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One Brown Guitar Pick Adventure

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

My Brain
Mood:  not sure
You see yesterday or something, I was watching the news and this idiot (or so I thought then)had a red paper clip and got this huge idea to trade it for bigger and better things over the internet. The long and the short of it is he traded 14 items till he got a house (which was his goal) it took him almost exactly a year to achieve this but he did and I thought what the hell NO WAY what a turd. Then I thought and thought some more and I can to a conclusion I said to myself " Self, I am going to do this shit."

So I looked around and found a Brown Guitar Pick and said what the hell (whose the idiot now) Used Ottawa Here I Come!!!!! I told my girldfriend Deb we gotta do this come over and help. So we both posted it and within 3 minutes we had a bite.......A Crystal Platter.....SWEET.....we were off the trade is on. At 8:45 WE hit the road we followed lots of cars on the highway even saw a really big guy in a really little car, (BTW they do have trucks ya know) we finally exited the highway. We went straight for a while, then we had to take a right and then straight again, then a left, (holy crap how many turns do we have to make), then straight some more........Hey Deb what street was it again? Oh Nancy the one you just passed........OH we crossed like two lanes of traffic to pull in this apartment building to turn around (one-way entrance...shit again) so we pull out and turn again...crap immediate left...straight for a bit...another left...straight some more...then right (so close) AND THEN we realize the numbers are going up instead of down.....another U-turn back up the street............JOY we found it.......(so happy)....we get out of the car......nice flowers...(who said we are the brightest bulbs on the tree).....KNOCK KNOCK (shhh baby sleeping) NICOLE!!!!!! We shot the shit take pictures and thank Nicole....THANKS MAN FOR BEING OUR FIRST YOU POOPED THE CHERRY DUDE!!!! Head home blaring music (Belly Dancer) to trade again oh and it was about 90 KM round trip. See you soon amigos.....stay tuned for NANCY & DEB'S GREAT TRADE OFF!!!!!!

Posted by crazy/onebrownguitarpick at 11:10 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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