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Washtenaw Flaneurade
9 July 2005
Yolk Separation Mastery
I have got to remember not to go into Grizzly Peak Brewing Company again.

In lighter news, I successfully baked off eight cheddar-parmesan scones yesterday evening (while knocking off a six-pack of PBR--it had been a long week). They taste pretty good, and the texture's terrific. I already ate two. Unfortunately, the achievement seems to come with its own psychological tortures. I had a nightmare last night where two acne-faced punks were trying to steal my new scones. "It's in the bag! Get his bag!" It'll probably take me all day to recover from that one. Thankfully, it's looking to shape into a beautiful day.

I heard the new Sleater-Kinney album, The Woods, last night, too. It'll probably take me a couple of listens, but the foreboding I felt after listening to One Beat has partially dissipated. It's not that One Beat was bad, but it definitely wasn't Dig Me Out or The Hot Rock. Neither is The Woods, of course, but it rocks harder than anything else I've been hearing lately, and it's still the divine Tucker-Brownstein-Weiss magic at work (especially Brownstein, although Janet gets incredibly savage with the skins on this one, from the first second of the first track).

Finally, I spent a grueling Thursday at work, as several online chums from the British Horror Films board live in London. Going through baking and whatnot and not knowing what happened to them is something I definitely don't want to do again, so here's hoping.

Posted by Charles J. Microphone at 10:29 AM EDT
Updated: 9 July 2005 11:09 AM EDT
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