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The Story (according to the book M@CW

November of 1982

Two men had put a plan into motion. These two men being Kennethh Avery Brock, who was 17 years old,and Tony West,30 years old.
Brock had made frequent hunting trips to Corpse Wood.This was were he had met Dr. Charels Scudder.
He also engaged in sex with Scudder on 7 or 8 times.

Brock had told West of the two devil worshippers and their exotic castle on the ridge.
This was when the two engaged in a conversation of the wealth of Dr. Scudder and Joseph Odem,and how they "lived like kings" .
It was then West that masterminded the plans in ransacking CorpseWood weeks before it took place.
Four or five days before the murders,Brock returned to CorpseWood to scout the place out. He asked Scudder if he could go inside the Manor,but Scudder wouldn't allow it. The sexual lasions remained confined in the Pink Room.
After Brocks visit,"the plan went into effect."

Sunday December 12,1982

At corpse woods,Joseph Odem was preparing dinner.Pork roast,buttered corn and mashed potatoes.

*An otherwise different atmosphere*

Tony west and Avery Brock suggested that they drive to the "devil-worshipers house and drink some wine".

"Yeah ,sure.Free wine ." Wells said.
His date Teresa Hudgins was a little more apprehensive. "What are the devil worshippers?"
"Just two queer men that live up on the mountain."responded Brock.
During the ride Miss Hudgins and Mr. Wells noticed a remington-rifle hanging on the back glass.
The occupants of the car then got high off of a mixture of household chemicals (toot-a-loo) .
They finally reached the manor where they were greated by Scudder,who bummed a cigarette for Mr. Odem (who was cleaning up after supper) .
Scudders guest then took the "toot-a-loo" to the Pink Room. Inside the Pink Room was some of Scudders homemade wine.
Scudder,Avery,and Brock sat on a matress in one corner,while Joey and Teresa in another.
After about 20 minutes Brock went to get some more "toot-a-loo".
Wells told Brock they had enough,realizing what may happen.
Brock returned with the rifle.
Scudder noticed it and said "Bang Bang" . Brock laughed and sat back down .
A while later Scudder got up to adjust the lantern. Brock stood up,and yanked the professors blond hair,while pulling a knife from his boots. He then held it on the professors throat.
"What kind of game do you want to play?" Scudder asked. To which Brock responded, "I'll play your game."
Brock threw Scudder face down on the matress,and began cutting strips of sheet to tie Scudder with .
"Where's the money!" Brock demanded. " I don't have any."
Ms. Hudgins started crying and pleaded for them to leave."Don't hurt nobody."
Scudder asked if she was alright.To which she replied," Don't worry about us'd better worry about yourself". <
More of the pink sheets were cut to bind Scudders feet and gag him.
Wells and Ms. Hudgins then left the chicken coop. West followed and told them to get back. "I don't wanna hurt you,but I will."
The couple ignored him and got in the car.
West sat in the drivers seat and attempted to start the enigine. The car wouldn't start."It's all meant to be".
They went back up to the Pink Room. West and Brock continued to ask Scudder where the money was.
West gave Brock the gun,then Brock went down the hatch.
"Tony you don't need this on you ," Wells told his uncle," lets just leave and he'll forget about it ."
"It's a way of life," West responded.
Joey Odem was still cleaning up after supper when he heard Brock tell him to "Get the dogs and come out of the house". Odem noticed Brock standing at the kitchen door. Brock shot him. The bullets shot into his head and shoulder. Odem fell . Brock stepped near the body, and pumped several rounds into the Mastiffs.
Brock went back to the pink room . "We can go in know, I killed that man and the dogs."
They all entered the manor.Scudder entered the kitchen and moaned when he seen Odems body.

West took Scudder into the library of the manor, removed the gag from him, and demanded money from him,along with a soldering iron. Scudder told him he didn't have any money,and there was no electricity so he didn't have a soldering iron.

Scudder stood up and made his way over to Odems body in spite of his bound feet. "Sit back down or I'll kill you," West said.

Scudder continued and said aloud,"I asked for this."
West lifted the rifle and fired a bullet into Scudders face. Scudder continued mummbling and attempted to stand,when West fired a second shot into his face.Scudder was knocked back into a bookcase, and was still gurgling. West stepped over his body and fired three more shots into Scudders head.West looked at the other three, "Now by God tell me I don't have the guts to kill somebody."

West made Brock look for valuables. "Were going to be rich when we leave here." said Brock. "I know there's money in this house. We're never gonna have to ask anybody for nothing."

Only a few dimes and nickles were found. Scudder and Odem bought everything in the house with checks from their joint account.

The only items found of value were some jewelry,some silver candlbras, and a gold-plated dagger with a jewled handle. They also took a leather jacket that was locked inside a trunk from the upstairs. West took a silver identification braclet off of Scudder when he shot him. They considered taking the gold harp, only it would not fit in the jeep. While raiding Odems bedroom, Brock knocked over a kerosene lamp, and wanted to burn the place down, stating the bodies would never be found. Wells told him that fire would attract attention from the valley.They also took a .22 caliber revolver and 3 vials of clinical LSD-25 found in a cigar box.

Miss Hudgins was talking to Tony West when they heard Odem making gurling sounds.About the same time Brock came down the stairs and noticed he was still alive.West started to go out to the jeep for the rifle to "finish off" the dying man. Brock offered to try out the new weapon, "I'll finish him off." The blast shocked the manor. "I shot him right between the eyes."

Two hours had passed since they arrived. The four finally left CorpseWood.

*Disclaimer ; I have no intentions of displeasing anyone by the makings of this web site. I believe people should know the truth of what happened on Decemer 12, 1982. The old black and white pictures of the manor are copyrighted by Mother Earth News .