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Geena's Math Equation
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Introduction of Geena's Math Equation

Hey readers, the following story is Geena's Math Equation. It was a story that I wrote mocking a friend of mine. I used artificial names, so don't think that its someone you know. I put her into the main character position and the story line came from a taiwanese drama (none of this happened in really life). There will be an upcoming Geena's Unsolved Puzzle that will be a continuation of Geena's Math Equation. There's a lot of grammar/spelling mistakes and I know cuz I posted up the unedited version. Enjoy!Smile

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 5:58 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 September 2007 3:35 PM PDT
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Chapter 1

I was walking across campus on my way to homeroom when I saw Max heading my way. I couldn't take another step, I was so very nervous. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. I've imagined so many possible answers and outcomes. I stood there in the middle of the campus, and put out my hands that were holding the letter. It was my love letter to Max. And what did he do????

He just looked at me and walked right pass. I couldn't believe what he just did. "Max!" I said as I fell to the ground with the letter in hand. He turned around, but only to see his friend Manny coming. Then finally, he walked up to the spot where I had fell onto the ground and kneeled down so I could see him. "Could it be that you have nothing else better to do in your life?" And with that, he walked away. I laid there in shock at what he just said to me. People began to crowd around me, but I didn't care. No, I did not care at all.

I was later sitting on the balcony in front of the hall at Van Nuys High School trying to calm myself down from such depression. But this group of annoying people just came along and said.

    "It's her."

    "I heard that just now, she was holding a love letter for class A's Max!"

    "For real? Is she brain dead?"

    "Someone just loves to imagine things. She must be crazy."

    "She's from class F, it's not surprising if her brain's dead."

    "What is she thinking? She should know it was impossible."

    "Enough, enough, we shouldn't make fun of other people. We should be more considerate."


    They were about to leave me alone. If my love letter for Max hadn’t been spotted, they might have even left me there in peace! But no!

    "A love letter!"

    "No way, really?"

    "A love letter to Max?"

    I held tight to it, but they snatched it right from my hands.

    "Let me read it."

    "Me first!"

    The crowd of them pushed each other to snatch the letter so they could read first. And all I could do was just run after them to make them give it back. It was none of the business. Why can't they just give me some time alone! But finally I did get the letter back.

    I don't want to hear another word about Max. I don't want to talk to him, think about him or even look at him ever again. No!

    But that is not possible is it...

    "Number one again!"

    "The whole announcement board is filled with him."

    "He's number one and he's so hot. He's just SOOO impressive!"

    "Gold metal!"

    Why is Max everywhere? Can't there be a place where I won't be able to see him? At that moment, I ran into the girl’s restroom. Yes, that should be a place where I won't see Max. But no, even the girl's restroom has the existence of Max. On the wall of the restroom, a big poster was posted saying: "The 3rd annual golden branches dream lover 1st place... Max!"

Chapter 2

    I was hiding in the gym. No one was inside beside me. And there was definitely nothing that had to deal with Max on the walls of the gym. I wanted some time alone and didn't want to be bothered by anyone.


    "Geena, where are you? Geena!"

    Not even by my two best friends Elaine and Lara. When I heard there voices, I ran and hid next to the trophy cabinet.

    "Stop hiding."

    "GEENA!" They said together, this time sounding a bit more annoyed.

    "Okay! Stop yelling you guys." I surrendered. “I’m over here."

    They followed my trail of voice and went to the trophy cabinet.

    "Geena, I never thought you'd do something like this." Elaine asked

    "What were you thinking? Why did you do this?" questioned Lara.

    "And you chose to give it to him in the morning at school when there are the most people at the time." continued Elaine.

    They weren't making me feel any better than I was. So I cried out, "I didn't think that much about it. I had a crush on him for two years. It wasn't easy for me to have the determination to write this letter. It just happened that he was walking towards me, and... I reached into my backpack, and I felt the letter in my hand. So I... I just..."

    "Got laughed at by him, and became a legendary joke at the school." Lara finished off my sentence.

    "How sad!" Elaine added.

    "How can you say that about me?" I said and headed for my backpack. When I was about to put the letter into my backpack, I said to Lara and Elaine, "Last night, just to write this letter, I had to look through the dictionary a few times. In the end, he didn't even take a look at it."

    "You didn't need to ask to know the answer." Lara said in a 'as if' way.

    "But if I don't ask, I'll never know the outcome. What if he liked me a lot too, then what should I have done?" I said in a confused voice.

    "Yes... he likes you the most." taunted Lara.

    "Let's go. Don't stay here with her and day dream." Elaine suggested. The two of them stood up and took off.

    "But I think something is not right. We've never seen him with a girlfriend before." Lara said to Elaine.

    "True." Elaine agreed. "I've never heard of him with another girl before too." I took my stuff and caught up with them as they continued to talk.

    "What if... he likes guys?" Lara said.

    "No way!" Elaine disagreed.

    "Maybe, you never know." Lara continued.

    "Stop talking nonsense." I had to bud in. Even though Max does like me, but it can't be possible that he doesn't like girls in general.

    At that moment Josh popped out from behind me and hugged me. "Geena! I heard that you confessed your love to Max from class A. But you got rejected. Tell me, why? WHY?? How can you like that geek?"

    Josh held on to me very tightly, but with the help of Lara and Elaine, I was able to break out from his arms and run out of the gym. He ran after me and screamed, "Geena, you need to be clear that I registered you first."

    Was he going ballistic?? Register?? I stumped back up the gym stairs and said, "Register what? I'm not one of your things." With that, I ran back down the gym stairs.

    Josh screamed down at me, "After how Max made you so upset today, I'm not going to let him go without any punishment today. We're going to go beat him up. Right guys?" Josh looked at his friends Kevin and John.

    "Um... do we have to. It doesn't sound like such a good idea." said Kevin and John.

    "I thought we are brothers!" Then Josh led his two friends on their way to beat up Max.

    "Josh, that's enough!" I shouted. But they didn't listen and march on.

    I was left there with my two best friends Lara and Elaine.

    "Everyone says that I was too impetuous. It really does see like it though. The guy wouldn't even bother to take a look at my love letter. What's so good about him?" I said.

    "Right, right. This kind of guy... what's so good about him?" Elaine said.

    "Yeah. He's just good looking and smart, and come from a wealthy family. You can find this kind of guy anywhere."

    The bell rang and we went to class. I wasn't able to concentrate. I kept on talking to myself. 'Can I really let him go in my heart? I really don't know. To become like a super smart genius like Max to me, who is in the lowest class status at school, is a mission impossible to achieve. I knew the outcome would be like this. But, I really like him. Ever since the day of the freshmen ceremony, the first time I saw him, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.'

    I still remember the day of the freshman ceremony. It was the first day at school here at Van Nuys High School. The Principal announced, "Now Max, class A's new freshman representative, will give a speech." He stood up amongst the crowd of students. Everyone was staring at him as he walked up the stairs in a cool gesture as the orchestra played very bad background music. But my focus was so much on him that the annoying music in the background didn't matter anymore. The only thing on my mind was Max, and Max only.

    Lara who was sitting next to me that day said, "I've heard about him before. I think his IQ is like... 200!"

    "Good afternoon principal, teachers, and students, I'm very excited today. A group of new classmates today have come here to Van Nuys High School, where exceptional teachers, and hardworking students make up this fine school." Max's speech began. Even though I was really paying attention to what he was saying, I was way more focus at how hot he looked when he said his speech. It was so impressive, the cool, confidence and calmness in his voice and gestures. From that point on I was determined to get into class A and become a classmate of his. I had thought at that time that we would be really, really great friends. I was almost positive at the time.

    But there was always Elaine to interrupt my thoughts, "That's impossible Geena... you're talking about Class A. The highest grade class in this school!"

    "Yes I heard that it's harder to get into our school's class A than to get accepted into college! So you better stop daydreaming." Lara had to add in.

    Now I noticed that my wish... really was even more unpractical than dreams. 

Chapter 3

    In Max's classroom:

    "Alright class, all finished?" the teacher said. "I'll start explaining the concept if everyone's done. We'll first look at the standard form. It has no relationship with the experimental chromatography equation. We've talked about the chromatography equation last week. What is chromatography? Theoretical plate and column length are both chromatography. If you didn't get this last week, you should remember it now. This is very important."

    In my class:

    "What is this? This is a right triangle. A right triangle is a triangle with a 90-degree angle. The other two angles add up to 90 degree as well because the sum of all three sides of the triangle is 180. Please remember that class."

    Max's Class:

    Max stood up and said, "Miss, I think that there's a problem with the standard form that you've just mentioned. Dm equals interior water volume divided by exterior water volume, and then multiplied by Kd. Kd is the gelatin filtrate chromatographic analysis. It is not greater than 1." After he said that, he sat back down.

    "Thank you for correcting me Max. Does everyone understand now?" the teacher said.

    The bell rang, and school was over for the day. Lara, Elaine and I was walking out from our classroom. "Have you finished decorating your new home?" Elaine said. I nodded and she said, "Then we can go over to your house sometime. When we have time, lets go celebrate in your new home."

    "I don't know, my house isn't that pretty." I said absent-minded. "How I really wished that I lived in an European style house. And inside the house, there are beautiful lace curtains."

    I daydreamed out loud. Ops!! Josh overheard and came in front of me and said, "Geena, don't worry. You just need to marry me and I promise I'll give you your dream home."

    Lara said to Josh, "Hey, Geena lives with her dad. If she marries, what should her dad do? Who will take care of him?"

    "No problem. he could come live with us!" Josh said in a day dream like look.

    What was Josh thinking?? Marry him?? He could be a okay friend, but I don't like him or anything. Just as I was thinking of the word 'like' Max passed by along with his friend Manny.

    "Hey Max, it's the girl from this morning." I heard Manny say to Max.

    "Let's just go." said Max.

    Josh took his hands off me and ran towards Max. "Hey Max. Stand there!" He tried to say it in a mean way. "Don't think that because you're from class A, therefore you can look down upon class F. Why didn't you even take one look at Geena's love letter? You should have some sympathy."

    Max just looked at Josh and coolly strode away.

    Josh was not going to let go of Max. He ran after Max kept saying, "Why huh?? Why didn't you even look at Geena's love letter?"

    Max stopped without turning around and said, "I hate girls that doesn't have a brain." With that, he continued to walk away.

    If Josh had caused all this, I could have even felt better. But not anymore. He practically just called me stupid!

    I went home in silence and when I got home, I started cleaning my new room. As I cleaned, I thought of Max again. Why couldn't I get him out of my head after he just said such a insult to me?

    The doorbell interrupted my thoughts. I ran downstairs and opened the door.

    "SURPRISE!!" It was Elaine and Lara along with Josh and his friends.

    My dad came out to greet them. And out of nowhere Josh was like, "Dad!"

    My dad obviously strongly reacted to that, "Why are you calling me dad?"

    "I'm Josh. Geena is my girlfriend and future wife!"

    "What?? Who said so?? Dad, I never said that I was his girlfriend. And definitely NOT his future wife.

    As we sat there, there was a slight earthquake and we all ran out of the house. We stood outside of the house and watched it collapse. And we just moved in too! Nothing happened to the surrounding houses. It was just ours.

    I mean, talk about a bad day! Our story was all over the news. This is what most of them said.

    "This house behind me right now has just been finished two or three days ago. And the family just can't accept this sudden result from the disaster. And this disaster was caused by only a 2 degree earthquake."

    Yes, how sad. A 2-degree!! I was the laughing stock once already that morning, and now again. This time on TV!

    I was stuck with pointing fingers the next day at school.

    "Her house fell apart after a 2 degree earthquake!"

    Yes, that’s very funny. And to draw even more attention, Josh was making people donate. People ran after me to ask questions ALL DAY!!

    And when Josh and his friends were carrying around donate boxes, Max passed by.

    "Hey Max, donate some money for Geena. It's for the disaster that happened yesterday." Josh blocked Max's path.

    "Excuse me." Max replied.

    "Max! What's with that attitude? Who do you think it was that made Geena suffer like this?" Josh said.

    "The second degree earthquake." Max said casually.

    Josh and his friends obviously had nothing to say, "Just donate and stop talking so much nonsense."

    "Okay." Max smirked at too out a twenty-dollar bill as if it was nothing.

    "Stop looking down on people!" I can't help saying and rushed to where he was standing. "I can't believe I had a crush on someone like you for two years. It was such a waste of my time. If I were to receive your help, I'd rather die."

    "Remember that that's what you said." And he walked away.

    I screamed at him as he left, "For someone like you, who thinks you're better than everyone, and who looks down on others, is the most repugnant person in the world!"

Chapter 4

    "Dad, the place we're moving to won't fall down as easily right?" I asked when we were in the car.

    "I guarantee it won't. It'll definitely be stable, safe, and long lasting."

    "Who are these people."

    "Oh, the owner of the house, Don, is my high school best friend. I was the one who introduced him to his wife."

    Just by looking at the houses on the street, I knew that we've arrived at a high classed community.

    "Don heard about what happened to our house on TV. And he and his wife came to look for me this afternoon. We even talked about you!" My dad said as we arrived at the house.


    "Yes, Don has a son that's the same age as you. And I think he goes to the same school as you too. Okay. Let's get out of the car." We got off the car and Dad ran the doorbell. "This afternoon, Don said that when he called the school to tell his son about our situation, his son said that he knew who you were. I never thought my daughter would be so popular in school. Actually, having a guy from the same grade to study with you is a good thing, right?"

    I was think 'I guess' but before i could answer my dad, Don opened the door.

    "Charles, you finally came!" Don said as he opened the door.

    "Oh Don, my daughter and I would be troubling you and your wife from now on."

    "Oh please. No trouble at all. We've been friends for more than ten years! There's no need to talk in such polite manners. From now on, you two could live here as if it's your own home."

    "Don this is my daughter, Geena."

    "How are you uncle Don?" I said politely.

    "You have such a beautiful daughter, she looks just like her mother." Don complimented.

    "Oh, thank you!" I replied.

    "Let me call my son out to help you guys carry the luggage inside."

    "No thank you Don, we could take our luggage in ourselves." My dad said to Uncle Don.

    "Max! Max!" Uncle Don called into his house.

    'It's just my imagination' I kept saying to myself, Max is a very common name. And its possible for there to be another guy at school who knows me that has the name Max. And plus, Max looks nothing like Uncle Don.

    As I was helping my dad get the luggage from the trunk. Someone from behind me said, "How are you Uncle Charles. I am the eldest son, Max."

    I didn't dare turn around, but I did just to take a glimpse. It WAS Max!! Out of all people, he was the person who I really didn't want to see the most.

    "Oh hi Max. What a handsome guy!" I heard my dad say. I stayed in the position I was in without moving.

    I avoided Max's glance as I was taking down the luggage, but from the corner of my eye I saw him smirking at me again.

    Once inside the house, I meet Uncle Don's wife, Susan. She was wearing cute colorful clothing. Once she saw me, she grabbed me by the hand and brought me to the dinning room.

    "Look, I've prepared this for you. I made a cake for you. Come, let me cut you a slice."

    I really didn't know what to say. It WAS Max's mom after all; "Thank you." was all I could manage to say.

    "Please have a seat, don't be shy." said Aunty Susan. I followed directions and sat down. "I heard that you and Max goes to the same school but in different classes."

    How embarrassing. "Uh... yes." I replied.

    "Have you two seen each other around the school? Do you know each other?"

    "Uh... yes."

    Aunty Susan sounded happy that Max and I know each other. But Max had to interrupt and say, "Although our class level is separated by far, we've become quite familiar with each other recently. Right, Geena?" He was eyeing me in this awkward way when he said that.

    And all I could do is agree, "Y-yes."

    "Really?" Aunty Susan can still sound so happy. "That's great! From now on, Geena can bake cakes and go shopping with me! This will feel just like having a daughter!"

    At that time, Max's brother came downstairs with a grouchy face. He just stood there and stared at me as if he was about to eat me or something. "Geena, this is Max's little brother Bryan." Aunty Susan said.

    "Uh... hi."

    "Come over here Brian and say hi to Uncle Charles." Uncle Don said to Brain.

    "Hi Uncle Charles." Bryan said in an impatient voice while he was reading from a homework exercise book.

    "Hi, what grade are you in?" my dad asked.

    "Third grade."

    "Third grade? Wow, you look like a little adult reading that magazine." my dad patted Bryan's head and Bryan quickly flinched away. "Uh... he's going to be one smart guy in the future." my dad complimented.

    Aunty Susan came into the living room where Uncle Don, my dad, and Brain was sitting, "Here, have some cake!"

    "Thank you so much Susan!" my dad replied.

    "I made it myself especially for this occasion, try it."

    "Wow, it looks so nice. Just like ones in bakery stores."

    I tried to be nice so I brought a piece of cake for Bryan, "Bryan, I'll just leave this one for you then." He was still reading from his homework book. We didn't really have a proper introduction earlier, so I tried again, "Hello Brian, I'm Geena."

    "Well, sister Geena, I'm doing my English grammar homework right now, can you teach me about these appositive." He said.

    "Uh... appositives and antecedents?" I took a look at his workbook. "Wow, you're only in third grade and you're already learning such hard grammar structures." At that time, Max came down from upstairs and stood behind his brother, waiting for me to explain.

    "Geena, so do you know what it is?" Bryan said after a long pause in our conversation. OMG!! WHAT ARE APPOSITIVES??? AND MAX IS STANDING RIGHT THERE!!!

    "Of course I know it, silly. I'm older than you." I am totally b/sing. "Uh... I think that an appositive is...uh... when you use a word to make the sentence have a positive meaning??" What was I thinking?? I'm totally making a fool out of myself.

    Aunty Susan and Uncle Don gave me a weird look after I said that. It can't be right by the expressions on their face. Uncle Don looked as if he was about to choke on that piece of cake from trying not to laugh.

    After an awkward silence, Max leaned over Brain's shoulder and said, "An appositive is a noun phrase that provides additional information about another noun. It is usually separated by commas."

    "Uh.. well Geena was close. It's about the same meaning,” said Uncle Don nicely.

    "Oh yes! I remember now!! Brain, my teacher taught us a thumb method. You cover the subject with you thumb and..." I said trying to sound smart again.

    "Idiot! Only idiots will use such a stupid "thumb technique!" Brain said loudly in my face. "Gosh! Living with an idiot like you day after day, I'll become stupid too!"

    UUh!! I was just trying to be nice!! It looks like Bryan isn't any much nicer than Max.

    "Bryan! You can't speak so rudely to our guest! Quickly apologize to Geena." Aunty Susan said.

    "No way! I get SOO annoyed when I see you!" Bryan shouted and stormed off. What could I say... sniff sniff.

    "BRYAN! What kind of attitude is this?!" Uncle Don screamed at Bryan.

    Aunty Susan came over to comfort me. "Geena, don't get upset. Let me take you up to your room. Okay?"

    As Aunty Susan and I passed by Max, he was doing that 'cool' smirk again...

    "You'll be living on the second floor." Aunty Susan said as she led me upstairs.

    The first thing I saw upstairs was a glass case of car models. I walked up to the case and said, "Wow! So many!"

    "Yes, all this is Uncle Don's collection. And a lot of these are hand-made by him."


    "Come, come. There's more to see." Aunty Susan said. She led me to the end of the hallway until we reached a door that said, 'Geena's Castle'. I was surprised at how beautiful the room looked. That was my dream room right there. It was filled with lace and every decoration is SOOO cute! And fluffy teddy bears filled the bed!

    "It's SOO pretty Aunty Susan!" I exclaimed.

    "I've even prepared a new bed especially for you! Come and have a sit here. It's very soft and should definitely be comfortable to sleep on." What she said was very true. It felt so soft when I sat on it.

    "Yes" I agreed.

    "Geena, did you know that I've always wanted to have a daughter and to furnish her room with all lacy curtains and rag dolls. I am very thankful to you because since you came I've had the chance to bring out all my lace curtains and rag dolls. Don't you think that this feeling is very dreamy?"

    "Yes!" I said as I hugged one of the many teddy bears on the bed.

    "This room used to belong to Bryan."

    Out of nowhere, Max interrupted. He was standing next to the door. "But because you were coming, Bryan and I have to share a bed. Because of you, everyday I will sleep in much worse conditions."

    "Who told you to speak so much nonsense?" said Aunty Susan to Max. Then she turned to me and said, "Don't pay attention to him. I'm going to make some dinner now. You can rest a while. Ok?" I nodded. As she left the room, I heard her whisper to Max, "Help Geena unpack her luggage."

    I didn't know what to do with Aunty Susan gone. I was in the same room as Max. ALONE!!

    "Whatever! Do you want me to help with anything?" Max said arrogantly.

    "No... nothing. I can do it myself." I replied.

    "That's right" He walked from the door to where I was standing. "You said earlier that you didn't need my help. Whether you're here or not it's of no concern to me. I could care less. That's why, don't interfere with my life any further." With that, he walked away. Does he always do that or what?? Never intend to listen to what the other person wants to just. As long as he gets his point though, he'll just leave.

    After Max left, Bryan stood at the door and made a weird face towards me. What kind of attitude was that?? I really do wonder how parents as nice as Aunty Susan and Uncle Don have such arrogant and conceded sons. It's like I've come to a place where I shouldn't be.

    Aunty Susan even got me lace pajamas!! As I slept in bed that night I finally had the time to think to myself. It really seem like Aunty Susan loves to be in dream land. There's lace everywhere. It feels almost like being buried under a pile of lace. Maybe this isn't exactly how I wanted my dream room to be like. This only the first night here, what will happen later... I'll better leave it to fate.


    I woke up the next morning thinking that all this was just a dream. A BAD dream too! But I was way wrong. I found myself sitting on the opposite side of the table eating breakfast with Max! I still can't believe this is happening.

    Max reading the newspaper as he ate. He looked so smart and just so hot in that position, I just can't help but stare at him as I ate.

    "Geena, you haven't slept well right." Uncle Don asked.

    "Huh? I don't know, I guess I was the one who didn't sleep too well last night." I was more like talking to myself than to Uncle Don.

    "Are you not used to the food?" Aunty Susan asked as she came in from the kitchen.

    "No... it's not that."

    "Here, have some eggs okay."

    "Oh, thank you."

    "No problem, you're welcome." She then walked over to Max and said, "Max, this one is yours."

    "I don't want it, give it to Bryan." Max answered.

    "I've already prepared one for each person. So just take it. Here Bryan, this one is yours."

    "Mom, I'm full. I'm going to school now." Max said. Well, what about me?? Isn't he going to wait for me?? I need to know how to get to school from his house!

    "Brother wait for me, I want to go with you too." Bryan said.

    Luckily Aunty Susan, unlike Max, remembered about me, "Geena, don't you go to the same school as Max? Then why don't you ask Max to take you? Quickly, go together with him!" She was dragging me out of my chair. And I wasn't even full yet!! Aunty Susan led me to the door where Max and Bryan were putting on their schools.

    "Bryan," Aunty Susan said, "Come over here. You haven't finished your breakfast yet."

    "What do you mean mom? I finished!" Bryan whined.

    "Be careful you guys." Aunty Susan said to Max and I. As much as Bryan pushed to get to the door, Aunty Susan shoved him back and told him let Max and I walk to school. I'm sure Aunty Susan didn't know that Max and I don't really get along.

    Max didn't look too happy at his mother's idea either. He rushed out the door before I even finished tying my shoes. I was way behind him by the time I walked out the door. Why is walking so fast and not even bother to wait for me? If I had known earlier that I was going to live at his house, I wouldn't have tried to give that letter to him.

    I starting running a little faster, hopping to catch up. I really shouldn't be thinking while running. Since I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, I ran into Max. Oops!!

    "Hey!!!" Max shouted at me.

    "I'm... I'm so sorry! I accidentally bumped into you. I... I was thinking of something that's why I..." Gosh, what have I done now??

    "Hey!" Max shouted at me again. He stuck out his fingers in a counting position at my face as he said; "I've got four main points for you to follow. Number one~ Do not hit into me or bump into me. My body is made out of flesh and bones not cement. I'd also ask you to keep your distance for safety reasons."

    "I didn't bump into you intentionally. My nose is still sore from that." I rubbed my nose.

    Like he cared whether my nose hurt or not, Max kept on walking forward so I had to back up in order to not bump into him again, "Number two~ I will only show you the route to school once. I don't care whether you leave a trail of breadcrumbs or use stones as a route indication. It's up to you, just don't come and ask me."

    "I understand." What else could I say; he REALLY looked as if he meant what he said. He won't stop walking forward, so I could only continue to back up.

    "Number three," he said, "You better not tell anyone that you live at my house. I don't want it to be because of you that rumors start."

    "I understand." I'm really running out of words to say to his requests.

    And that wasn't it. "Number four~ after we get to school, do not even dare to talk to me." Once again, he made his point and just walked away. OMG!! He was standing so close to me as he talked, I could feel his breathe!!

Chapter 6

    It was my first time on a public bus. It's SOO crowded. I was practically squished against the window!! I could barely breathe. And every time I was pushed by people to stand near Max. He always walked further away from me and stood at a different location. He stands as if the bus wasn't crowded at all. I really don't understand.

    Like that wasn't bad enough for my first experience on the bus, some weird dude in the crowd started touching my thighs with his hands!! Why does the school have to make girls wears shirts as uniforms!! All I could think of in my head as the dude was touching me was. HELP!! I NEED HELP!!! STOP TOUCHING ME YOU PERVERT! I kept looking back at where Max was standing. He saw me looking at him and just turned his back on me!! What kind of attitude is that?? No matter how much he doesn't like me, he should at least to tell this pervert to go away! All he did was ignore me and just let me stand here alone to face this pervert. My only solution was to move away.

    I just couldn't help screaming at Max for his behavior after we got off the bus. "Max, stand there!"

    "Didn't I say before for you to not talk to me at school?" He said as if he was convicting me of a crime.

    "I still have something important to say regardless of you stupid rule." He kept on walking as I spoke so I had to catch up to him again, "You must have been aware that I had encountered a perverted guy on the bus!"

    He stopped, but only briefly to say, "And then?"

    AND THEN!! What does he mean by AND THEN!! "How can you just turn blind eye and not help me?"

    "There were so many people on the bus and besides I couldn't get through. And as you said before, you don't need help, isn't that right? Besides, you were probably mistaken. The other person probably just accidentally bumped into you. You think too much." He gave me that weird smirk again.

    He was pissing me off. I did say that I didn't need his help, but still!! Even though my IQ is not as high as his, but I know a pervert when I see one. I was so pissed that I couldn't speak.

    So, Max continued. "You should have no problem getting to school from here. So you don't have to follow me."

    Gosh! Is this person's blood made out of ice or what? Just because he thinks that he is number one, it doesn't mean anything!
    That wasn't the only day I encountered a pervert on that bus either.

    I ran into my first period class very pissed the next day as well. I was mumuring to myself after the incident. "How can he assume that I was 'thinking too much'? That guy is too despicable!"

"What happened?" Lara asked.

"In the last two days I keep encountering perverted guys on the bus. And you guys don't even know that Max... he..."

Elaine cut me off, "Huh?"

Lara continued for Elaine, "Max?"

"He's the perverted guy?" Elaine questioned.

"No...No, not him." Oh no! I promised Max that I wouldn't tell anyone, not even my best friends that I was living at his house. I can't blow it!! I don't know what he'll do if people found that out.

"So what happened?" Lara asked again.

All I could say is, "If I ever encounter that pervert again I'm definitely going to bash him up really hard."

"Okay, don't be angry anymore." Lara said.

"Yeah, don't be so angry." Elaine joined in. YES!! I changed the subject without them noticing. But I really can't help imagining how it would be like to see that pervert again. I'll beat him up right in front of Max! I just can't help laughing at the thought.

"Okay Geena, after the final exams, we'll form an anti-pervert group. And show that pervert on the bus what consequences he gets for his actions."

"That's right. I definitely can't lose to him on this exam." I quickly took out my books.

Our teacher came in looking very upset today. "Students, what you will be examined on and the time of the exam is written on the board. Hopefully everyone can start preparing early, so we can achieve good results. Actually, taking the exam is not really that difficult. As long as everyone prepares for it and listen as I teach then it really won't be that difficult." I can't believe it. Our teacher was actually crying. But I won't blame him; the principal must have threatened to fire him if our test grades didn't improve.

"It was my fault," he continued after having a moment there, "for not being able to teach you guys well which cause the total class score to not even surpass that of class A's Max."

The class felt sorry for him.

"Don't be upset, teacher."

"Teacher, don't be like this. It's our fault for not putting enough effort." Elaine said to comfort the teacher.

"As if putting more effort in it will help?" Lara said. "I really tried on the last exam, and my results was still the same."

"That's true, sometimes hard work just isn't enough." The teacher said depressed.

I don't know what was in me, but before I know it. I said, "Wrong!" The whole class just stared at me. "As long as you have enthusiasm and effort you will definitely succeed. Teacher, to prove that what I've said is true, in this exam, I will definitely beat Max!"

What was I saying??? The class broke out in laughter.

"Really?" I heard people from all around me say.

"Wow, Geena your joke is really funny." Elaine said in laughter.

Josh added in, "Geena, I've never realized that you could say such good jokes!"

I stood up from my seat, "I'm being serious!"

Lara leaned over to touch my forehead, "Do you have a fever? Are you feeling ill?" I quickly pushed away her hand.

Josh pushed his chair over and said to me, "Even though that Max guy really deserves to be taught a lesson but you need to realize that he is not only the school's number one genius but he is possibly even California's number one genius."

He was right. What was I thinking, "Then... if I cannot beat him I still would want to make the Top 100 list."

"Come on Geena, stop joking around. In order to make the Top 100 list you have to be in the top 100 highest test grade in school!" Lara said.

The teacher looked at me in a more happily than he first came into the room, "Geena, I'm very moved by your determination. But you have to know that from the beginning until now there hasn't been a class F student who has made it onto the Top 100 List before."

"Then I shall break that record!" I said firmly.

But I had never thought that what I said in the heat of the moment became news for the school radio. In a matter of seconds, the whole school was laughing at me. How embracing!! Now I have to work extra hard to get into the Top 100 if I don't want to be laughed at after the test.

Chapter 7

    I went home that night and took out my books to study. It's going to be long nights until it was the day of the test.

    "Geena?" Aunty Susan said as she opened the door of my bedroom. "It's so late, you're still not asleep yet?"

    "No, not yet." I put the stack of books onto my table.

    "How many books do you have to read through?"

    "I still have to study all these." I pointed to all the books on top of my table.

    "So many! Well, continue to study hard."

    After Aunty Susan left, I continue to sit down and flip through pages. I was so sleepy and the numbers inside of my math book doesn't seem to make any sense to me. I got really frustrated. I can't! I still don't understand it! I don't even know which parts I don't understand. That Max, he must be so relaxed at this moment looking over his work. He might even be finished studying.

    Someone knocked on the door. It was Aunty Susan.

    "Geena, you haven't gone to sleep yet so I decided to make you some midnight snack. After you eat, you will be able to study better."

    "Thank you so much Aunty Susan."

    As I was eating Aunty Susan said, "Finally there is that 'being a mom' feeling."

    That's weird, I thought. She has two sons, how could she not have the 'being a mom' feeling until I came?

    "Do you know that this sort of feeling I have been wanting to experience for so long. But unfortunately, Max never seems to study so I never even got a chance to make him midnight snacks."

    "What!? He never studies?!"

    "That's right."

    "But... in the entire school he is the top student! And not only that, scores 100% in every subject!"

    "So? What's the use of being so academically strong when he does not have a charming or cute behavior? He always goes to sleep so early. I never have an opportunity to make him a midnight snack."

    "He already slept?!"

    "Uh huh. Every night he goes to sleep at 10pm. How boring right?"

    "He really is a genius."

    "If you don't understand the homework you can go ask him."

    Yeah, I really want to ask him too

    "Ah! That reminds me! I want to show you something. It will definitely make you more awake! Okay? Wait for me... I'll be back." She quickly ran out of the room. How could Aunty Susan look so energetic about whatever she was talking about?

    She came back with something in her hand and sat on my bed, "This is what I want to show you." I stopped eating and went over to sit next to her.

    "What is this?"

    "You will know once you see it! I've always wanted to share this album with someone."

    They were really old pictures. "Wow, so many photos from the past!" Out of all the pictures, one of them caught my attention, "Who is this little girl? She's so cute!"


    "Eh... she looks a little bit like Max."

    "Yes, that's right..."

    "But... Max doesn't have a sister? Is she his cousin??"

    "'She' is actually Max!"

    "What?! MAX?! How could that be? In all these pictures here, he's wearing girl clothing." I couldn't help saying. This was SOOO funny!! Max as a little kid in dresses?? Such cute dresses too!

    "I've mentioned it to you before that I've always wanted a daughter. In fact, when I was pregnant, I thought that I would give birth to a daughter. So that's why I prepared so many, cute girly outfits. After I gave birth to a son I just couldn't throw away those cute outfits. So I decided to dress Max up as a cute little girl and take pictures. I even made a dress for Max to wear on the first day of kindergarten. When Max first attended kindergarten he got along with everyone. In the beginning no one could recognize that he was a boy. A few of the boys would even fight over who would play with him. Do you know that they even fought over who was going to marry Max. They said that when they grew up they want Little Max to be their wife. However one day, they had a swimming lesson. Max wore the pink swimsuit dress that I had prepared for him. However, he also took off his wig. The class found out through that that he was a boy. And from then on, Max never wanted to wear those cute outfits or dresses again. After that his personality changes into what he is now, always pretending to act cool."

    "Pretending to act cool?"

    "That's what I think. Even Bryan doesn't know that Max dressed up as a girl. Let's just keep this a secret between the two of us or else Max will get angry."

Chapter 8

    "Good morning Aunty Susan." I said the next morning.

    "Good morning Geena."

    "I made you lunch. Pass me your backpack so I could put in the lunchbox for you." I did so and said thanks.

    "Good morning mommy!" Bryan said as he went downstairs.

    "Good morning, pass me your backpack Bryan." Bryan and Max gave Aunty Susan their backpacks.

    I couldn't help but laugh at the breakfast table. Those pictures of Max in girly dresses keep on popping into my head. I must look like an idiot laughing to myself over something no one else could see.

    In class, the question that I didn't want to answer came up again. It was Josh this time who said it, "Where are you living right now? We're really concerned for you. Otherwise, you could at least leave me your number. That way I could pick you up in the mornings."

    WHAT AM I GOING TO SAY??? "I'm... I'm living at my dad's friend's place."

    Josh wasn't about to let the subject go, "Where is your dad's friend's house? Tell me! No matter how far away the house is, I could still give you a ride!"

    I don't know if you would say that this saved me or just caused me more trouble, but at that moment, Max came into our classroom.

    "Geena! Max's looking for you!" One of my classmates said.

    "Has Max changed his mind about his feelings and wants to date you now?" Elaine said evilly.

    Josh rushed up to where Max was stand, "Hey Max, now you want to come looking for Geena. Let me tell you, it's already too late!"

    Max said in his cool tone again, "Let me tell you, I didn't even want to come here." Then he said impatiently, "Geena, bring your backpack out here for a moment."

    What does he want?? I just did as I was told and went out with my backpack. He kept on walking and so I followed him until we reached a tree far away from my classroom. I could see Elaine, Lara, Josh, and others following us, but I didn't say anything. Max unzipped his backpack and took out this cute looking lunch box that Aunty Susan must have intended to give me! "I think my mother misplaced this." Max held out the lunch box to me.

    I took out his lunchbox that was in my backpack.

    "It looks like they're exchanging something." said Lara.

    "They're not exchanging diaries are they?" asked Elaine.

    "This can't be true!" Josh screamed.

    "Can't you be quite!" Lara shouted at Josh.

    As I was about to go, Max said, "Your arrival at our house is already troublesome enough and I'm also stuck in the same school as you."

    I was thinking of the girly dressed outfit again, "Maybe next time we may even get our uniforms mixed up."

    "How can you possibly get the uniforms mixed up?" Max asked, but still in a calm way. He must think I'm out of my mind. But I'm not.

    "Because... when you were little, you often wore dresses. Have a look! You looked so cute when you were little." I took out a picture that I took from the album last night.

    Max came up to me and took a look at the picture. "Where did you get this photo?"

    "Your mother gave it to me. Besides, I've seemed all the other pictures too!"

    "You..." He came very close to me, just as if he was about to punch me. "What do you want? Give it to me!" He screamed.

    I ran around the tree with the picture in hand and Max ran after me. Can't geniuses handle such things like this in a cool manner? Just like how he handles everything else.

    I gave up running, "Fine! Have it back, but I have the film."

    "You...Don't be too obnoxious. What are you planning to do? Are you trying to threaten me, is that it?"

    What would I want in return for the film of this photo? "If you want me to return the film to you under one condition. A week before the exams you have to tutor me."

    "Tutor you?"

    "Yes. As long as I can make it on the Top 100 List I will return the film to you."

    "Stop dreaming! It'll never happen in your lifetime."

    "Oh, okay. Say whatever you like. Then, I'll take the film to get it replicated and stick the photos on the school's bulletin board as well as one in each students hands. But it shouldn't matter to you right?"  

    He put his face really close to mine again. Is this some kind of warning sign or what? If you look at it from the wrong direction, it must look as if we were making out.

    "Okay, I'll tutor you." Max said.

    "Ahh! Max's isn't really going to kiss Geena is he?!" Elaine said from a distance.

    "What?! I'm going to kill him!" shouted Josh. They held him back.

    Max continued to lean forward. "But you better understand that the Top 100 List is dominated by mostly class A and class B students. For you F class students who want to make it onto the list you better hope for miracle to occur." He must have been not more than two or three inches away from my face!!

    "Uh... I understand. But aren't you a genius? Do you not have confidence in your own abilities?"

    Max was too close to me to shout. It hurt my ears, "It's your abilities that I don't have any confidence in!" He calmed down a little bit and said in a softer tone, "I will start tutoring you tonight." Then, he left. Leaving me speechless, as usual.

Chapter 9

    I was so worried that Max was going to back out of what he promised to do. But when Aunty Susan asked that night during dinner, "Geena, I know it's finals week and you'll have to study late. What do you want me to make as a mid-night snack?"

    "Anything's fine. Thank you Aunty Susan." I replied.

    Max joined in and said, "Oh, remember to prepare one for me too. I'll be in her room." The chatty table all of a sudden became quiet after Max spoke. I guess he really never stayed up late enough to eat a mid-night snack before. And the fact that he'll be staying in my room tonight was probably even more awkward to them.

    Aunty Susan quickly rushed over the Max, "Max, you're going to study too?"

    "Yes," Max replied in an ignorant manner.

    "First time I've heard him wanting to study for an exam! This is great Geena! Your influential power is just so great!" Aunty Susan exclaimed.

    "You guys need make clear who is the one that has ruined me?" Max eyed Aunty Susan.

    "I want to study with you too!" Bryan suggested.

    "No." Max answered simply. Bryan frowned and didn't say a word for the rest of dinnertime.

    I barely at half of what was on my plate when Max said grumpily, "I'm full. Time to go study."

    What could I do but just take one more bit of food and run upstairs after him. He sat next to me with the pile of books on the table. I felt so anxious with him being so close to him.

    "What subject are we starting on today?" He asked me.

    I searched through my books and took out my math book. "Can we start with mathematics?"

    He took the book and began looking through it. 'My god... we're alone! My heart is beating so fast. I've had a crush on him for 2 years. And now both of us are alone together. This is the first time we've been alone for such a long time!' I thought to myself.

    "What sections are you being tested on?" Max asked casually.


    "What sections are you being tested on?" He repeated

    "Uh... it should be the same section as your class."

    "I don't know what sections are being tested. I never pay attention to that." He said in such a I NEVER STUDY voice.

    I began looking through the book. "Um... from page 40 to..."

    "Which parts do you not understand?" He asked. I don't even know what I don't understand. So how am I supposed to answer him? "Forget it, as if you'd understand anything."


    "You don't need to explain. You don't even know which parts you don't understand."

    "Wow, it's so impressive that you know what I'm thinking. No wonder they say you're a genius with an IQ of 200."

    Then he just took my book. He started with page 40 and went through the whole book. He highlighted an marked all the main points that I need to understand in order to do well on the test. He really was a genius to know everything important in the book without ever studying.

    "Wow, how do you remember all this?" I asked as he was marking the book.

    "I hear it once and look over it once and I can remember the whole thing."

    He was even able to make up math questions from the top of his head for me to do as exercises.

    As he wrote I murmured more to myself than him, "I wonder what is stored inside of your head..."

    But he heard me and murmured back, "Things that are different from what is inside yours." Gosh! So arrogant!

    After a while, he handed me a few practice questions, "Have a try with these problems. If you understand all of these problems you will at least score 80%."

    There really weren't that many questions. I looked at the first one for so long and still have no idea what to do. Then I thought to myself, 'Maybe the next one is easier.' But the next question wasn't any easier than the first. The clock when tick-tock and I still haven't wrote a single thing on the paper. Max got so tired that he went and lay down on the sofa next to the bed.

    "Are you done yet?" He finally asked. NO!!! I didn't even do one yet! He walked over to where I was sitting. "You can just write half..." He took my paper and saw my doodle on the paper. "What are you doing? Where's the formula?"

    "Formula? What formula?"

    "What on earth do you do in class?!" He shouted at me.

    "Obviously something different from what you do in class." I mumbled. I can't even look into his eyes. That was how frightened I was.

    There was a second of quietness. Max calmed down and said, "Okay, I'll start from the basics. Listen well. If you can't get it right, you're not allowed to sleep." He put the paper back on the table. "Let's look at question one. You work out the side length first and put it into the formula."

    I did as told. It took me a long time and I was sure Max was about to fall asleep when I said in an unsure manner, "The answer is... root 3?"

    Max looked up at me. There was a pause. 'Did I do it wrong??' He voice sounded as if he was holding back his surprise when he said, "Your answer is correct..." He leaned over to see my work.

    "Really?! That's so great! I've finally answered a question correctly! That's so awesome!" I exclaimed as I unintentionally held Max's hand and jumped up and down in my seat.

    "You only got one question correct." Max said calmly as if nothing was so great about it.

    "But, don't you think it's something to be happy about? I managed to complete a really difficult task! This is great!" I said, still holding on to Max's hand unintentionally.

    Suddenly there was a flash. I quickly dropped Max's hands as we both turned around. It was Aunty Susan back to her photographing hobby.

    "Mrs. Chou?" I said.

    "Sorry to have interrupted you two." Aunty Susan said.

    "Mom, what are you doing?" Max asked.

    "Oh nothing... that scene was just too heart-warming, so I couldn't help but take the camera out and capture this moment. You guys look like a great match! If one day, the two of you get married, that would be so wonderful!" Aunty Susan said in delight.

    "Mom, what on earth are you think about?" Max said in an outrage.

    "Okay, okay... it's time to have a mid-night snack! You guys should take a break after such hard work." Mrs. Chou brought a tray of food to the table. And it was a tray filled with a lot of food. More food than I could possibly eat even for dinner! Not to say mid-night snack. Max and I stared at the food as Mrs. Chou set them down.

    "Eating this for a mid-night snack sounds a bit extreme." Max said as he began eating.

    "No, not at all! You have to tutor for a long time and you'll get very tired." Mrs. Chou said as she began taking more pictures of us eating.


Chapter 10

    I fell asleep in class yet again. Elaine and Lara woke me up. "Huh? Is class finish?"

    "Yeah. Geena, are you getting a lack of sleep lately?" Lara asked.  

    "The bags under your eyes are really scary." Elaine said.

    "In the last few days, I've been studying late." I explained.

    "Geena, are you really studying? What's really going on? You can tell us. I can help you solve your problems." Josh asked in a troubled manner. "I can sense that you must be bullied at the new place you're staying at. Poor Geena... this is all my fault. I wasn't there to protect you." Josh was talking to himself. I walked out of the classroom without him even noticing. I was headed toward the library. I really need to make it into the Top 100 for this exam.

    Max continued to tutor me for the rest of that week. It was from English to Science. Everything that we were suppose to have learned that year. He was very good at pointing out the main points. It was very difficult for me. And sometimes Max would get frustrated and shout at me. However, he would calm down and explain moments later.

    One night, he must have been so tired from tutoring me that he fell asleep as I continued to study.

    I didn't notice this until I said, "Max, I'm done with this problem..." and found him asleep on the table. I tried to wave my hands in front of him to check if he's still awake. But he wasn't.

    "Max, are you asleep?" As I watched him sleep, I thought to myself, 'In the past week he has been staying up at night accompanying me. During the day, he also has to go to school. Unlike me, who sleeps during class time, he must have tried to say awake in his class and pay attention to the teacher. Are my requirements for him a bit too harsh?' The longer I looked at him sleep, the more I found out that he's just a normal guy, maybe just a little more cute and intelligent than others. I rested on my hands as I thought. My eyes closed for a second and the head accidentally went off from my palms. My face fell towards the desk and my lips did a quick peck on Max's cheeks before I even knew what I was doing. I quickly woke up in shock right after I realized what just happened. What if Max felt that in his sleep! Oh no! Not good...

    I started to relax after a while when Max didn't wake up. So, I just put my head down on the desk, facing Max. I stared at him and said, "I really do... like you." With that, I fell asleep.

    I tried to study at the breakfast table the next morning, but I couldn't help looking at Max eating and reading the morning newspaper.

    "Geena, I especially made this good-luck little bag for you." Mrs. Chou said.

    It was a very cute pink bag. "Thank you Mrs. Chou!"

    "Oh Geena, don't open that good-luck bag until the results of the test comes out. Or else it wouldn't work. Good luck!" she ran out from the dinning room and said as Max and I was getting ready to go.

    As Max and I walked upstairs to our classrooms I thought to myself, 'Although I know he will ignore me, at least I should say thank you to him.' He was about to go inside of his classroom, so I walked pass the door really quickly and murmured, "Thank you!"

    "Good luck." Max actually said something back to me!!! That was so unexpected!!

    I was filled with Max's encouragement as I took the test. It didn't look as hard as it use to be and I did the best I could.

    As I ran out of my classroom with joy after the test, I heard some uncomfortable conversations around me.

    "Max was acting very weird today."

    "Yeah, he fell asleep on his last exam."

    "Don't know what has happened to him. It looks like this time his number 1 ranking at school may not be guaranteed."

    "That's too unfortunate. I thought that he would manage to become the first student in Van Nuys High School to get full marks in everything."

    "It doesn't look like that is going to happen."


Chapter 10

I ran to the result list of the Top 100 the next morning. I walked all the way to the front of the list. I have to know if Max has kept his first place ranking. He couldn't go down to second place in school just because of me. My heart was beating hardly against my ribs. I prayed to see his name before I looked at the very top of the list.

    It wrote: First Place~ Max Chou 600/600.

    I can't help but scream with joy, "Ah!!" People that stood there turned around and looked at me weirdly. I shouldn't have screamed so loud. But whatever, THANK GOD HE’S STILL FIRST PLACE. I’M SO RELIEVED. HE DIDN’T DO BAD ON THE TEST BECAUSE OF HIS EXHAUSTION. I’M SO GLAD!!

    I heard people behind me say:

    "Wow, Max got a perfect score, again."

    "Right. He's like a god to have gotten a perfect score on such a hard test."

    "No one could ever beat his score no matter how much they try."

    From a distance, Max walked swiftly to the Top 100 list. His friend Manny tried to catch up.

    "Why are you walking so fast? You never looked at the grade posting." said Manny.

    Max ignored him and kept on walking. He walked to the end of the list and began looking.

    "What's up Max? The first place name listing is in the front. This is the end of the list. You won't find your name here." Manny said.

    At the very end of the list, it wrote:

    100th Place~ Geena Jones 420/600

    "Let's go." Max said after he found my name.

    "Isn't Genna that girl from... from Class F who proclaimed she would get onto the Top 100?" Manny said.

    Someone else from behind them said, "Wow, someone from Class F actually got on this?"

    "Let's go." Max repeated.

    "Don't you want to look at yours? I haven't looked at mine... Come, go with me!" Manny said.

    I stood where I was at the front of the list thanking God for having Max stay at the top of the list when Manny and Max came. I didn't even notice that they were there until... Manny grew impatient from waiting behind the crowd to look at his ranking. He pushed a few people and I got knocked over by them. Good think Max was there, he held onto me before I fell to the ground. I doubt that he know whom he was helping, because if he had known it was I, I highly doubt that he would have done that.

    When he finally did notice it was I, he started acting awkward, as if nothing happened.

    "Congratulations!" I said, "Number 1 again. Perfect score too..."

    "You didn't do that bad either. Miracles do happen." He said. WAS THAT AN INSULT??? OR A COMPLIMENT!! I must have looked shocked, he then said, "You haven't seen it yet?"

    I couldn't believe him, I ran down to the bottom of the list and screamed with joy!!

    Max caught up to me and put out his hand. I held on to it and jumped up and down. But I must have forgot...

    "Hand it over," He said.

    "What?" I replied.

    "The thing you promised me"

    "Oh..." I took the picture out of my bag and handed it to him.

    I just can't stop saying, "Thank YOU!!" to him.

    "How many times have I said it? Don't talk to me in school." And with that, he walked away.

    But I just can't help it. He walked pretty far away when I screamed to him loudly, "Max! Thank you!!!" He paused a while without turning around and then kept on walking.

    Josh and his friend ran up to congradulated me soon afterwards me.

    I thought to myself as I stood there staring at the long paper of names... ALTHOUGH ONE IS IN THE VERY FRONT AND ANOTHER IN THE VERY END, BUT AT LEAST WE ARE ON THE SAME PAPER.

    Throughout that whole day I heard people talk about me:

    "She's the girl who got on the Top 100, Geena Jones."

    "It's so amazing."

    "Right, even Class F can get on the Top 100, it's so awesome."

    Weird people that I don't even know came up to me that day to congratulate me. It felt so awkward.     All of a sudden I was so popular, and for a good cause at least.

    I was so happy to go to class that morning.

    Lara and Elaine were screaming with joy.

    Lara said, "Geena, people are say that you are 'Class F's Max version.'"

    "It's so weird..." Josh said from a distant.

    "Yes, very weird." One of Josh's friends said.

    "But I don't find anything weird." said the other friend.

    "This morning, I saw Geena and Max was talking about something. And Geena gave something to Max." Josh said.

    "That sounds very suspicious." Josh's friend said.

    That day Josh and his friends followed me after school. And I didn't even notice. I practically led them all the way to the place where I was living at -- Max's home.

    They walked up to the house after I went in and saw the address plate that wrote: The Chou Family.

    At that moment, Bryan came home. "Why are you guys standing in front of my house? Are you trying to steal something?" he asked.

    "Hey Josh, this little boy looks a little like Max." one of Josh's friends said.

    "No way, this boy... this boy is so chubby and tan. He looks nothing like Max." Josh said.

    Bryan got annoyed by them and went into the house.

    Josh's friend said, "Josh!! Look!! Isn't that Max who is walking toward this direction??"

    Max ignored them and walked into the house.

Chapter 11

The next day as I opened my locker, the pink charm bag that Mrs. Chou made fell out. Since the test is over, I can open it. At that time Lara and Elaine came up to me. That wasn't it; Josh came too. He looked terrible. He walked up to me and said, "Geena, tell me the truth. Are you living with Max?"

    I guess I can't avoid this question any longer, "How... How could it be possible..." I quickly shove the pink charm bag back into my locker.

    "Yesterday, I saw with my own eyes... Geena walked into Max's house. “

    "You... you must have saw someone else who looks like me." I hesitated. "How can I be living at Max's house?" I pretended that I was looking for something in my locker to avoid looking at Josh. But Josh walked closer and closer to me and I started dropping things that were in my locker.

    Elaine helped me pick up the scrapes of paper that fell onto the ground. She then saw the pink charm bag that Mrs. Chou have given me. "What is this?" She opened the bag without my permission. I was too busy picking up the other pieces of papers to notice. "A picture? ... Max!" I looked up at her to see what was going on. "Geena, when did you become so close with Max?"

    I have no idea what she was talking about; I walked over to where Elaine was standing to take a look at the picture. Josh, who was standing closer to Elaine, quickly snatched it from Elaine. As Josh stared at the picture, Elaine said, "They are sleeping right next to each other."

    I was so embarrassed. Mrs. Chou must have taken the picture when Max and I had fallen asleep after a long night of studying. Now the whole class is crowding around the picture. I am so dead.

    Now I have to do all this explaining, "Well, my dad and Max's parents are good friends. So when his parents saw on the news that our house crashed they took us into their home."

    "Please don't lie to me anymore" Josh said as he stared sadly at the picture.

    "It's true! And Max forbade me from telling anybody about this. So I didn't tell you guys." I took the picture back from Josh.

    Elaine ran up to me and said, "Then, the score you got on the midterm is because Max was tutoring you so you could be on the Top 100?"

    I just nodded as a reply. Lara added, "Max is such a genius to be able to make Geena get into the Top 100!"

    "Hey! Which side are you on?" I said in an irritated manner.

    "But since you guys live together, did your relationship with him get any better?" Elaine asked.

    "No." I told the truth.

    Josh, who was standing in the corner in silence, quickly walked up to me and said, "Really?"

    "Yeah, he doesn't even want to talk to me."

    A big grin came back onto Josh's face and he remained silent as if he was planning something.

    "Please don't tell anyone else that I'm living at Max's house. Please..." I begged the class. I would be dead for sure if Max found out about this.

    "No problem, don't worry." My classmates replied in unison.

    But how could I trust these people. Max came running into my classroom during lunch. Right when he reached my classroom he fixed his hair and stood in a cool position at the door when he knocked. My classmates noticed him before I did. I heard screams of "Max!!" from the my girl classmates.

    He looked in my direction and said, "Hey you! Come out for a second."

    As I walked towards the door, I heard my classmates talking about Max and I from all around. What did he want from me?? Let's hope that none of the picture rumors was spread across campus yet.

    He walked at least a feet in front of me the whole time. People in the hallways gave us weird looks. I tried to catch up with Max, but he kept his one foot distance.

    I couldn't help saying, "Hey, you came looking for me in this manner is going to cause more rumors. If that happens, don't blame me."

    Max stopped walking and turned around to stare at me with piercing eyes. "A rumor is already out." He continued walking and I continued trying to catch up to him. What did he mean that 'a rumor was already out?' What rumor?

    I followed him until we reached the computer lab. A group of students was surrounding this one computer saying, "Wow! How can they be together?" over and over again. Right when Max went into the room, the crowd dispersed. I walked up to the computer and saw the picture that Mrs. Chou took of Max and I on the computer screen. I stood up and looked around the room. The same picture was used as the desktop picture of every single computer in that room!! THIS is what Max meant by 'a rumor is already out?' This is not only a rumor, but a big humiliation! "But how can this happen? It must be Elaine Lara! They promised to keep the secret!" I murmured to myself.

    As I was talking to myself, I didn't notice that Max was leaning down and very close to me to listen to what I was saying. He said to me, "You still violated the rule that I set. You weren't supposed to tell anyone. You can even give a love letter to me in public. This rumor maybe means nothing to you. But it caused me a lot of trouble. Please don't disrupt my life anymore." I could look into his eyes as he spoke. He was just too close to me; I could even feel his breathe against my skin. I was too ashamed of myself to look at him.

Chapter 12

    I walked out of the computer lab after Max. He stopped when he heard my footsteps following him. Without turning around he said to me, "Don't have a crush on me anymore. I will... get annoyed." With that, he walked away. I was so hurt by what he said. I ran to the gym, my best hiding spot. There, I could be alone and cry all I want.

    I thought to myself as I sat in the corner of the school gym: It didn't matter how harsh you were to me. It didn't matter how much you disliked me. I didn't care. You didn't want my love letter. I kept the bad feelings to myself. No matter what people said about me, I also accepted it. But... but if it wasn't for liking you, I would be too weak to even handle a word of it. Why do you dislike me so? I really like you.

    Max came up to my room that night without me noticing and just stood outside of it. He wanted his little kid pictures back, but just didn't know how to ask me. Then, he finally got the courage to ask, "Hey, I came here to get my pictures back."

    I was asleep so didn't hear the knock. He knocked again, but I was in deep sleep after crying for hours. He came in after a long wait and found me asleep at my table. He saw the love letter that I fell asleep on.

    Max must have gotten curious. He tried to take the letter from under my hand. But I held onto it tightly. He bent down to read it:

Dear Max,

It's nice to meet you. I am Geena from Class F. Um, I don't think you know me, but I know a lot about you. From the first time I met you at the Freshman Orientation that day on... I couldn't take my eyes off you. It didn't matter if you were making a speech or when you were talking to someone next to you or when you are quiet, I could always immediately spot you within a crowd of people. Identify where you are. It seemed as if wherever you go, the light follows you. Sorry for being so straightforward, but I kept thinking if I didn't say it now, I don't know when is the next time I would have the courage. If I didn't say it now, the next time when we meet there could be more changes. There have been many times that I gave up telling you how I feel. This time, I told myself that no matter what, I'm not letting you go. My crush for you has gone on for two years. In order to not let this feeling be a regret forever, so I've decided to bravely write this letter to profess to you my feelings.

Max, I like you!



    I was still asleep as Max read. After he finished, he stared at me in an awkward way, "What do a person like you have in your head? Where do all the energy and enthusiasm come from for you to do such stupid things? How does it feel... to like a person?"


    I was still sleepy the next morning as I stood in the bus. I had this feeling that someone was watching me in the bus. Is it Max? I turned around to look for in in the back of the bus. He was staring out the window. I must have been wrong. There so much people on the bus, he wouldn't care about me.

    Suddenly I felt a hand touch my hind legs. It was that pervert again. Why can't I move? I could just turn around and smack him, but I was solid as a stone. It was as if my legs was frozen. All I heard was a voice in my head say: "Go away, don't touch me you pervert!"

    My head was scream for help, but Max didn't hear it of course. Josh, who was sitting in the back of the bus saw that I was in danger and wanted to rush to help me. But as he got out of his seat, he lost balance and ended up sitting of a fat lady. The fat lady started smacking him and called him a pervert. The whole bus turned around to stare at Josh. Poor Josh, he just wanted to save me.

    But where was Max. Max is the one who I want to save me. Right when the fat lady screamed out "Pervert", the two pervert stopped for a second. Once they saw that the people weren't indicating them, they continued.

    No one is going to save me, so I might as well protect myself. I'm not about to let this pervert get away with it. Right when I was about to smack the guy with my backpack, Max came up behind me and took hold of the hand of the pervert who was touching me. He said, "According to the social regulation law Section 83 part 3, sexual speech and action or any other method of harassing an opposite sex will be fined up to $6000."

    "I didn't do anything." The pervert quickly said.

    "Mister, you are not that young anymore. If you had a daughter how would you feel if someone did this to her?" I was about to faint, Max saved me!! He turned to me and said, "Geena, let's go!" We moved to another section of the bus.

    He stood behind me throughout the rest of the bus ride. I felt so secure with his protection. No more perverts could do anything to me anymore.

    I tried to catch up to him when we got off the bus. But right when I was standing right next to him, he stopped and I followed. He then started walking again, leaving me behind.


    That evening my father made a big dinner to thanks Mr. and Mrs. Chou for letting us stay over at their house. But my father forgot to buy a few bottles of beer to celebrate with Mr. Chou.

    Dad said to I, "Geena, could you go to the nearby store and buy a few bottles of beer and two juices?"

    I stood up to go as Mrs. Chou said to Max, "Max, go with her. Help her carry the bottles."

    "I want to go too!" said Bryan.

    "You can't" Mrs. Chou quickly said and then thought of a very lame excuse, "Uh... it's too heavy for you. You need to eat this. It's delicious! Be good, eat."

    Max and I got up from our seats. As we walked to put on our shoes, Mrs Chou said to Uncle Don, "They make such a great match!" She then looked at my dad and said, "I have an idea. If..."

    I was very happy to be going somewhere with Max alone.

    As we walked out he asked me, "Did you bring money?"

    "Oh, no I didn't."

    He walked back in the house and I followed. As we walked back into the house we heard Mrs. Chou say to my dad, "Have you ever thought that one day Geena will get married? You will be all alone. It's very pitiful!"

    "Right" Uncle Don added.

    "But if Geena marries someone you know and everyone are good friends. Then everyone can live together after they get married. Wouldn't that be great?"

    "You mean..." My dad said.

    "I mean if Geena and Max gets married, wouldn't that be perfect?"

    "If that were to really happen, it's not such a bad idea." My dad agreed.

    Out of nowhere Bryan shouted out, "No way, I object."

    I couldn't stand it. I know better than anyone that Max doesn't like me enough to even talk to me, we would never marry. It just won't work out. I rushed into the dinning room.

    "Dad, how can you guys make the decisions on your own?" I asked.

    "Oh, you're back." Mrs. Chou said.

    Bryan stood up from his chair and said, "Right, I don't want this kind of sister-in-law and big brother doesn't necessary like her. She is so stupid!"

    Bryan had no right to be so offensive. I got pissed, "I'm not stupid! I was on the Top 100."

    "Right" The three adults agreed.

    "So what, it's because big brother taught you." Bryan said.

    I didn't know what to say until Max spoke, "Don't decide on other people's future just because it's convenient for you."

    "But Max, I really think Geena is very suitable for you." Mrs. Chou said.

    "Really?" I got a little happy there.

    "Forget it, I don't 'DESERVE' her." Max insulted. That was not very nice of him.

    I rushed up to him and said. "What do you mean by 'you don't deserve me?' I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."

    "Really?" He said in a mocking tone.

    "Yes, who likes people like you?" I said out of anger.

    "Really. Are you sure?" He asked as he walked closer to me. I backed up until I hit the wall.

    "I'm sure." I said confidently.

    "Then it isn't possible that you have written it?"

    "Written what?"

    He started to repeat what I wrote on my letter. He recited it one word after another in the exact same order without skipping a single word. Talk about photographic memory.

    I couldn't stand him saying the whole thing. "Stop saying it!" I screamed as I accidentally smacked him.

    Mrs. Chou was smiling from the dinning table at what Max had recited.

    "Hey, why are you hitting me!" Max shouted in pain.

    "You... How can you read my things?" I shouted back at him.

    "You wrote it for me."

    "But... you didn't have to memorize it!"

    "I can't help it. I remember it after reading it once."

    I didn't know what to say. Mrs. Chou ran up to me and held my hand. "Geena, does this mean... you've always liked Max?" Bryan stared at us in shock from the dinning table.

    "Say it!" Max whispered in my ears, "Admit it!"

    "I... I did write the love letter."

    Mrs. Chou jumped up and down in joy from hearing the news.

    "How come you never mention any of this to me?" My dad asked me.

    "So what we have planned for Max and Geena will work out!" Mrs. Chou said happily.

    "Wait a second, I heard everything you just said." We all turned around and saw Josh standing at the door. I must have forgotten to close the door when I came back into the house." You guys can't do this! Max! you can't do this!"

    "Hold on, who are you?" Mrs. Chou shouted.

    "Why are you here?" I asked Josh.

    "Geena, I'm here to protect you." Josh replied. "Even a genius could become an animal."

    "What are you saying?"

    Everyone that was sitting at the dinning table stood up and went to where I was. Josh saw my dad and said, "Hello Dad." He reached out his hand to Mrs. Chou and said, "Hi, my name is Josh. Geena and I are the most matching couple in class. Please give us your support."

    I quickly shook off Josh's hands from my back, "What are you doing? What is this nonsense?"

    Mrs. Chou said, "It looks like Geena is pretty popular. Then... it's kind of problematic now."

    "I would do anything to be with Geena. Even the most insane things that anyone could think of. I don't think you would be able to do such a thing for Geena." Josh smirked

    The answer was very obvious. Max would do anything to get rid of me. Not to keep me with him!

    "This kind of thing... could happen." Max stood tall to Josh. What?!?! This doesn't sound like anything Max would say. Does this mean that he likes me?

    Josh freaked, "What are you talking about? How come I don't understand?"

    Max continued, "A person's feelings change all the time. Today, it's dislike. Tomorrow, it could be love." What could Max mean by this. Is he encouraging me to not give up on him? Maybe one day he'll fall in love with me?

    "M-Max!" Josh stuttered. "I knew it! You had an eye on Geena all along, right? Speak!" Josh was having a mental breakdown.

    "Probably" Max answered in a taunting manner. He was keeping his cool. "But, you better get it in your head. Compare to you, she likes ME more."

    Josh was about to punch Max when he said. "I need to go to the store to buy so stuff. Oh yeah, Geena, I'll be waiting for you outside."

    Mrs. Chou couldn't help laughing. I did as well; this feels like a fairy tale. I never expected Max to say anything like that to me.

    But when I finally went outside. He wasn't there. Maybe he only did all this as a joke. He can never fall in love with me.

Chapter 13

    It was a nice Saturday morning and everyone was doing something different. My dad and Uncle Don was watching a football game in the living room. Max was in his room casually doing a long calculus problem on his window. Mrs. Chou was trying to teach me how to bake Max's favorate cake. And Bryan was staring at the glob of cream that was suppose to be a cake. It is very ironical that my father was a chief cook and I can't even spread cream evenly onto a baked cake.

    As I was being frustrated with the cream, Aunty Susan said, "This is so great!" What? My cake? No way, it looks like a glob of saving cream. "This is what I've always wanted. Baking a cake in the afternoon with my daughter. This is the happiest thing in the world." Mrs. Chou was definitely not looking at the cake because I don't think she be so happy if she did.

    At this time Bryan, who was looking for food in the kitchen, added, "It looks like shit." Isn't that just SOOO nice of him! (just using sarcasm).

    Mrs. Chou heard and looked down at my cake. She looked back up and eyed Bryan. With the signal, Bryan left the kitchen.

    She then turned to me and said, "Geena, we are so much like mother and daughter. You should marry into our family soon."

    "What?" I said in surprise. After all, I'm still in high school!! I may love Max but not to the point that I want to marry him now! Plus, he doesn't even like me.

    Apparently, Bryan still haven't completely left the kitchen yet. He interrupted and said, "Not again! You always say that."

    "Did I ask for you opinion? Get out, get out!" Mrs. Chou shooed Bryan away. But before he left, he took a bit of cream that was on the cake and smacked it on me.

    After Bryan left, Mrs. Chou continued with the conversation. "Didn't you write that love letter to Max because you love him? So why don't you just marry Max?"

    "True... but..." I thought back to say that he didn't 'deserve' me. That line really hurt my feelings. I was so into my thoughts that I forgot to finish my sentence. I just looked at the pile of cream and shook my head.  

    Mrs. Chou asked, "Are you still mad at Max?"

    "That's not it... But there are a lot of things that are not up to me to decide."

    "Geena, don't you see that it is up to you to decide in this case. Max memorized your love letter so well! That means that he likes you too." Mrs. Chou nudged me and said, "So don't stay mad at him. How about we plan for Max and your wedding now?"

    Now?? That isn't exactly what I want right now... How could I answer her? I can't just reject her idea.     At this time, Bryan came in and saved me, "Mom! Max as always been so smart! Once he read something he could recite it immediately. It has nothing to do with liking her or not. Besides, how can he like her?"

    Mrs. Chou walked up to Bryan and said, "Please, it's not the same. You are still too small. You won't understand it." Mrs. Chou turned around and said to me, "Geena, if you marry Max, I think we would become the world'st closest in-laws. Don't you think so?"

    Bryan interrupted again, "Mom, stop talking about such nonsense. Max wouldn't like it."

    "You are so nosy." At this time the door bell rang and Mrs.Chou said to Bryan. "Go open the door."

    Bryan came back with a letter for Uncle Don.

    "Hey this is a high school reunion invitation!" Uncle Don said to my dad.

    "It is at a resort. Not bad." My dad said.

    "Charles, do you want to go?"

    "Wow, it's been more than ten years since our last reunion. Don't you want to see how those classmates look like? I really want to."

    "You want to see those classmates?"


    "I think you only want to see that one classmate. And it's the girl who sat next to you in math class. Right?"

    "How can you say that? Of course I want to see her." There was that weird 'inside joke' laugh and my dad continued, "And you!"

    "What about me?"

    "That really pretty girl who was Homecoming Queen that one year. Don't you want to see her?" They had that 'inside joke laugh again.

    At this time, Mrs. Chou came out into the living room. They quickly stopped laughing when the caught sight of her. She said, "Its time to eat cake."

    "Hey Charles, I don't think we MUST go to this reunion." Uncle Don quickly said.

    I brought out the cake that I had been working so hard on for hours and set it on the dinning table.

    "Actually," Mrs. Chou said, "You guys can go if you want. This time, the reunion is at a resort. You guys can go relax for a few days." I swear that Mrs. Chou had an evil look when she said that. What evil plan did she have in mind?

Chapter 14

    And so my father and Uncle Don set off to their High School reunion.

    After they left, there was a phone call in the house. Aunty Susan quickly ran to go get it. "Hah?... don't cy. How could it have happened? Alright... Alright, I got it."

    When Aunty Susan hanged up the phone, she looked all sad. I went up to her and said, "Aunty, what's wrong?"

    "It's terrible." She replied, "My mom's little dog, Ginger, suddenly died! My mom had the dog for 18 years. She is so sad. She keeps crying on the phone. I don't know what to do. And she's living all alone. I am worried about leaving her alone by herself at such a time."

    Aunty Susan put down the phone and said, "I have to go check up on her. How about this. I'll bring Bryan with me. So you and Max will have to stay here to watch the house."

    At this time, Max and Bryan, who was reading in the family room screamed, "What!"

    Bryan ran up to Aunty and I said, "Oh no, I can't! I can stay her by myself to watch the house. You can bring Max with you too."

    Bryan added, "Mom, how can you let them stay at home together?"

    Aunty said to Bryan, "Grandma is really upset and I want to stay with her for two days."

    I said, "Aunty, I'll be alright by myself here. Besides, Max should go visit his grandmother too."

    "No, no. That won't do. In two days, the school we be back in session. He hasn't done most of his homework."

    Bryan interrupted again, "Max doesn't need to do homework. I'm the one who hasn't finished my homework yet."

    "I can help you with your homework." Aunty said to Bryan. She pushed Bryan as she headed upstairs. "Let's go pack."

    As Aunty was going upstairs, she told me, "Let me tell you, Max loves curry." And then she gave me a wink and left.

    Before Bryan left the house, he 'whispered' to Max, "Max, you need to be careful of that witch." He was looking in my direction as if I didn't notice. Ha!

    Aunty said to me before she left, "I tried my best to help you. The rest is up to you. You can do it!"

    When they left, Max gave me a cold stare and said, “You're cooking dinner.”

    OMG! Dinner? I can't even spread cream on a cake! How can I cook?

    Lucky I found a cook book on how to make curry. I looked at the picture. 'Wow, it looks so delicious!     This one looks very special and will most likely taste good. Let me try to cook this one. Once Max eats the curry that I made... he'll be so impressed! Cooking should be a piece of cake. I can do this!'

    So I took my time to check if I had everything and then started to cook. But it didn't seem to be as easy as I thought. Cutting the onions made my eyes water. I failed and tried again. It was very late and I still didn't have anything in the dining table yet.

    Max most have been hungry so he went inside the kitchen to check. It was so crowded with smoke that I could barely see. Right when he opened the door, I screamed,"OMG! This is so hot!" and threw the spatula that I was attempting to hold.

    "Hey! What are you doing?" Max shouted.

    "Um... I'm... I'm cooking!" I replied.


    "Ah, it's burned!" I screamed. Max came up to me and lowered the fire.

    Max looked at the pan and said, "This is...? What is this darkish thing?"

    I was coughing severely from the smoke, "It's chicken."

    "And this?" He pointed to the pot.

    "It's curry."



    "THAT is not curry."

    "Aunty said that you like curry, so I tried making it. But the curry over boiled and this burned. I didn't have the time to turn off the gas then it became... this."

    Max interrupted my thought and handed me the pan, "Clean this." I listened and went to wash it.

    Max stood in front of the stove for a long time and stared at the baby blue apron for a long time. Then he finally decided to put it on with much dislike. He began cutting the ingredients and I have to say that he looked like those professional cooks on television. He quickly cooked up the curry that was on the cook book. Unlike mine, it looked as delicious as the picture! I stared at him in awe the whole entire time.

    "Wow" I said, "You only read the recipe once and knew how to make it!"

    While he cooked, he commanded me to get things for him. I thought that that was a bit bossy, but at least I don't have to do the cooking. He filled the dinning table with tasty dishes in a short half an hour.

    I sat at the table and said, "Wow! They look just like the ones in the cook book! This is so weird... I followed the same instructions. How can the results look so different?"

    He gave me that cold glance again and said, "Reading requires finding the main point. I'm starving..."

    The food was so good that I can't help saying as I eat, "It's so delicious! SO VERY VERY DELICIOUS."

    I must have looked retarded. And he most have gave me that cold look again. But I didn't even notice. It was SOOO good!

    I've never imagined that I'll be having dinner with Max alone. This is the first time we are eating with each other alone! As I thought about this, I couldn't help laughing joyfully to myself.

    Max saw me smiling and said, "Don't laugh like an idiot when you are eating. It will affect the appetite."

    "It won't affect the appetite. Everything you made is so delicious! I'm sure we'll finish everything!"

    "I meant 'my' appetite." That was just SO RUDE of him. How can my laugh possibly affect 'his' appetite? Is he mad at me? Um... I should think of something to talk about. It seems to quiet right now.

    So, I said, "Eh... Have you finished your vacation homework yet?"

    "I finished it on the first day that it was assigned."

    "What? You finished EVRYTHING?"

    "Haven't you started?"

    This is very embarrassing, "I thought I could finish it in two days..."

    "Just give it up. You can't finish it even if you stayed up a whole week." He said in an indifferent manner.

    "What? Is the homework THAT hard?"

    "To you... yes."

    Man, I'm screwed!! There is no possible way for me to finish the homework assignment on time! But... what if I asked Max to help...?

    I got up from my chair and walked over to where Max was sitting. "Then... can you help me?"

    "I don't want to"


    He just finished up his food and went back into the kitchen. That is not so nice of him. I needed help! What does he mean by 'don't want to.' That is way to arrogant of him!

    Therefore I sat in my room that evening doing my vacation homework. I stared desperately at my math worksheets. Pi theory? Did they teach that this semester? I don't get any of these math problems! No, no, I can't do math first. How about English. I'm better at English than in math. Let's do that first.

    So I flipped from one subject to another. But I didn't know how to do any of the assignments in any of the subjects. I mean, what can I do? Who in the world knows what Pi is? Who knows what Shakespeare really means in his plays? And who knows who Napoleon is?

Chapter 15

    I woke up the next morning finding my undone homework assignments next to me. I began to panic. There isn't much time left, and I still haven't done any of my homework yet! I actually thought that it would be a romantic evening with Max last night. But I ended up... getting buried in my vacation homework!

    I went downstairs with my hair uncombed and my face not washed. I was so depressed from not getting at least a bit of my homework done at all! And stupid Max wouldn't bother to help me a bit! I don't care if I have panda eyes from my lack of sleep! Too bad!

    Max was sitting at the dinning table with his breakfast that he must have bought from outside. He didn't pay attention to me at all when I came down. He was busy reading his newspaper, looking all smart.

    It wasn't until he put down the paper and looked at me and said, "Wow, only a night without sleep and you become a panda." He really should have no right to make fun of me when he got like 10 hours of sleep last night. And didn't even bother to help me for five minutes!

    All I could say was, "I'm going to die."

    "So... you finished your homework?"

    "Um... not even a single page." He didn't have any reaction to what I said. At least he should have said, 'Oh, poor Geena. Let me help you with your homework tonight.' Nope, nothing like that. He just picked up his fork and continued eating. I continue saying, "But I tried really hard! Last night, I began doing it immediately start doing my homework. But... I kinda dozed off after a while. So I thought I could nap for five minutes. Five minutes later, I woke up and looked at the assignment. But I still didn't get it! That's what I did the whole night!"

    He better have some type of reaction after I put so much effort into making him feel guilty for not helping me. But instead, he said, "It looks like you are really screwed."

    That was it. He just said that I was screwed and not offer to help at all! So, I have to lean across the dinning table and beg. "Can't you help me please?"

    "Don't you understand? The question is whether or not I CAN help you. It's about whether or not I WANT to help you. Why don't you find a classmate to help you with the homework?"

    It really doesn't look like Max was going to help me. So I got up from my chair and walked around the table, "Max! I have tried that before! When I was a freshman, I would discuss homework problems with my classmates. Everyone did it together and together, we got them wrong. We ended up failing together. So we still didn't pass the class."

    I gave Max the best helpless puppy look, but he just stood up and said, "I'm going outside."

    "What are you going to do?"

    He leaned really really close, stared at me and said, "I am going to enjoy my WONDERFUL vacation."

    "How can you be like this? Hey!" But he didn't listen and went out the door.

    As for me, I went back into my room and took out all my books. I HAVE TO finish this! I can't believe that while I'm stuck in here doing my homework. Max is at the park playing basketball with his buddies. And that's not it. A whole bunch of girls was watching the game and rooting for him. I should be the one out there rooting for him. Maybe not, since he's not helping me with my homework.


    That night when Max came home I was in the shower. Without noticing that he was outside, I screamed from my room, “Ah! What should I do?"

    Max, who passed by at the moment, walked closer to the restroom to see what was going on.

    "I'll never be done! There are too many questions!" He must have heard that from outside and walked away. How mean! Just because he knows that I have a lot of homework left, he's not going to bother to come in because he doesn't want me to bother him!! It just must be so great to be Max... he could go outside and play all day. I bet you that he's already soundly asleep right now. And I still have to worry about all these homework assignments that I have to do!

    Truthfully, I was about to give up when I thought of a great plan. Since it is way past ten now, and Max is most likely sound asleep. I could go into his room and 'borrow' his homework! This way I would be about to finish mine on time!

    And so I sneaked over to Max's room as quietly as I can. It was so dark inside his room and I have night blindness! I couldn't see a thing in there. How am I going to find where his homework is? So, I went to look for his desk light and turned it on. There were so many books on his desk. It's impossible to find the homework. While I was still looking for his homework workbook, I came upon a sketch book. The title of the sketch book was, 'The Observation Dairy of Pig Head Geena.' This roused my curiosity. Therefore, I decided to see what was in it.

    Inside the sketch book were drawings that Bryan drew. They were drawings of an ugly version of me during my embarrassing moments. This kid is really rude. And he definitely doesn't like me.

    I got so pissed off by these drawings that I took a white out from the desk and started white outing parts of a picture. In my opinion, the picture looks better with the white out. I was so into white outing the picture, that I totally forgot that I was in Max's room. At this time, Max woke up but didn't catch me immediately. He laid in bed.

    I continued to search for his homework book and finally came upon his backpack. I opened up his backpack and looked for his math homework assignments first. I was so happy when I found it.

    But right when I took it out, a hand from behind me grabbed onto my wrist. It was Max. He said, "What are you doing?"

    "I... I got to leave now!"

    "Oh no you can't." Max stood up and pushed me onto his bed. He put his face really close to mine and said, "What are you doing sneaking around in my room in the middle of the night?"

    "I... I'm not!"

    "Ah, I know! You want to bother me."

    “Of... Of course not!”

    I was pushing myself to the other side of the bed as he lean closer and closer to me. Seriously, he mouth was less than two inches from mine. I could smell his breathe from where I was. We were totally kissing distance. As much as I like him, I don't know why I am running away from him even when he could almost kiss me!

    He continued, "If you're not here to bother me, then why are you sneaking into my room? Or... are there other reasons?" When he said the second part of that line, he had a really dirty look on his face. It looks as if he was up to something. Was he trying to scare me by acting as if he was going to sexually harass me?


    "Shh..." He told me to be quiet, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. There is only me and you in this room and nobody else. Didn't Josh say before... that geniuses... also have times when they become monsters? I... probably won't be able to control myself."

    He was definitely scaring me. And I got really scared. He was less than an inch away from me when he said that. And his body was almost on top of mine on his bed. This was not the feeling I wanted even though I had a very big crush on him. "No! NO!" I screamed. "Although I really really do like you, but this step is too fast for me to handle! We should date healthily first!"

    I tilted my face and looked at the wall. He whispered in my ears, "Date healthily?"

    "Yes." I said. I got off of the bed and started cracking up. His laugh sounded SOOO wicked!

    I sat up on the bed, looked at him and said, "You're... you're laughing at me!"

    "So you still like me." He laughed as he spoke.


    "Relax. No matter if it's healthy or not I don't have any intentions to date you."

    That is just not right. He pushes me up to the happiest extreme just so that he can crush me right afterwards. "You...You are such an awful guy!" I said angrily and smacked him with his homework book. "You can have your book back! Tomorrow... I'll go to school and tell everyone that you tried to sexually harass me in the middle of the night."

    I stood up and was about to leave his room, "Go ahead. I don't care. Only dumb heads would believe in such a rumor." He said casually.

    I turn around and said, "You..."

    He held the homework book up and said, "You don't want this anymore?"

    Truthfully, I really do want that book. However, I said, "Quit looking down on people! I don't need it!"

    "You really don't want it? It's mathematics. You'll take a long time to do the calculations" He taunted.

    I'm not going to let that get to me. "That's right. I don't need it!"

    "Just to get this, you've threaten me and you've apologized to me. But in the end, you say you don't want it. I feel bad for you. Are you sure that you really don't want it?"

    I got mad and screamed at him, "I said I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want it..."

    He raised his voice and said, "Good! Please close the door on your way out because I need to sleep!"

    I broke into tears from such frustration. Why can't he just be more nice about all this? "Why do you have to do this to me on purpose?!" With that, I walked out of his room and slammed the door on him.

    I went back into my room. The homework books were still pilling on my desk. I can't stand the sight of them. I decided to go to sleep. But I can't, the homework was still there waiting for me. I got up from bed a few minutes later and out of my room to get some coffee. When I got to the dining room, I saw that a few really cute teddy bears laid out on the dinning table. And in the middle of the teddy bears was Max's math homework book. The music box was open and the ballerina within was dancing. This seemed so dreamy too me. Is it really Max's homework book that is laying in front of me? Or is it just me imagining since I want it so badly?

    On the corner of the book, a post-it wrote: "You're welcome to use me." Aw... how cute! Even the book is so nice. It is willing to let me us it! I couldn't help standing in front of the dinning table staring and smiling at the book like an idiot.

    Right when I was about to reach for the book, a voice said, "Seeing how happy you look at the sight of the homework book, I'll let you use it."

    I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. Then, Max walked out from the kitchen. He said to me, "You're so slow." He HAS to criticize me.

    "Why were you standing over there?"

    "Couldn't sleep. So I went fishing."


    He looked down on me and said, "I've waited so long for the fish to come."

    I'm just not too bright for his analogies, "What do you mean?"

    "The bait is in front of you, so what do you think?" He looked over to the dinning table. We sat down at the dinning table. And he leaned closer and closer to me, "Seeing how much you've tried till now. I'll be a nice person and help you this one time."

    He's is trying to scare me again. "Help me this one time? What do you mean?" I began to flinch away from him. Even though I thought that this could be a joke like what earlier so he could laugh at me. I still had this very uneasy feeling.

    He put his hand around my shoulder and said, "You want to sleep, don't you? I want to sleep too. Why don't we... end this swiftly and quickly."

    He held my hand and pulled me upstairs. I was once again so scared by what he was doing that I wasn't thinking that this can all be a big joke!

    I screamed "Where do you want to take me?"

    Max went behind me and blocked me from going back downstairs. Somehow I have that weird feeling again like he's going to doing something mischievous to me. I screamed, "Didn't you say you don't want to date me?"

    I was going anywhere. So, he grabbed me by the waist and carried me upstairs. All I could do was scream. Like that was going to help.

    I guessed I had over-reacted because he carried me upstairs to my room to 'recite' to me the answers. Talk about photographic memory. He even remembers the answers in order. Therefore, he said it one by one, like this:

    Max says, "Are you done copying what I just said?"

    I replied a few seconds later, "Yeah."

    "Good, now we'll move on to the Theorem of inequalities. Because 4 over cosine squared theta plus 1 over sine squared theta multiplied by open bracket, cosine squared theta plus sine squared theta is bigger than or equal to 1+2 squared. Done?"

    "Uh... yes."

    "Therefore, 4 over cosine squared theta plus 1 over sine squared theta is greater than or equal to 9. So... it will not be equal to any number less than 9. Done?"

    Even though I'm copying everything that he is saying into equations on my math homework book. I don't exactly understand where he got all these numbers. He came up to me as I was writing down 'The number cannot equal anything less than...?"

    "Nine." Max said in an irritated manner.

    "9? Really? Why 9?"

    "Whatever, 8 is good too." He really sounds like he doesn't want to help. I would tell him to go away if I knew how to answer these problems on my own. But since I don't, I can only have to stick up to his arrogance.

    "What? So what is the answer?"

    "Then just write square root of 3"

    "No... that can't be right..."

    "Hey, do you think the teacher will believe you if you got every answer right?" Just because I'm stupid when it comes to math, it doesn't mean that he can rub it in!


    "OF COURSE NOT! So you must have some right and wrong answers to look like YOU did it."

    "That's true..." Maybe he wasn't rubbing it in after all. He might have been looking out for me AND making fun of me at the same time. Anyways, I still have to praise him for his genius idea, "Wow! You definitely are a genius! What a good idea." He didn't react to my praise. All he did was yawn. So I wrote down on my homework, 'square root of 3'

    "Finished?" He came up to me to look at how I'm doing so far. He pointed to a question on my homework, "Why did you write like this for the proof question?"

    "Isn't this what you were saying?"


    "Isn't it?"

    "NO! The angles of an isosceles triangle is not the same as an equilateral triangle. So, you can't write the proof like this. Segment AB versus segment BC versus segment AC equals 1:1 square root of 2. Not 1:1:1"

    I was drowned in my own thoughts as Max explained. He really sounded like a professional teacher. Well, in the end, before the holiday was over, I was still able to spend the last holiday night with Max doing my homework. The atmosphere... wasn't too bad.

Chapter 16

    The next day my teacher said in front of the whole class, "Everyone. Only one person completed their holiday homework assignments."

    The whole class looked around and said, "Who?" This is going to be embarrassing. I really do hope that my teacher doesn't say who it is. But I have a strong feeling that he will.

    He then silenced the crowd and said, "It's Geena." I actually thought the whole class would break out in laughter, but instead they clapped as encouragement. But what he said next was very embarrassing, "Geena, you really are the Max Chou of our class. Great work! Do you all know what's the significance of this?"

    My teacher is talking nonsense again. I felt myself looking down on the floor. The classed asked, "What is it?"

    Elaine had to be evil and say, "This means that class A's Max Chou has become Geena's 'reference book'!"

    The class made loud 'OHs' and 'AHs'. After it became silent again, Lara continued, "And he'll become her long term boyfriend. Then, she won't have worry about going to school and being poor for the rest of her life. Isn't that SOOO great!"

    The teacher got a little impatient by the interruption made by Elaine and Lara. He walked up to my desk and said to everyone, "The true significance is that Geena has the determination and perserverence. And we should all learn from her! This is the last school semester. I hope all of you will work hard and find a good job after you graduate high school. (even though I doubt it) But a comic artist has said before: Every person must have a goal. Without a goal, you'll definitely fail..."

    He really lost everyone's attention. They were all either half asleep by the time he was done 'motivating' us or talking to someone across the room. It must be only our class to have such a stupid teacher that continues to lecture when no one was listening.

    Our teacher then passed out a list of college and university application requirements. He then said to us, "I know that it is hard enough to even expect this class to graduate high school. But you may consider going to a community college and try your best to earn a degree. Maybe then you will be able to find a decent job and not become a homeless person."

    As my teacher was lecturing to us, I was imagining what Max's teacher would be saying as she passes out this list of college and university application requirements.

    Max's teacher: "All of you sitting in my classroom right now are the top students of our school. Some of you might even be the top student of the entire state." (Of course, she'll be looking at Max when she is saying the second part of the sentence.)

    She continues: "With your such high intelligence, I hope that this class is not looking at normal universities or even colleges (haha). Everyone should be aiming for the best National Universities in the nation. Always remember, that everyone here the top most group of the pyramid."

    Everyone sitting in the room will not be like us, who is looking for the college that needs the least requirements. Instead, they must be looking for the ones that you need to have 2400 SAT scores and 4.3 or above G.P.A. status. I could just see the controversy between our classes.

    During break, Lara, Elaine and I went over to the restroom. We were discussing about colleges.

    Lara began, "It gives me a headache listening to the teacher talk. I thought that this semester would be more relaxing."

    "Yeah," Elaine added, "It's so annoying... Hey Geena, do you have any plans?"

    "Me?..." I thought and then said, "I guess I'll go study at Cal State Northridge."

    Elaine quickly said, "What? Wouldn't you have to part from your beloved husband if you go to CSN?"

    "It's not like he's my husband."

    Lara said logically, "Anyways, they're destine to part. With Max's intelligence level, it's obvious that he's going to Harvard. And that place just happens to be where Geena will never get into."

    Gosh, thanks a lot for bring that up. I was hoping that this would never happen. All I wanted was to stay at the same school as Max, even if he doesn't like me. At least I could see him when we pass by the hallways or hear about how he got the highest score in the entire school every time there is a test. But now, if we have to go to different colleges, or in his case 'university', I won't get to see him as much anymore!

    I told Lara and Elaine what I was thinking, "I know that too... But I don't know why, I always thought...that we'd be together forever. But in reality, as soon as my house gets built, and after I graduate, we'll have to part for sure. If we don't want to part, there will only be one way. And that is to..."

    But at that moment, Josh rushed into the GIRL'S RESTROOM, held a paper and said, "Geena! Look! Let's get married!"

    I rushed out of the restroom. "Josh! What are you doing? Don't go into the girl's restroom."

    Josh ran after us and said, "Look at my college application form. Going to college is too boring. I've got it all planned out. First, Geena and I could go out on dates. Second, we would get married. Third, we could have two children. And lastly, I will give you all the love that you want. THIS is my life plan."

    I shoved his college application that he drew on into his face, "Don't decide other people's lives for them."

    Josh said, "But Geena. Don't you think it's a great idea?"

    Elaine said, "Yeah right? You'll get yelled at for filing out your application like this."

    "What are you talking about, I'm being serious."

    I saw Max on the way back to his house. I joined him and enjoyed walking besides him. However, he had that annoyed 'I don't want to be seen with her' look. Even though I was pretty sure what university he wants to go to (Harvard, and most likely would get in), but I still wanted to ask.

    "So, about university applications, have you decided? Which university are you applying for?... I know, it must be Harvard University right?"

    He replied, "It's none of your business what university I go to." Max, that was very cold. Very cold.

    "Geez." I said, unpleased with his answer. "Anyways, I won't get into Harvard. And it's not like I'm your rival. It won't hurt you to tell me! Tell me!!" I begged.

    He stopped walking and I stopped too. He replied softly, "I'm not applying for Harvard."

    "You're not? Then who would?"

    Max turned and looked at me in the eyes, "There's no reason saying why I absolutely have to attend Harvard."

    I was stumped. I was not expecting this answer at all. Harvard is the dream school for everyone!!         "Then... that means you might go to Cal State Nothridge since you live near there."

    Max continued walking, and I tried to catch up. He said, "I made my point already. It's none of your business which university I attend."

    I was too far away to catch up, so I shouted, "What do you mean it's not my business? I want to be with you in the same school for another four years!”

    I thought for a while. Why wouldn't he want to go to Harvard? He is one of the most able people I know that will definitely get it! Why would he think about attending other schools such as CNS?

    I ran up to him and said, “Could it be because of me? Am I the reason why you don't want to attend Harvard. Because you want to be in the same school as I?”

    Max stopped walking, turned around and looked at me. “No. No matter what school I choose to apply to, you will never catch up. So don't think too much.”

    He started to walk again. Really quickly this time. I tried to catch up to him, but was always a few steps behind. Does this really mean anything? Just because I can't catch up to him when we're walking, does this mean that I'll never be able to at his level?

Chapter 17

    I stayed up that night to study hard for the high school exit exam. But when I came out of my room to get coffee, I found that I wasn't the only one. Max sat at the couch upstairs with his put of brewed coffee. He doesn't look like he was studying at all. Instead, he looked very frustrated. At the sight of me, he said, "Coffee?" I nodded in reply. He went downstairs to get a cup.

    After waiting upstairs for such a long time, I decided to go downstairs to check in on him. It shouldn't take him that long to get a cup. As I walked down the stairs, I found him sitting down on the side of the stairs and peeking downstairs. His parents were up and so was my dad.

    "Max?" I said. It was pretty dark, and I wasn't exactly sure that it was him.

    "Shh... Let's see what they're talking about." Max said. I sat down besides him on the staircase and listen down on the conversation our parents were having.

    "Over here we have room to make a master room. And here we could put a baby room and a study room." Someone said from downstairs.

    I asked Max, "Do you know what they are talking about? They sound so happy!"

    "This could be specially designed." Uncle Don said from downstairs as Aunty Susan began clapping with joy.

    "Wait though," Aunty Susan said, "I think this room we designed for Geena and Max is too small. We should making it bigger."

    As they were still talking, Max went downstairs and I followed.

    "What new room?" Max interrupted.

    Mrs. Chou said, "How come you guys haven't gone to bed yet? It's already very late."

    Max looked down on the blueprint that they had on the coffee table and said, "What do you mean here by 'Max and Geena's newly wed room?'"

    Uncle Don said, "Well, after you guys get married,it is only logical to live in a new room!"

    "Exactly." Mrs. Chou said.

    "You two are saying that you guys have already decided that we are getting married."

    Max had that stern stare again. I just stood aside looking puzzled. Mrs. Chou continued and said,     "After marriage, then three generations can live together. We can take care of each other. Isn't that great?" Mrs. Chou had a doubtful look on her face though. She knows deep down that Max isn't liking this idea of a parents planned marriage at all. Especially when the guy who they wish him to marry is me.

    Max raised his voice and said, "Have you guys just made all the decisions on my life like that? Then I must have the right to say 'no' right?"

    My dad was quiet the whole time until now. He walked over to Max and said, "Max. My daughter may be stupid, but she also has the right to say no. She... She won't necessarily agree to this plan either!"

    I felt the same way as what my father must have felt at the moment. Max said it as if he is the only one who should be mad right now. And I will just follow whatever people have in store for my future. As much as I wish to be with Max, this is a bit over the hill. I'm still in high school after all. Things can change. Maybe tomorrow, I'll meet someone else who is better than Max.

    "Exactly!" I said in anger. "Who... who says I have to marry you?"

    Max said casually, "That's good then." With that he turned around and headed back upstairs. I tried to avoid looking at him as he was walking upstairs. But as he passed by me, he said softly so only I could hear, "Even if I do like you, I won't accept their arrangement." He turned around again and looked at his parents, "The point is, stop this stupid planning. Good night."

    What did he mean though. 'Even if he liked me.' He didn't have to say that just to make me feel better. Is there something behind that sentence. Is there a deeper meaning? Was he trying to hint me that he DOES like me? My gosh, Max is one of the most confusing guys I ever met. Why can't he just be more simple. But of course, that can't happen. He's unique.

Chapter 18

    In order to push us even further to studying hard for the high school exit exam, our teacher told us about a tradition at our school. He pulled out a pocket full of buttons and put in on the table he said, “All these are the second buttons of all the students who were unable to graduate. You guys all know the tradition and what the second button means.”

    Josh exclaimed and said, “Teacher, of course we know. Every boy will shin their second button on their shirt on graduation day to give it to the girl of his dreams. As for me, I'm planning to give mine to...” He turned and looked at me. This was shocking to everyone at all, the whole class knows that Josh has a obsession for me. He doesn't even have to say my name.

    Lara turned around and said to Josh, “Stop dreaming Josh. Of course Geena wants Max's button. Not yours!”

    "Lets get back on topic. Even if you did bad for the exams in the last three years. That is important. What is important now, is this coming up high school exit exam. Everyone needs to pass it in order to graduate. If you do not graduate, then..." He walked up to where Josh was sitting, "You'll not be able to give this button to your beloved girl. Do you understand?" Josh looked at the teacher indifferently. Then, the teacher turned and looked at me, "Girls. You won't be able to get the button from the person you like either if you do not graduate."

    "What is wrong with you today teacher? Is all this talk about graduating due to a long lecture from the principal?"

    The teacher disregarded the student and said, "No... it's all because I wasn't able to give my button to that special person. So look at me now! I've never been able to hold my head up high in life. In my life, I am always falling, always keeping my head down. I really do wish that you guys won't be like me. So no matter what, I wish that everyone will work hard for this exam. I want EVERYONE to be able to attend graduation! Okay?"

    As great you might think that speech was and the fact that our teacher was about to cry. We had no reaction at all. It took a while for the teacher to get us motivated. But it was all over after we left.

    Therefore, that night, Lara and Elaine came over to study with me. We played like crazy while waiting for Aunty Susan to bring up a little snack. We really look more like just hanging out than seriously studying now that I think of it. Bryan gave the three of us weird stares the whole night. I could tell that they rarely have any girls over by the expression he wore on his face.

    Aunty Susan said after bring up the snacks, "Wow, all of you girls look SOO cute!"

    "Really?" Bryan said in disgust, "They're so ugly."

    "You're just jealous of them being cute." Mrs. Chou then turned to us and said, "Girls your age are the best. A whole group of girls could get together to study, to chat, to share secrets. Those are the best things to do!!" I could see Mrs. Chou distant eyes. She must be thinking back on her days when she and her friends hanged out and did all those things.

    We didn't really study after Mrs. Chou left. We just started playing. Elaine said, "Geena, isn't your room just a little too exaggerated? It's so girly!"

    I replied, "Oh... this is the fantasy style that Max's mom likes."

    Lara came close to me and whispered, "And where is Max's room?"

    "Um..." I pointed out into the hallway, "His room is separated by that other room."

    Elaine exclaimed, "Are you serious?" Both of them got off their seats and rushed out into the hallway. I had to run and pull them back into my room. Luckily Max didn't see us hanging around outside of his room since the door was closed. Lets hope he didn't hear us from inside though.

    I sat the two of them down again and told them to be more serious about studying. So therefore, we stopped talking and stared plainly at our books. It really didn't take us long to look dumbfounded and sleepy. I had no idea what I was staring at for the past hour. And I'm sure neither Elaine nor Lara does. After a while, I finally said, "Well, maybe we shouldn't look at this subject first. We could study math together!" I say this all the time. I change from subject to subject thinking that one of them must be easier that the rest. I took out my math book, but Elaine and Lara looked at the book hopelessly.

    Lara said, "Max should still be in his room right now skimming over his books."

    Elaine said, "He probably won't mind helping three helpless beauties."

    These two girls really don't know that much about Max. Just asking for help took forever. And when you finally do get him to help, he acts all arrogant and impatient. So I said, "You guys.... What are you doing? Didn't we say we were going to study? What are you guys thinking?"

    Lara said, "Yeah, we did say that we're going to study. But I can't understand these problems. And since our school's super genius is just in the next room, it is only logical to go ask him."

    I really didn't want to ask Max. He's just going to make a fool out of me in front of my friends. "You guys haven't even tried doing the problem yet. How do you know that you don't understand it?" I looked down at my review problems, "Like this problem, it looks pretty simple. I think we could solve it."

    I stared at the problem for a while, but had no idea what to do with it. So, I said, "This problem seems a bit difficult, the next question might be better. This one looks much shorter so it should be easier."

    There went another hour. I wasn't able to solve any of the problems. So we still ended up going to Max's room. I knocked softly on the door before entering. I really don't want to be shouted right when I step in.

    Instead of saying 'Come in', he said, "Who is it?"

    I hesitated, "Um... it's me."

    It was a few seconds before he finally said, "Come in."

    After we got in, he said, "What do you want?"

    I didn't know how to word my request in a more sincere way. Out of nowhere, Bryan popped out of the closet and screamed, "What do you want!" The three of us jumped up from shock.

    I looked down at the tray of snacks that I was holding and said, "Um... do... do you want a snack?"

    Max said casually without look up at us from the computer monitor, "No."

    Bryan rushed up at me and repeated, "No!"

    "Then..." I continued, "Do you want some coffee?"

    "No." Max once again said casually.

    Bryan was inching me towards the door and said, "No!"

    "But..." I hesitated, "we made coffee and wanted you to try some."

    Max exited out of the window on his computer, turned his chair around to look at us and said, "What is it that you want? Just say it."

    Bryan pushed me even further and said, "Yeah! What do you want?"

    "Uh..." Let's be direct now. "Do you have time?"

    Max turned back to his computer and opened up another window and said in monotone, "No."

    Bryan once again repeated after his brother in a scream, "No!"

    What can I do? I just slowly walked toward the door. Elaine and Lara pleaded, "Geena! Just ask!"

    "No.." I whispered back, "I can't."

    Elaine insisted, "Ask him to help in math!

    They were blocking my exist and i can't really run anywhere with a tray in hand. Max looked at us in an annoyed stare through the reflection of his window. But we didn't notice that he was watching us at all, we were too busy fighting each other. As smart as he is, he must know that we need a favor from him. Its just that we don't know exactly how to ask him. Max was probably thinking to himself, 'God, I can't believe this. You want to go to university like this?'

    I finally got my thoughts together and asked softly, "Max... we're doing some math homework and there are some problems that we don't know how to solve. We were wondering if you could help us out." There! I said it!

    There was a pause before Max gave out another, "No."

    "Please don't be like this. Just one problem." Elaine handed me the math workbook. I quickly flipped through the book for the review problems.

    "Teaching someone like you is just a waste of my time."

    Bryan added, "Max, if you get too close to such idiots, it'll make you stupid too." What type of 'hypothesis' is that?

    "How will it waste your time?" I argued. "You just have to use two or three seconds and you will be able to save three needy girls!" I handed him the book. "Its this problem."

    He took his eyes off the monitor and just glanced at it. "What don't you get?" He asked.

    "Um... everything."

    An irritated look came upon Max face. He snatched the book off my hands and took out a pencil. It was less than a minute before he handed me the workbook back and said, "Done. Go back and don't bother me again."

    Even though I'm use to how fast Max is able to solve problems, this one seems particularly fast. I should have asked him to do a harder one. I just have this feeling inside me that we will be back again to ask him another question.

    The three of us thanked him and quickly went out of his room. We went back my room and the two of them began marveling about Max. "Now that we got question one done, the other ones are up to us. Number two..."

    Just as I thought, we stared at number 2 for half an hour without writing anything down. Once again, they forced me to go bother Max again. When we went into his room, he was doing a long calculus problem on the window with a erasable marker. He took the workbook off my hands as if he knew that we came back for number 2. He wrote out the question on the window and solved it as quickly as he did for the first one. The three of us couldn't even keep up copying what he wrote not to say solve the problem. What a genius.

    Even with the answers from the previous problems, we still were not able to solve a single question by ourselves. By the fourth time around when we knocked on Max's door. We heard no answer. And when we opened the door to peek in, he was already asleep. I truly doubt that he really was asleep. He just doesn't want to help us anymore.

Chapter 19

    "You actually finished it all!" Our class circled the three of us and stared at our review sheets.

    "You can go to A class now!"

    "You guys wrote this? That's impossible!"


    "Yeah. If you guys could solve it, then you'd all go to A class!"

    "That's incredible!"

    Lara bragged and said, "Give me a break, this is so easy! Let me explain to you once. Look." Lara pointed to the workbook and read along with her answers. It's true that she 'sounds' smart, but the story would be different if you ask her to explain how she got such an answer.

    One our classmates took the workbook from my hands, stared at it in awe and said, "Are you serious? It looks so simple! But woah! Everything is done! That's so amazing! And it's all correct!"

    Elaine came up to that classmate and said, "Of course! This, was all passed on first hand by the country's top genius, MAX!"

    The class repeated after her, "Max...?"

    Elaine went further, "He's only too willing to teach us."

    A classmate asked, "Max as your teacher? Why?"

    "Well, that's nothing." Lara continued. "Because it's us who asked. That is why he was so willing to help." That was totally not the case, but whatever. What can they do?

    Elaine added, "And also, he told us the questions that will appear on the final exam!"

    They successfully got the class jealous, "Wow! That's cool!"

    This is when it got horrible. A girl came up to me and asked, "Then can Max teach us too?"

    The whole classed joined the girl and begged, "Geena... Please!"

    "" Was all I can say. Max will definitely NOT teach any of them. I don't want him to be acting all cool in front of my whole class. I'll just become the laugh of the rest of the year if I do let them come over and then return home with nothing.

    "Please Geena! Please!" They won't stop bothering me.

    Even as much as I dislike Josh. This time he actually saved me from the crowd of classmates. He pushed them aside, went up to me and said to them, "What the heck are you guys trying to do?" He turned to me and said, "Geena, are you okay? I'll protect you." He stood up and screamed at the class, "Stop it! Are you guys stupid? Why go and ask that arrogant guy?....."

    As Josh began talking nonsense about how he is planning his future, the class ran back to me and begged me to let them come over. I ended up nodding my head to their request.

    After school, all my classmates except for Josh (who said that he didn't want to go to college and would rather go earn money to ask me to marry him. Ew!) went home with me. As I walked I was worried about how Mrs. Chou would react to this BIG group of friends. I mean she was okay with two friends coming over. But now, I'm bring home like 20 classmates. On top of this, the biggest worry of mine is what would happen if Max refuse to tutor us. Elaine and Lara's bragging put way more weight to the consequences to come.

    However, it turned out that Mrs. Chou was thrilled with the classmates coming over. Max probably NEVER brought home any guests. Mrs. Chou ran around the house to serve refreshments. When Max opened the door, Mrs. Chou jumped out at him and said, "Welcome welcome!" Max stared at her in shock. He must be thinking: 'What is up with my mom today. This is definitely NOT a good sign.'  

    We were hanging out in the backyard when Max came home. So Mrs. Chou had to scream from the door, "WELCOME MAX! YOU'RE HOME!"

    Max asked in a confused manner, "Yes mom, I'm home there is no need for you to scream so loud."

    A classmate that was near the back door heard and said, "Max is home!" They practically charged to the front door to 'welcome' Max. They circled him. He looked too dumbfounded to be angry.

    Mrs. Chou explained, "Geena's friends came over to see you."

    The class said in unison, "Max please help us with our homework!"

    There was a long awkward pause. I guess he doesn't want to just say, 'No.' in front of such a large group of people. So, all he did was like. "I don't want to." He opened the door and was about to retreat.

    Mrs. Chou screamed at her and said, "Max! Don't be like that!" Mrs. Chou dragged Max back and said, “They came all the way here to ask you for help!”

    "So what?" Max said indifferently.

    Mrs. Chou pushed Max further into the living room and said, "Look, you're so popular at school! So many people asking you for help!"

    The class pleaded once again, "Please Max!"

    Max shoved off Mrs. Chou from embarrassment and was about to walk casually up the stairs before he turned around and said, "Geena." His eyes scanned the room for me. I hid behind Elaine and Lara.    "Geena! Get over here!"

    He caught sight of me and came over to where I was hiding. "Ah!" I screamed when he held onto my arms. "I'm sorry!" I yelped. "I didn't do this on purpose!"

    Max pulled me into a position in which I had to look at him right in his piercing eyes. "I knew that with you around something bad would happen!"

    I pleaded, "But... you're everyone's savior... If you're willing to help us out, everyone will be very grateful to you!"

    Luckily, my classmates helped me out by saying, "Please savior! Help us on our homework! We will be very grateful for your help."

    Max said sternly, "I... I don't need you to be grateful!"

    The class continued pleading, "Please.... Please...." as Max walked upstairs.

    No one was willing to give up after so much pleading. They ran upstairs after Max.

    That evening Uncle Don came home with the great surprise of seeing more than twenty pairs of shoes laying around the front door. Uncle Don screamed in surprise, "Woah! Susan!"

    Mrs. Chou came and said, "You're home!"

    "What is going on?"

    "Our house became lively! Hurry, I'll show you upstairs!"

    Upstairs, in Max's room, they would have found us all sitting on the ground like a group of kindergardeners listening carefully to Max as he solved math problems on the window with is erasable marker. Everyone looked so serious and was concentrating on their notes. From far away, Max must have looked like a very professional teacher where everyone wants to enroll into his class. Students were bunched up in every corner of the room. Some couldn't even find a place to sit and ended up standing outside in the hallway and using the wall as a clipboard.

    Mr. Chou whispered to Mrs. Chou, "Wow! This is almost like a crammed study class!"

    "Don't you think that after Max meet Geena, he totally changed. He would have never talked to anyone -- not to say a whole group of students now -- back then. He use to be so reserved!"

    "Hmm. Now that you mentioned it, I feel that too! That fact that Max is being manipulated by Geena is pretty funny!"

    "I told you so. Geena is just like the best gift God gave to Max!" Mrs. Chou giggled at the thought.

    Everyone was so content from the lesson that Max gave that night. I think we all learned more tonight than in the whole year. Even our teacher had to take notes from what Max was lecturing about.

    The class thanked Mrs. Chou, Max and I gratefully.

    Mrs. Chou said in delight, "You guys can come over anything. You are always welcomed!"

    Max said in disgust, "Mom, stop saying those stupid polite words."

    "Don't be so cold, 'savior'" Mrs. Chou giggled at her own joke. But Max gave her that 'that wasn't funny' look and walked back into the house.

    After everyone left, I ran after Max and said softly, "Thank you." Even though he acted annoyed and irritated at the job assigned to him, he could have just not agreed to teach us. He could have just pushed us all out of his room and lock it. As discontented as he acted all night, I still had to thank him for doing such a big favor for me and for all my classmates.


Chapter 20

    I knew that Max must have been tired from tutoring us for such a long time. So, later on in the night, I brought up two cups of warm oatmeal for the two of us.

    Just as I though, he was sitting in the recreation room. I put the two cups down on the coffee table and sat next to him in silence.

    After a while I said, "Tired?"

    He didn't reply, so I continued talking.(it is too weird to sit in silence for such a long time) "Are your shoulders sore?"

    He still didn't reply. I took up his cup of coffee and handed it to him, "Here. You should drink it before it turns cold."

    Max took it from my hands and took a sip. Somehow, he seems to be deep in thought and not really paying attention to what is going on right now. But I continued sitting next to him in silence.

    He finally spoke, "This isn't coffee."

    "You can't drink coffee anymore. You're already so tired today. If you drink coffee now, you won't be able to go to sleep. Have some oatmeal. It will make you feel better." I thought that he won't drink anymore of it, but instead he took another sip.

    "Yeah, I'm really tied today." Wow, he actually told me what he was really thinking inside. He usually never does. No matter how tired, worried, or whatever. He will never admit it. He will always act the opposite.  

    I felt sorry for all the trouble I gave him, "I'm sorry. I always give you so much trouble.... But everyone was really happy today. I never thought that you'd explain the important parts that we need to know for the exam so clearly! I think that everyone will... pass on this exam." I was more talking to myself now than talking to Max.

    Seeing that Max wasn't really paying attention to what I'm saying, I said, "Ok, I won't bother you anymore. Good night."

    As I stood up to go, Max ask, "I have a question for you."

    I turned around and looked at Max. He never had ANYTHING to ask me. Anyways, he is suppose to be the one who knows all the answers! Why ask me?

    Max stared at me seriously and said, "How can you guys be so persistent on doing one thing?"

    Seeing the confused look on his face, I sat back down besides him to further understand his question. "What do you mean?"

    "I just don't get why all of you are working so hard just to get to a university."

    I can't believe that Max is actually telling me what he is really thinking inside. Well of course he wouldn't get why we need to put in so much hard work. "You're so smart, so of course you wouldn't think that getting into a university is such a hard thing to do. Universities seem to be designed just for smart people like you. But although the people from F class are not as bright and our grades suck, but everyone still has their own dreams and goals! So, for the sake of our own future, we'll HAVE TO work harder."

    Max looked out of the window and said as if he was talking to no one, "To tell you the truth, I don't want to go to university." He stood up and walked over to the patio.

    I stood up and followed him and asked, "Why don't you want to go to university?"

    There was a short silence before he answered, "I don't need others to teach me. I can study on my own."

    I didn't understand why he didn't want to go, so I just tried to convince him, "But university isn't all about studying! There's... a lot of activities and you can learn all sorts of things from that! For the sake of doing what you want in the future, working hard is a very important factor!"

    Once again, Max interrupted me and asked, "What about you? For what reason are you going to the university for?"

    "Me... me? Um... so that I can help my dad with the restaurant. Anyway, the dad will come when I'll have to learn how to cook... But you're different! You're so smart! You can't just leave that all to yourself. You have to contribute to this society. But of course, there are people like me who can barely even help myself. How can I contribute to the society."

    Max looked as if he was in deep thought as I was talking. Actually, now that I think of it, what I said sounded very philosophical. Not much like something that would come out of a 'stupid girl'.

    But I noticed that I talked too much, so I stopped. Max finally said after another long pause, "I thought of this before, why you were working so hard. But all your hard work doesn't always yield desirable results. But you still look so happy by the small accomplishments that you've made.... Where's the happiness I always wondered." Max still wasn't looking at me, he was just drifting off staring at the stars.

    "This all very joyful things to do! If there are expectations, then there are motivations... Haven't you ever worked really really hard for something that you desired?"


    "You haven't? How can that be?"

    "Why couldn't it be possible?"

    "Well....I guess that can be true. You're so smart, so anything that you ever wanted to do can be done easily. Naturally, you won't be able to feel the joy of accomplishing it."

    "That's why I'm really envious. Envious of how people like you can be so happy. I wonder what type of feeling that is." I felt like he is more like talking to the stars outside than to me. But at least he is telling what he is thinking deep down to someone. After another long pause, Max said, "I'm going to bed. Good night."  

    He left the room as I kept on thinking. 'wow, I never knew that even genius has problems. So a short moment there, I felt that I touched upon a little bit of his true feelings.'

Chapter 21

    It was the big test the next day and everyone in my class felt so confident after the tutoring last night.

    Counselors and teachers who had there free period during testing session gathered outside of our classroom to check if anyone is cheating.

    Their reactions to our class's testing is as follows:

    "I can't believe this!"

    "What's the matter?"

    "Don't you see this?"

    "Anyone cheating?"

    "No! That's the matter!"

    "How come they're so focused! It's so strange!"

    The teachers where so busy arguing outside about how weird it was to see no one cheating. Josh got annoyed and screamed out of the window, "Can you guys shut up?"

    While the teachers gather to grade our tests, their reactions are as follow:

    "Is this really class F's tests?"

    They double checked.

    "It is!"

    "How can they get so many questions correct."

    "Yeah, they usually don't get anything over 10 correct out of 50 questions! I can't believe that I'm seeing 30s and 40s!"

    By the end of the day, our homeroom teacher was practically crying. He was so happy to announce,   "I have to congratulate all of you guys for passing the test! I'm so grateful!"

    The teacher called Josh aside while the class was still cheering. "Josh, I'm sorry to tell you that you are the only one who didn't pass."

    "What!?!" Josh yelled. The cheering class all of a sudden became quiet and looked toward his direction.

    The class was planning to make a party to thanks Max for tutoring them.

    "Geena!" I heard people from all directions calling me. "What does Max like? We have to get him a present!"

    What does Max like? It is kind of a shame that even though I have like the biggest crush on him, I don't even know what he likes!

    I could knit him him a sweater -- but it will take too long. I can totally see how he will be giving me weird looks when I tell him to try it on. The sleeves would be too long and there would probably be holes all over the sweater. He'll look like some type of homeless person wearing that.

    How about baking him a cake? -- the disaster of the curry came popped back into my head. The kitchen would most likely explode before I would even be done with the cake. No, baking is definitely NOT what I'm good at.

    Then, it striked me -- a small back massage machine. He looked really tired after teaching us that evening. Max kept of rubbing his shoulders.

    I quickly ran home and took out all my savings with me to the mall. However, I was upset when I found out that I was still short on money. Therefore, I decided to go work at a small cafe to earn some more money to buy the present.

    Max and Manny was walking around that evening.

    "Nothing is impossible for you. I bet you can help every student in F class get into the top 100 list!" Manny joked. Max laughed with him.

    As they passed by the cafe, Max noticed me but I was too busy writing orders to notice him.

    Manny commented at the sight of me working at the cafe, "Instead of studying, she's working here. I guess you don't want to go to this cafe afterall. Let's go to the one next door."

    Max didn't answer Manny, but just followed along anyways. As they sat at the other cafe drinking coffee, Max stared over and watched me work. I still didn't notice that he was there. I was so busy trying not to break things. Max must be thinking,"Working so hard for so little money. Is it really worth it? What a fool. Then she'll use the money she worked so hard for on a bunch of useless things. I really don't get what girls are thinking."

    Well, of course he doesn't know why I am working so hard for. He arrived home the next day without noticing that we made a surprise party at his house. We even put away all of our shoes this time to avoid him noticing. We all gathered in his bedroom.

    So, Max went upstairs without knowing what awaits him upstairs. He looked dumbfounded when he saw his crowded room as we started singing a thank you song. Max walked up to where I was standing. He stood cross-handed in front of me and gave me a cold stare. Before Max could say anything, Elaine shoved a doll at Max's face. She said joyfully, "This is our Geena doll! I bought it especially for you to show my thanks!"

    Max grabbed the doll out of Elaine's hands and said, "Is this another useless doll?"

    I took out the back massage machine and handed it to him, "What about this?"

    I heard people behind me start whispering, "Is Geena out of her mind?"

    "I gave this to my dad, why are you giving Max this?"

    "Isn't that for old people?"

    Max heard what they said and asked, "Shouldn't this be for old people?"

    I looked down on the floor and said softly, "Oh, you don't like it."

    Aunty Susan ran up to where Max was and took a look at the present I bought for Max. "Geena, this is expensive! Where do you get that much money to buy this?"

    I didn't want to say it, but there must be a reason for where the money came from. "Well... I worked part time for a week. So it wasn't so hard to buy this."

    There were more whispering behind me: "Work?"

    Max was about to hand the thing back to me before Aunty Susan came in. I said to Max, "If you don't like it, that's fine."

    He looked at me for a while and then took the present. He was thinking, "She worked so hard just to buy this?"

    Mrs. Chou broke Max's thought and said, "Max, since they gave you gifts, shouldn't you at least show a little appreciation? Give something back!"

    I quickly said, "No, that's not necessary."

    Mrs. Chou jumped up and said, "How about this! We take a group picture to celebrate!"

    I wanted to run after Mrs. Chou and say, "Max wouldn't want to take a picture."

    After being forced by Mrs. Chou to go take a picture, Max stood next to me. The most surprising thing is that he actually put his arms around my shoulder! Even though this was a group picture, but I still felt as if the whole world disappeared and it was only Max and I left.

Chapter 22

    Unlike me, who could be automatically accepted into as long as I get my high school diploma, Max has to go take the Top University Entrance Exam. (TUEE) This test will determine if Max could get into Harvard or not. Everyone was sure he would. I mean after all, if he didn't pass that test, who in the world could?

    That day, I went with Max to the testing center. As much as I didn't want to go and as much as Max didn't want me to go with him, Mrs. Chou insisted that I should accompany him. So, we set off together once again in that crowded public bus. It didn't start out as a good day anyways. First, we missed the first bus because it was to crowded to fill any more people.

    Then, Max's backpack strap got stuck when the bus door closed. We didn't even notice until it was our stop.

    The bus driver said, "Anyone stopping here?"

    "Yes!" I screamed, before I saw the strap stuck in between the back bus door. Max wasn't about to leave without his testing materials. I held onto his back and told him to pull with me.

    Max looked around as I put my hand on the other end of the strap to begin pulling, he said cruelly, "Hey! Stop that! This is so embarrassing!"

    I didn't care, but kept on pulling. Max helped out and finally both of us fell on the floor of the bus with the backpack in hand. The strap was no longer tapped between the bus door. Yes! But I do agree Max on how embarrassing this was because when we fell onto the floor, I was sitting on Max's lap. I felt face begin to burn, and this is not due to the hot summer temperatures inside a crowded bus.

    Max had his head down as the two of us walked to the front door of the bus. He must have disliked that fact that everyone was staring at him. He doesn't like that kind of attention.

    I felt a little giddy and malaise when I got off the bus. I felt like vomiting, but had to hold it in until I see Max safely inside the testing zone.

    Max didn't seem to notice my discomfort and kept on walking forward to the TUEE testing center. I tried hard to keep up with him but couldn't since he was walking so fast and because of my debility.

    When we finally reached the TUEE testing center, Max turned around and looked at me in a somewhat concerned face. He still tried to cover the look by saying coldly, "You can go home now. Bye."

    I said weakly, "Good luck!" He didn't turn around to thank me even though I am positive that he heard me. He just continue walking in as if what I said was not meant for him.

    After I saw Max walk pass the gate, something came over me. I swooned. Even though unconscious, I still heard a group of footsteps running towards me. A circle gathered around where I fell.

    "What happened?"

    "What's wrong?"

    "Are you okay?"

    "Someone fainted!"

    "Someone go call an ambulance!"

    Then I heard Max's voice. I'm positive it was his. I could spot him out in crowd even with my eyes closed. The voice said, "Hey, what happened to you?"

    I mumbled, "Don't worry about me, quickly go in and take your exam. Don't worry about me..."

    I slept down on the pavement. I was able to keep my head up any longer."Geena!" Max yelled.

    I was too weak to produce an answer. If I had any strength left, I would tell him again to not worry.

    Max swooped me off the floor and asked, "Are there any hospitals in this area?"

    "Yes, there is one. Just go straight on this street and then turn on the second street."

    "Thank you." Max lifted me off the floor. I heard his quick footsteps. I could tell that Max is running the fastest he could. I could hear his heart beat fast. His heart beat seem to feel faster than usual when he is exercising. Some people say that when you close your eyes, you can often feel more about what is surrounding you. This conjecture might be true! I thought I felt a strong tension and apprehension as Max ran down the streets.

    After they put me into a room, Max went outside to do registration.

    The nurses whispered to each other, "He's hot!"... as he passed by to reach the hospital's front desk.

    "May I have your ID card please." The nurse at the counter turned pink at the sight of Max.

    Max took out his TUEE ID card and handed it to the nurse. She took it and began giggling uncontrollably. It wasn't until after Max got the card back before he notice what the nurse was laughing about. On the side of the card, I had drew a heart and underneath it saying 'Good luck Max!'

    The doctor came up to Max and said, "Are you a student who is supposed to take the TUEE today?"

    Max gave a shy nod.

    "How come you're still here? You should run back and take the exam. Geena will be alright. She only has a minor acute cecum infection. You can come back after the test to see how she's doing."

    When I woke up, I found my dad, Mrs. Chou and Mr. Chou all crowding around the hospital bed. I almost screamed in shock.

    Mrs. Chou said with joy, "Geena! This is great! You're finally awake!"

    "What's wrong with me?"

    My dad replied, "You have an acute cecum infection. But luckily, the doctor said that it's not that serious. You can go home tonight.

    As I sat up, Mrs. Chou said, "Geena, you've really scared me this time. When I received Max's phone call, I thought that something terrible happened to you."

    The name Max flashed like a siren in my head, "Max! Then where is Max?"

    "After he called me, he went to take his exam. I think that he's still working on his test right now. No need to worry. After he's done with the exam, he'll go home and you'll see him."

    Right when I felt a sign of relief that Max didn't miss his exam because of me, Max came into the room. He looked a bit shocked at how everyone was already there. "You're all here!"

    Mrs. Chou looked astounded at her son, "Max? How come you're here? You didn't go to take your exam!"

    Max replied in a shaky voice, "I was hungry so I went to get some food."

    Mrs. Chou stood up and walked over to Max. "There was still enough time after you brought Geena here. Why didn't you go and take the exam?!"

    My dad must have felt as guilty as I did at that point, he walked up to Max too and said, "That's right, Max. How can you not go and take your exams?"

    Mrs. Chou sounded frustrated, "You didn't go that the exam?"

    My dad added, "Didn't you always wanted to go to university?"

    I began to cry while Mrs. Chou and my dad questioned Max. This was all my fault. If only, I wasn't sick or at least I didn't faint until I came home. Max would have taken the test. Everyone would be happy because he will pass for sure. This is ALL MY FAULT!!

    "Is there is time?" My dad asked.

    "How can we break this news to your father?" Mrs. Chou said in a worried tone.

    "You can go now and see if you can still take it!"

    They kept arguing about what to do. Mrs. Chou and my dad didn't notice that I was crying because they had their back face towards me. They didn't stop arguing until Max, who was facing towards me, noticed that I was crying. "Geena, don't cry." I walked up to me and sat on the bed besides me.

    I stopped between sobs to say, "I'm-- soo--rry. It's--all--my--fau--lt."

    Mrs. Chou lost her attention on what to do with her son's exam and focused on me. "No, it's not your fault. We don't blame you."

    I kept on apologizing and blaming myself as I cried. Max just sat there while Mrs. Chou and my dad was trying their best to calm me down.

    That night, we all had trouble trying to figure out what is the best way to break the news to Mr. Chou. Out of everyone in the family, he is the one who wants Max to go to Harvard the most. It has always been Mr. Chou's dream to have Max become the next CEO of his company.

    But that night, Mr. Chou did not even ask Max how the exam went. It was almost for certain that Max would have done well. Everyone except Uncle Don sat in front of the television in a grumpy mood. Uncle Don was the only one laughing at the jokes made by the host of the show. No one waned to be the one to break the news.

    Well, that is, until my dad felt so guilty that he ran in front of Uncle Don and said, "Don! I'm so sorry!"

    Uncle Don looked shocked by such a sudden apology, "Charles. What on earth are you doing?"

    "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! Please accept my apologies!"

    "What are you say?"

    "I'm sorry. It is all Geena's fault. She caused max to miss his exam. I'm truly sorry."

    "What?" Uncle Don finally got the point of this apology. He turned over to Max, "So you didn't go take the test today?"

    Max nodded.

    "So this means that there wouldn't be a chance for you to get into Harvard?"

    Max nodded again.

    I felt even more guilty at the sight of such unhappiness. I ran up to Uncle Don and apologized as well, "Uncle Don, I am so sorry!"

    Uncle Don calmed down after a while and said to me, "Don't be like this. To be honest, I know that Max didn't even want to go to take the exam. He is just using Geena's incident as an excuse."

    This didn't make me feel any better, "Uncle Don, don't blame Max. It was my fault."

    So, the night went on this way.... Even though Uncle Don, Aunty Susan, and my dad didn't seem so happy with what occurred. Max seemed satisfied. Perhaps, just as his dad said, Max didn't want to go to Harvard.

    Even though no one except my dad blamed me for what happened today, I felt as if I am not able to face the Chou family anymore.

    Late that evening, I packed up my stuff. It was very dark in the living room. As I walked over to where the telephone is to put down my good-bye letter, I accidentally pushed the little crystal doll onto the floor. There was a loud shatter and I prayed to God for help. I hope no one heard that loud shatter.

    “Is your language too heavy? Do you need help?” A voice said from the balcony that connects to the living room.

    I looked toward that direction in shock. As dark as it was, I could see the Max's figure sitting in one of those comfortable backyard chairs.

    I didn't know what to say so I just stood there mute. After a long while, Max stood up from the chair, “What are you doing? You just came back from the hospital and now you're leaving?”

    There was nothing to say. The fact of me wanting to leave is just so manifest so all I could say was, “You haven't slept yet?” That was such a 'no duh' question. Come on, if someone is standing in front of you and talking, do you think he's asleep? (well that is unless he has somnambulism).

    Max disregarded my silly question and said, “Next time you decide to leave at night, don't be so noisy. Don't let the whole world know that you're there.” It really sounded like he was trying to teach me how to become a robber who tries to sneak into a rich guy's house in the middle of the night.

    “I... I feel to ashame of myself. There is no way for me to continue staying here. I must go, so don't try to stop me.” Ha! Like he would EVER do that. He would most likely be celebrating the moment I get out of his house.

    He sat back down on the chair, “I didn't intend to stop you. I just want to tell you, that you are an impulsive airhead after all. Looks like you've forgotten about Uncle Charles. Are you going to abandon your father now?”

    Now that I think about it, I didn't even talk to my dad about this yet. Where was I going to go after I leave this house? And I won't be leaving my dad here and have him worry!


    “Idiot. Just because I didn't go take the test, you're going to run away?”

    “I think... that I always bring bad luck to you. Although I know that whatever I say no is useless, but if I continue staying here, I don't know how many more dilemmas and chaos I'm going to cause.” I can't help adding in mind 'Not to mention that I like you.'

    “The only reason why I didn't go take the test is not entirely your fault. When I took you to the hospital, I would have still made it back to take the exam on time. It's just that I started to wonder why I want to go to Harvard. But I can't find any reasonable reason why I have to go. “


    “To tell you the truth, ever since you came to our house, my life became affected by some many unpredictable things. Situations that never happened in my life before, happened when you are here. It never use to be this way.... It's actually pretty amusing. You make my life more interesting, a more vivid life to live. So that's why, I don't think it's a bad idea to continue living this way.”

    Was all that to tell me to stay? I felt so touched. Max doesn't talk to anyone about what he thinks, so I felt so special to hear what he thinks about me staying in his house.

    I walked up to him to confirm. I don't want to be thinking the wrong way, and I definitely not about to fall for another one of his stupid play on words. “Max, so you want me to stay?”  

    Even though it was still very dark, but I think I saw for a quick second, a smile on his face. “I've said what I wanted to say. You can think whatever pleases you.


Chapter 23

    It was the day of the graduation and Mrs. Chou spent all morning trying to clean Max's second button on his collared shirt. Max had the 'is this really necessary' look on his face. As Mrs. Chou fixed his collar for the sixth time that morning, Mrs. Chou said, “Today is a very important day for you and Geena. So how can you not pay more attention to how you look. And also, you're the valedictorian too!”

    “Okay mom! Can I go now!” Max complained.

    He was about to go out the door before Mrs. Chou pulled him back. “What now?” He asked impatiently.

    “Remember, after graduation, there will be a lot of girls asking for your second button. You can't just give it to anyone. You must give that button to Geena! Do you hear me? Remember okay?”

    Max got away from his mom as fast as possible. I was about to run after him out the door before it was my turn to be dragged aside by Mrs. Chou. "Hold on now Geena. Remember now, you can't accept anyone's button. You NEED TO fight those other girls and get Max's second button."

    As important it was for me to get Max's second button, it didn't seem so serious. But I swear that Mrs. Chou had the most solemn look on her face when she instructed me on what to do. I nodded obediently and quickly left to try to catch up to Max.

    "Max, hold on! Wait for me!" I yelled as I ran to catch up. He didn't walk fast just to avoid me this time. I had to make up something to say when I finally got to where he was. I can't stand how it could get so quite among the two of us when I don't start something. "This will be a walk for us to remember!"


    "Yeah, this will be the last time we'll be walking to school."

    "And what is so important about that?"

    "After today, it'll be the end of our high school days. We won't be walking back to school with the same feelings anymore."


    "Plus, today is graduation day. Doesn't that add onto the excitement of going to school?"

    "No, that just makes it more boring. Just to sit there for hours listen to someone speak on stage."

    "But aren't you going to be making a speech?"

    "They made me."

    "Well, anyways, my senior year was the happiest I've ever had."

    Max stopped walking and looked at me straight in the eye, "This was the worst year I've had throughout my eighteen years of life." Was he trying to dis me? And was he trying to say that the only reason why this was his worst year is because of me? Whatever, I'm not going to let this evil villain ruin my 'suppose to be the happiest day of my life' (of course there could be a happier day. Like if there will ever be a day if Max asks me out! Ha! Here I go dreaming again, even when he just dissed me.)

    Just as Max said, the graduation ceremony was very boring. It ceremony was finally wrapped up with Max representing Class A to deliver the speech as valedictorian. Different emotions rushed at me as I sat there staring at Max. This feeling seems so familiar yet so different. Just like the first day of school when feel in love with Max at the first sight of him. He was standing on the same stage wear a similar uniform. And of course, he was delivering his speech. Just like that day, the auditorium was quiet and the only thing I heard was Max's mellifluous voice echoing through the room. I felt as if no one was sitting in front of me. The room belonged to only Max and I. I am sure that every girl that is sitting in the auditorium right now, will agree that this is the best way to end a graduation ceremony.

    With diploma in hand, I slowly walked out still mesmerized in the moving speech Max just presented.

    Best friends were hugging, the bullies set out bullying, and couples were busy making out for the very last time on high school campus. Josh came up to me as I was still walking leisurely down the main hall way for the very last time. "Geena." He kneeled down in front of me and tilted his tie towards aside, revealing the second button. "This... his for you." He closed his eyes waiting for me to take the button.

    Right then, Mrs. Chou walked by and dragged me away. "Geena! Didn't I tell you that you can't take anyone else's button? Max is over there, we need to get there quick. His second button is yours."

    As we ran downstairs and out into the quad, we quickly spotted Max. (not by seeing him, but by the entire female population of the school crowded around that area.) Everyone wanted Max's button and he was not sure what he should do. There was a lot of screaming and pulling in the crowd of girls. It turned out that Josh followed us and I ran away right when I saw him. I guess that I was so afraid of Josh that I actually found away into the crowd. I was standing right in front of Max!

    I stuttered, "Max... I really... really... want..." I didn't want to say it. I think it is just better to take action, so I reached out my hand and tried to pull the second button out myself without his approval. See my aggression, the crowd of girls rushed in and joined me in trying to pull the button out for themselves. Max was being suffocated, but no one seemed to care. The girls, with me included, was so focused on that button, that it didn't matter any more what we had to do to get it!

    We all finally gave up after a long fight, the button was no longer on Max's collared shirt for sure yet none of us know where exactly it went. I'm so positive that it fell into that bush behind Max... So, no one ended up with Max's button. I was neither thrilled nor disappointed with such an ending.

Chapter 24

    That evening, the F class had our graduation party at a local karaoke place.  

    For the very last time, our homeroom teacher lectured us. But this time it wasn't on how we have to work hard to pass the test. The lecture was more like a congratulations, but boring as usual. We were having a blast. When it was time to karaoke, no one wanted to sing in front of the class. I mean, how embarrassing that would be. Right when I thought that no one would volunteer, Josh stood up and said, "I want to dedicate this song to Geena." He walked over to where I sat and tried giving me a handsome glare (and OF COURSE it didn't work for me. I'm not about to fall for some 'I'm so sexy' glance. Max is the only thing on my mind).

    Josh walked up to the karaoke machine and picked a song. Then, he walked up to me with an extra microphone and said, "Geena, why don't you sing with me."


    Right when I was happy that someone volunteer so that I don't have to sing. Gosh! Everyone in the class cheered me on except for Lara and Elaine. As evil as they are, they never did any evil when it comes to Josh.

    Josh must have been day-dreaming about how he would be impressing me with his singing because he didn't even notice that the song started. I wanted to hide so badly, but there was nowhere to go.

    It took a while before Josh notice the song started. He went to where I was sitting and dragged me up with him and shoved over the microphone again.

    "Josh! I can't sing! Plus, I don't want to sing."

    He didn't care. Josh grabbed the microphone and started singing. He was staring at me the whole time when he sang. If that was what he thinks well make me start liking him, he's wrong. I spent the whole time staring at the television monitor to see the words. I never heard of this song before.

    I was so carried off at looking at the screen that I didn't notice that Class A came and they were passing by our party as Josh and I were singing.

    Someone from Class A said, "Man, so the result of getting bad grades is bad singing."

    They kept on walking and I noticed that Max was within the crowd. Class A took over the karaoke room next door. Everyone in Class F could see them through the opened windows that separated the two rooms. Everyone in our room became quiet. I quickly dropped the microphone and ran back to may seat. This is so embarrassing!

    We were all depressed by the sight of Class A; therefore, our homeroom teacher took over the microphone and began lecturing again, "Class, please listen. Who look so unhappy? Everyone should be glad to graduate! You should really value this moment because everyone is off to his or her own destination. And the chance of see me again is very unlikely. Even though those in Class F continued doing poorly and none were able to move up to Class A, at least we have a very close relationship with one another..."

    I guess that Miss. Lin, Class A's homeroom teacher, heard our teacher lecturing from next door. She started to too, but the whole put was just to rub it in our face that our class is worst than theirs and we should always feel ashamed of ourselves. She said arrogantly, "First of all, I want to congratulate everyone for getting wonderful grades these four years of high school and have now successfully graduated. I am sure that every single one of you have not only been accepted into universities, but accepted into the best universities in America. I believe your futures will also be limitless."

    Our teacher got pissed from hearing this and therefore continued speaking, "Class, don't assume that studying is the only way to success. Studying is definitely NOT the only shortcut to success. The main point is what you've learned during the process of learning..."


    The indirect argument between Ms. Lin and our homeroom teacher became louder and louder. Students from both sides became frustrated and roused by such strong arguments. Eventually, students from both sides got off their seats and ran towards the window shouting at each other:

    Ms. Lin started saying, "If it wasn't for the effort of Max Chou, none of you guys from Class F would have graduated today. If Max collapsed from teaching stupid kids like you guys, I wonder what responsibility would you guys take. Max is the future of America. The future of our school. He is going to be what none of you guys ever will be!"  

    Max interrupted, "Teaching those 'freaks' was pretty easy. I wouldn't have collapsed from doing so."

    I got mad and put my head through the window into the other room and shouted, "What FREAKS? You people can only evaluate a person according to their brain. Don't you guys know how ridiculous that type of attitude is?"

    Max got up from his seat and walked to the window. He leaned close to the window and said coolly, "Ridiculous or not, I'll don't have to ask you. You should be the MOST experienced with such results from stupidity. Right? How do you feel about it? Bad?"

    I stuttered, "I... you... you cold blooded merciless villain!"

    "Isn't this what you like to hear though?"

    I knew that he wasn't talking about my stupidity, he was talking about more about the love letter that I gave him. And I wasn't the only one who knew. Girls behind him began talking about it. I really wanted to run away. Did he really want to embarrass me to such an extent only my last gathering with my classmates? Does he really want to end the year embarrassing me?

    Josh said when he noticed my embarrassment, "Lets not let these Class A students ruin our day. Lets continue what we were doing."

    Max held up a peace sign, made a 'I'm so cute' face, and stuck out his tongue at me. Talk about being immature!

    I got pissed and wasn't going to let this go. I ran into their room. It is time for revenge.

    I said to Class A, "Everyone, Max's past is only known by me!" I took out his baby picture where he was dressed up as a girl. The mocking face on Max quickly disappeared into outraged. Everyone circled the picture. Max wanted to snatch it away from my hands, but I wasn't going to let him.

    Max looked confused at how I was able to have that picture when he 'stole' it from my desk. I therefore said, "What you took before was only the original but I've already made lots of copies!"

    I turned to face his class and said happily, "Everyone! This is Max, the little beauty!" I could see Max's eyebrow go closer and closer together. He was being humiliated and seething with anger at me.

    He got even more angry when the class started saying: "Wow! Max!... You look SOOO cute!"

    "I want to see!"

    "Me first!"

    "Wow, I never imagined Max to be so cute with a dress!"

    Max stood there in shock for a moment before once again trying to snatch the picture. There really is no point in that anymore. It had been exposed to the public. But Max didn't care, and he was almost able to get hold of the picture before I passed it on to one of his classmates. There is no way he can get pass that big crowd now! Muhahaha!

    But he still ran into the crowd and successfully snatched the photo after much pushing and shoving. The angry face that he wore scared everyone. No one dared to really try to take the picture back from his hands.

    I was too busy making peace sign at my success before I notice that Max took hold of my wrist and dragged me outside. As fun as it was to make fun of him in front of his class, now I am going to have to suffer the consequences.

    He dragged me out of the karaoke room, out of the building, and into the back alley of the parking lot. As I was being dragged, I began to wonder what horrible act will he do to me now.

    He pulled further and further into the alley. I began to worry since we were so far away from the class. "Where are you taking me?" I shouted under frustration. He was grabbing onto my wrist really tightly and it was beginning to hurt. I shouted again, "Let me go! It hurts!..."

    Max didn't let go until we reached the dead end of the alley. It was very dark there. There was only a dim street light shining from the street. The alley was practically quiet besides the few cars that can be heard zooming by every few minutes.

    I stood against the wall as Max had his back facing me. He was panting heavily from walking so quickly out of the karaoke room.

    I really wanted to run back, but for some reason I had a feeling that running is not a good plan. He could bring back to the spot in no time. So finally I said irritably, "What do you want?"

    He turned around, still holding the picture and said, "I can't believed you had this picture with you at all times!"      

    "Anyways, I don't care anymore that everyone jokes about the fact that I like you." I could hear Max's teeth grinning but I continued anyways, "Fine. I've decided that starting today, I will forget about you!... Everything about you!"  

    I began sliding against the wall, going closer towards where the karaoke place was located. Max finally turned around with a grouchy face. His footsteps echoed as he walked to where I was standing. My heart was beating so strongly against my rib cage that I felt as if it was going to pop out. The loud thumbing sounds from my heart made a drum rolling effect as Max came closer. I felt a cold gush of wind blow against my cheeks. The hair on my back spiked up. I wanted to run, but ended up not moving a single inch as if I were paralyzed.

    He stood less than two inches away from me and said in a stone cold voice, "Forget me then. Do you even have the ability to forget EVERYTHING about me?" He put his face closer to mine as if forcing me for an answer.

    I hesitated but still asserted, "Yes I could! Anyways, I've already seen the different sides of you! You're cold, mean, unyielding, and arrogant!" I looked up straight in the eye and said confidently, "And when I get into college, I'm sure that I will find someone a hundred times better than you!... No, make that ten thousand times better!" I said that statement in a crescendo form, getting louder and louder closer to the end.

    "You..." He hesitated as well, "Go look for 'Mr. Perfect' then!"

    "Of course I..." Before I was able to even finish my sentence, he interrupted me with A KISS! Is this the way I'm going to have my first kiss? In this dark alley? After we were just arguing for the past five minutes? My heart raced and my palms were sweating.

    When Max finally took his lips off me, he gave me a bemused look. (just as if nothing had just happened.) He looked down on me that way for a very long time as I look up at him with complete shock. After the moments of awkwardness, he stuck out his tongue to make that teasing/mocking face again and left me there in the dark alley.

    Did Max fall in love with me? What did that kiss meant? Was I dreaming? Or is all this just a joke?

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 5:38 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 29 September 2007 8:58 PM PDT
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