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Headquarter Module

The reports that are produced by this program are complete and are synchronized with the specific plan they were designed for. The headquarter program lets you manipulate the data so that various reports can be generated, using this method you can get different ideas and angles on how well your company is executing it’s plans. This system is easy to use and data from any specific time, date or location can be accessed in a matter of seconds. Reports can be produced to satisfy FDA requirements, any other foreign regulatory agency, or they can be constructed so that the efficiency of the workforce can be analyzed. Either report can just as easily be faxed or forwarded by e-mail to any remote station on land or at sea. The reports can be sent out daily, weekly, monthly or at any time progress wants to be obtained, and with provided data compression communication costs are kept low.

The Program was created with two things in mind, the FDA requirements and satisfying the companies need for quality control and efficient procedures. This program makes it possible for companies to evaluate and analyze their current system and make improvements to save time, money and to improve the quality of their procedures and product.


Screen for searching records in Headquarter module.



Software Prices

Modules Price $US .

HACCP Record Keeping --- 999.00

SSOP Record Keeping --- 899.00

Quality Control Record Keeping --- 999.00*

Calibration Records **

Headquarter Module **

Complete Package --- 2599.00

* Quality Control Modules can be customized with additional cost.

** Calibration and Headquarter Modules are included with licensing of any other module.



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