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WTF Is up with America?
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Frickin' America
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Numa Numa, Napoleon Dynamite...
Mood:  irritated
Topic: WTF Is up with America?
I AM SO TIRED OF THESE STUPID NUMA NUMA VIDEOS!!!! I mean, Numa Numa was funny at first, but I didn't know that It would turn people into frickin retards!!!!! Quit obsessing over this worthless shit!!! Napoleon Dynamite was also funny at first, but now it's fucking stupid!!!! BTW, this site is NOT for those stupid followers!! This is ONLY for the annoyed and angry people!!! There is now, like, 1000s of Numa Numa vids on the internet! Here's my opinion. Gary Brolsma, you fatass fag, go "Numa Numa" your mom!!!! Fuck all of the dumbass followers who made these damn vids!!!!!! Hopefully, in 2006, there will be less assholes!!!!!!

Posted by crazy/thetruth at 12:01 AM
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