Noodle Salad Comics

Created by: Katheryn Richards


"Noodle Salad" is a product of my boredom. All the comics are based on good friends and good times. I began recording in my journal all the funny conversations and inside jokes I had with my friends. In April 2005, I decided to create ourselves into cartoon comic book characters. Except for Crystal, she was already a cartoon.

To explain the meaning of the name of the comic strip, you must read the following movie line:
“Some of us have great stories... pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just not anybody in this car. But lots of people -- that's their story -- good times and noodle salad... and that's what makes it hard. Not that you had it bad but being that pissed that so many had it good.” Yes, hate us. We’ve had it good.

My name’s Katie. I have big feet and I hate folding laundry. I love making myself burp. Not the alphabet, just real loudly. I have taught my 4 year old niece to say “good one” when someone burps real loud. I live in Florida with my cat, Sylvia, where I work at a dog kennel. I like taking photos and making useless crap that I don’t really need. In case you're confused, I am the girl with the purple hair in the early comics. And on a personal note, I really miss my purple hair.

I’ve known Ryan ever since I was about 9 years old. From that time, we’ve grown as close as sisters. She fancies long walks on the beach, SWF looking for possible LTR. We also enjoy being silly and talking about penises and breasts. It’s a pastime of ours.

Brian lives in Texas, plays the saxophone and has a motorcycle. And that’s all about Brian.

When we were in high school, Crystal and I sat around our computers in first period Web Design having Mah Jong tournaments, singing karaoke to Journey and Boys II Men songs, and – of course – looking at penises. The famous Enlarge comic was due to a viewing of She and I will never be the same.

Oh Becky.. Becky, Becky, Becky.. *sigh* Yep. That's her name.

Some of you might refer to this man as the love of my life, my boyfriend, my man, "that guy". But I just call him Greg. Well, sometimes I call him stupid... but that's not the point... Greg likes jazz music, planes, trains and automobiles, sleeping in, being reminded to put the toilet seat down, spaghetti, trying out new things (wink wink) and 60 Minutes. Wow, I know a lot about him. You'd think we're a couple! He likes me, too. And the feeling's mutual.

Jenna and I work at a kennel where we eat dog treats, carry conversations with springer spaniels and sing Oldies tunes. Jenna likes to drink, party and sing karaoke. And occasionally, all at the same time.

"I'm fairly demented and intelligent when the urge strikes me," he defines himself. Stephen likes to quote Monty Python references in everyday conversation and enjoys looking at porn. And that's why I like him so much.

Jen currently resides in Dover, Florida. Because of this, Ryan and I enjoy making fun by calling her "Jen Ben Dover." Secretly, Jen enjoys it, too. Her pastimes are going to concerts, spending time with friends, drinking, and telling herself the next morning that she's never going to drink again.

Alana is the one that makes me laugh the most, but our jokes seem to only amuse us. We can make the stupidest things seem hilarious. When we're not making fun of stupid people, Alana likes to play soccer and video games. She is also the queen of board games... you can't fuck with her "Shoots and Ladders" skills.

Skyler is 5, and she is wonderful. Her favorite color is white and she likes Sponge Bob and Adult Swim's anime. She once had a choice whether to watch Ren and Stimpy or some crap ass anime and she picked the anime... Yeah, I dunno. She knows all the words to System of a Down's "Chop Suey!" and she loves her Aunt Katie. She wants tattoos just like me.

My mom's great. I call her three times a day. Sometimes four. She likes Sudoku puzzles and dancing.. but not at the same time. Well, sometimes she dances when she finishes a Sudoku puzzle. Anyway, she's a wonderful person and I like to think that without her, there wouldn't be me. And without me, there wouldn't be any Noodle Salad Comics to enjoy.