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i have no life
Wednesday, 3 September 2003

litte ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 6:27 PM EDT
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litte ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 6:26 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 September 2003 was day one of the end of my life...heh...highschool sucks bunny balls, first lunch definately sucks bunny balls....and my schedule sucks soooo many buny balls...heh...i bit JUSTIN!and tori,elli and myself today....and chris was WEARING EYELINER AND OH MY GOD!!!!! hahahaa i wanted to rape his sexy...heh...okay...i got lost for part of my science class...heh AND I HAVE SCIENCE WITH TRAVIS!!!!! and also jason, chris, alex, casey, jacob molina.....who needs to die.... heh and yeah i slept in some of my classes....heh...hmm....every day after school im goin to the lebanon mall...ljust saying that so maybe someone will come with me... :pAAAHHHH!!!!i have gym tomorrow....first period :( heh..i got sooo many dirty looks today...and i returned them to their owners with a little extra finger for the trip :p tomorrow will also suck.....i need a new cd player.... meh... im wearin thumbtacks for earings tomorrow! woosh! hehee okay...bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye for now!

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 8:12 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 September 2003
its fall!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh...okay...i just came back from my aunts is it nasty there...nothing but chineese people, mexicans,yelling, and gun happy to be at my quiet home :) i need to clean my room and get all my shit organized for school....even thou i dont wanna cause school fucking sucks...i lost my paperwork for school....heh...good job gettin new clothes and a new computer from compaq heh..l..i customized it myself :D hehe... okay..i need a new cd player...cause the one i took from my sister is broken...heh...aah!!!!i need to get up at 5 45 tomorrow!!!aaaahhhhh!!!!!! i got up at 8:00 today....thats like...not heard of for me.. meh..i dont know what else to say...ill be online tonight till about....9:00 cause i still gotta do shit after im online...bye bye

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 3:28 PM EDT
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Monday, 25 August 2003
i stole it from corey :)
// series one
-- Name: ashley
-- Birthdate: march 28th
-- Birthplace: winchester mass
-- Current Location: lebanon
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: black...but naturally blonde..
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: aries....and i hate it
-- Innie or Outtie: innie...outtie is nasty

// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: uhm...ireland...STOP CALLING ME A LEPRACHAUN!
-- The shoes you wore today: they were either invisible.....or i wasnt wearing any
-- Your hair: retarded....i hate my hair
-- Your eyes: theyr i said...i like my eyes.. i think theyr perty!
-- Your weakness?: guys...i always pick the wrong one
-- Your fears: Spiders,clowns,big fish....
-- Your perfect pizza: i like cheese pizza....and time i ate a whole large cheese and half a peperoni pizza...i was hungary...

// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: heh or ooh
-- Your thoughts first waking up:i dont sleep often.....but...i say aahhh!!! the sun!!!! it burrrrns!!!
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: heh....hmm id say the eyes or the face.
-- Your best physical feature: heh...i dont know id say my eyes
-- Your bedtime: some time between 1 and 6 am
-- Your greatest accomplishment: i can put my feet behind my head! hahaha
-- Your most missed memory: uhm...MY CHILDHOOD! :'(
-- Your favorite kind of music genre: whatevers on the radio station i like
// series five - do you
-- Smoke: no....smoke is ickey!
-- Cuss: yes yes
-- Sing well: no!
-- Take a shower everyday: usually
-- Have a crush(es):yes
-- who are they?: i dont feel like saying
-- Want to go to college: yes.
-- Like high school: i dont just entering it in 7 days......
-- Want to get married: sure...why not everyone else does
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no no no no no no no
-- Believe in yourself: rarely
-- Get motion sickness: only if i read in the car.....i used to alot when i was little....well...littler
-- Think you're attractive: ugly as hell
-- Think you're a health
-- Get along with your parents: rarely
-- Like thunderstorms: yes! they are the bestest!
-- Play an instrument: no
/ series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol:mikes hard lemonade! :p
-- Smoke(d):no......i told you befor..smoke is ICKY!
-- Done a drug: Hell no
-- Have Sex: no
-- Made Out: not in the past month...
-- Go on a date: no
-- Go to the mall?: of course!!!!
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: OF COURSE!!!! who hasnt?
-- Eaten sushi: no!!!! YUCKY!
-- Been on stage: no!!!! YUCKY!
-- Been dumped: no!!! YUCKY!
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies:EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!
-- Gone skinny dipping: no!
-- Dyed your hair: yes!
-- Stolen anything: almost every day...
// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
-- If so, was it mixed company:no
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope
-- Been caught "doing something": no
-- Been called a tease: no
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: yes yes.....its all jessicas fault!!! heh
-- If so, did you get caught: nope! hip horay!
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no
// series eight - the future
-- Age you hope to be married: any
-- Numbers and Names of Children: one or two and the boy is named paige...
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: i dont know...never thought bout it
-- How do you want to die: i want to be testing candy at a factory and then get sucked into the chocolate cooker and drown....
-- How do you think you will die: i just told you...
-- Where you want to go to college: DARTMOUTH!!!
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: uhm.. a psychiatrist
-- What country would you most like to visit: germany!!! i love those germans!
// series nine - opposite/same sex
-- Best eye color? blue or green!
-- Best hair color? dark blonde or black
-- Short or long hair?: both
-- Best height: same as me!
-- Best weight: same as me!
-- Best articles of clothing:uhm....shorts and thats all
-- Best first date location: any
-- Best first kiss location: any
// series ten - number of
-- Number of girls I have kissed in my life:1
-- Number of girls you have made out with:0
-- Number of boys I have kissed: 1
-- Number of boys you have made out with: 1
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: four...i think...maybe...ill just say one
-- Number of CDs that I own: maybe like....5 or 10
-- Number of piercings:2!i think the tongue being pierced is so sexy...
-- Number of tattoos: none....but i want some!
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once or twice
-- Number of scars on my body: none
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: maybe everything...i forget

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 11:37 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 August 2003 2:24 AM EDT
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hello world

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 2:06 AM EDT
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Sunday, 24 August 2003
hmm..... at my aunts house.:)hmmm.......travis....i like you.... alot... hehokay ill shut up now.... tomorrow im going to see my friend alita...... shes cool...hmm.. okay.. bye bye i suppose....

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 10:25 PM EDT
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hmmm.....okay...i am talking to corey and travis....moms out on an all day motorcycle ride with her that means shes having a sex fest.... eh....well...its really nice out....atleast i think it is.....i love fall feels like fall today :)

im going to run in little circles of joy now..... :p

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 3:51 PM EDT
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hello...i went to canobe lake park today...twas fun...i went on all the fun rides...also got this yummy icecream....hehe... i may go to my aunts house for the week if my mom lets me....i think i like travis...but i hope i get to go to my aunts cause i love her dearly... :) going to go and talk to corey since he is the only person online....travis needs to come online..... :)

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 12:46 AM EDT
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Saturday, 23 August 2003
travis is going to rape me.... :) yay!

liTtl3L0v3: will you rape me
howtomakenemies: mmm....
howtomakenemies: sure.
liTtl3L0v3: i think id let you rape me
howtomakenemies: heh
howtomakenemies: it wouldn't really be rape then, right?
liTtl3L0v3: hmmm
liTtl3L0v3: i guess not
liTtl3L0v3: well...since i asked you if youd rape me....its definately not
howtomakenemies: heh
liTtl3L0v3: where and when
howtomakenemies: mmmm.....
howtomakenemies: whenever, wherever
liTtl3L0v3: okay
liTtl3L0v3: in two hours
howtomakenemies: heh
liTtl3L0v3: you know whats actually come
howtomakenemies: heh, I think i'd CUM too.
liTtl3L0v3: hehe
liTtl3L0v3: is that an invitation young man
howtomakenemies: oh yeah

heehee...what a funny guy :P okay..nighty nite..

little ashley

Posted by creep/d3adk1tt3n at 1:59 AM EDT
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