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Mayor Tjals' New Sim-Nation

   Provinces > Isle of Whaite > Overview

New Sim-Nation
Geographical overview
Great River Country
North Cumberland
Isle of Whaite
Grand Massifs
Thousand Lakes
Isle Of Whaite

Welcome to Isle of Whaite!
Above you see an overview of the entire Province "Isle of Whaite". The region has recntly been terraformed. No cities have been built yet, but the plans are there, so come back some time later to see how it's doing!

Geographical information

Obviously, "Isle of Whaite" refers to the big island to the South-West of the cost. This province is one of the more pittoresque provinces of New Sim-Nation due to the impressive Grand Massifs National Park (which is partly situated here, and mostly in the province of Grand Massifs itself) and Isle of Whaite National Park (which includes the hilly inlands on the Isle of Whaite).
In fact, contrary to the province Great River Country, the terrain of Isle of Whaite has hardly changed in recent geographical history. The Grand Massifs are hundreds of millions year old and were the source of gletsjers during the ice-ages (although these especially found their origin in the mountains in teh province of Grand Massifs itself). From here many gletsjers moved out towards Great River Country and over Sim-Ocean, even covering the entire bay from the main land to the Isle of Whaite once.