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<font size="9"><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF66CC"><center>kEaKuKi'S wEb HuT</center></font>

kEaKuKi'S wEb HuT
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As of now the completion of this website (assignment)is for my computer science class. My web hut has various assignments that I have completed in the class as well as what knowledge I have gathered.

iN tHe fUtuRe...

The reason for my Hawaiian themed web...I just enjoy the look of when I'm done using this for school I could easily transform it into my own unrelated school site. Later on I will probably post some random messages, thoughts, pictures, and anything else that comes to mind. MaHaLo for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! aLoHa!


What's new...practically everything is new...just look around and you'll see something that you didn't see before... More surprises to come....look for them.