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Shit at work (The Log) Post by going to Edit your Blog (right) login:creep/slaw password:slaw
Monday, 8 December 2003

i am shit. eat me.

Posted by creep/slaw at 11:09 PM EST
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Saturday, 29 November 2003
Dinner, anyone?

Posted by creep/slaw at 5:19 AM EST
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Friday, 21 November 2003
Actually thats a shitty game
But finds a good one on that site

Posted by creep/slaw at 11:43 AM EST
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I am empty
I dunno what I ate yesterday, or what I drank last night, but g'lord am I shitty today. It's only 11:34 AM and Ive already crapped thrice and went to the bathroom because I thought I had to crap an additional time. And a crapped a rather normal-large amount each time. I didn;t even eat that much yesterday. Ah well...
By the way who are you tara? I thought this site was just read by myself and a few of my friends, but you are obviously welcome, I was just wondering how you found this site?


P.S. Lets try to revive this blog, I will post a challange to keep you (Ira) interested. Go to
and post a high score.

Posted by creep/slaw at 11:36 AM EST
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Wednesday, 19 November 2003
I am so excited that I can finally share my shit experiences with others who can relate. Last night I had a rather crapilicious experience. I was at my boyfriend's apartment and boy did I have take a dump. But not just a normal dump, I had the kind of diahrea that really burns the hole. I filled the entire bowl and then some. The apartment actually smelled for two hours. We had to leave the apartment to purchase the much needed glade plug-in.


Posted by creep/slaw at 1:13 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 1:15 AM EST
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Monday, 10 November 2003
By the way, Slaw, I had an experience very similar to your folded shit story. It took me four flushes to finally get rid the turd. The bathroom smelled so bad afterward because the shit had been freely emitting it's odor for several minutes. One of my roommates angrily shut the door to the bathroom a minute after I walked out.

By the way, here's another thing that is shit: Chris Redman.


Posted by creep/slaw at 12:06 AM EST
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On Saturday evening I saw shit. Yes, that's right, it was the largest piece of shit in world history. Unfortunately, I actually paid money to see this shit. I am, of course, referring to the Matrix Revolutions. What a piece of shit!


PS - Here's an idea - a Museum of Natural Shit, the newest addition to the Smithsonian. Hey, they can even have a whole exhibit on Matrix III.

Posted by creep/slaw at 12:02 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2003 2:19 AM EST
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Friday, 7 November 2003
Some of you might recall a post about shitting a log that laid across the toilet hole and was therefore folded in the sucking down part of the flushing process. Occasionally the folded log becomes to wide to fit down the poop drain and several flushes are needed to subdue it.
Today's crap broke all the rules. It was laying a cross the hole in a standard fashion. One log, pretty thick but nothing that would make you look twice. There was TP on top of it. Flush. The water is drained the TP is sucked down the sides of the shit rip in half and are pulled into shit hell while the turd remained unbroken, unmoved, and fazed by the toilet's weak attempt to reel it in. I should photgraph this I thought. Luckily I had my SiPix snap camera in my pocket. Took it out, and christ all mighty the fucking battery was dead. Eat my nuts! I thought to myself but decided. Ok well, whatever. So i tried to flush it down again. The water drained out yet it didn't budge it must have had the tensile strength of one of those cables that holds up the Golden gate bridge. it wasn't laying flat on the bottom, but just the ends were touching holding it up. Lord only knows how that soldier survived but lord he was a monster.

Posted by creep/slaw at 2:09 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 7 November 2003 2:10 PM EST
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Thursday, 6 November 2003
That was painful.....
I just crapped out a log that was so thick, it was painful. I'm going to have to avoid sitting down for the next 5 minutes.

Posted by creep/slaw at 4:32 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 6 November 2003 4:34 PM EST
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Wednesday, 5 November 2003
Beef with english
Workaholic does not=work + ic
shoudn't it just be workic?
It sounds dumb but it wouldn't if it was always that way.

Posted by creep/slaw at 11:04 AM EST
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