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she crashed through the airwaves and ripped like a knife
Tuesday, 29 July 2003
Caylin the Genius pt. 1
today was awesome. i got two new skills today at gym!! yay! *looks triumphant* i know, i'm amazing *cough* but i'm so tired...exhausted, even. physically, which is worse than normal kind of exhaustion. as in tired. -.-

i wish danielle would come back. i need someone to talk to. cuz well, chris k is sleeping over his friend's house, chris e isn't online, chris w is on "vayekaye" (as danielle called it...) and so is danielle. i'm alone again. she's in vegas and i asked her how she was getting there, and she was like "we're FLYING! like we're really gonna drive ALL the way out there, st00p!" well, i for one would drive all the way out there. i don't like flying. planes are evil and all sorts of bad. >.< but so are cars. they are dangerous too. you could always get a motor scooter and ride it all the way out there.

the good thing though, is lexi is coming over tomorrow after gymn. lexi is my coach's baby. well, not baby, she's 2 and the cutest thing in the entire world. she's so FUNNY, too. arden (her little friend)is adorable too. so i'm pretty excited about spending time with lex. it should cheer me up. hehe, she <3's me. she told me so. *blush*

well, i dunno what else to say, but i'm gonna go work on my story. when it's done, i'll blog it. which should be interesting...later.

oh yeah, i changed my mind. the plane is only bad if it crashes and we all dive down that 30,000 feet to our painless to be splattered on the ground below.
motor scooters take too long.

that is all.

Posted by crazy2/oh_my_love09 at 6:49 PM EDT
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Monday, 28 July 2003
if this is what it takes...
today sucked too. it was also, uh, eventful. it all started when i woke up at 7:50 for gymn and couldn't get out of bed. it's not that i didn't want to, i just COULDN'T! so i stayed in there for 15 minutes, which apparently was 15 minutes too long for mama. O.o then i FINALLY got out of bed, took my shower, and got ready and came downstairs, only to find mama really pissed off at me. *sighs* -.-

so we go practically the whole 30 minute drive to SEGA w/out saying anything. which sucked cuz i hate silence. very much. and then i get to gymn and phil (head coach) is in the worst mood i've ever seen him in. so i do my strength assignments as quickly and quietly as i could, so he would have no reason to be angry w/me. we had a TON to do...we did arms for 45 minutes, then we did legs for 45, and then stomach for 30. phil had told ashlyn (asst. coach) to take over right before we did stomach. he told her to do a bunch of stomach conditioning and then do flexiblity--splits for 6 mins each way (left, right, middle). so we did.

and i guess that was the problem. >.< we had done stomach, and left and right leg splits when phil came flying in out of nowhere, yelling his head off saying "WE ONLY HAVE TWO HOURS LEFT!!!!! WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?!?!?!". everyone freaked out. then ashlyn looked like she was about to cry and said "you gave so much for them to do and so little time to do it!! why are you complaining? you've been yelling ever since we all got here this morning, you're yelling at me and i wish you'd wait, i'd rather have you stop yelling at *points to me and the rest of my team* them. they didn't do anything wrong."

phil had this really disturbed look on his face, so he told us all to come on and he led us away from ashlyn w/out saying a word. which i guess is the worst part. we were quieter then we had EVER been (which is saying a TON, my team is extremely rambunctious), and i guess it was bad cuz no one knew what to do or even say. we were doing line tumbling on floor, and all of the sudden, we see ashlyn walk by crying. she got alllll of her stuff that had ever been in the gym and went out to her car. on her way out, she said to phil, "i quit." just as simply as anything. just like it woulda been if she had said "the sky is blue."

you don't realize how much this affected all of us. it's not like ashlyn was the nice coach that everyone loved. it was pretty much the opposite. ashlyn is a REALLY nice person, but the toughest coach i've ever had. all the sudden, we all felt bad for all the times we'd mouthed off to her or copped and attitude for no good reason. me and the rest of my team from last year (which is only 3 other people--andie, krissy, and megan), we all were thinking about how we were going to send an anonymous letter to ashlyn (supposedly from an "anonymous observer") saying she needed to lay off of the gymnasts and actually be nice to them. and how "they" had noticed that an "anonymous gymnast" (me) was injured and she didn't even care. we were going to end it with "please evacuate the gym immidiately." well, we were all remembering that and we felt really bad.

this whole ordeal showed a different side to everyone. some of the meanest people on the team (emily and those people--well, emily isn't really that mean, but she just is...i dunno what she is, exactly but yall probably know someone like her) actually got worried about ashlyn and stuff. megan (another person like emily) started crying.

10 minutes later, phil realized the seriousness of what ashlyn had said. he went out to her car and didn't come back in for another 15 minutes. we all continued working, wondering what was going on outside. then, ashlyn came back inside w/her eyes red and puffy, and said she'd be our coach again. this made us all really happy--i guess cuz even at times when we don't particularly like her, we realize she is only yelling at us to push us to be our best.

then emily did something that surprised me. she was the first person to go over and hug ashlyn. and i don't quite know why, but it made ME feel warm and fuzzy inside. =B

for the rest of practice, ashlyn was nicer to everyone than she had ever been. and things were better than ever also. mom and i are on good terms now too...i guess all the yelling is what it takes to make people happy. i'm not sure i like that.

that is all.

Posted by crazy2/oh_my_love09 at 5:31 PM EDT
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
today was ugly
writing for the second time today. i have nothing else to do. i've met a buncha new people today, which is cool. but THERE"S NOTHING TO DO! i think for once, i'm not in the mood to laugh. i'm so tired...and i don't feel good...and every 10 minutes i break out in a violent coughing spasm. not good. *shakes head*

i wanna fight someone. really badly. and i don't care anymore. most people know how me and certain people are...always fighting about this, that, or the other. *sigh* things change so much...right now i feel like forgetting everything that's happened from january till now and starting fresh from there. sure, i've had some good times, but they are waaaaaaay outnumbered by all the problems i've had. i'm not trying to complain. i'm just like feeling weird for some reason.

i guess...maybe i DO wanna laugh. *puts on dumb-but-still-cute face* i don't know exactly what i'm trying to say. lmao--when something eventful comes, i'll blog it. but now i'm just randomly babbling.

*whistles* nyeh...things have been REALLY GHEY lately!!!! *plays w/sporks* my sporks make everything a-ok w/the world. *pets the spork collection*

for the first time, everyone else's life is going great and everything, and MINE"S the one that's been turned upside down (danielle and euh--this has nothing to do w/yall so don't worry!) i don't even know why i feel the way i do. i guess i just need someone to <3...*blush*...*considers this*

hm, i guess i better go, i'm starting to depress myself. i'll try to cheer up by the next time i blog, whenever that may be.

that is all.

Posted by crazy2/oh_my_love09 at 6:11 PM EDT
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i'm horrible
i'm a horrible person. i think that fate made it so there would be no sporks for me at kroger yesterday...because i suck. i can't believe how bad i suck. *pets her own head* >.<

well, since i haven't blogged in 2 days, i shall finally blog once more. or twice more. or lots more times. whichever works best for me.

as we all know, i went to danielle's on friday. but chris k didn't go. we went to the pool with chris w, and we went to chick-fil-a before that and i got a buncha spoons and cut them into sporks. i'm not kidding either. that's the sad part. we were at the pool and a certain chris w was being VERY mean to me...*gets a tattoo of self standing there triumphantly holding chris w's head on a stick* then we went to the mall and it was fun because of this idea i kinda had...and danielle carried it out and it was cool, but no one understood because i was yelling the whole time. (if you don't understand this, it's ok *pets you*) then i went home. but that was on saturday.

for some reason *cough* i have it into my evil little mind that a certain danielle might have a crush on someone...hmm...aww haven't you heard? it's so cute, really. another reason why i'm horrible. these days, everyone seems to be swept away by love, but i'm left behind. *nods*

something really funny happened today and i don't even know why it was funny, but i found it hilarious. i was laughing like an idiot again. today at sunday school, lauren (leader) was talking about having an open-trailer-night where we can just come in and talk to people, and right then we were talking about the food, lauren said "yeah, we'll probably have pizza..." and i guess christa didn't hear her and she was like "as long as it's not from zaxby's..." and then rob goes "CHICKEN PIZZA! YEAH!!" wow, that isn't as funny as it seemed before. another reason why i suck. =B


1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? no. i was an only child for 3 years, so i just cried and everything went my way. i wouldn't have to clean. still works.

2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? heck no, i can hardly remember where i put my shoes.

3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? well if you overlook the CD's, computer games, picutes, candy wrappers, and empty yogurt things, then yes.

4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? i think some of my cd's are in dvd cases. is that organization?

5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? a tie between the pieces of my broken heart after every time i've been broken up with or the pieces of his face after daddy found out...hehe


*for those of you who have just joined us, i DON"T hope he dies and i'm never this depressing. don't panic*

Posted by crazy2/oh_my_love09 at 2:09 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 July 2003 2:27 PM EDT
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Friday, 25 July 2003
hmmm, well i guess my online journal-like thing is up. i'm not quite sure why, but i got sick of tnj because my layout sucked and i couldn't make a new one because it said that option was currently unavailable. who the heck runs tnj anyway? i shall kick their arses.

fall is coming up and so is my birthday. the big 1-four. and mama has been hinting at what they are getting me but she won't spill. >.< i really think it's bunkbeds.

i'm going over to danielle's (heeeeeey girl) today with chris w and chris k. this shall be interesting. i just hope i don't forget my sporks. i just realized, that if i go over there with my sporks, it would be like telling a mob of 10-year-olds to dissect me and hang me from the ceiling. that's how messed up they are! it's inhumane!

before i make me grand...uh exit, i just want to say the next person who asks me if i really know die. horribly. or maybe i'll just stop saying yes, they never believe me.

Posted by crazy2/oh_my_love09 at 9:13 AM EDT
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