Here, I'll have inside jokes and personalized messages to my friends!!
Alicia, Andrew, Derrick, Kyle and Lindsay go see camp shoutouts:
Camp Shoutouts!


So, Ima put these in alphabetical order, so no one gets mad at me! Here Goes:

Spoon is too big

Hey. Us CITS got so close this summer, and I loved it. CIT social was so much fun! Stuff to remember: Robin, release the batladder. What's yellow and can write? A Ballpoint Banana!!! What's dangerous, weighs 6 ounces and lives in a tree? A sparrow with a machine gun!!! What would gobble up a sparrow in a tree? Heaven help us! It's a cat! Catwoman!!! Robin! Get the shark repellent! How was I supposed to know they would have shark repellent on hand? Well said Robin! And then there was Alfred, with that small little mask. And then the boat disappeared!!! We didn't even see the entire movie, and we already have so many insiders from it.Ye head's ye face! I need 8 CIT volunteers. Hey! That's all of us! Camp Lone Cloud how do you feel? Double it up! DX Style! Like the mainland! I'm a little prairie flower, growing taller by the hour. Hey Alex? You've got something on your nose there, it's kinda It was a great summer!

Hey you. You're so awesome, and it's funny because we completely hated eachother, and now look at us. That night after Chus came, it was so much fun just sitting up and talking to you guys, about everything. We got so close, all of us, and I loved every minute of it. Whenever we get together, we have so much fun and creat a lot of memories, and I'm so glad I decided to go back to camp this year, because I never would have had as much fun. You're one of my favourite people ever. Stuff to remember: No Lindsay roll up the tent, not over it! Lol. What?! You ate Chil?! Hey! You lied!!! Candy, lol. Leave the cup alone!!! I like it where it is!!! *Chucks chocolate chips.* Lindsay's directions, lol, man, those were horrible, we would still be out there if it hadn't have been for Derrick. But which doorbell do I ring?!?! This one? Or this one? Oh, I see someone coming, i don't have to choose. Brigadoooooooooon!! Lol. Andrew's Faces. Derrick's ghetto walk. The ride to Lindsay's. Period. Lol, that was quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever been through. They're biking! Man, we laughed for so long. Only us. lol. I love you sooooo much!!!Xo'z

Hey! We've had some great times, and even better conversations, thanks a lot, for everything. Stuff to remember: But I got the rosebushes! He didn't get the rosebushes! Who's on third? I'm an excellent driver. Lol, best movie ever. What's with the dishcloth? Hey look it's an Xbox! Suicide in a bottle, Ego System! I got an egg does that mean Easter? Right, three nice guys at youth...The rocks are colourful but the hamster's dead. Have a day on a stick, Ouap, I don't know them because they're little, Accepted! My writing looks like a chicken jumped in some ink and ran across the page. I don't trust your door. And it was all because I swallowed my gum. I'm scared of your door, Kinda repeating yourself aren't you? It's all about the 4:13. Do you have a smoke detector? Being alone in a crowded room. Mike McCarthy? Who's Jim Dunlop? How do you spell who's? Bus! Def, Def, Def, Definitely. Barn, Roof, Barn, Roof, Barn, Roof, Hotel! If we put as much effort into being smart as we do being stupid, we'd be Lol, hey look it's a walrus!!! I got mail! At your house! Lol! Woohoo! The 2-4 and the 2-5! Check out the stars! Coming Mom!!!Xo'z,God Bless.

Hey there! This shoutout is much shorter,all the insiders are on the camp page. Man, camp this year was awesome, we all got so close, but the parties afterwards are just as good, because when you, Derrick and Kyle get together, you're possibly the funniest people I've ever met, lol. Hanging out during Shere Kahn's hunt, you, me and Matt was so great, we had a lot of fun, lol. Stuff to remember: Good Times at Twin Ends. Explaining 2:10 and 4:20 to Matt. Which CIT would you date? I pick...Andrew and the same time. Well, I wanna go first! lol. Oh, yeah, worms have both parts, we did that last week. You did WHAT last week? Lol. Xo'z

Hello my new friend! You didn't recognize my voice on the phone!!! Or Andrew's, lol, because he had a really hard time figuring out who you Chips!!! Lol. You guys couldn't make up your minds, so we're listening to NSync!!!

Lol, those movies were great. With Lisa, Nicole and Justin talking the entire time. Tiff, what are they talking about?! Lol. And that plan to call Devon, hi, my name is (insert name here) and I'm in love with your little brother, will you ask him to marry me? Lol, you should have done it!!! Xo'z

So, we've been in the same class for three years, but we only started to get to know eachother this year. You're so awesome though, You're always happy and I love it, and life just radiates from you. We have so much fun. Stuff to remember: The way to Quebec, lol, that was great! Though we complained a lot...because you know, you had to go to the bathroom, and I was hungry. WEDNESDAY!! lol, oh man, I'm excited. Brittany? you're my hero!! lol! Those meetings are sooo much fun!!! Somebody's got their silly pants on! Lol. Everybody be quiet! I'm wearing the talking pants! Do you want the talking pants? No! keep your pants on! They're invisible pants! Missioning! Lol.Xo'z

Hey! Junior High wouldn't have been the same without you, along with many other things you were a part of. You're so great, and you're always so nice, it's such a relief to hang out with you. Lol, that party was awesome, what with the talk of Kelsey's balls, lol. My balls are shrinking and expanding! Aww, Kelsey's sharing her ball, lol. Melissa's trying to cut off Stephen's genetalia! Lol. Lunch times at Melissa's are awesome, lol, you and your broadway shows, and something about water bottles...I still don't understand!! Uh-oh, here comes the darkness. How do you know? The theme song is playing! Wow, that's one weird theme song. Man, if the dark was giving me those kind of scratches, I would be scared of it too! That movie was scary!!! Lol. Helloooooo Marten! Lol. This is a yak. This is it's posterior! Tehee, why would anyone make that? Xo'z

Hey! You're so awesome! I loved hanging out with you at NSSSA and htose times at camp, we got so close, and we had so much fun! Stuff to remember: All those games of cheat, outside and in the tent! Did you know that if you say banana slowly enough, It sounds like gullible? Hehe! It's Huge! It's got to be a cat! Lol, those Mitch and Devon guys are quite stupid! Thanks for my letter!! NSSSA was so much fun!!! P-A-R-T-Y, say Party Hardy NSSSA! Lol. It was one of the best times of my life, how many places are there where you can go up to all the hot guys in the place and hug them? Lol. And I get Ian first! :P I love you sooo much!!! Xo'z

Hey Speed Buddy! Lol. No, we're not on drugs, we get high off of air! Those games of speed were soo much fun, lol. Yes! I won!!!!!! Oh no...I didn't...And the sound effects coming from you, lol, those were hilarious. Chocolate Break! That cake was sooo good. Lemon Chocolate! I can spell my name in Korean! Lol. Kwon Tae Do Do. Hey look, a ramp!!! Uh-oh. I want to decorate my house like that hospital! Look at the spinny wheels on the wall!!! Lol, us laughing all the way down the hall, those people looked at us like we were complete idiots.
Luv ya, lol. Xo'z

Hey, I don't understand how you ended up as close to us as we all got to eachother, but the parties wouldn't be nearly as funny without you. When you, Andrew and Kyle get together, it's the funniest thing ever. Things to remember: Besides everything on the camp page...Psst..Let's start yelling random numbers!!! Your ghetto walk. Veggie Tales. Um..the kid's talking about barbecue sauce...and eggs...Maybe he's concerned that the computer isn't getting enough protein? You should tell him that peanut butter is also a very good source of protein. Lol. Turkey! *gobble* lol. Xo'z

Oh man, you're such a cool person, and I love hanging out with you at the club. It rocks with you there. The summer was so much fun! Stuff to remember: Lol. Tiffany! Who's my husband? Um..I dunno...Mase? No...look at the CD stupid!! Oh...Usher! Right, I forgot, you have so many boyfriends, lol. Our trips to McDonalds, lol, 6 nuggets in less than 2 minutes, alright. That's talent, right there. Lol, so, these kids, goth, skater, bully, prep, snotty girl, lol. Ooooh, your friend is cuuuute. Lol. Lean Back, Lean Back. Xo'z.

Hey there, We've had some...interesting experiences...Like that New Brunswick trip, and that Quebec trip, and in math and science class. And speaking sign language across the room, lol.Xo'z

Hi! Man, camp this year was amazing. So much fun. You're such a cool person, and I really hope to be able to spend more time with you. Stuff to remember: That whole apple thing. I will never eat another apple ever again. I must have eaten like 50 of them, Alicia too. And we still gave more than half of them away! At least I don't talk to inanimate objects :P Lol. Man, making fun of you for that never got old, for me anyway, though you didn't seem to like it too much. But seriously, you do that a lot!! I'm really thankful now, for all those times that you wanted me to go to NSSSA, with the threatening and stuff, it was well worth it! Xo'z

Hey! Man, we had such a great time that summer, with some disturbinbg experiences involving Mitch, Devon and Scott, lol. But it was so much fun. Stuff to remember: All those games of cheat, outside, in the tents, we spent way to much playing that game. Did you know that if you say banana really slowly it sounds like gullible? Hehe! It's huge! It's gotta be a cat!Thanks for my letter! I love you!!! Xo'z.

Hey! You're awesome, these past two years wouldn't have been nearly as awesome without you. And you like Veggie Tales and Starfield, so right there, we had to be great friends. I love all the laughter, there's never a dull moment with you, and I love sitting there laughing with you. Lol. Those meetings on Wednesday are soooo much fun!!! Stuff to remember: Someone's wearing their silly pants today! Shh! Everyone be quiet! I'm wearing the talking pants! Do you want the talking pants? No! keep your pants on! They're invisible pants! Missioning! Lol. Numerology. What number are you? 6, 4, and 8, lol. Xo'z.

Hey, CLM and PAL are so fun this year, with our crazy games and what not. You're really awesome. Stuff to remember: Krystifie. HI GUYS!!! said krystifie. Lol. Wanna hang? chill? The glow, lol, how do I get a glow? Hey, do I have a glow yet? No? How about now? Hey Tiff, want to play phone? Lol. Can't this wait? Need directions. You're mom. Let's play friend! You say one of your friends, and then I'll say one of mine! I totally won that game, lol. Friendship A-Z. Xo'z

Hey! You're awesome, lol. Never met you, or talked to you besides on MSN, but you're awesome to talk to, and I consider you a friend, lol. But we have no inside jokes! Work on that would you?! :P Xo'z. And P.S. The Leafs Suck! :P lol j/k. Man, you and Job are weird, but that webcam convo was somewhat fun. And no! I don't want to play pool!!! Lol, I play it all the time when you're not there. Tehee.

Hey, lol, you're so much fun. You're completely crazy and I love it, lol. Except for when you're terrifying Krysta with your near-death experiences, how many times must I tell you to keep your dying to yourself?! Lol. I've only known you for a little while, but you're still really cool. Stuff top remember: The platypus of doom!!!! The display with the kids and the boxes on their heads. I expect you to call me when your kids start playing like that! Because I'm gonna be their aunt! Lol, virtual aunts. Well, at least I can spell, no! Lol has a capital L!! That conversation we had for soo long with *star movements* lol. *Kicks Tiffany over and runs away laughing* Xo'z

~*Jordan*~ ------ Jordan's Page

Hey! You're so awesome, lol, some of the things you say are so hilarious, and I have no idea who else would ever come up with those things. They're ridiculous, and it's so fun. English this year is so fun too. Stuff to remember: Lean and Minceur! The N has a hat! Woah! Uh-oh, here comes the darkness. How do you know? The theme song is playing! Wow, that's one weird theme song. Man, if the dark was giving me those kind of scratches, I would be scared of it too! That movie was scary!!! Lol. Hey look a bread truck! I wonder if they have muffins?! I want some! Quick! Run inside! You forgot your purse! Ok, I'm going to jump out the window, ask the people what happened to the field and then climb back in! Kelsey! The building's on fire! Nevermind,it was a false alarm,lol. Xo'z

Hey Hunn! Man, I love hanging out with you, especially when we're laughing our heads off, or talking till te early hours of the morning, some of those conversations are so funny, and some of them are really great too. Stuff to remember: Shh! we're playing the quiet game! You're such a hobo!! Hey look! It's an XBox! What's with the dishcloth?! Barn, Roof, Barn, Roof, Barn, Roof,Hotel!!! Ego system! Suicide in a bottle! Right....3 nice guys at youth...right...I got an egg, does that mean Easter?! The rocks are colourful but the hamster's dead! What is your name? What is your quest? What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? The number of the counting shall be three...Nick and Jordan wrestling on the floor. The German shepard named Karl.Who names anything Karl! You could name a goldfish Karl, because he's gonna die in a week! But a dog?! They last long!!! Triumphant, captivating, small tree, got it. My first name means three! It would be cool if my middle name meant blind mice!!! Who names their kid bitter sea? Or sweet gum tree? Lol. This is a yak. This is it's posterior! Hellooooo Marten! Quick! She's coming! Hide behind the tree! Behind the tree!!!! We lost Nick! I swear, there were three of us! one, two. We're missing one!!!! Guys, I'm not joking this time! Lol. The cheese went in the sink! Atom porn, lol. The atoms are dancing! It's like a test, because you have to put your name on it. The worst punishment ever. The sheep with the socks Lol. I Love Yoooooooooooou!!!!!! God Bless! Xo'z!

Hey. Man, I've known you for what...3 years now, but I only really got to know you a few months ago, and it's crazy. We all got so close that week, and I don't regret a single moment of it. Some of the conversations we have are really amazing, and the infamous question game, lol. You're right, these shoutouts aren't nearly long enough anymore, I'll work on that, we need to get more individual inside jokes. Stuff to remember: Kyle blow on my fire again. I can't feel my face. Get down on your knees and blow!!! Trip to Mount EmoKid 210 and 420! We're so bad. Stop complaining or I'll carve your heart out with a dull spoon! Twice! Lol. Always remember the flish and the batladder. Xo'z.

Hey. Man, we got so close that week at camp, it was crazy. That night that we stayed up all night after Chud played, just talking about everything, it was so much fun. And the nights in the cabin after the kids had gone, us just standing there whispering. These parties lately have been so much fun too, we have a great time together, the six of us, and I wish we could all go back to camp and just hang out for so long. One day, I'm going to rent that island and we're going to just chill there. Stuff to remember: No Lindsay roll up the tent, not over it! Staff social. Talking to Boomer for so long. Xo'z.

Hey there! You're awesome to hang out with. That Thursday at camp was an awesome day! We spent the entire day together! Stuff to remember: Water Day, when you were in my group. Shere Kahn's hunt. You were a CITIT. My campers are so dumb!!! We tried so hard, and they didn't even notice!!! lol. *Pokes nose* I love you (hand gestures) You love me too? Yay! Happy Dance! lol. It's all about Kot-aid! Camp Lone Cloud how do you feel? Double it up! DX Style! Like the mainland! lol. Are you talking to the computer? Lol. That movie was awesome, so funny. Lol. And the scary teenagers outside!!! Xo'z

Hey! You're so awesome. You're great to hang out with and always really happy, and nice now. Stuff to remember: The Quebec trip! Eavesdropping on your conversations with Jayme. Grad was great too. That campfire. Uh-oh, here comes the darkness. How do you know? The theme song is playing! Wow, that's one weird theme song. Man, if the dark was giving me those kind of scratches, I would be scared of it too! That movie was scary!! Me playing I believe in a thing called love! Our songs in science class, lol. Xo'z.

~*Melissa C*~
You're a great person! We have so much fun together, and that's why I always bring you along to things, no matter what it is, because you're agreeable and I always love hanging out with you. Science classes with our half brains are a lot of fun, and I understand everything better when we're figuring it out together. Stuff to remember: Kazoos! Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away. Oh Mandy, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking...I'm surrounded by blind HITs! Hug a tree!! Lol, you guys running through the park with bags full of brownies. Um...Tiff, do you have a cell phone with this number? Me standing at your door. You were sooo scared, lol. Why didn't you ring the doorbell?!?! Um, we found the cell phone, it was lying in the grass. Luckily the people who live here are old and deaf! Oh man, the darkness's theme song is playing. Well, if the dark was giving me scratches like that, I would be scared too! Those hats in the dollar store! And the funny nose! The bird in the pet store! Keystone. Xo'z. I love you

~*Melissa R/Jeebi*~
Hey! We've known eachother entirely too long. I swear there's something freaky going on with us always being together. But we always have a lot of fun, and you're awesome. NSSSA was so great.Stuff to remember: All the stories involving 210s. The morning on the outtrip when we refused to get out of bed. Miraaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but at Camp Lone Cloud, you can pick your friends' noses! Kotade! Waking up in the morning at NSSSA. Brian figuring out you and Derrick. Closing ceremonies.Xo'z.

Robin, release the batladder. What's yellow and can write? A Ballpoint Banana!!! What's dangerous, weighs 6 ounces and lives in a tree? A sparrow with a machine gun!!! What would gobble up a sparrow in a tree? Heaven help us! It's a cat! Catwoman!!! Robin! Get the shark repellent! How was I supposed to know they would have shark repellent on hand? Well said Robin! And then there was Alfred, with that small little mask. And then the boat disappeared!!! We didn't even see the entire movie, and we already have so many insiders from it.Ye head's ye face! I need 8 CIT volunteers. Hey! That's all of us!!! Camp Lone Cloud how do you feel? Double it up! DX Style! Like the mainland! Xo'z

Hey! You are so awesome. I love talking to you on the phone forever, sometimes about stupid stuff and sometimes about stuff that really matters. We've really come a long way since the start, lol, when half of the conversation would be spent saying "Yes....right..." lol. Stuff to remember: Hanging out in the stairwell at grad. Pootie, don't let the girls come between you and your belt. Say Sa-da-tay and feel ok! Lion King 1 1/2. I catch your drift...actually, I don't, but I'm ok with that, thanks to Dr. Phil and my support groups.I spy something that is white...the wall. I'm a tank and a half!! So, about that local Store? Bookstore? About that local bookstore. The no friends club! That's bad for your health. Against my religion. Poverty cable. Hey, look at that guy in Claires! He's so whipped, lol. Xo'z.

~*Nicole Snow*~
Hey! Man, we had so much fun in PAL. We laughed the whole time, I swear, and I loved it so much. Stuff to remember: The 2nd one was a Nun! How to paint stars by Nicole Snow, Illustrated by Tiffany MacInnis. Lol!!! First step, choose your colours, if you cannot find a template for colour choosing, please turn to page 375 for one we have provided for you. Nigel thinks that he's the best thing since sliced bread. But obviously he isn't, since sliced bread is the coolest thing ever. Ya know, cause every time you wanted to have a sandwich, you'd have to like cut up all kinds of bread, and it would be all crooked and stuff, and make a huge mess, and it would all be very bad. So, man, I thank God for sliced bread! Obviously Nigel isn't cooler. Commenting on the football games. Yes, this one seems to be a decoy, or else just very confused, I got the decoy's belt!!! Xo'z.

~*Nicole Warren a.k.a. Miss Pirate*~
Hey! You're so awesome, I love sitting around and laughign with you until our sides hurt, and it happens almost more than it should. We just sit there in math class laughing our heads off, and I love it so much. You're almost always hyper, and it's great. Stuff to remember: You're shallow! We the Bombdiggity, so don't be getting all up in our Kool-Aid!! I baited you to Melissa! Like a fish! I'm gonna call you fish! Avast ye. Aha! I tricked you! I'm a pirate! The nature expedition! Hug a tree! I'm surrounded by blind HITs!!! One of them's a secret agent/hippie/sniper, lol, and we get to stay back and keep the tree tidy. You're my PAL!!! Uh-oh, here comes the darkness. How do you know? The theme song is playing! Man, if the dark was giving me those kind of scratches, I would be scared of it too! My cheering up strategies. Let's switch noses! Just for that, I'm taking mine back! I have two noses now! Aha, now, I'm putting yours back! But upside down!!! The hats in the dollar store! The bird in the pet store! I don't think I did this right. Cause it's wrong. So now, I have your nose, you have Kyle's nose, and Kyle has my nose! The donkey noise. Shannon's a dress. Lol. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Xo'z.

Hey Bonding Buddy! Man, English was so great together, it sucked that the classes got switched. Bully SMART last year was amazing too! We had so much fun laughing our heads off together. Stuff to remember: GENRE!!! Tehee!! This guy is talking about how hot this girl is. So? It's his cousin!!! It's like a party in your mouth, with sqaure dancers, and disco balls! Swing your partner! Dosie Do! Neil's a hunk, lol. Dreamboat! Mmm...that's yummy...mmmm...eww! that's disgusting! Don't all jump up at once now. Breaking wind is idirect. Jaws doesn't take showers! Lol. Xo'z

~*Sarah C*~
Hey! So that super people thing didn't work out as well as we thought it would did it? Oh well, there's not much we can do now. Quebec was awesome!!! Thanks for three awesome years.

~*Sarah L*~
Hey! You're so funny, and I love hanging out with you, it's great. I never get to see you, and it sucks so bad, but when we do actually get together, we have a great time. Stuff to remember: Writing songs with Krysta's guitar about how Amanda's brother is hott and how your brother is stupid! My sleepover. You licked Jordan's toes!!! Ewww! Lol. So, my first question is...What's with you and Jordan? And what's with the nose poking? Jordan and Nick wrestling on the floor. The I love you dance! Lol. Xo'z

Walking around the park with you is so awesome, lol. Stuff to remember: I told myself a ghost story, and I was scared! Lol. Horse! Horses are people too! There's different kinds of horses. Palamino, Spotted...Unspotted...Striped...Wait, no, that's a Zebra. Zebra...You're Dumb, lol. Xo'z

Hey! You are so amazing, I have no idea what I would do without some of the points you make in our conversations, they help me a lot and I think about them when I'm faced with problems. I love your bright outlook on life, and you know when to be silly and when to be serious and talk, and you're awesome to talk to. It really sucks that I didn't get to see you. If it was up to me, you would have been down a lot longer, and I would have gotten to hang out with you. *Shakes fist* Stuff to remember: Spending the night with Devon? What're you doing?!?! My nickname: Squeemish Dolphin Eating Gorilla, or SDEG for short. Lol. I love you!!! Xo'z.

Hey, it sucks so bad that you moved away, I can't imagine how much it sucked. That summer at leadership was so great, with all of the drama, lol, and the laughing, and the soap operas on the buses, lol. Stuff to remember: Good times at Bully Smart. You know what else were good times?! Freshman is the best head bobbing song ever!! We are the girls, from G.O.T.M., We're psyched, we're hott, we'll give it all we've got!Xo'z.

Platypus of Doom!