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Me talking to myself
Monday, 8 September 2003
happiness is good, my singleness is over...yay

i love blackmailing know, except for the fact he does stuff worse back...grrness

school was weird, i got voted off the table, except i didnt have to leave...go figure

hill and i screamed on the field

thats about it

old gawy-gawkness is over....which is good


Posted by crazy2/musicfan at 6:45 PM EDT
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Sunday, 31 August 2003
boring sunday, followed by boring monday
agh....a little happiness in my day...katie got to come over, so we sat, ate doritoes, laughed at the tv...that girl cracks me up she does!she also got over her fear of doritoes, and her not having eaten them since 7th, i could not do that!and we talked about cool band people, the hot gawky-gawk in band with me that i love to gawk at(ask tara, or hill,zach or matt, i do it constantly)my, my...hes pretty...oh so pretty....which confuses me bc zach says he likes me, but doesnt want to go out with me, but i wont get into that, bc no one cares....gawk is a fun word, i think kylie made it up at that florida trip, but i cant remember....jack is no long that stupid, having said that he likes jimmy eat world, i give him some points....and he wants me to add that he only likes the black eyed peas for one song, and that he will stop making fun of the strpies......yay, that makes me happy...

okie dont here

Posted by crazy2/musicfan at 4:25 PM EDT
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what happens when hill and i hang out wayyy too much
hillary and i were talking about degrassi last night, and we wondered if LHS served GM foods....if they do, then thats kinda gross, because, i mean, who wants to eat scorpion dna in their tomatoes? thats pretty gross..

we were also talking on the phone while watching RFR, and this one documentary came on about Madame Tussauds wax museum...that was sooo freaky! its like a train wreck, you dont want look, but yet your drawn to it! the scariness came from when the real person(such as michelle kwan) stood next to her wax model, and you couldnt tell which one was the fact that they cost like $75,000, and they take like a year and a half to make...who would want to do that?

agh...too weird for words

ill end this blog here, in case there actually is someone who is reading this

Posted by crazy2/musicfan at 10:31 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 31 August 2003 10:38 AM EDT
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Saturday, 30 August 2003
football game again last night....the big guys on our side that were chasing after a ball won again....the streak is actually kinda starting to scare me....but it was fun, i got to gawk all night at a very pretty guy, a VERY pretty guy i might add....and hung around all my band friends, bc we are all such band geeks....nate williams is my dad, and he grounded me for not flirting like a banshee(?) with said pretty guy...go figure

i saw david, and gave him my hunk of dead animal, even though i promised jack id give it to him....GOD! why is everyone so obsessed with hotdogs??...and after a night of being stupid and getting pelted by skittles, it was pretty good...esp. when i got to gawk some more...*sigh*...

kylie got to talk to her bright eyes boy, so that was good too....i wonder if he said anything about her tshirt.....theres something to ponder

finished my first week of school with no major calamities....that i know of anyway

jack is stupid, he makes fun of my taste in music, such as the white stripes(which like a lot, but im not as obsessed as hillary, kylie, etc.) but yet, he likes the black-eyed tell me, what is wrong with this picture? done for now....not like anyone actually reads this anyway

Posted by crazy2/musicfan at 11:02 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 31 August 2003 10:38 AM EDT
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Saturday, 23 August 2003
grr..i have such anger towards angelfire
i know i should be greatful, and with my luck its probably my computer, but it kicks me off whenever im on an angelfire sorry if theyre a little short until i can figure it out..not that you care of course

1us history
4healthandfitness(im sooo lazy)

Posted by crazy2/musicfan at 4:05 PM EDT
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