Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page quotes, observations, etc.


It was his honor to be appointed the monkey on the person's back; a job for which he was and is well suited. He mooches and leeches on people all his life, and he thinks he's funny doing so. In actual fact, I have heard some of his own people refer to him as Mr. Bojangles, and which suggests the transient like nature of his person and lifestyle despite his fantastical wealth and power.


Yes it is actually like Stalingrad putting up with these people and I told them this myself.



Was he not handsome?
Was he not brave?
He would have it too good
being right too.
So they sent him to his grave.
Long before he’d awoke on a land
owned by none;
the sun lit up
the white birch on a blue sky;
while a seagull or hawk circled overhead
under a placid moon and dim stars.
And though the sky still glows a golden glow,
the land is no longer free.
The world glitters on the surface
but rages and foments within.
It has the glory of light
with little true warmth or feeling.
Yet Nature shines love throughout
wherever she is not spoiled by man.
But something even greater than she
was the peace and strength of her son,
calmly accepting an unjust fate,
like the rugged pines that had outlasted time.

For an article on Chief Leschi click here.


Having for many years now become in effect the space alien in my life, you can report back to your leader tell him that you have succeeded in your mission of making me completely miserable. All I suppose that's left for me to say to you now is: rock on, ghost people, rock on.


The Solution

I told her if there were a way to say it
without saying it I would.
She said she would free me
if some way she could.
Then a pause.
But no on second thought,
Don't worry I'll get over it.
I’ll have to, I said.
Think that I would take you
to an impossible head?
For how could one love beauty
and then not love you too?
And what good painter
would not be a great lover too?
No, no, the solution’s simply this:
in times like these
there’s a thousand things to do.


We ask, "Why all this fuss and trouble you are causing? The world is going to self-destruct anyway, right?" And they would say, if they were honest, "Yes, but not quickly enough for our purposes." And don't forget that when it comes to these kind of people, all it takes is one or few high powered crazies to be that way, and the rest, in effect, simply have no choice but do as he says.


Such extraordinary riches, power, and dominion! And yet at the price of ultimately having to become something out of an H.P. Lovecraft novel.


The world is, as some will have figured out, an extra source of happiness; real happiness lies first and only within (say with respect to peace for example.) But if the Kingdom of Heaven lies within, what is this stuff that is outside of us? And yet I do insist that God be likeable, and these people are not; moreover they seem like people left behind rather than people moving ahead. Even so, it would be foolish to completely ignore or forget someone, whether they are bad or good; because those often are the very people who are in a position to surprise us by later returning and using that surprise to their advantage; particularly if they have some significant measure of justice to back them up.


I don't know these are as good as my previous, but here, for fun, are some additional Oafmore script ideas.

* Oafmore finds himself a victim of his own success when after chasing out tobacco company executives with the usual "persuasion," he manages to take over much of the tobacco industry. As a result lighting up suddenly becomes fashionable; only will the increased smoking sit well with the higher ranking deities Oafmore relies on who are allergic to it?
* Strange and perplexing troubles befall an upper CIA officer; shortly after he starts raising questions with other officials as to why Festidius Oafmore is being granted National Security clearance.
* At various point in the Oafmore story, Oafmore acquiesces to and accomplices (to some point) the cruelties Goomerton perpetually inflicts on others. In this episode we find out that the reason for this is Goomerton can bring him to tears by getting Oafmore to feel sorry for him (i.e. Goomerton), accompanied by Goomerton's sad but well placed references concerning the plight of people like himself who did not get a fair shake in life.
* Oafmore's Eleven. After going through a near death experience in which he sees "Jesus" (really Dr. Insane), Oafmore undergoes a sudden conversion; as part of which, and despite objections from colleagues and customers, an effort is made on his part to bring Christianity to his casino and gaming establishments.


Because it has such a plenty of good things, here's more from Astrov's anthology.

"...I am like the quetzal bird, I am created in the One and only God; I sing sweet songs among the flowers; I chant songs and rejoice in my heart..."
~ from "Song of Nezahualcoyotl" (Aztec), p. 314.

"The Eagle and the Moon Goddess"
from the Cora tribe in Mexico.

"Under the sky the eagle, there he abides, there far above us.
Beautiful he appears.
In his talons he holds his world.
A gray garment he wears, a beautiful, living-moist garment of clouds.
There he awaits for the word from Tetewan.
Bright-eyed he looks down upon his world.
Toward the west his eyes are turned.
Bright-eyed he looks down upon the waters of life.
His countenance radiates calamity.
magnificent is his eye, the sun!
Red are his feet.

"There he abides, far above us.
There he remembers those who live on this earth.
His voice rises, above us.
It is we who hear it, lively are the words...
Tetewan even hears them, she who abides in the underworld.
There the Mother hears him.
And she responds; here we listen to the words of Tetewan.
Here they mingle with the words of the eagle, here they mingle.

"The words of the eagle fade away, far above the waters of life
There, the words of the Mother drift...
There they die away, far yonder, beneath the dome of the sky.
Far yonder the words vanish." p. 324.


In some instances Orkonists will do evil even despite the fact that they risk, unintentionally, bringing about great good. Otherwise, in the given circumstance the Orkonist doing the planning will attempt to make safe bets and hope for the worst. (Try to get the idea.)


"We have to obey the orders of the Zombie Master, Mr. Sherman."

And it is I who tell you, you have to do no such thing!


"...Johnny B. Goode, What the hell" (from Seattle's absolute finest at 4.2 MB.)


I didn't remember the full lyrics, so I went and looked them up (a hymn just about everyone ought already know in my opinion.)

"Hail, Hail rock and roll
Deliver me from the days of old
Long live rock and roll
The beat of the drums, loud and bold
Rock, rock, rock and roll
The feelin' is there, body and soul."


To C.M.

Though sufficient precaution
I thought I’d provided for;
Never allowing my guard to sit,
To my dismay, consternation, and more,
She scored on me a direct hit!
And my heart, despite all pains I’d took
To avert that sweet avidity,
Was led a prisoner, elated but forsook,
Into that captivity;
Where iron chains weigh not more
Than tears hidden that adore!
How long one can endure such things,
I honestly don’t know.
Once more I find my heart a going
Where I did not want it to go.


"...[W]hen a man makes up his mind to seek a favor of Wakan'tanka he makes due preparation. It is not fitting that a man should suddenly go out and make a request of Wakan'tanka. When a man shuts his eye he sees a great deal. He then enters his own mind, and things become clear to him...[S]o he resolves to seek seclusion on the top of a butte or high place. No man can succeed in life alone, and he cannot get the help he wants from men; therefore he seeks help through some bird or animal which Wakan'tanka sends for his assistance."
~ Siya'ka', Teton Sioux

"...You have noticed that the truth comes into the world with two faces. One is sad with suffering, and the other laughs; but it is the same face laughing or weeping. When people are in despair, maybe the laughing is better for them."
~Black Elk, Oglala Sioux

Both quoted in American Indian Prose and Poetry, The Winged Serpent, An Anthology, edited by Margot Astrov, pages 120 and 132 respectively.


The greatest power a person has over Hell is their knowledge and understanding of what is truly good; that is, of course, if they possess that knowledge and understanding, or something on the way to them, to begin with.


In the interest of being better informed about how a ghost sorcerer like "Simon the Magician" can fool people, it should be understood that he will sometimes (not always) manifest a good or talented sense of humor; though at the same time he might La Horla like be systematically tormenting the person. The picture above is a panel from Griffith's "Zippy" comic strip for Sunday, Feb. 11, 2007, and that struck me as funny. Yet it also reminded me of exactly the kind of humor "Simon" might use by way of thought transference or telepathy, and it was for and as an example of such I am posting the panel. This is not by any means to suggest that Bill Griffith in any way needed or got his own ides from someone else only I wanted to point out the similarity with how "Simon" also can or might be funny. But keep in mind humor can be used by such spirit people either to gain a person's trust and or else get the person to think that the wrong doing going on is no big deal, with the humor helping to create the impression that the magician has full and imperturbable confidence in himself -- even though at about the same time as he jokes he might be doing something that you or I would find evil. How does one react to such behavior? You can respect the humor as being good or decent, but of course never for a moment allow him to used as a means of deceiving you otherwise; because this, after all, is what he is most interested in doing, not making you or others jolly.


One does come across demonism in aboriginal beliefs, customs and myths every now and then, and yet more often, generally speaking, one encounters poetry and truth; and which (together) are very uncharacteristic of demonism. So with them as with us, that is if we look at a given culture we can find influences and mysticism that are demonistic in origin, but also influences and mysticism that are genuinely heart felt or inspired by a genuinely truthful spirit. One indication of truthfulness in a person (or a readily tangible and distinct individual personality) is that person's willingness to communicate and express through speech (including both song and rational discourse) what they think. With respect to religious ideas, the refusal to do this in most instances (though not necessarily always), it seems to me, implies demonistic mysticism. Where the word is spoken then we have a beginning indication of the truth being present. When we see in this what crucial importance the word (or speaking, writing, and reasoning) has in establishing truth, it becomes one strong reason for us to value the word much more highly than we would otherwise.

Even so, although we value the word it may initially be only for practical and expedient reasons. But after having known it for a while, say with years and some reflection, it becomes possible for us to better and properly understand and appreciate it much more; and when this happens then it becomes possible for us to comprehend the idea of the word being sacred of itself and or of our making it sacred. Typically, it would appear it is when and only after we treasure certain forms of the word that those forms become sacred.

Is it possible to establish what these higher forms of the word are objectively? Off hand, and looking towards logic, rhythms, and other plain and obvious demonstrations of harmony, I think yes, there are ways in which higher forms of the word can be established objectively; consistent with the truth and which do not require secrecy, dissembling or obfuscation. Note also spirit people, without exception, use words as, at best, a secondary means and will always rely on some other medium, says pictures (as one example) in order to communicate; all of which pronounced tendency strike me as indicative of their at bottom untrustworthiness and dubious credibility. That what spirit people say, given their usual tendency to secrecy, should become sacred to us ordinarily seems at odd with the truth, for why the stubborn furtiveness? Is it not, given its frequency, an act or ploy that flagrantly contends against the truth? And if so how could the words of spirit people become sacred? The answer to this last is only by the words possessing qualities of honest truth, i.e. truth such as an honest person could or would speak otherwise; and ascertained on the basis of reason, and standards of judgment and scrutiny open to all. Else how could we establish those words as being true, let alone sacred? This is not to say that the word, in whatever form, be without subjectivity but merely that when it is possessed of enough objectivity to render it that much more of the truth only then can it actually qualify as something sacred or potentially sacred.


It is interesting how in many of the American Indian creation and fertility stories or myths that the main characters in the tale, be they individuals, or a people, or animals, find themselves in a world they or someone else creates and yet which is at first without food. Then some god or goddess of one kind or another, in typically celestial, human, or animal form, does something, say perhaps through an act of their own or else instruction to the characters; following which, food, abundance and powers of healing are brought about. One thing of particular note, and is repeated in different versions, is that the characters find themselves alive or living before there is any food; in fact, they are able to live apparently for some stretch of indeterminate span of time without it. And yet they desire it. Yet perhaps it could be said that though they are hungry for ordinary food, it is still somehow possible for them to be nourished by the word, by way of song, prayer, or story; which gives added meaning and support to the idea of one's not living by bread alone -- or at least how such is or may be possible.


It is not what people think, whether for good or for bad, that ultimately matters; it is what the truth is. There have been more times then one can remember of people making a fuss over something that did not really matter, and yet some did then and will still always believe that what everybody thinks is all that most matters. This is of course absurd, for while we will want to take due account of what others think that is only part of the picture of reality; and it is reality or the truth that we must most concern ourselves with, and this we can, for practical purposes, have when we are honest, carefully rational, and prepared to be skeptical and unbiased; without being necessarily reliant on the opinions of others (let alone the report of the opinions of others) in forming our conclusions.


We would not have trouble with the sky did we but properly value and esteem the earth. This, I submit as always for you to judge for yourself, applies to environmental (such as, for instance, ozone depletion) as well as religious concerns.


Long Live God

The quote of the day we get this Feb. 6, 2007 from Google is "Santa Claus is clearly what Jesus would be if he was real. Nobody would ever consider nailing this omnibenevolent deity to anything, would they? Nor does he hold anything against you longer than a year." - Steve James.

Perhaps then the following will be of help. See Christ rather as the innocent child your rich friends brutally murdered in order that you could be prosperous and comfortable at home watching American Idol.


We come then to this conclusion, and which I submit as a challenge to my opponents.

You can, it seems to me (and let others speak for themselves), go on doing these things, such as run brain torture radios, etc., but only because you are willing to pay the price of damnation; observing at the same time that just about no one else insists on such extravagant and preposterous privileges and entitlement as you do. But then you say no, these spirit people say it is o.k., and damnation isn't a problem. Yet if this is so, why is it, and aside from the generality of their lamentable slaves and servants, that I categorically deny, denounce, reject, forswear and condemn these very people who you say are your hope. Why is it I view them as the most very vile and loathsome persons imaginable? Yet both of you have spared no expense in following and hounding me all these years. You think they are Heaven or somehow almighty, but to me they are nothing more than a private interest group and that does not know what it is doing or what it is talking about, while subsisting on cannibalism and trickery to keep their glory shining. What does a Hell person know about (real) quality of life anyway? How can you or anyone take those people seriously when there is not a single person of honor and integrity among them? Where do you see any signs in them of real peace? Where then is your hope in light of the inhuman crimes and phenomenal wealth you have entitled yourself to? What hope are these people offering you when they are the ones who started all this trouble making in the first place?


Anti-Christ Superstar (a la Goomerton, Dr. Insane, et al.)

Most no one agrees to go to Hell. Some will go to Hell to save a loved one. Such as a soldier, for example, venture there willingly, but only with a mind to rid themselves and their brethren from it or else be killed in the attempt.

It never ceases to be a wonder to me how much Hell people seem to be able to get away with, particularly with respect to their having it in their power to continue to do the kind of inexcusable wrong they do. Yet it occurred to me that perhaps the reason this is so is that they are ultimately willing to sacrifice all to have it their way. In other words, make a knowing agreement with "someone" who then arranges that they can have their way in this world (say with respect, to money, worldly power, material riches), indeed be able to run riot -- but only because down the line they are willing to pay the supreme sacrifice, damnation, in order to purchase such rights.

Why would anyone make such a deal? That they would do so knowingly would certainly seem very strange. But, if on the other hand, they are tricked, perhaps they could be got to consent to something they otherwise would not consent to.

Someone might object, if they were tricked, that would not be very fair now would it? No, but perhaps then they will only have to pay the price of a partial or temporary sentence.

Now, while no one but God is perfect, there are some people whom you well know try to have it both ways. They agree and don't agree to go along with the Hell people. Some manage, it seems, to later recognize what's really going on and finally pull themselves out in time. Others go on as they have, or else feel helpless to correct what's already been done, or perhaps are like a captured animal who, having taken the bait, does not sense danger. The bottom line of all this then would seem to be that the more the person agrees to go along with Hell and benefit from its "protection" and other benefits, the more Hell can claim them. That they are not in reality, or not being honest with reality, while all this is going on may be an excuse they can later use; but that's just it, how good of an excuse is it?


It was only very recently that I realized something that for years I had not before; namely, there actually is a Happy Hooligan. He is a real person; and, although not all that successfully in my own opinion, he does try to be happy and even seems to feel as if he is.


Everyone wants the war to end, but given the common and persistent prevalence of lying and secrecy, who is there then that really desires peace?


In solemn, stentorian voice "I AM this person who is supposed to be interesting."

You can be interesting. That's not the problem. All we are asking you to do is stop forcing yourself on people.

(Cloak and conceal himself in the most outrageous and despicable Evil as he will, he still cannot disguise the fact of what a stupid jerk he really is.)


No doubt one of the saddest things is someone going through life wanting and deserving love and not having it. I remember this one girl back in the 5th grade, quiet and to keeping herself most of the time, who had very buck teeth such that it almost always looked as though she was smiling. On the surface, she appeared, in her facial expression and manner, perhaps a bit retarded or something. Yet, for all surface impressions, she may have been actually quite intelligent. In addition, she seemed an isolated person, not really having any friends. Yet I recall her not being above looking down her nose at someone whom she thought was in error about something.

When the class year came to a close our teacher gave out individual special awards to each student. I remember my own was something like "Best Historian," and which (despite my having, at one point in the year, largely plagiarized an article on Robert Louis Stevenson in order to write a "report" on him) I was quite proud of. I recollect that after the very last class session was let out, I found myself (for some reason I can't recall) mulling around the empty classroom. As I glanced about I happened to noticed someone's award certificate left abandoned on the floor. I was surprised at seeing the honor tossed aside as if it was just some trash. It turned out to be the award the above mentioned girl was given, and which was for "Best Smile."

After that I don't recall ever seeing the girl again, but did learn a few years later that she had died. How and under what circumstances, I have no idea.


No happiness without harmony; no harmony without basic morals (including honesty), justice, and reason. For try to imagine something like real happiness and harmony without these last three, I defy you to do it. Or, envision a world of happiness where basic morals, justice and reason are tossed aside. What kind of world could such be? Moreover, if we were denied these, would not that also make us less free, and therefore less happy?


If you are going to believe astrology (and I myself see no reason to presume it doesn't possibly have some validity) you at least owe it to yourself to analyze exactly what it is you are believing; for certainly the laws of cause and effect do not end at astrological conclusions and without our first establishing how such principles can be true in the first place. Otherwise, if you'd rather not bother with it, Chandu is a good a way as any when it comes to astrology.


The reason many cannot fight evil is that they been purposefully disabled or conditioned in advance by others manipulating them not to do so.


Good can be made to seem bad by being thrown down by evil, but when does evil ever really look good except to a fool?


It was certainly both commendable and admirable of Elijah to have ridiculed the prophets of Baal (see 1st Kings, 18:16-40), but I could not but raise my eyebrow at the idea of his slaying them afterward. Yet in the confrontation of gods it may be supposed that such a thing not only made sense, but perhaps (at that time in history at least) was tolerable enough such that it was just possible to get away with it. In any case, then as now, he was considered audacious for doing it, and it is in this audacity, I think, do we get a true picture of who and what Elijah was.


I must say I have come to love this picture, so I am putting it up twice; such a wonderful depiction, in my opinion, of our good friend the demonist and demonistic belief. So much so that it made me think to ask Him*, "If I go around with that kind of expression on my face, will you be nice to me TOO?"

* I.E. The God of Demons and Falsehood, not, of course, the God of Logic and Truth.


A city, society, or nation are what and they are in no small part because of how their citizens think and believe. For some time now our own society has been under the sway of demonists who in effect tell us: "You can have things done to you (such as torture, rape, murder, etc.) and go to 'Heaven' [i.e. their Heaven], or you can have money and other nice things but be willing to cooperate with us (in doing the wrong thing.)"

Needless to say, if everyone or most everyone rejects their edict, it does not have to be anything like this.


It is well to keep in mind that when Hell people cause trouble (and even when it involves a fairly elaborate scheme or trick), as often as not, they act this way for no other reason than that they have nothing else to do with themselves.


Hollywood Bowl of Serial Killers

"...Asked by a voter what qualified her to handle leaders from countries such as Iran and North Korea, Clinton began her reply, then stopped and, for effect, repeated the question.

"'What in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men?" she said wryly, prompting peals of laughter from the audience. She had begun with a reference to Osama bin Laden, but the crowd's reaction suggested they thought her experience with bad men involved someone other than the terrorist leader...'"

~ from "In Iowa, Clinton Calls Bush Reckless; Senator Focuses On War in Iraq And Health Care," By Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz, Washington Post Staff Writers, Monday, Jan. 29, 2007; Page A04

Why is it so many by of the news articles that quote this occurrence assume that the unknown questioner referred to North Korean or Middle Eastern leaders -- and not domestic ones? My question then for any of the now or future presidential candidates would be:

"When do you think you'll get a chance to see the latest culmination of that highly popular and successful "Silence of the Lambs" series, "Hannibal Rising"?

(And, with all the school shootings, real life serial killings, and other similar criminal horror stories of recent date, who, might we ask also, is hyping and shelling out the big bucks for this sick stuff and its ilk in the first place?)


Observe in this brief but nicely written passage from George Washington's Indispensable Men: The 32 Aides- de-Camp Who Helped Win American Independence, by Arthur S. Lefkowitz, how in a matter of a few moments, and among a very small group of men, the fate of an entire nation is decided.

"On the same day that Washington and his suite left Hartford [Conn.], three militiamen near the village of Tarrytown, New York, on the lower Hudson River stopped a stranger who was trying to cross through to the British lines. The militiamen did not know at the time that the man standing before them was Maj. John Andre', General Clinton's adjutant general. Andre' thought that he was at a British out post, but realizing his error he gave his name as John Anderson, a merchant who was in the Hudson Valley on business for General Arnold. He showed the militiamen a pass from Arnold, but by then they were suspicious and decided to search the young civilian. They looked through his clothing and found nothing suspicious and were about to let him go when one of them, John Paulding, said that they should look inside his boots. Andre' protested but they made him sit down and took off his boots. Inside they found papers. 'Hastily scanning them, Paulding exclaimed, My God! He is a spy!'" -- Ch. Eight, p. 209.


The Return of the Return of More Great Things to Say

Note. I realize some of the following jokes are fairly corny, but in view of how bored I get sometimes (given existing circumstances) I hope you will pardon it.

* "God doesn't make junk." No, but Dr. Frankenstein does.

* What on earth do you think you have been doing all these years? Take a guess, I dare you, just take a guess.

* If that is so, then what then are you supposed to be? The Arch-Demon of boredom? If so, I must say you are doing one helluva job.


He is like the town drunk of demonism. I would say he is; only, in his case, he has a real life Bogey Man to assist him in getting what he wants.


Because a person believes that they know what they are doing, it does not necessarily follow that they actually do know what they are doing.


The devil will not only permit but indeed pay you to be a frivolous child, but only if you act so as to help him murder adults.


With history we can know and understand what often people at the given time in the past perhaps did not know or understand.


With Britney Speers and Lindsay Lohan all reportedly on their way to rehab, look who -- at least according to Nutscape news -- and accompanied by the obligatory "dark comedy," is now on her way to becoming America's Sweetheart.


The Only Game in Town

I would like to mention something, and which serves as one example, of which I could give you several, of the kind of tricks that spirit people might use to gain your confidence; and perhaps get you to think they are from God or Heaven.

While I have seen them when I was down in Southern California, I have never in all my life encountered hummingbirds in the Pacific Northwest. Yet just earlier this morning [Jan. 26, 2007], coming back from an errand, two hummingbirds flew right up and by the doorstep of my house. Now granted, it is not impossible that someone had had them indoors and the birds somehow got outside, but, if not this, you could not but marvel to see hummingbirds in Seattle, and in the middle of Winter no less! If for the sake of argument, these birds were sent my way as a kind of "sign language" by these spirit people I write of (and perhaps also their hench-people as well), someone in my position might be led to conclude this was a message from God.

As you who know me will have already gathered, these kinds of devices (assuming that is what it was, and not some other explanation) mean nothing to me, and are nothing more than a kind of magic trick, in this instance using animals. Yet, once again, such is the credulity of some that were they to experience such a strange phenomena they would instantly and unreflectingly assume it was a miracle or something like. Be you then not deceived by such things. The one feat this "God" can't produce is an honest person; as that would be far more of a miracle and wonder for him to achieve than anything such or like what I describe above. No, dear "Lord (Hooligan)," you keep all and such things -- I'll take the money instead (if that is all right with you.)

Later Note. [5 May 2007] I learned later that there are hummingbirds in the Pacific Northwest. So that despite my never having seen them before here, this fact obviously would be one explanation for my seeing two as did – and for the first time of all my many years living in the region. Even so, the occurrence must certainly be considered rather odd, as was another occasion that occurred about two months later when I looked out my bedroom window to see a small hawk (about a foot and half tall from head to foot) perched on my backyard fence – an animal I never saw so close up in all my life.


When I reflect on the amount of trouble they are responsible for, manipulative spirit people are to me such a grief that I really do hate them so. When it comes to our worst problems, it is they who are to blame. Combating such is like combating a malignant disease like cancer; and one of the things that makes them so powerful in this wise is that they can take on the guise of God, angels or heaven. These kinds of clever impersonations, masks, or devices can be used by them to undo all intelligent sense of truth and impartial reasoning in a person, and should be rejected. Someone then might object, "If you reject a voice from the sky, or hosts of angels on high, or mansions above, shouldn't you then also reject being a Christian? After all, such manifestations or similar are spoken of in the Bible as positives."

Ah you see, this is just the trick of it, and again is the kind of knotty problem to which I refer; that is, it is not unlike what a physician might encounter in dealing with a deadly sickness. The simple and short answer to the above objection is to say this. Look, reject distinctly audible spirit people voices of any kind, reject angels and mansions in the sky -- unless (with respect to these latter) as something in the abstract, something poetical in meaning, or something envisioned in your self-controlled imagination. To accept them unquestioningly as signs of authority otherwise is to set yourself up for having your better judgment, thinking and conscience overthrown by these people; which, for purposes of making you a slave, is exactly what they want. This said, do hold tight to the moral and essential aspects of religious belief, such as a reverence for truth, justice, charity, as well as a fundamental faith in goodness. As I have said before, a false image is, by definition, not a true one. To which we can add -- and you can't intelligently tell the difference between the two unless you are able to think honestly, openly, rationally, and impartially.


More Oafmore script ideas

In continuation of what we began earlier...

* After having it explained to him what it is, Oafmore makes preparations to go and receive the Gene (sic) Hersholt humanitarian award! But wait! Potential trouble brews when police investigators uncover a number of bodies buried on a ranch he formerly owned.
* A Case of Road Rage. Goomerton under the "demonizing influence" goes haywire and, in his devilment, causes all kind of road rage among drivers on the freeway. Faced with alarming number of instances being reported, Oafmore then finds himself having to explain via the evening news what's supposed to be the real cause of what's going on, namely these people are suffering from a certain chemical imbalance -- and for which his pharmaceutical company has just the cure!
* Dorky the Robot Sorcerer. Left with a warehouse of Dorky the Robot Sorcerer toys (a tie in to Oafmore's movie of the same name) that couldn't be sold, no one wants to tell Oafmore the bad news and who otherwise been led to believe they were best sellers. In order to spare him the truth, it's up to the Movie Director and K-Pax to figire out a way of paying people to buy them.


"Friends Far Away," by Horace Twiss (1787 – 1849)

"Count not the hours while their silent wings
Thus waft them in fairy flight;
For feeling, warm from her dearest springs,
Shall hallow the scene tonight.
And while the music of joy is here,
And the colors of life are gay,
Let us think on those that have loved us dear,
The Friends who are far away.

"Few are the hearts that have proved the truth
of their early affection's vow;
And let those few, the beloved of youth,
Be dear in their absence now.
O, vividly in their faithful breast
Shall the gleam of remembrance play.
Like the lingering light of the crimson west,
When the sunbeam hath passed away!

"Soft be the sleep of their pleasant hours,
And calm be the seas they roam!
May the way they travel be strewed with flowers
Till it bring them in safety home!
And when we whose hearts are o'erflowing thus
Ourselves may be doomed to stray,
May some kind orison rise for us,
When we shall be far away!"


Process precedes image, but God precedes process. How so? God in the form of peace, and therefore we can also say peace precedes process. For if peace is not at the ultimate center of one's life, then what is? Discontent, dissatisfaction, implacable desire. Peace allows us to reflect better on what we really want and how it can be more wisely and safely obtained, besides being of itself desirable. Prior then to our thinking of anyone or anything, we should and ideally first think "peace." If our mind's are regularly focused on peace, then it will come before any and everyone and anything we think of or encounter. So if I am going to think of X, I think of peace first, then X. If I am going to think of Y, I think of peace, then Y, etc. Put another way, let everything in our thinking be finally and logically contingent on or answerable to it.

How can we know and better know peace? How do we strengthen our hold on and understanding of peace? Through humble, meditative prayer and our continually seeking it that way; so that at the end of the day then, let peace be above all, and let nothing but compassionate justice and charity be allowed to vie with it in importance.


Here are the lyrics to the Moody Blues song "The One;" off their "Strange Times" album. To get the full irony and humor of it, however, you really have to hear it played. This said, I like it because it is so on point and timely (especially if you are dealing with such people as I write about.)

"No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one again

"No surprise
You wanna be the one

"Heard you had a story to tell
Sold your soul in a kiss and tell
Sliding down on a helter skelter ride
Into yesterday

"No way out, the price of fame
Once its told will you be the same
Rolling down on a roller coaster ride
Well be waiting for you

"No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one again
No surprise
No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one
No surprise
You wanna be the one

"Shock the world with your fall from grace
Glory days gone without a trace
No surprise youre a face without a name
But we all still love you

"No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one again
No surprise
No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one
No surprise
You wanna be the one

"Its time to tell you
Were faithful and true
Take us back to the days
When we could dream
cause it makes us happy

"No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one again
No surprise
No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one
No surprise
No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one again
No surprise
No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one
No surprise
No surprise
Hey that you wanna be the one"


"Ben Ladin?! Listen, don't you worry about him. You just you get rid of Oafmore, the Man Without a Face and the Hooligan group, and I'll take care of Ben Ladin and Lord Oaf!"


I really do think my (unfinished) "Ghost of the Traitor" play has great potential as the basis for a television series; prospectively contemplating which, I've decided to jot down ideas for episodes as they come to me. Here for now, and for starters, are a few:

* Oafmore decides he is going to disguise himself in order to see if people won't like his movies that way.
* Oafmore, in order to show his philanthropic side, decides to specially sponsor, promote and put in the media spot light a contender in the Special Olympics -- but with disastrous results for the poor athlete.
* Oafmore and the Man Without a Face. Although even Oafmore can't stand him, he knows from Goomerton he needs MWAF to keep things going. This episode then concerns the fine balancing act between Oafmore's role of entertainment mogul and his role as accomplice in the gangster violence and terror that helps keep him in power. We also in this episode learn of the MWAF's personal goals and aspirations; but which circumstances have sadly thwarted and frustrated.
* Dr. Ruehl has figured out a way to scientifically prove that Oafmore is using brain torture radios, but meets with all kinds of obstacles in trying to get a hearing from the academic community, and who continue to insist, without explanation, that what Ruehl is saying cannot possibly be true.
* Again with all good intention, Oafmore does for Gretchen much like what he did for the Special Olympics contender; only in this case Gretchen gets her revenge.
* K-Pax and the computer nerds. K-Pax confronts serious moral questions and self-searching when one of the young computer hackers working for Oafmore explains to him that hacking is actually illegal.


(NOT really whom you think.)

Last night, I saw Dan Rather on David Letterman rather astonished that no one had mentioned Ben Ladin recently; as if this were a sign we were letting down our guard. Yet Ben Ladin has been more spoken of in recent months than Amnesty International; so why the one not the other? (Hmmm...)

Is it Ben Ladin (to give you some and sundry) designing and transmitting computer viruses, sending out gibberish spam en masse, promoting witchcraft, sorcery, and occultic gnosticism (a la The Da Vinci Code), marketing spy and web cams, interfering with the internet, making junk products, mailing anthrax, shutting down newspapers, giving names to new sports teams like "Devils," "Devil Rays", "Wizards"; responsible for the decline in literacy, the inexplicable vanishing of civic and activist groups, the serial killer phenomena both in reality and in the mass culture, the school shooting phenomena, the sleazeoid mass media (e.g."Desperate Housewives"), celebrity mauling, corporate centralization and monopolies, television and movie hoaxes (such as Phil Tucker, O'Dale Ireland), opposition to campaign finance reform, the plethora of scandals which have ruined and sidelined any number of important leaders, et al.?


(I would say to him:) If it doesn't matter, then why did you have to do those things in the first place? If it doesn't matter, then shouldn't you (if you don't repent or change that way) be prepared to go through all those things yourself and which you put these others through?


A godfather is someone who will take care and custody of you if something happens to your real father.


Organized crime evolved now into legalized crime is certainly the very worst problem or sickness as any society faces. Yet who either left or right even raises it as an issue? In past decades, politicians like the feisty Kennedy’s would speak about fighting the mob and putting it out of business. Then, after the Kennedy's deaths, such talk was no longer heard. The reason the mob has fared so well, indeed defeated us, is because it is not really the mob that threatens, and has threatened, but the spirit people who run the mob. Until the existence of such could be acknowledged and recognized there was never anything we could do. Now -- if you and others will it so -- there is.


Ah, Let me guess. You are angry because someone won't or will not do what they ought to do. Am I right?


"...One shelter’d hare
Has never heard the sanguinary yell
Of cruel man, exulting in her woes.
Innocent partner of my peaceful home,
Whom ten long years’ experience of my care
Has made at last familiar; she has lost
Much of her vigilant instinctive dread,
Not needful here, beneath a roof like mine.
Yes—thou mayest eat thy bread, and lick the hand
That feeds thee; thou mayest frolic on the floor
At evening, and at night retire secure
To thy straw couch, and slumber unalarm’d;
For I have gain’d thy confidence, have pledged
All that is human in me to protect
Thine unsuspecting gratitude and love.
If I survive thee, I will dig thy grave;
And, when I place thee in it, sighing say,
'I knew at least one hare that had a friend.'" [334-351]

~~ from "The Task," by William Cowper (1731-1800).

Cowper is one many of whose values and outlooks I readily share; and though he is incredibly and impressively knowledgeable, very often has a wonderful line, or image and feeling to impart, mostly, and aside from some short poems, I rather wish he had simply wrote essays of what he thought instead of putting that thought in the form of poems. One can’t help but in curiosity observe as well that while he sings of nature he dresses for the town, and when singing of God flees from His being in the forest.


One advantage of reasoning which helps make society more peaceable is that you can attack the person's argument or assumption, without necessarily attacking their position, let alone their person. So when therefore they prohibit or discourage rational discussion they are in substantial fact promoting violence and strife.


Implode into skepticism and say "I'll sock you good in the nose (of demonism) [if you don't...]"


If I die for this friend, will you, God, save them for me?


Evil occurs when truth is lacking, or when, given the place and occasion, there is an unjust ratio or excess of either darkness or light. This does not mean, however, that light and darkness be always balanced evenly or fifty fifty, only there must ultimately be rational justice between them; which is not necessarily the same thing as equal physical proportionality. Light, in this sense, might be said to be entitled to more attention, space, or existence than Darkness. Of course, those inclined toward Darkness might argue the opposite, etc. In any case, it certainly stands as a practical matter then that much of what and how things are depends in very large part on what one believes.


As should come as no surprise, dealing with spirit people for some, if not most, can be a very trying kind of experience -- as in fact it is usually intended to be for them by spirit people themselves. For this reason, the following are some further common sense reminders of what to keep in mind.

  • A Spirit person may know a great deal, and perhaps possess the most amazing kind of profound knowledge. Yet just because they possess such knowledge, it doesn't necessarily follow they have the intelligence to properly understand or make good use of it or in a way that makes sense.
  • Their very secretiveness, stealth, sometimes violence, or their being unaccountable or unanswering to regular human authority (at least openly), all bespeak fraud and someone who is hard up, and obviously lacking in certain very important traits, strengths and other abilities.
  • If they are hitting you up with violence, realize first and foremost that this is what it is. If then physical pain is what at the moment is most troubling you, tend to the pain itself, and don't worry about taking the spirit people themselves (or their accomplices) so seriously; as by their actions they show themselves to be no better than hoodlums or worse; whom, under the circumstances, you are not obligated to respect or feel you somehow have to put up with (say for religious reasons.)
  • No matter how powerful or awesome, expect right moral conduct and decent comportment from anyone. If they refuse you such that is all the more reason to ignore or make light of their supposed or self-presumed superiority.
  • These people are relentlessly abusive; so much so that sometimes we as victims feel there is something wrong with us. But the truth is, for most people, something like 90% of what is wrong is wrong with them (the abusive spirit people) -- only they are unloading on you. In sum, just keep cool, behave your own self as best you can, and look toward the day, one way or other, you will defeat or else get away from them. If and as long as you are doing your best to do the right thing, always and every time it is their problem – not yours!


    Just in the instance any were unduly spooked and or jaded by my recent posts, I thought I would put this picture up to give them some moral encouragement and inspiration; which, in the event, they might possibly have found themselves requiring.


    Here are some historical facts which some, upon learning, might think were a bit of occult arcana; while others, of course, are familiar with them, but perhaps are not aware of (some of) their possible significance.

    Did you know that all of our modern Western, near Western languages, and some others derive from older languages, and which linguistic predecessors in turn arose out of a conjectured single ancient language? For example, to give you some of them, Russian comes from Slavic, Irish/Gaelic from Celtic, Portuguese from Latin, Persian from Iranian, Scandinavian from Germanic, (East) Indian from Sanskrit, modern Greek from ancient Greek. Now the single conjectured language that all the secondary ones come from is Indo-European or Aryan. In other words, this historical order of languages would seem to suggest that before the great dividing that culminated in the formation of modern peoples and states there were more ancient groups: i.e. Greek, Latin, Baltic, Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Iranian, Sanskrit; who were all in a sense distant but related siblings. This fraternity in turn implies a more distant father language or group.

    Now here's where the occult proper comes in. Such as the Nazis adopted the notion that this breaking up of the Indo-European peoples was brought about by a rival race, the Semites, perhaps as if the Semites were instrumental in doing away with the "father" and scattering these "brothers"; hence, in part at least, that Anti-Semitism for which the National Socialists are well known. Does such a conclusion as some of the Nazis arrived at, however, possibly have any rational justification? Historically, I don't see any strong evidence to support it. The idea, while not entirely implausible, is still, notwithstanding, highly speculative to say the least.

    Nonetheless, we cannot but still be mystified and wonder as to how the separation of the Indo-European peoples was actually brought to pass. It may be possibly that certain spirit people of Semitic origin, well versed in the occult, acted in the role of separating the various ancient Indo-European groups. Yet even if we accept what this theory assumes, this does not necessarily imply that all Semitic peoples themselves could or would somehow be guilty of what only a few did -- and assuming further the "forced" separation could, given the original facts, be considered something that was somehow blameworthy in the first place (and which we simply don't know.)


    Last week I had made mention of the 1998 film "Lost in Space." Above is Gray Oldman done up in some remarkable makeup which I would like to point out is very similar to how some malevolent spirit can look or be made to look. Now I haven't seen a spirit who in particulars looked like this "Spider Smith" character shown above, yet I have met some who look just as bad or perhaps worse in the sinisterness of their appearance. Note also in "Smith's" look (as seen in the film), there is sometimes a certain glee, jollity, or sense of joking, which, in this kind of Hell person, is not unusual to find.

    Some would and do think these people are just too scary and clever to resist, and the only way to survive is for us to cooperate with them, and this by doing things "in a certain way" and which invariably requires secrecy. Here at, by contrast, we are proposing something entirely new, open and different; namely you develop methods and technologies to hunt and track him down, and if you can't take him prisoner, shoot him with a gun.


    "All those Iraqis in favor of the United States and their allies pulling out their military forces, signify by saying 'Aye'; all opposed 'Nay.'"

    I just finished watching the President being interviewed by CBS, with the war in Iraq being the topic in question. I must first say that on the surface I found his argument for escalating the conflict somewhat persuasive. But on closer analysis, this would be my conclusion.

    The way to understand the war in Iraq is that what the President versus his opponents propose is a question of which is the better chance. Does the President's plan have the better chance of achieving the desired result? Or does his opponents' most have chance or fortune on its side? My own sense, is that while the President's plan does have a chance of succeeding (i.e. if he is permitted to have his way as he wishes), that chance, when all is said and done, is relatively small.

    By the same token, would pulling out, on the other hand, have a good chance of securing us the peace, order, and stability in the region we seek? Of itself no, but compared to the President's, such a plan does, it seems to me, have a greater likelihood of succeeding. War is a tricky business and attempting to bring about lasting peace and order by means of it very problematical; not least of which in this instance because the President's strategy, while much more feasible as a colonial endeavor, cannot be expected to succeed in this day and age when colonialism of that kind is universally denounced and looked down upon. If the President does get his way, and his plan succeeds, it would be something truly extraordinary -- only I fear too extraordinary to actually be probable (again, at least given the era we live in.)


    You made it this far through life...Well then, so what do you think?


    The Death of a Philosopher

    (A word of explanation. The events described below took place before the invention of our more modern brain torture radios; though, as you can see, even back in medieval times they still had the basic idea.)

    "...Yet the sense of misfortune may be diverted by the labor of thought; and the sage who could artfully combine in the same work the various riches of philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, must already have possessed the intrepid calmness which he affected to seek. Suspense, the worst of evils, was at length determined by the ministers of death, who executed, and perhaps exceeded, the inhuman mandate of Theodoric. A strong cord was fastened round the head of Boethius, and forcibly tightened, till his eyes almost started from their sockets; and some mercy may be discovered in the milder torture of beating him with clubs till he expired."

    ~ from Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. IV, Ch. 34, n.b. 97.



    Let's see if we can't, once again, attempt to depict this scenario in its most bare bones and concise outline.

    Here is this one person, whom we can call "the man of the movies"; who many years ago said:

    "How can one possibly get through this life without fantastic money, reputation, privilege, women? And yet it would seem one can't have any of these things unless one throws in one's lot with Mr. Devil here."

    So MOTM throws his lot in with Mr. Devil.

    Now someone such as myself (and others who have reacted similarly) will have responded this way:

    "This Mr. Devil is one of the most miserable and rotten creeps there ever was. He's tied in with the Green River killer and innumerable and unnameable other outrages -- I know it. I don't want to have anything to do with him, and o.k., if really necessary, I will (at least for the time being of this regime) give up money, prestige, privilege, women, etc. -- just don't make me party or partner to an unrepentant mass murderer or psychopathic sadist."

    O.K. so we all go our way. MOTM moves on to fame and riches, etc., while such as I am left to shift, poor, shut out, and mostly alone.

    Sad story, don't you think? But guess what ends up happening? Because I can still be happy and enjoy living in my relative isolation, Mr. Devil subsequently informs MOTM that I need to be constantly niggled, needled, bothered, tortured and annoyed by means such as brain torture radios, witchcraft type assaults, and other mischief.

    I say "What ho! Why should you be needing to harass me on an ongoing basis like this? Do not you have all the money, privilege, etc? Why should you trouble me when surely -- is it not impossible to 'get through this life without fantastic money, reputation, privilege, women?'"

    So you see, if one but gets rid of MOTM and Mr. Devil, he or she will be one of the wealthiest and most happy people in the world and who ever lived. And even as much as the Devil could be said to make available good people and good things, he is fatally lacking in really knowing how to appreciate and enjoy them; and as I can amply demonstrate by the fact that it is they who need me; while I, for my part and for practical purposes, want nothing more than to be rid of them.


    Yes, in a way, it is true; yet it is not for them, of all people, to be telling me this.


    "Beloved of the gods, on whose ego the sun never sets, you can have all these millions, but only on the condition you keep it mostly to yourself and (as much as maintaining appearances allows) avoid all real charity and truth speaking. Above all, let us never find you wandering in the direction of reality -- otherwise you shall lose your money."


    In (true) Christianity and other credible religions, it is not that the body doesn't matter; only it has secondary importance to the spirit (and which latter includes heart and rational intellect.) In Demonism and its various forms, on the other hand, the body is more important to a person than their spirit; which latter someone else effectively owns and controls in place of the devotee themselves. It comes then as no surprise that the Devil (or devil) seeks to thwart, impersonate, and or destroy true religion, if for no other reason than to oust competition that’s impossible to beat when it comes to truly and really pleasing and satisfying people.


    When you encapsulate or generalize you tend to lose something of the truth of your subject; for in the truth someone or something can and does mean much, much more than we in a moment's thinking or feeling are capable of knowing; for the expanse or extent of the truth (even if assumed not to be formally infinite) is infinite, certainly compared to any one of our own understandings.


    Long-term plagiarism the Devil is not so good at. I mention this because they will not infrequently tell me that they are somehow stealing or misrepresenting my identity and or my writings. A fool or liar, which is what at bottom the Devil is, cannot really plagiarize your work (if it is any good) because the only people who believe him for very long are fools or liars. So if a fraud absconds with your work, and others are led to think it is his, the opinion or critical judgment of someone who is so easily deceived is, in sum, not to de relished to begin with. Now if a wise or genuinely intelligent person likes (and properly understands) the work but is fooled by the spurious attribution then that itself is the beginning of more liability incurred by the Devil or a given devil. Because the more the writings speaks of and for the truth, the more, in the long run, this tends to undermine the very foundation of falsehood on which his power stands. So that the more he wins in fooling wise people in this way, he will lose even more of that power that really is his (i.e. by promoting the truth.) All of which serves to remind us that to have the power to deprive others of their life or well-being is a far, far cry from having the power of life or well-being.


    Don't dwell on Quiznos, think about Krispy Kreme. So you see, there is a silver lining to every cloud.


    These people are like this devil space Monkey in the 1998 movie "Lost in Space." You don't want them in the picture, even if it is strictly necessary that the movie itself be not all that compelling.* And yet they not only get to be in the movie, they, in effect, get to be the movie itself; indeed, have it so rich that I would but think that as of long, long ago any number who know them would come to conclude that they are the ones having it too good. I myself told them they should just go peaceably, and leave it at that. They of course do nothing of the kind. Yet, even so, it obviously stands as a card in the deck that one of these days someone is going to come tooth and nail after them for the aforesaid reasons. Should that happen, I would be hard pressed to argue against such action, try though as I might, in the meanwhile, to have attempted and sought a charitable and peaceful resolution.

    * In order to make the greater point, I am being a bit facetious about the "Lost in Space" movie itself, which, allowing for the time it was made, is mostly not too bad taken as matinee fare.


    For purposes of helping some to avoid any possible misunderstanding, to say that a spirit person or spirit people exist in the sense in which I assert it, is to say that if one of them dipped his or her finger in a jar of paint, he would be capable of marking some surface with that paint. Now this may not be true of all spirit people, but enough of them such that you get the idea.


    I just got through re-reading Chatterton's "Bristowe Tragedie," and I am sure many will have had the same reaction as mine; namely, what a terrible shame he insisted on making a hoax of such poems. But then the thought occurred to me. Perhaps (and this is just some armchair speculation on my part) he believed that by "doing the wrong thing" (a certain way) he somehow could secure some of that worldly success; which, after all, the Devil does bring to some people. Evidently, however, Chatterton was not sufficiently bad enough for the Devil, and thus, despite his praiseworthy effort, was left to scrape in small jobs and poverty; with the resulting frustration presumably prompting his sad fate.


    (Now back to our war...) You think they obtained all that money thanks to vision, creativity, enterprise innovation, or because they sold all those movie tickets? No, not at all. They got all that money because they teamed up with toxic sludge come back from the grave in order to suck the blood of the living -- and they've been killing us all ever since! At the rate things have been going, I think I might just end up joining Al Qaida.



    Hunkered down;
    Mums the word
    When I’m around;
    No one has come
    To free this bird.
    But I’m shining inside;
    Waiting to shine,
    And with my friends
    Light up the world one day;
    Ready to go all the way.
    I could. I would,
    Feeling up in a down world.
    Oh to see faces again
    Of those I loved, and then
    We’d prove them all wrong;
    And resume our song.


    I have been over this before, yet there is something I would make clear about what my personal "situation" is about. Now for more than fourteen years I have been subject to all kinds of crimes and assaults, too hideous and numerous to hint at (let alone name), and one of the reasons why some people won't help me all this while is that they are told Sherman has been esepcially chosen (presumably by God or someone so important), and the great ones are doing these things in a certain way. Great will be Sherman's reward (if he plays his cards right.) To further this, they have sometimes and will come to these people and or myself with angels or haloes and signs of other worldly wonder, on the basis of which they (or I) are supposed to "take the tip" and assume these people know what they are talking about. Of course, my reaction is that I have seen these people's Heaven and, frankly, think it stinks, and tell them so; nor do I appreciate being cheated out of the vast criminal damages owed me, or denied my basic rights, or being regularly and violently abused for so long. If I can look to a reward beyond this life, it will be with someone else, and these people have absolutely nothing to do with it. I say all this not asking or expecting that anyone should cry over me, or because I am so unforgiving of past wrongs, but to make as plain as possible how I hate these kind of presmuptuous and conniving spirit people; so that no one then can use them to excuse what these other criminals are and have been doing.


    What will many, if not most, people end up believing? That Ben Kenobi is good, Darth Kenobi is only being practical (yet whom you yourself, perhaps, should be careful of trusting), and certainly the Monsterous Magician is bad. Yet the reality, and relatively speaking of course, is exactly the reverse. How then does one know the real difference? "By their fruits you shall know them;" and you can only begin to assess such a thing accurately and adequately if you are honest, rational and informed. And if you can't be all three, you should at least then suspend judgment and be skeptical, though still being fair, toward the person in question; while continuing of course, and as best you can and God gives you to, to strive at being just and moral yourself.

    Now if you, being broad minded, happened to like these people, fine, that's your business; that's not a problem -- only just don't be forcing yourselves on me and anyone else who doesn't want you or them in their own lives. And if you do force yourself, then it naturally follows we are entitled to invoke rights of acting in self-defense against you.


    No one without a heart can really understand Christianity and what it is about. Any fool, however, can be awed, frightened, amazed, and obey orders given them by spirit people.


    Good does not plot to take over. Good, as a general rule, needs others honest, open consent in order to work its way. Evil, on the other hand has much, much more latitude; and what or who better can plot and manipulate others' consent than Evil? Yet very rarely will Evil actually present itself as Evil. Typically an Evil person tries to persuade you that he's "both," that is neither mostly disposed toward Good or mostly disposed toward Evil.


    He made a deal affecting his entire life with this person whom, shall we say, is not entirely trustworthy or honest.


    I saw a bumper sticker earlier today that read "War is a Racket...A few Profit while the rest Pay" (or something very like this.) And those of us who know what real evil people are like also know that what the bumper sticker states only makes perfect business sense to such.


    And stop and think. Who could or would have hired such incompetents but that ancient numbskull Darth Kenobi, friend of Ben Kenobi and the Monsterous Magician?

    As time has gone on, I find myself less and less patient with those who take these grand (types of) spirit people so seriously. It sounds like boasting, but it is really mockery of my foes to say I fought off them and their rich gang, single-handedly for almost two decades -- and yet they are still trying to make good! Me, I'm just trying to get rid of them (and out of my personal life) -- that's all! The rest (by comparison) is no big deal to me. And if I didn't have the one last cat to take care of, I'd be more than happy just to drop everything and move to and go live in the woods of Alaska; rather than continue to endure such utterly obnoxious and insufferable characters; whom some have adopted the much mistaken idea of their being somehow divine.


    Just out of curiosity, I tried to see how many combinations could be had when it comes to cosmological modes. This is what I came up with, though in no particular order. (Was there a mode I forgot or overlooked? Oh well, these, for now, will have to do.)







    Observe in passing, a plenum (unless assumed to be infinite) could be numbered in its existents. A vacuum could not (it seems to me) be numbered. And a unum either could not be numbered (other than as one) except in its divisibility, that is if divisbility was possible.

    Note also, a configuration or arrangement could imply hierarchy or order of importance, but does it necessarily?


    You may not yourself care to be a Christian (or a Muslim, or a Taoist, or a Hindu, etc.) but you should care, very much, about a person's right to be one without others then being free to maliciously persecute or murder them. To say you are free to choose your religious faith is simply another way of saying you have a right to choose to live. If others can say you don't have that choice, or else you can only have it under arbitrary threat of violence or duress, then they also, as a matter of course, have that much more the power to harm or take your life.


    Atta boy Bill, of late you've taken it not only to the Christian right, but also William Shatner and Adam Sandler to boot! Keep up the good work! With Best Wishes, WTS.


    Certainly size matters. Why, does it not require a tiny atom to ignite an atomic bomb? Or a primordial match to set alight the sun?


    I've come to think that if we are properly synchronized intellectually, infinity is inward for us rather than outward, while eternity crosses or meets it in what is outward to us.


    (Billionaire) Pirates of the Caribbean

    Let's apply some simple common sense to this. Now in recent decades these people have physically assaulted, abused or deliberately took measures to undermine the following (in no particular order): the letters, the arts and humanities, the internet, free speech, human rights, children, music religion, the environment, family, the auto industry, the television and movie industry, university people, states people, government officials, activists....

    Who or what has not, in other words, in some way or other been overtly attacked and assaulted by these people? And you mean to tell me that because of 9/11 Ben Ladin is the main cause of our terrorism problem?


    I was doing a search to locate the lyrics to Vern Jackson's "Higher Than I've Ever Been" and, to my surprise, I could not find them anywhere on the internet! To help correct this absurd state of things, I thought I would, as best I could, transcribed them myself, and here they are.

    "Higher Than I've Ever Been"

    By Judy Pevehouse and Ronny Hinson

    "I heard, once a bird
    Has a broken wing,
    He can never fly high any more.
    Let me tell you what I know.
    It's not always so;
    'Cause once I lay broken and sore.
    I fell from above
    Like a wounded dove,
    With no hope of ever flying again;
    But with grace from above
    And God's marvelous love,
    I'm flyin' higher
    Than I've ever been.

    "Higher than I've ever been,
    Higher than yesterday's sin,
    Where eagles can't soar
    I can see Heaven's door;
    I'm flying higher
    Than I've ever been.

    "I fell by the way,
    Life's wounded prey,
    Then old Satan,
    Like a vulture,
    He swept low.
    In my darkest hour
    That's when he came to devour
    What was left of
    My wretched, my dying soul.
    As low as life gets,
    God was not finished yet.
    He saw more good
    Than I ever saw in me.
    Now I live above the doubts
    So high in the clouds
    That I can't see
    The tops of the trees

    "Higher than I've ever been,
    Higher than yesterday's sin,
    Where eagles can't soar
    I can see Heaven's door;
    I'm flying higher
    Than I've ever been.

    "Where eagles can't soar
    I can see Heaven's door;
    I'm flying higher
    Than I've ever been."


    Are spirit people just? Is there justice among them? If there is no or no better justice among them than among ourselves, does it make any sense then to look to them to as highest authority?


    Many is the time I only wish it was a shooting war; and I am sure many others would agree with me on this also.


    I actually do believe the vast majority of people, if given a choice, would prefer to live in a wilderness cabin down the river from Grizzly Adams and Nakoma than reside in a sumptuous mansion next door to the Man Without a Face and ghostmonster. Yet, if this is true, why is it, in a democracy no less, the Man Without a Face and ghostmonster have more say over what goes on than (such as) the former two? The straight and simple answer to this, so it seems to me, is the sly meddling and manipulation by spirit people over law, religion and our thinking.


    He's spent the greater part of his adult life causing others so much excessively cruel and gratuitous suffering and misery; and this through various kinds of robbery, rape and assault. Meanwhile he has prided himself on his cleverness; at how he seems to have been able to have had his way so easily; at how he always seemed to know and understand everyone and everything so well -- so much so that he could secretly laugh at all of us. Yet what must it be like for him as death looms nearer as a reality? Still living in that imperial playpen the ghostmonster has made for him, as he comes closer to die, what could he say he was living his life for anyway? He listened to those amazing spirit people, yet the plain fact of the matter is this: if a response could be evoked from him he could not really and with complete confidence tell you who they were he was listening all those years.


    All those then in favor of sending Ghost Monster and the Man Without a Face to the penitentiary -- say Aye.


    Yes, God gives a Devil or Diva the freedom to do or have carried out in their behalf the very worst kinds of evil. But God also gives us the power to capture and put such in the penitentiary; that is, if we follow certain fundamental principles and guidelines (of which honesty is a first and foremost.) Now some of course will scoff that we have any such power, but this, predictably, is only because they are being unnecessarily medieval in their outlook and, to that extent, are simply incapable of addressing the matter scientifically.


    Part of the reason they keep on behaving badly, while trying to get others to do the same, is that they want to make it seem that wrong doing (as bad as they do it) doesn't matter and that it is simply part of the ordinary and normal course of things.


    You have a demon following you who is affecting both your judgment and behavior.


    As Jesus said, "Come one, come all. Just don't bring those stupid demonists with you."


    When Hell rules the good are punished and the bad are rewarded.


    He gave up friends, family, peace and happiness for megapower and megalomania. For this I will always hate and despise him.


    President Ford is being praised so much, it makes me wonder: what on earth did he do wrong?


    How very gratifying it is to have Ghost Monster and the Man Without a Face always looking out for and protecting public morals.

    [^ start Jan. 2007 ^]

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