving, liberating, etc.?

Spells are meant to be broken.


I guess when it comes to the human condition that phrase, "Avoid the Noid," says it all.


Ab Imperium Sanctorum Angelorum -- shut down that group already. There is no point! As well here's an opportunity to put him to the test to see if he would obey such a command in either practice or in theory. What do you think he would do? If an Orkonist, after all, he would not be so easily moved or swayed, correct?


In Passing

I want to be there for you,
But don’t know what to do.
I think you’d know this,
But don’t know that you do.
So if you thought I did,
I did not forget you.

Forgetting is sometimes good;
Even when years roll by.
But if ever I care,
If ever I can fly,
I’ll fly with you,
And never forget you.

It could go a hundred ways.
But however it goes,
No joy to me is more
Than that which you will know.
And though I am not there,
I cannot forget you.


Any desire or experience, it would seem, can be sung if it's felt and deeply enough (or even not so deeply), and I think we think and feel most deeply when we are most in harmony with the all. Now if someone is going to grow into the all he must first in some way have the all within in him both really and potentially to begin with; which entity we can here denote the "one." This one, in a sense, both is a person's now all and future all. This he develops over time by way of training, self- discipline, charity, devotion and a not inconsiderable amount of patience, faith and perseverance. For some people at least, if not all, it appears this maturation process on some level and for some people is perpetual; since even if they were able to do just about any and everything they could not realistically expect to do it all as well as it should or could be done. Yet speculatively speaking it is not impossible that one could do any given good thing; but that time and circumstances were, are or will be different.

One potentially marvelous result with respect to a person growing by way of music is that it is theoretically possible for them at a future time to sing about desires and experiences they don't now nor ever before quite knew about; I say "quite" because in some sense they already knew the all (by way of the one) all along.


If one isn't sure whether they like autocratic spirit people or not, or even bother to ask themselves that question, then why would they just go and obey them? Well, one reason is that some spirit people are very domineering and overbearing, and merely by commanding can make some assume that they represent authority. Also they can be painfully and tirelessly persistent. And yet they are not invulnerable or invincible, and will not infrequently have to adopt the most contemptible artifices, such as invoking utterly absurd privileges and double standards for themselves, in order to have their way. It is they who can make crime to seem legitimate and excusable in an authoritative way (due to their powers of persuasion); such that it is the height of folly to indulge such people if it can possibly be helped otherwise.

So one thing I would seek to impart to others is to just see them as people; if you must, judge them by their behavior and actions, and less by their ostensible power and seeming; and when it comes to the more big shot and arrogant type of spirit people tell them the blame for their failed movie career is their own and that you had nothing to do with it; indeed, did as much as you humanly could to steer clear of it. If they are so great what do they need you for? You certainly don't need them. Honestly, it is such vainglory and a childish need for attention that usually motivates them as much as anything; so, for all their religious or glorious pretensions, hit them where it hurts -- the truth. If you are someone who knows them well enough, you know (despite some show on their part) they are not really happy people; and if they are not happy people why or what reason would you have to think of them as your people (and then go obeying or trusting them?) And what kind of peace can you expect from such people? When do you or anyone know them to ever be at real peace?

If nothing else, look at it this way -- if you are one who is hit by them hot and heavy on a regular basis, then think that every day you have to fight them is yet another opportunity to beat them; and the more you beat them (by enduring them and their underlings), the sooner you can hope to be free of them. Most any of us are really and at bottom happy. All we require to realize it is to be rid of them. But this ultimately takes courage and intelligence; qualities which regrettably few, it could probably be said, have any exceptional abundance of. For myself, I'll be candid with you. These people and some of their closer followers owe me at least a billion dollars in damages (no joke) for what they put me through; and I for one am not about to let them weasel out of it by means of sorcery and angels. They may, as a practical matter, get out of paying me; but I certainly would not put up with any pretense on their part of having fooled me.


I am inclined to suspect (given the times) that some could really use this; so here's "Come On" by Chuck Berry.


We typically see in a stage or film musicals someone striking up a song, in say a common town or city setting, as if doing so were a somewhat normal thing. Yet in more ordinary circumstances, we Westerners, at least in more recent eras, tend to have our music in theaters or churches; though before that, say roughly over a hundred years ago, impromptu voluntaries from street musicians, sailors singing on ships, revelers in taverns, or certain laborers at work were a more common phenomena. By interesting contrast, many American Indians of old would as a routine matter burst out in song when out in the forests, or desert, in the mountains or on the prairie -- though usually with a specific purpose. A given song might be sung by them, whether alone or with a group of their fellows, in preparation for some task or errand, or in the celebration of some feat or event, or for purposes of a game. Yet despite how ritualistic this sounds such singings accompanying more or less everyday events are themselves usually very simple; as if they were done extemporaneously. So, to give one small illustration, is this from the Arapaho, again taken from Curtis, pp. 201-202:

"The Indian turns his horses loose to graze where they may find find pasture. When he wants to use his horses he must hunt them up and drive them home. Sometimes the horses wander far away and the man must be up before daylight to bring them in for a day's work, or else hunt them the day before. White men too, who cannot afford to buy feed, turn their horses loose in this way.

"This Hand-Game song refers to the search for the sticks in the hands of the players.

"Now I go to seek my horses!
So here I stand and look about me!
So here I stand and look about me!
Now I go to seek my horses!"

Also, on a related note, is this from Nerburn, pp. 54-55:

"I am an old woman now. The buffaloes and blacktail deer are gone, and our Indian ways are almost gone. Sometimes I find it hard to believe I ever lived them... "Often in summer I arise at daybreak and steal out to the corn fields, and as I hoe the corn I sing to it, as we did when I was young. No one cares for our corn songs now..." ~Waheenee, Hidatsa (North Dakota)


I like the original, but this updated version of the Washington's Cruisers flag I've come up with perhaps may be more suitable for the present circumstances.


Remembering the victims of evil and venerating the martyrs for truth is what real Christianity is about (as much as anything), and yet who for or against Christianity (and outside of posturing) ever really does ? ("I would, only these people will cause me trouble if I do...")


"The span of one generation brought to the Indian of the plains change such as the white man experienced only through long centuries of evolution -- the change from the life of primitive man to that of civilization. Nor did the white man in his wholesale slaughter of the buffalo for hides realize, perhaps, what the extinction of the animal would mean to the people of the prairies, to whom the buffalo supplied nearly every physical want -- food, clothing, and even lodging, for buffalo-hides were made the portable skin lodges of the prairie tribes." ~The Indians Book, edited by Natalie Curtis, [p. 41]

"The Father," evidently a spirit person of some kind, addressing Short Bull, a Dakota medicine man who had been a leader and spokesperson in the Ghost Dance religion:

"'I leave you with this word: be of good heart. Even though the old days are gone, never to come again, still be of good heart. A better day will dawn for your people. The old days will never be again, even as a man will never again be a child. Those days were the happy childhood of your race. Manhood brings sorrow and wisdom. Wise through sorrow will be your people, and the days of full maturity will be warm with sunshine. You journeyed to the west for tidings of hope. You sought the Father in the land of the sinking sun. The hope you brought of the old life was not as the dawn-light, but as the after glow of sunset skies. Now look for the new day. In the land where the sun rises the Indians have friends. Not westward, but eastward seek the coming of the light.'" [ibid. p. 47]

That the very radical, devastating and widespread transition forced on the plains Indian (as described in the first paragraph), not to mention the land and animals, could have evoke or brought forth an outpouring and divine spirit of revulsion from God (or the Holy Spirit) through all of Nature would seem to me to only make perfect sense; and some of what we hear spoken of and by the Ghost Dance medicine men seems perfectly in keeping with wise, Godly counsel. Who then were the ostensibly literal spirit people who also spoke with the Ghost Dance prophets? Although I don't suppose it is necessarily so easy to say out of hand, I myself rather suspect they were bad spirits acting in reaction to the true or good Spirit, while seeking to conceal themselves in his dress. Again, certain bad spirit people have the power to speak benevolently, and the report Short Bull describes could still have come from such. Note also how it would seem God lives in the East. If "By their fruits you shall know them," what fruit could we then say was borne by the spirit people who (presuming such did so) spoke literally to the medicine men? While it is true that magical garments that would shield the wearer from enemy weapons was not anything new to the Indians, the spirit people's instructions was one of the few recorded times the Indians were told to put on clothing that would protect them from bullets -- rather than arrows. And why of all people would Jesus or a messenger of his have directed such a thing?


What John Lennon called "bagism" I would call "boxism"; you're in this box -- so -- get out of it. (Right?)


If I hadn't first read about angels in a book I would even care less about them than I now do (no offense to good angels of course.)


In actual fact, almost completely took out both the command and communications center.


So by now perhaps you see how it is. Because the government and police cannot reasonably cope with, let alone contain or eliminate, organized crime, and because organized crime so entrenched and liberated invariably involves criminal spirit people, there is a certain segment of the given population that is going to become victim to any number of types of crimes and with impunity; as part of the price that society has to pay for seeking to profit by means of crime. Part of the reason for this is that certain spirit people who are professional criminals not unusually tend to be insatiably rapacious and sadistic; as a result victims are daily required to glut their monster appetite or simply to just give them something to do. In any case, it is not possible for good or other bad people to simply ignore them and think they will just go away; not least of which if society, through its negligence and timidity, makes it possible for them to profit in a financially grandiose way from wrong doing.


One of the funny things about the American Indian with respect to the plains conflicts of the 1870's is that many saw war as a sport and ritual, and did not resent the white soldiers, often brave and intelligent person like themselves, but rather such as the dishonest and greedy white agents and profiteers. Many times such Indians went into battle for an opportunity to show off, play tricks on their enemies, and make them look foolish (and on occasion against numerically superior and better armed whites succeeded brilliantly.) What is wonderful and what is funny to me is that this is the face of nature. Nature is not a killer. Nature would rather play or earn honor through open deed and prowess than kill unnecessarily. Real killers rather are people, who one way or another, are under the pronounced influence of unnatural and malevolent spirit people for whom killing is a religion, not a practical necessity.


Process proceeds image, and most will assume their own "process" (to understand, think and feel) is good. If all process, in this sense is good, then all images can be made or can be made to seem good by being interpreted in a certain way or else ignored (to varying degrees) altogether. But how can we be sure process is any good unless, in the final analysis, we can appeal to and confirmed by both logic and morals?

With just about any song I think I will end upon being bored by it after listening to it for the thousandth time; even so there are some songs which though it seems I can't quite enjoy anymore (or at least will not be able to for a long while) make me smile or cheer for inside just when I think of them.


How is it that people so little capable of real thought should have so much say and power? Because they are not the ones doing the thinking.


"When the king of Moab saw that the battle had gone against him, he took with him seven hundred swordsmen to break through to the king of Edom, but they failed. Then he took his firstborn son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him as a sacrifice on the city wall. The wrath against Israel was great; they withdrew and returned to their own land." ~ 2nd Kings Ch. 3:26-27.

My New American Bible commentator states: "probably the wrath of Chemosh, the Moabite God to whom the child was offered. He was feared by the Israelites who lost heart on foreign soil." Perhaps this Chemosh was an old shipmate of the currently standing Hooligan. Be that as it may, we can still ask , did God empower Chemosh, who in turn empowered the Moabite King? If not, then in what was his strength if not weakness in the minds of the Israelites?


Almost any good thing can be over done; so just remember – normally -- not to overdo whatever it is.


With the understanding that few or none are entirely one way or the other in harboring such views, and while speaking in very general terms, there could be said to be two fundamentally opposing kinds of moral philosophy; that of life through life and that of life through death (or seeking life by way of death); or living by doing right and living by doing wrong. Now the advantage of life through death is that one can satisfy immediate desires more easily; yet at the price of throwing away or destroying the well being, and possibly as well the future, of others. What would excuse their doing such a cold and unjust thing? The idea is that, if nothing else, and when all is said and done, they will be dead and asleep and so it won't matter what they did. And yet how is this arranged seeing that the success using the life through death advantage is achieved only by throwing in their lot with spirit people who do not sleep, indeed can't? Some people object to the idea of living forever, but (and leaving aside the question whether living forever is a good or bad thing) what they don't seem to appreciate is that they may have to live forever despite their wishes.

On Dante’s and Faust’s Heaven

"Another of the older men, called upon for his views, kept a long silence. Finally, he said, 'I have come to the conclusion that this Jesus was an Indian. He was opposed to material acquisition and to great possessions. He was inclined to peace. He was as unpractical as any Indian and set no price upon his labor of love. These are not the principles upon which the white man has founded his civilization. It is strange that he could not rise to these simple principles which were so commonly observed among our people'...'
"...It is my considered belief, after thirty five years experience of it, that there is no such thing as Christian 'civilization.' I believe that Christianity and modern civilization are irreconcilable, and that the spirit of Christianity and of our ancient religion is essentially the same." [p. 130]
~ from "The Coming of the White Ways," by Ohiyesa.

"Your God is not our God! Your God loves your people and hates mine! He folds his strong protecting arms lovingly about the paleface and leads him by the hand as a father leads an infant son. But, He has forsaken His Red children, if they really are His. Our God, the Great Spirit, seems also to have forsaken us. Your God makes your people wax stronger every day. Soon they will fill all the land. Our people are ebbing away like a rapidly receding tide that will never return. The white man's God cannot love our people or He would protect them. They seem to be orphans who can look nowhere for help. How then can we be brothers? How can your God become our God and renew our prosperity and awaken in us dreams of returning greatness? If we have a common Heavenly Father He must be partial, for He came to His paleface children. We never saw Him. He gave you laws but had no word for His red children whose teeming multitudes once filled this vast continent as stars fill the firmament. No; we are two distinct races with separate origins and separate destinies. There is little in common between us." [p. 195]
~ Chief Seattle, from his speech to Gov. Stevens, 1853. The Wisdom of the Native Americans, by Kent Nerburn. It seems to me clearly and without a doubt to be the case that the brutal persecution of the American Indians was in large part the work of the kind of spirit people, such as "Simon the Magician," whom I have written about, giving direct orders or otherwise exerting their influence. The sadism and accompanying acts of arrant duplicity, gratuitous killing, torture, and viciousness reported, or such as the ganging up on Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce in their attempt to flee the U.S., is very much consistent with what I know about these kinds of spirit people from first hand and elsewhere. This interpretation would also help to explain why Christianity -- as often practiced by the whites -- was seen by many of the Indians as having a demonic face. Bear in mind in the midst of all this that a Devil does not achieve his finest persuasion by coming to people as a devil but by coming as if from "Heaven" in shining glory; with cryptic injunctions, and caring benevolence; with angels, thundering voice, etc. (and which are, of course, nothing more than show and dross to alert and analyzing people who have experienced such things.)


With respect to both poetry and prose, if a topic is too controversial, too harsh, too sensitive, or else too personal in character to write about directly or literally (say a death), one can write indirectly about it. Metaphor, allegory, or selective wording for instance are used to serve that purpose, but there are other ways, and even more in addition than these when we take into account the possible combinations and variations created from those methods or approaches and whose only limit is the power of one's imagination. At the same time, such indirect forms of communication can (looking at the outline of the composition) be mixed with direct forms in various arrangement.


As a sort of practical first aid, two things to be especially aware of when dealing with trouble making sorts of spirit people are false images (including an over reliance on images in one's thinking) and physical violence. If you are rational and can handle these two challenges fairly well then you should be able to contend competently with powerful spirit people.


To try and put the matter scientifically, since he is and has been conditioned so as not to be able to deal with reality, he gets his understanding of reality from an overbearing and manipulative spirit person he listens to. Sometimes the influence the latter exerts on the former (whom we'll call the recipient subject) is either direct or indirect, open or concealed communication and manipulation; and the recipient subject in personal planning and many day to day practical matters has his way cleared for him by the more informed spirit person and who has a better factual idea of what's going on (this in no small due to their obsessive preoccupation with spying and gathering information about others and their private and public situations.) Now this same spirit person who is doing the influencing and controlling, although he might possess phenomenal knowledge and even understanding of some things (including such things as are lost on us), there is also far much more he typically doesn't know, and indeed it is not at all impossible for he himself to be quite like in character make-up and about as out of touch with reality as the first whom he influences when it comes right down to it. But in addition, the spirit person continues his own existence on the basis of a not dissimilar arrangement with a yet third more powerful spirit person who manages the former two as necessary or called for. Also, on a somewhat separate note, did you know (I myself just came across this the other day) that the known elemental composition of the average human body is as follows:

Oxygen 62.81 *percent of the body
Carbon 19.37
Hydrogen 9.31
Nitrogen 5.14
Sulfur 0.64
Phosphorus 0.63
Other 2.10

This in fact all but effectively shows us ourselves, in one significant sense at least, to actually be spirit people; inasmuch as oxygen is a gas and it is gas that is the quality usually attributed to spirit as a substance. (Perhaps then Anaximenes had the right idea after all.)

