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i have no life
Sunday, 21 September 2003
okay, today is marks birthday, and my mom wanted to go buy him a present...julia was at girlscouts, and tina was sick...every 5 minutes.. and my mom wanted me to get him a she gave me five dollars and sent me into kmart and RIGHT as i was gettin out of the car she said " get something nice for mark" im just like " yeah......." i went in and went RIGHT for the makeup...i came out about 5 minutes later and my moms like " whatd you get" and i gave her a piece of juicy fruit...not a pack of it...a PIECE of it....haha, good times

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 8:55 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 17 September 2003
HELLOO!!! the following may help yop in understanding the title

MrSilentX: no, of course not
MrSilentX: I did not stike the almighty tea pot
MrSilentX: I had tea the other day
Ra1nB0wG1R001: YES YOU DID
MrSilentX: oh
MrSilentX: well then I must have
Ra1nB0wG1R001: TO THE DUNGEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MrSilentX: ok :(

l0stra1nb0ws0cK: RAWR?
Ra1nB0wG1R001: GARHAR
l0stra1nb0ws0cK: YES!!!!!
Ra1nB0wG1R001: =-O
l0stra1nb0ws0cK: =-O

BezerkedDemon: ONLINE BUBBLE WRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BezerkedDemon: yes i am!
Ra1nB0wG1R001: TO THE DUNGEON WITH THE NON BELIEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BezerkedDemon: LOL

MrSilentX: sorry
Ra1nB0wG1R001: hAHHHhH

tHE tEApoTS naMe IS dAD!! dAD RulES alL OF yOU evEN If YOU donT reALIZe IT!!!


little ashley

do not QUesTIon THe WAyS of Dad....oR you ShAll SUffer IN muCH MucH pAIn

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 8:52 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003
okay, today i went to the mall after school, then went to the friggin my braces tightened....hmm, im thinking of drinkin before school tomorrow cause im gonna be up at 4 with my mom spiking my hair..l..then shell leave at 430 and ill have all the way till 630 to myself....heh... okay, well, im gonna look AWESOME tomorrow!!! mwah! i feel sick! i can feel my throat dying right now!!!! bleh...hmm, thios morning was amazing! jess was drunk and i could not stop laughing, i guess tomorrow shes gonna be drunk again....hehe, okay, well i love you all!

little ashley!

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 7:39 PM EDT
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Monday, 15 September 2003
stupid biotch!
bleh...i went to the mall with justin today, twas interesting.....this dumb bitch like walked in front of justin when he was spitting and she gave him really dirty looks and rude comments, then like 20 minutes later this police man came and questioned justin and the lady came back...what a whore! my mommie! hahahahahah.. kk.. umm, in gym class they are splitting up me and jess...hah...we still dont do anything...ummm.........on sunday night elli and i got bored so we called random numbers....she did something like 448-6789 and the guy said " what are you trying to call?? "448-9982" and im just like "ooh........................." haha...elli and i couldnt stop laughing...sorry i kept annoyin you justin, but you know how much i love ya! spikes on wed are gonna kick ass!!! woop woop ! okay...bye bye!

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 9:44 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
and yet another
x] Who was the last person...
You touched?:justin
You talked to?: my aunt
You hugged?: justin
You instant messaged?: my aunt
You kissed?: justin
You yelled at?: mom
You laughed with?: justin
[x] Have you/are you/do you....
Considered a life of crime?: thatd be fun
Considered being a hooker?: maybe
Considered being a pimp?:
Are you psycho?: ~.' *twitch* no~!!!
Split personalities?
Obsessive?: over some things
Obsessive compulsive?: no......
Panic?: sometimes
Anxiety?: occasionally
Depressed?:not as much as before!
Suicidal?: ^^look up^^
Obsessed with hate?:no..
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?: yes yes
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?: yes yes
Understanding: thats easy
Open-minded: yesa
Insecure: sometimes
Interesting: not really
Hungry: yes
Friendly: somewhat
Smart:hah! im is all the retard classes! `.`
Moody: sometimes
Childish: oh....lots of times! OOH! A DOGGIE!!!!!!!!
Hard working: sometimes
Organized: no
Healthy: not at all
Emotionally Stable: no....
Shy: kinda.
Difficult: i guess so
Attractive: nut uh huh.
Bored Easily: yes
Responsible: sometimes
Sad: sometimes
Happy: more yes than no
Trusting: sometimes
Talkative: depends
Original: yep...i started my hair ideia and if anyone steals it i shall kill them!!!!
Different: umm..........from who?
Unique: maybe
Color your hair?:i did today! wooh
Have tattoos?: wait a little while okay?.
Piercings?: i want my tongue
Have a girlfriend?: no...never did...but i might in the future!
Ever get off the damn computer? at night....when i sleep...and at school...
[x ]Currents
Current Clothes: Black pants,got bubbles shirt
Current Mood: bored...thats why ive done like 5 of these things!
Current Taste: orange juice
Current Hair: wet
Current Annoyance: my sisters.........
Current Smell: oranges
Current thing you ought to be doing: nothing
Current Desktop Picture: a doggie!
Current Favorite Groups: uhm....queen, korn,the doors, the cunninghams,icp,maralyn manson.......i can go on and on and on...
Current Book: None
Current DVD In Player:happy gilmore
Current Refreshment: orange juice
Current Worry: secret....~.*
Current Favorite Celebrity: adam sandler
Food: candy
Drink: orange juice
Color: black
Shoes: socks
Candy: sour and sweet
TV Show: comedy central
Movie: girl interrupted,ginger snaps, anything with adam sandler or blood in it......
[x] On Dating....
Long or short hair?:any
Dark or blond hair?: dark blonde
Tall or short?: taller than pretty much everyone!
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?: funny
Good boy or bad boy?: bad...hehebut good is also good!
Dark or light eyes?:i love eyes...light or dark...all are good
Hat or no hat?: no hat
Pierced or no?: pierced......tongue!!!!!!yum *drools* what? oh...continue....
Freckles or none?: either way
Stubble or neatly shaved?: any...i dont really like hair ....but i can live with it for a while..
Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type?:outdoors
[x] On preferences....
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King?: mcdonnalds
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend?: friend.
Sweet or sour?: sour
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: root beer
Sappy/action/comedy/horror?: horror
Cats or dogs?: cats AND dogs
Ocean or Pool?: ocean
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?:ranch
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? mud kicks ass
With or without ice-cubes?:WITH.
Shine or rain?:mmm...i love the rain
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring?: FALL!!!!!
Vanilla or Chocolate?: chocolate
Gloves or mittens?: gloves
Eyes open or closed?: for kissing?.......closed
Fly or breathe under water?: fly!!WOOSH!
Bunk-bed or waterbed?: waterbed ;)
Chewing gum or hard candy?: gum
Motor boat or sailboat?: motor boat
Lights on or off?: off :p
Chicken or fish?: chicken
[x]What's your favorite:.
Number?: 3
Holiday? halloween!! hell yes!
Radio station?: 93.9 and 99.3
Place?: germany!!
Flower?: roses!!
Scent?:fruity fun by calgon
If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: with my daddy....or justin
What would you be doing?: hugging my daddy or justin
What are you listening to?: nothing now
Can you do anything freakish with your body?:my legs can go behind my head and im abnormally strong!
Do you have a favourite animal, no matter how lame it may be?: a mongoose

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 10:51 PM EDT
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another from emily......
Name: ashley
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: in the future!
Height: about 5 ft 2 or less..i dont really know
Shoe size:7
Hair color:black,purple,blonde,blue,red,orange,umm....?
Length: a little past my shoulders
Siblings: 2 annoying little sisters
Movie you rented: ginger snaps! fucking awesome movie!!
Movie you bought: a bunch of adam sandler movies :p
Song you listened to: bohemian favorite song like ever made!
Song stuck in your head:^^look up ^^
CD you bought:^^look up^^
CD you listened to: ^^look up^^
Person you've called:elli
Person that's called you:elli
TV show you've watched:southpark
Person you were thinking of:justin
You have a bf or gf?nope hint hint wink wink nudge nudge...
You have a crush on someone? yes! heehee
You wish you could live somewhere else? well....yeah i suppose
You think about suicide? more than once...but not very recently
Others find you attractive? i dont know..?
You want more piercings? HELL YES!
You drink? more yes than no
You do drugs? never
You smoke? tried once...but im allergic...i get all puffy and itchy
You like cleaning?nope
You like roller coasters? yes yes...heights and speeding excites me :p
You write in cursive or print? i type....and i print...almost NEVER do cursive
You carry a donor card? nope
Long distance relationships? i think its okay.
Using someone? no....thats mean
Killing people? its fun
Teenage smoking? i used to
Premarital sex? yep
Driving drunk? no no...bad bad bad
Gay/lesbian relationships? go for it!
Soap operas?i hate you
Food? people
Thing to talk about? lots of, why i cant fly.......and how many fish does it take to kill a cow....and why certain people dont like a certain me........
Sports?I hate sports.
Drinks?red bull and all of those energy drinks!
Clothes? on my floor..............
Movies? too many!!!!!!!
Band/singer? too many
New nerdy saying? wtf?
Ever cried over a guy/girl? more than once and over the same person.......
Ever lied to someone? all the time..
Ever been in a fist fight? with my cousin...alot...i always throw him...and i win
Ever been arrested? nope
Of times I have been in love? just this once right now.......
Of times I have had my heart broken? just once....
Of hearts I have broken? one...sorry chris :/
Of girls I have kissed? one or two
Of boys I have kissed? one
Of girls I've slept with? sex or sleep..........?
Of boys I've slept with? im not answering this its confusing.....
Of drugs taken illegally? none yet
Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? umm....three or four
Of people I consider my enemies? too many
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?
once when my daddy died.... :'(
Of scars on my body?one i think
Of things in my past that I regret? too many
Disney movie? BAMBI!!!!!!! i cried when his mommie died :(
Scent? fruity fun by calgon
Word? i dont sleep o.0
Nickname? little ashley
Guy name? bob,frank,cletus...hah...names my daddy called me...
Girl name? ashley,elli........yeah...
Eye color?blue
color?dark purple, red, black.........yeah
Flower?dark roses.
Piercing?tongue....i want it done so bad...but itll hurt!!
Actress?uhm....whats her name?!?!?! ooh....cameron diaz
Pretty? im as ugly as a rat
Funny? a lot of the time
Ugly? yes
Caring?....about some people
Sweet? yes
Dorky? no
Spell your first name backwards:ashley...hah....i cant do it...wait....yelhsa
The story behind your user name:umm...for aol? i love gir, and my hair is rainbow colors......
Are you straight?half and half
Where do you live?oh the pits of hell whit a whore as the devil
Four words that sum you up? annoying,love struck, hyper,adhd...hahaha
Wallet: black........
Hairbrush:its purple
Jewelry worn daily:6 bracelets, 2 rings.
Style:dark..................i guess
Room:a waste land for me and my friends eyes only....
Blanket: i love it! my daddy baught it for me!
Coffee cup: any...
Shoes: i have boots and hello kitty shoes
Handbag: huh?
Favorite top: im special!
What are you wearig now?: wouldnt you like to know? my bed time tank top with a smiliey...its skin tight, and my undies! theyr little boy ones!!heehee..i like them
Hair:hjjjboixgfjlkchj i hate hair.
Make up: eyeliner.....
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) ...
In my mouth?me,other people, random objects
In my head?umm....justin,school,sex..........
Wishing: id like to get laid
After this: im going to talk to justin..
Talking to: my aunt, travis,chris,pierce.....
Eating: my finger
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: anyone who questions my ways....
Person you wish you could see right now: justin...yeah yeah..i know, im obsessed
Is next to you: a tv..
Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month:umm.....the end of the month so that october can come!!!
Something that you are deathly afraid of?: CLOWNS!!!!!aahhhh
Do you like candles: yes
Do you like hot wax: yes
Do you like incense:yep
Do you like the taste of blood:mmmmm...i love blood
Do you believe in love:im in love........
Do you believe in soul mates: hmm...i suppose
Do you believe in love at first sight:yep
Do you believe in forgiveness:yes
What do you want done with your body when you die: burn it and put it in a box then have sopmeone make me into chocolate milk and drink me.....
Who is your worst enemy?: but mom
If you could have any animal for a pet: ill have a justin please
What is the latest you've ever stayed up: for uhm...6 or so days
Ever been to Belgium?:wtf? no....
Can you eat with chopsticks: YEP! i can even eat jello and icecream with them! im so talented!
What's your favorite coin?: any.....?
What are 4 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to?:
London,New York, Boston, New York again.....
What are some of your favorite pig out foods?:
Whats something that you wish people would understand?: that im not short! hahaha
What's something you wish you could understand better?: why people do what they do and if they do it just to anger one another
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? my daddy................*cries*
Something you want to make happen for tomorrow? i want my daddy.....and justin.........

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 10:24 PM EDT
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Paranoid:Very High
Schizotypal:Very High
Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High
Dependent:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 6:26 PM EDT
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another quis i took from emily
If I were a month I would be: October!!!!!!!!
If I were a day of the week I would be: saturday...cause you can do anything on a saturday!! hehe.
If I were a time of day I would be: 11 pm.
If I were a planet I would be: mars..i have traces of life
If I were a sea animal I would be:A DOLPHIN!!!eeekkkk eekkk
If I were a direction I would be: hmm...........ALL OF THEM!
If I were a piece of furniture I would be:a bed..LAY ON ME DAMNIT!
If I were a sin I would be: all of them
If I were a historical figure I would be: something stupid
If I were a liquid I would be: an energy drikk! spread the joy people!!!
If I were a stone, I would be: Opal
If I were a bird, I would be: a fish...hahah
If I were a tool, I would be: a staple gun!!
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: a venus fly trap! i look pretty but im just going to eat you!
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love the rain.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be:a tin makes music!!!
If I were an animal, I would be: a mongoose!
If I were a color, I would be: DARK PURPLE! or red!
If I were an emotion, I would be: retarded...hah...thats not an emotion...
If I were a vegetable, I would be: if i smoked pot id be a vegetable...
If I were a sound, I would be: a cow
If I were an element, I would be: fire....BURN BABY, BURN!!!!!!!
If I were a car, I would be: umm...maybe a firebird...or something like that..
If I were a song, I would be: bohemian rhapsody by queen!!
If I were a book, I would be written by: some random person
If I were a food, I would be:INSTANT PANCAKES!!!!! hahhahaa
If I were a place, I would be: germany!
If I were a material, I would be: hmm.............bunny wabbit!!!
If I were a taste, I would be: sweet and chocolate covered strawberries!
If I were a scent, I would be: fruity fun- calgon
If I were a word, I would be: retard
If I were an object, I would be: a chair!! sit on me!
If I were a body part I would be:a cool thin and very long nail painted black!
If I were a facial expression I would be: one thats going to kiss someone
If I were a subject in school I would be: photo class! pictures are fun
If I were a cartoon character I would be: GIR!!!!!!!!!!
If I were a shape I would be: heart like this! <3
If I were a number I would be: one!!
If I were a roller coaster I would be: umm...the yankee cannonball at canobe lake park! lots of ups and downs, and you still enjoy it no matter how many times youve been on it before!!
If I were a key on a keyboard I would be:delete
If I were a movie I would be: umm....maybe...billy madison! im insane like that movie and i thnk im in love with it now!!!
If I were a secret I would be: the fact that the president is a dumbass....wait, thats not a secret!

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 3:31 PM EDT
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a quiz i took from emily
Do you bite your nails?: only sometimes
Can you roll your tongue?: hmm...lemme see...YES! heh..
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yep yep... its fun too
Can you blow smoke rings?: im not sure...but im allergic to cigarets....yeah..ive smoked didnt end pretty...
Can you blow spit bubbles?: yeah
Can you cross your eyes?: uhm...what the hell.....yeah...i dont know anyone who cant....
Tattoos?: not yet..but when i do get some im gettin on my lower hip on the right side of a rose with a snake :p
Piercings and where?: i have my ears done once but i want my tongue done...i think thats oh so sexy!
Which shoe goes on first?: right
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: yep yep....and at my cat too....
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: bracelettes,2 rings, and earings
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?:umm...i can be ready for anything in like 5 minutes so ill just be on time....
How many cereals in your cabinet?: eh..i hate cerial...the only kind i like is that honey nut chex...its good
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: my hands............
Do you cook?: YEAH! i love cooking!.
How often do you brush your teeth?: once in the morning and every time after i eat food....
How often do you shower/bathe?: every day
How long does your shower last?: it depends... somewhere between 15 minutes and 2 hours :)
Do you swear?: who doesnt? ooh yeah... my sisters...
Do you ever spit?:sometimes..
Do you pee in the shower? no..........thats nasty..
The CD Player:umm...i have one...yeah..i like lots of music!
Person you talk most on the phone with: elli
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?:sometimes..just to see how fucking ugly i am
What color is your bedroom?:black with a white celing
Do you use an alarm clock?: yeah...on school days..i dont need it, but i still use it incase.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: hmm....invader zim stuff......that or justin
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?, i dont think so
Ever sunbathed nude?: yeah...its fun!
Window seat or aisle?: Window seat...that way i can wave to all the people and i wont haveto look at people on the bus plane or whatever im in...
What?s your sleeping position?: i curl up in a little ball and face my radio while hugging my pillow
What kind of bed do you like?:a bed....? i like those cool ones that "curve to your body" it feels saecure and safe, but theyr really expensive...
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yeah, ill just turn on a fan or MUST be cold at all times in my just like my daddy!
Do you snore?: no
Do you sleepwalk?: nope.
Do you talk in your sleep?: sometimes...once my mom heard me saying "i hope you fucking die you man steeling whore slut!!!"
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:nope...
How about with the light on?: no.
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: both...i like to fall asleep to an adam sandler movie! i love his movies...and i always have my radio yeah...
Oranges or apples?: oranges are yum
One pillow or two?: five thousand.
Deaf or blind?: what? heh..ive been told i am deaf....but i see all!!!mwahahaha
Pools or hot tubs?:i like hot tubs!
Blondes or brunettes?: hmm...dark blonde.
TV or radio?: radio is always i said before
Beach or pool?: beach...i like the sand!
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: cheese...yum...
Morning or night?: i like not a day person at all...
Sports or news?: i dont like either one
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: i like the smell of cookies and candy and i get lotsa cool stuff...i hope to get a computer this year!
Cake or ice cream?: Ice cream!!!
Hamburger or Hot Dog?: hot dog
Dog or Cat?: Kittens!!!!!!!!!! or puppies!!!!!!!! when they get old they are pointless and annoying
Bath or shower?: bubblebaths are fun fun fun....sut i usually take showers

\love you!

little rainbow ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 3:05 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
im so happy!!!!!!!!!!
i feel so happy right now! after school i went to the mall with justin and i sat on his lap and hugged him alot... :) i personally think we looked like we were "together" and i like that... :p heehee i was soooooo damn close to kissing him! our heads were touching and we were staring at eachother and yeah...i was gonna kiss him..but i thought hed get i just kept kissin his cheek :) even thou doing that makes me really not sure why..but it does... justin, you should go to the mall on monday or tuesday........or both! :) heehee just being with you or touching you makes me the happiest person alive....and dead :ppeople keep telling him he should go out with me...and i think we should cause i love him deeply!even if we brokeup id be happy cause id know i got to have him to myself for a while :)hmmm....tomorrow im going to wendys to hand in my application :) justin, i love being your little ashley :) and i hope some day ill be more than that...but thats all i can do or say to make you change your mind...i love you all!

little rainbow ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 8:36 PM EDT
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