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[EBBU] Welcome to the 8 Balls Between Us Official Website...

Wednesday's gig was pretty impressive... we played all the songs we knew and fucking upstaged all the kiddy bands MWAHAHA yeah so if we have no more gigs at school at the moment... then all that's left is the Chillax 2 show! oh yeah...

*Rumour has it our new songs will be:*
1) Greenday - Basket case
2) 12 Stones - The way I feel
3) Hoobastank - Running away
... maybe more... we shall see...

Sorry... but the video's will not be available on the website due to the fact that they are quite big :S one song is 44mb approximately :S :S sorry folks but if you wanna watch them you can always ask me... I wont have them all just yet... still waiting for Steph to bring them in for me... I will post up an announcement when I have the video's...

Links to other people we know...

I dont know what to put in this space...

bullet Freakwreckordz - This is my own personal website... check it out!
bullet Far East Team - Mr. Donald Cameron's and his crew's long boarding website
bulletW.I.S... The school that [EBBU] goes to...

Avril Lavigne - My ideal girlfriend... and is a great singer...


Michelle Branch - Another Amazing gurl mmmmhm!


12 Stones - This band is amazing! holy shit, I have found my new favourite band!


[LinkinPark] OMG Meteora FUCKIN ROCKZ! GET IT!!!

bulletdmsn - This is basically a far more cooler msn than the Microsoft version... check it out




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[EBBU] Forum

Click the 8 ball to go into our pictures section... Here is where all [EBBU] fans can come and discuss things between one another...
bullet [EBBU] Forum

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This site was created by Richard Lousich
Copyright © 2003 by [Freakwreckordz]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 03/27/03 08:03:14 -0500.

This site was last updated 03/27/03