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Christmas 2005
Christmas 2005
Hey everybody! If you know this address, you are one of my dearest friends in the world! Not wanting to break with tradition, but not being physically present at Moody to continue tradition as I would by choice, I decided to create this website for your Christmas present delivery pleasure. If you have ever seen me around Moody in a random costume, then you should be familiar with the tradition of this...perhaps, though, you might not have been available at times when I would have delivered to you (many of you, I'm afraid!!!), so here's your very own version of it at your own convenience this year! I love each and every one of you VERY VERY MUCH!!! And I miss you VERY VERY MUCH, too! God bless! (By the way, for additional shots of these costumes go to This Spot in the Universe. Don't know that it's worth it or not, but feel free to try it...who knows? Maybe your life will be changed or something drastic like that...probably not, though.)
The Creature
The Creature 

Comments (1) | Add a Comment

Rita!! What white teeth you have!! (The better to eat worms with, my dear.)
Sarah Evans | December 21, 2005