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The Uncanny
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Our fourth Visit: Jan 14 (sunday 2000)

Well for the fourth Visit, It was just me and Teena. Hell... we consider ourselves brave to actually go out there by ourselves.

We bought some film, intending to take better pictures this time. And also wanted to get there alitte earlier than last time.

Actually we drove all the way to the trail once, but someone was there. And I really didn't want to go to the manor while people were out there.

So we left. On our way off the dirt road, some guy in a (96' 97') dark blue truck about hit us. He was going about 55-60 around a curve on my side of the road! He slammed on brakes and slid sideways,stopping maybe 3 feet away by my car ! I remember saying aloud "Oh Jesus ,He's gonna &*^%ing hit us..." just as calm as I could be. The bad thing about the whole situation was that if he did hit us,my car would be pushed off the road, and there was a DROP-OFF right there.

Luckily, he didn't hit us. We both drove on.

Maybe that was a sign to not come back ? HA, well then you don't know me. We went and dwindled a few hours away before returning, hoping those people would leave.

We drove back up to the little trail that you walk on to get to the Manor. The car was gone ^_~.
I asked ...."Lock the car? Or Don't lock the car?" After debating on this, we decided to lock my car up. If we needed to get back inside the car in a hurry then ..... WELL I could have done it!

-_- yeah right.

Anyways, we walk all the way there by ourselves. And it was yet again spur of the moment (we were bored).So my clothing and shoes were not exactly ummm... hiking material.

We finally get there. I took some pictures, and Teena took some pics. We were there for about 30 minutes. Although we didn't speak much.
This was my first time being to the manor with knowing what had happend. The previous visits I had no clue. It was all rather depressing. I wish the manor was still standing tall. But some idiot had to burn it.
Well ... it started to rain ;_; Not much but enough to get our clothes wet and the ground was getting muddy.
We still wanted to stay a bit longer.

This time we walked a little further. And found a rather interesting area. (Might have been where they were building there underground pool) A huge area seemed to dip down, and in the center was a single rock. Well, it was very strange and interesting looking.
After many more pictures,rain drops, and nice little scratches from briers, we decided to leave. And besides,I really had to pee.

Untill then, I hope you have enjoyed reading about this craziness.

Fifth Visit