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 Character Graveyard

Below lie the graves of those who have fallen in the Great Struggle. Feel free to add yourself to the list. Send the information below to Hal at

4th December 2000 - Joey Alpha (John)

Run down by a car, then placed on the lap of a Vampire Prince by his own magic.

[World of Darkness - GM:Nick]

4th December 2000 - Archangel (Alex)

An Akashic Brother, had his head crushed by a werewolf.

[World of Darkness - GM:Nick]

26th November 2000 - Dara Savage (Dean)

A Verbena killed as a self sacrifice to destroy a vampire club and a team of technocratic agents.

[World of Darkness - GM:Nick]

29th October 2000 - Angus Jones (Rob)

A Euthanatos, blasted apart by a starship mounted energy weapon.

[World of Darkness - GM:Nick]

22nd October 2000 - Michelle Cian (Rob)

A Dreamspeaker, shot to death by Phoenix (Guy), a fellow cabal member.

[World of Darkness - GM:Nick]

22nd October 2000 - Dark Wolf (Jamie)

A Virtual Adept, had his head torn off by a reptilian tiger.

[World of Darkness - GM:Nick]

22nd October 2000 - Melian (Helen)

A Dancer, eaten by 900 Demons after falling off an eagle.

[Rolemaster - GM:Hal]

10th October 2000 - Tajima-Bõ (Hal)

A Buddist Priest, shot in the chest and thigh by his newfound allies Shinbei and O-kichi (Guy and Lindsay) whilst trying to stop them killing someone.

[Sengoku - GM:Richard]

10th October 2000 - O-Kichi (Lindsay)

A geisha/ninja, decapitated shortly after the game began by Arakasi (Michael) for the killing of Tajima-Bõ (Hal).

[Sengoju - GM:Richard]

10th October 2000 - Shinbei (Guy)

A peasant thief, stabbed in the bowels and chest by two fellow party members, Arakasi and Tsune-naka (Michael and Robin), for the killing of Tajima-Bõ (Hal).

[Sengoku - GM:Richard]

10th October 2000 - Juno Williams (Imogen)

An imbued Defender, killed by a frenzied Glasswalker.

[World of Darkness - GM:Unknown???]

10th October 2000 - 'John' (Andy)

An imbued Judge, throttled by an insane hunter.

[World of Darkness - GM:Unknown???]

3rd October 2000 - Enomoto Jinmosuke Mototane (Guy)

A Ronin Samurai, killed by a wild boar while out hunting, much to his embarassment.

[Sengoku - GM:Richard]

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