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Welcome to the Stacie page where Stacie goes to, uhh, "look for jobs"? Kind of a strange place to be "job hunting". Hmmm, and one of her first words is "DATE"! Well I'll be fooled - but only briefly! How long will you be Gary? The Truth In All It's Beautiful Glory! Dude, I don't want your fake conning girlfriend! When she contacted me at I was told that you WANTED a relationship with HER, not that you were IN a relationship with her. I don't go out with attached women, period! Now, if she told you that she was "job hunting" through me, then why the *&^%$$ would she be paying for a profile for dating? Why would she be going out with men from, a DATING WEBSITE? Wake up pal. You're probably a very nice guy and I typically am too, but when a con-artist chick tries to get me, I get pissed! She is conning you, and tried to con me. I'm done with her! You can apologize to me with a cold beer when you return. Here is your proof. Good luck!
Here is Stacie again; her opened profile. Hmmm, what's that 6th word say?

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