Love People

Without people, I would soon go mad. My relationships help define who I am. As an extravert with an abiding desire to Know people, I crave company at almost every moment of my life. As I seek to understand others, I long to be understood in turn. I am forever expressing myself, sharing my wisdom and knowledge and experiences with anyone who will listen to me. Even writing sometimes becomes a medium by which I can leverage my time, transforming hours spent at a computer in an empty room into an opportunity to one day speak to hundreds, thousands, perhaps even millions. For this reason, I have dedicated a portion of my website to the people who are most important to the constant renewal of my spirit and the never-ending growth of my mind.

In its creation, this is the most challenging part of my page. My writing - fiction, poetry, and journals - is usually composed on computer, and so it is a simple matter to post and hyperlink existing documents of this sort. My roleplaying games are currently all web-based, so they are no more difficult to organize and present than my writing. Literature is readily accessible on the Net, so it takes little time to find, copy, and paste my favorite poetry. Even those pieces I cannot find require little more of me than mere transcription.

People, however, cannot be built with Word Perfect and a few hours of creative effort. Relationships are not easily explained, much less transcribed. Each human being is unique - an assortment of history, personality, talents, and beliefs. Each relationship emerges gradually, like the slowly opening rose in the poetry section of this web page. I can no more capture a person or a friendship in a few sentences than I can hold the Universe in my hand. Human relationships are a Mystery. By the word "Mystery", here, I do not mean they are a secret with a meaning waiting to be found. People are a Mystery the way true miracles or God are Mysteries. You can understand a part, a fraction, but you can never fully comprehend the infinitude of a person's combined mind, body, and soul. Yet, like an astronaut probing only the tiniest fraction of the Universe, I daily set out to explore the people around me, finding in them something of myself and something of the Divine.


This is only the beginning, and only scratches the surface of the people I have known.

Character Sketches

It falls far short of being an exhaustive list of my friends and family, but it is a start. Soon, I will have links to people's home pages, more descriptions, and better organization. This section is very much under construction, so bear with me.
