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Saturday, 7 January 2006

You Are Most Like Charlotte!

You are the ultimate romantic idealist

You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love.

If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.

And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.

Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?

Could be very serious - if you play your cards right!

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?

You Are a Halter Bikini

You're an athletic girl with a hot athletic bod to match.

And you've got a great tan, probably from all those beach volleyball games!

What Kind of Bikini Are You?

Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is

Spontaneous, on a tropical vacation, when he realizes he can't be without you.

What's Your Ideal Marriage Proposal?

You Are Midtown

You love so many things, you don't fit into any one label.

Your city girl persona goes to a fancy restaurant one night and a dive bar the next.

Are You Uptown or Downtown?

Your Inner Lip Color Is


What's Your Inner Lip Color?

Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is

Bubble Yum Original Lip Gloss

What Lip Gloss Flavor Are You?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 11:32 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 January 2006 9:04 PM EST
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Your Element is Earth

Your power color: yellow

Your energy: balancing

Your season: changing of seasons

Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.

You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.

Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.

Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful.

What Element Are You?

Your Gemstone is Aquamarine

Intuitive, tranquil, and trusting.

You inspire others to have faith in themselves.

What Gemstone Are You?

You Should Date An Australian!

You're a down to earth, outdoorsy kind of girl

And you need a guy who can keep up with your adventures

A rugged Austrailian guy is just your style

Better start learning how to surf!

Which Foreign Guy Should You Date?

You Are Vanilla Ice Cream

Flexible. Easygoing. Classic.

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?

You Are a Light Pink Rose

You represent sweetness and grace.

Your vibe: Kind and gentle

Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend

What Color Rose Are You?

You Are Sensual Sexy

You exude a luxiourous sensuality in your everyday life

Turning heads everywhere you go, it's all about your sexy attitude.

You're naturally hot - gorgeous in both sweats and stilettos.

Your biggest problem is that your utra sexy self sometimes scares men away.

What Kind of Sexy Are You?

Your Love Quote

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

What Love Quote Suits You?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 10:51 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 January 2006 8:58 PM EST
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You Are a Carnation

You are down to earth and grounded.

You tend to be more traditional than trendy.

Your confidence gets you through anything.

People trust you and are very loyal to you.

What Flower Are You?

Your Nail Polish Color is Purple

How you're unique: You are artistic and expressive

Why your style rocks: You pay special attention to color and fabrics

What this color says about you: "I'm creative and know how to take care of myself"

What Color Nail Polish Best Fits You?

Your Scent is Mango

Sultry, sweet, and mellow

You enjoy every moment of life!

What Scent Are You?

You Are Cherry Kiss Lip Gloss

You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on.

You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals.

Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have.

No wonder Cherry your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you!

What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 9:48 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 January 2006 8:58 PM EST
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You are White Chocolate

You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.

Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.

You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

What Kind of Chocolate Are You?

Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl

You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out.

Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it!

What's Your Reputation?

You Are Low Rise Jeans

You are both sexy and casual - the type of girl who looks hot without really trying.

You tend to spark imagination, only showing a peek of your skin.

What Style of Jeans Are You?

Your Aura is Purple

Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great.

You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a man who sees your vision and adopts it as his own.

Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician.

What Color Is Your Aura?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 9:12 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 January 2006 8:48 PM EST
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Your Celebrity Sisters Are Jessica and Ashlee

Beautiful, feminine, and stylish.

Who care's if you're a bit of a daddy's girl?

Who Are Your Celebrity Sisters?

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Kirsten Dunst

More hippie chic than hippie chick.

Who's Your Celebrity Style Twin?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 7:28 PM EST
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You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"We saved the world. I say we have to party."

What Superheroine Are You?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 7:24 PM EST
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You Are a Feminine Beauty!

You make any guy feel like a man, simply by standing next to him

You have a classic womanly appeal - and you've got a look for every occasion

This doesn't mean that you can't kick back in (designer) jeans and sneakers

You just prefer to be girly and sweet as often as possible

What Type of Beauty Are You?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 7:18 PM EST
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You Are Blonde Highlights

Men see you as flexible and versatile - you fit in to every situation

You've got the inner glow of a blonde, the intensity of a redhead...

And the wisdom of a brunette.

How Blonde Are You?

Posted by crazy/imagination at 4:04 PM EST
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