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Groomsmen & Dads:

The tuxes have been picked out. They are from Sacinos. You will need bring this form and get measured at any tux shop near you. Then you can go online and put your measurements in. At this time you will need to pay a $50 deposit. The rest will be due at the time you pick up the tux. For the online form you will need to put in Amy DeGolier for the bride and Ryan Gagne for the Groom. Our wedding date is November 5, 2005. If you would like us to mail you a form so that you can send in a check or credit card information let us know. We would be happy to do that for you. The deadline for this is July 1, 2005.


We will be deciding on dresses soon. Probably in the next few months.

Thank you for participating in our wedding!