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Just passing by..-6/27/2002
Just updated the comic and thought I would redo my rant, this won't be long, Ave got booted so I'm bored ^_^;.

I played EQ for a little bit today and got my druid back up to level 20, mwa, I earned my last name! Well after I did that my computer locked up, surprise surprise. I'm working on buying a new one, just for myself.. of course I have to get a job first..

Warcraft III is coming out next month! 7/3/2002 to be exact.. It's going to rule, I have to have it. Well, Starcraft will keep me busy until then. I got my dad started on it actually, it's really fun to see him play, him being my dad and all. He's just learning, got beat up pretty bad on the battle net so he is sticking to single player for now, but he is learning.

Back to Warcraft III.. I was poking around and earlier and found out 2 new races joined the battle. I heard from a friend that you can't be orcs, but I guess he was wrong. Night Elves (Dark Elves really, but hey, it's their game..), and The Undead Scourge. Of course I went to the Night Elves first, being a huge Dark Elf fan, and I love it! Finally, a race in Warcraft (I had Protoss in Starcraft) that I love. Humans and Orcs just aren't my style..

Besides the extremely cool Night Elves, Warcraft III looks very promising.. It seems to have a lot of new options, including sharing resources with allies, Day/Night time that changes during the game, and Hero units that can be trained! Not to mention heros get scrolls of town portal. (Diablo ripoff?)

And I think I'm done for now.. later!

10/25/02-- By now I'm sure you've all figured out that RPG Innuendo is no more.
Perhaps it was doomed from the start, as I guess I was looking for something a little more serious, and Vince..well. I'm not sure what he wanted. ^^;
But don't be sad. As the picture says, I am working on another comic with RPG I's old fanart bitch, Burr! ( ^_^ )

You can find that comic HERE . You'll like it, really. It's much more thought out, and just coming off the ground now.

Besides that, I have my own art site now, which holds a lot more goodies than one could ever want, and you can find that Here! (Shazzam!)
Other news would be... I'm working on a comic all on my lonesome, and the main character will be none other than our Corrin Regent. So, it'll be fun. There's no site for that yet, but there will be... someday. I'll prolly post it here when I get it.

I guess that's all I really have to say...

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All characters, art, plot - © 2001 Angelica F. Wiedmeyer & Bryan Davis. All rights reserved.