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Home My Guitars My Job

I am an Assistant Advertising Broadcast Producer for Sears TV & Radio Commercials. Most of what I do is behind the scenes, but now and then I get to be the Producer on a shoot. I have shot commercials in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago; both on sound stages and on location. The last shoot I did was done at a Sears store in Canoga Park, Ca., and at a home in Pasadena. The crew consisted of 56 people. We shot seven commercials in 3 days.

I also produce research videos that are 60 seconds long with no sound. These are done to show to focus groups new products that are being considered for 2 minute infomercials. If you have ever seen commercials for Sears with Bob Vila in them, many of the products being advertised were first shot as a research video. The focus groups do not know that they are viewing product that Sears will be selling. All they see is a product being used. Supers appear on screen describing what the item can do as you see a visual of what is going on. The result that we are seeking is that the focus groups will say: Yes, I would buy this product.

The only crew on this type of shoot is the cameraman and me. After we film the video an editor is brought in to take about 45 minutes worth of video and make a 60 second commercial video. What is fun about doing these type of shoots is that I get to produce and direct, and oversee the edit. Because we are on a very tight budget this is also were I get to do a little acting: I do all the demos on the product.