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Washtenaw Flaneurade
9 May 2008
Shaky Happies
Now Playing: The Go! Team--"Patricia's Moving Picture"

I put in my two weeks notice at work today. I've been dreaming about doing this for the past three years--I've worked at Chateau Fluffy for four and a half--and it really feels weird, not quite what I'd expected. The decision isn't an impulsive one--that's why this has taken so long. I'll be starting Monday on the kitchen production staff of a nationally renowned delicatessen, one with its own local business empire of sorts, to which I've been applying approximately every six months for longer than I've been working at Chateau Fluffy. It's pretty much the best place to work as far as Ann Arbor restaurants go, if you're in my line, and I'm very excited and rather nervous both about the new situation and about changing jobs in general.

This mood seems to go hand in hand with a lot of other extraneous factors--"spring in Michigan," with its occasional temperatures in the upper thirties, the continuing eulogies for Leopold Brothers'--closing at the end of the month; Starling Electric will play there tomorrow night--my desire to write every day contributing to some consciously duff work, the ongoing national political drama (I'm not a Clinton supporter by any stretch, but I don't see how having two candidates vying for a party's nomination at this late stage in the game--this would have been considered ridiculously early at one point--is any worse than simply holding an effective coronation of one almost at the outset), a dim consciousness I felt earlier this year and late last of a good many things changing--attitudes, people, ideas... put it all together and you have a very unsettled fellow. Not unhappy, just unsettled.

Posted by Charles J. Microphone at 3:17 PM EDT
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9 May 2008 - 9:52 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

Times, and things, change.

10 May 2008 - 12:01 AM EDT

Name: "Your brother"

So this has absolultey nothing to do with your post, but I noticed you were listening to the Go! Team. I haven't picked up their latest yet, but I did pick up an album by the band MGMT (pronounced Management, but short-titled the way the kewl kids spell). They're pretty good, I think you'd like them. I get kind of a David Bowie, Polyphonic Spree, Depeche Mode feel from them. If they haven't been in an iPod commercial yet, I only give it so long... Anyway, for a sneak, you can check out some videos they did on youtube (the ones from BBC2's Later program sound the best of the live stuff).

Looking forward to the election, I think it'll be interesting and defining in its own way. 

12 May 2008 - 7:05 PM EDT

Name: "Sam"

You will be just fine, my friend. Enjoy the change!


Sam (Sataness)


12 May 2008 - 7:17 PM EDT

Name: "nano"

Good for you.  May these changes bring about interesting surprises that will help you to feel more settled.


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