

-date: December 30th...maybe? Lol, I'm not entirely sure...
-time: 2:01 PM -doing: chatting, bouncing, going through music
-doing later: Amanda's coming over!!! Chillin with Amanda and Jordan. Sleep? Ha! Just kidding.
-did today: Watched TV, phone, helped my dad with some stuff in the shed.
-talking to: Alicia
-listening to: Umm... More than useless- Relient K
-thinking about: lol, well now I'm thinking about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
-location: Home
-mood: excited
-plans tomorrow: shopping
-watching: nothing
-wearing: sweats and t-shirt
-should be: doing nothing! yay!
-lyrics: paper, rock and scissors they all have their pros and cons.
-regret: none
-amusement: yoga ball
-obsession: Relient K

Ok! So I just spent a little while updating this site. Enjoy! And tell me what you think about it.
God Bless,

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