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Beary's diary page fourteen

el barrrio 2:44pm(EST) december 31,1999
writing in Notepad.
staying offline since 4:00am
as Y2K marches around the globe.
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,PEACE,1,HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The Peace Pause idea the easiest to remember.

Just woke up from a nice long nappy.
Took my 2:30pm pillz at 2:40pm
6:30am,2:30pm,10:30pm . . .
Eight hour intervals.
Pillie/wetsie at 9:00am,9:00pm
Or thereabouts.
We hardly run like clockwork around here. :)

Kitty scream!
"Come here,Reptar!"
Reptar needed pettication STAT!

Have a little shoulder pain.
(Presses on magnetic beads in ears.)
Wrist pain *very* minor,now,
After five acupuncture treatments
Over a three week period
By Dr.Richard Rudolph of Branford,Connecticut.
You definitely pass thru a gateway
Entering the door to his office. :)
You're not *really* in Branford,anymore . . .
Doo,doo,doo,doo. . .
The people *seem* human.

Losing my train of thought . . .
Choo! Choo!
All aboard!
Seat backs and tray tables in upright position,please.
It's a train! It's a plane!
It's . . .
Drat! I forgot!
Silly Rabbit!
Losing it. . . It's gone.
Take care,
.........................................................................................................................................................................................f el barrrio 1:08pm(EST) january 14,2000
Big Bear here.
Writing in Notepad,again.
It has decided to be winter,finally
Wind chills of 20 degrees below Zero(Farenheit)
Got furnaces on full tilt boogie,both floors.
Big pot of boiling water on the stove.
Portable heater on in the bedroom.
We like the house to be 80 degrees in the winter.
Getting that will be tuff today.

Did weekly counter counting early in the morning.
counters were installed mostly in october,1999.
bearybipolar home page:549(01/05-526)-23 hits
mental health web rings page one:230(01/05-215)-15 hits
meadowmist home page:318(01/05-302)-16 hits
laughing aliens:373(01/05-312)-61 hits
some of those hits are me.
redecorated aliens page.
tried lots of different backgrounds.
finally Mommikins found a *really* good one for me.
thank you,sweetie!
removed counters on diary pages 2-12
not *a lot* of interest in reading diaries
that are nearly a year old. :^)

countdown to one year birthday of this site
january 30,2000!
two weeks from sunday!

take care,

The Hunger Site

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Counter installed January 01,2000