All about me, cuse you know, you really wanna know...


Yeah, this is a web page all about me and it's also a good place to go if you want to take a bunch of personality tests, or read morbid poetry but that'll take me awhile cuse I gotta find those. My stomach hurts, I felt you should know...anywho, you'll find the more you read the more I talk about my Amber. She's my fiancee. mmmm *thinks happily about Amber* On this page, I'm just gonna have links to everything, a page for my poetry and a page for my other crap. Personality test and other amuzing junk. I miss Amber...HAH! I told you I knew how to use HTML codes! I should prolly get going on those other pages though, so, toodles! Oh, and don't make fun of me just yet, I'm working on centering all my tests...


Hello, ewwww why are my gaurdian's talkin' about achne's foot? Wait, how to you spell acne's foot wait, huh? OUCH! Hey, kids cocaine's bad! Erode's your nose lining and such. I would have wrote yesterday but sometimes, you know, you just are toooo friggin' tired. Well, I gotta go work on my Ptests file some more, actually it's because I'm really bored. oooo I have some interesting things to talk about about my fiance but, I have to ask if I can tell them though. Wait just a second, it's athlete's foot...oooooo...hehe. Toodles!


ARG! Life sucks via E-mail. I don't know what that means, hey, this is kind of like a web journal, AHHHHHHHHHHH! My voices aren't talking to me today, it's scary. I miss Amber.


Yeah, yesterday was one of those bad know, the kind where you scream at the top of your lungs because the little people are giving you the silent treatment. I really don't like being left alone by myself, you know, most people think i'm a poser and usually they're right. But when they underestimate the harm I can cause myself they're just being stupid. Heehee, little do they know that's the reason why I don't come to school sometimes, besides, my bad bouts of cutting are always hidden very well. So, call me a poser if you want but when I come after you instead of me don't say I didn't warn you.


Wow, its been awhile hasnt it? well, not much has really happened, Johns convinced I can get a job when it really doesn't seem to be that way, I mean I'm 15 and yeah, I can take care of myself and that shit but if the market isn't appreciating my age group it's very unlikely I am going to get a job. Well anywho, I'm going to submit some stuff so I can get my site on a search engine. Ok, bye now.


Ok then, I've been really busy lately. Well not really busy just never home, I spend most of my time with Amber, when I'm not with her I'm hanging out with Mellissa. Mellissa's been my friend since, um....8th grade. Yeah thats it. Just a little lower, ok, now faster...AHHHH!!!! oh sorry just came on the if I could...dude, I need to get sleepy. NEED SLEEP!!!!!!! I'm going to go update my Amber page....toodles!


Nothing much has been happening. Nothing not involving amber anyway. I did figure out something I'm going to do when Amber's not here tho, I like to build things so when I don't want to be around people I can just work on building stuff. I need to paint the back porch this week, that's going to be shitty no one's going to be here to help me. I just get lonely if no one is there to help ya know?

My Favorite Web Sites

a place to go when your bored
My babes web page
Personality tests!
The important stuff...